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Tunde Csegedi

ECE 155
Theresa Hampton
September 30, 2020

Literacy Activity

Theme: Learn about Sharing

Ages: Preschool (4 year olds)

Title and Author of the Book: Stone Soup by Kama Einhorn

Informal Activity 1

Age: Preschool 4 years old

Type of Activity: Dramatic Play, Daycare

Primary Literacy Skill: Fine-motor, vocabulary

State Standard: 8.PK.3a Engage in dramatic play to convey experiences, feelings, ideas,

or stories.

7.PK.3 Listen with increasing attention span to gain new vocabulary.

Objectives: 1. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

identify vegetables.

2. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

describe how soup is made and demonstrate it by helping with gathering the


3. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

describe the concept of sharing.

Materials: Pot, Bowls, Spoons, Water, Stone, Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, and Potatoes

Activity: Cooking Stone Soup in the kitchen. Before we begin our class we will go

outside and find a stone for our soup. Then we will go inside and wash the stone with

soap and water to make sure that it is clean for our soup. We will also wash all the

vegetables and chop them before we put them in the soup. We will use a crockpot to put

all our ingredients in. After the vegetables cook we will all have a bowl of stone soup to

Informal Activity 2

Age: Preschool 4 year olds

Type of Activity: Art, Daycare Classroom

Primary Literacy Skill: Fine-motor, Word awareness, Vocabulary

State Standard: 2.PK.3 Identify pictures to aid in comprehension.

4.PK.1 Demonstrate and understand that printed material contains

information (e.g., illustrations, graphs, and charts).

4.PK.7 With teacher assistance, follow, a simple pictorial direction.

Objectives: 1. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

match vegetables with their names.

2. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to glue

pictures to the appropriate spot.

3. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

demonstrate taking turns.

Materials: Big and small pictures of vegetables, Name of Vegetables, Glue, Construction


Activity: Stone Soup craft. Each child will glue the vegetable and the corresponding word

unto the paper. There are smaller pictures of the vegetables as well which

children will glue on the pot where the soup is being “cooked”.
Formal Activity

Age: Preschool 4 year olds

Type of Activity: Sorting by Colors

Primary Literacy Skill: Word Awareness, Fine motor, Sorting by colors, Vocabulary

State Standard: N.PK.4 Use patterns to predict or sort items.

2.PK.2 Ask questions or make comments pertinent to the story being

2.PK.3 Identify pictures to aid in comprehension.

3.PK.1 Retell a story with the aid of pictures, props, or a book.

4.PK.7 With teacher assistance, follow, a simple pictorial direction.

Objectives: 1. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to sort

by colors.

2. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

recognize different vegetables and their written names.

3. At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

comprehend the story and the ability to sequence the events.

Materials: Pictures of variety of vegetables, glue stick, paper.

Activity: Sorting vegetables by their colors. “Friends we learned about sharing and

vegetables today. We will sort each vegetable by their color. We will have 3 groups with

3 children in each group. Each of you will get 3 pictures of mixed colors. I will ask a

question from our story and whoever knows the answer will be able to put on their

pictures on the board to the right color boards.”

“Are you all ready for your questions?” “Yes, we are” said Wayne. “First question is:

Who was the story started with?” “The traveler”, said Sara. “Great job Sarah, go ahead

and put your pictures on the board. Don’t forget to put each vegetable to the right color!”

“Next question, what did the traveler ask when he got in town?” “He asked for something

to eat,” said Wayne. That’s right Wayne, go ahead and put your pictures on the board.”
“Next question: Did the villagers bring the traveler food?” “No, they all went home”, said

Michael. “That is correct Michael, they all went home and did not give the traveler any

food to eat. Go ahead and put your pictures on the board Michael.” “What did the traveler

do when he saw that nobody is giving him any food?” “He said that he will make stone

soup, he just needs a pot”, said Julie. “Julie, you are correct! Please, put your vegetables

on the board.” “What was the first ingredient that went into the pot?” “The traveler put a

big stone into the pot”, said Nick. “Do you think that the stone is delicious?” “No”,

shouted Stacey. “Then why do you think the traveler put the stone in the pot?” “To trick

the villagers to bring him vegetables to put in the soup”, yelled Jose. “Did they bring

vegetables to put in the pot?” “Yes, they brought all kinds of vegetables and they made a

good soup!” exclaimed Mariana. “Lastly, what do you think this story is trying to teach

us?” “The story is trying to teach us to share”, said Cole. “That’s right Cole, it is

important to share when we see the other person doesn’t have anything. Good job

everyone with answering all your questions! Look at out nice colorful board with all the

yummy vegetables!”

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