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to cook: cocinar
to cut: cortar, picar
to clean: limpiar
to chop: tajar, cortar, picar
to season: sazonar
to boil: hervir
to bake: hornear, asar
to broil: asar a la parrilla
to steam: cocinar al vapor
to grill: asar a la parrilla
to fry: freír
to defrost: descongelar
to heat: calentar
to peel: pelar
to pour: verter
to measure: medir
to mix: mezclar
to serve: servir
to chill: enfríar
to dice: cortar a cubitos
hacer a la barbacoa:  barbecue
revolver:  stir-fry : Saltear
asar:  roast
estofado:  stew
cocer al vapor: steam
saltear: saute
tostar: toast
escalfar: poach
hacer en microondas: microwave
hervir a fuego lento: simmer
revolver: scramble
glasear: glaze
gratinar: gratin
caramelizar: caramelise
to add (ád) - agregar
to bake (béik) - hornear
to beat (bíit) - batir
to blend (blend) - combinar, mezclar
to boil (bóil) - hervir
to bone (bóun) - deshuesar
to break (bréik) - romper
to broil (bróil) - asar a la parrilla
to chill (chil) - refrigerar, enfriar
to chop (chóp) - picar, cortar en trozos
to coat (kóut) - rebozar
to cook (kúuk) - cocinar
to cover (káver) - cubrir
to curdle (kérdl) - cuajar
to cut into strips (kat íntchu strips) - cortar en tiritas
to decorate (dékoreit) - decorar
to defrost (difróst) - descongelar
to dice (dáis) - cortar en cubitos
to dilute (dilút) - diluir
to dissolve (disólv) - disolver
to dry (drái) - secar
to empty (émpti) - vaciar
to fill (fil) - llenar
to flip (flip) - dar vuelta
to fold (fóuld) - doblar, plegar
to fry (frái) - freir
to glaze (gléiss) - glasear
to grate (gréit) - rallar
to grease (gríis) - engrasar
to grill (gril) - asar a la parrilla
to grind (gráind) - moler
to halve (jáv) - partir en dos
to heat (jíit) - calentar
to knead (níid) - amasar
to liquidize (líkuidáiss) - licuar
to melt (melt) - derretir
to mince (míns) - picar carne
to mix (míks) - mezclar
to peel (píil) - pelar
to pour (páur) - volcar, verter
to press (pres) - presionar, apretar
to put (put) - colocar, poner
to remove (rimúuv) - quitar, sacar
to rinse (ríns) - enjuagar
to roast (róust) - asar
to roll out (róul áut) - aplanar, extender
to scoop up (skup-áp) - ahuecar (con cuchara)
to seal (síil) - sellar
to season (síson) - aderezar
to serve (sérv) - servir
to shake (shéik) - agitar, sacudir
to sharpen (shárpen) - afilar
to sieve (síiv) - tamizar
to simmer (símer) - hervir a fuego lento
to slice (sláis) - rebanar
to smoke (smóuk) - ahumar
to soak (sóuk) - remojar
to spill (spil) - derramar
to sprinkle (sprínkl) - rociar, salpicar
to squeeze (skuíis) - exprimir
to steam (stíim) - cocinar al vapor
to stew (stiú) - guisar, estofar
to stir (ster) - freír
to stir-fry (stér-frái) - rehogar
to strain (stréin) - colar
to stuff (staf) - rellenar, mechar
to thicken (zíken) - espesar
to trim (trim) - recortar
to waste (uéist) - desperdiciar
to whisk (uísk) - batir

1. What do I need?
I need ….

1.________________ 2. _________________ 3. _______________

4. _____________
5. _________________ 6. ________________

7. _______________ 8. __________________ 9. __________________

2. Instructions








1.First ________________________ a bowl

2.Next _________________ 250 grams of flour into the bowl

3.Next _________________ 4 eggs into the bowl

4.Then _______________ ½ litre of milk into de bowl

5.Then________________ some yeast to the flour

6.And__________________a pinch of salt

7. Next ________________ with a whisk

8.__________________ some butter for cooking

9.Finally_________________ the pancakes in frying pan

Chef´s Salad. Read this recipe for a chef´s salad and fill in thegaps with the words given

Add boil cut mix pour

put remove Serve slice salad

1._________________ the eggs for ten minutes
2._________________ up the lettuce leaves and put them into the
salad bowl
Cut the cheese and the ham into the small pieces and add them
3._______________ the cucumber and cut the tomato into pieces, then
add them to the bowl.
4._______________ the shell from the eggs, slice them and put them
on top of the 5.________________
For the dressing
6._______________ the mayonnaise, tomato kepchut, olive oil and
vinager into the small bowl an 7._______________ them well
8.________________ salt and pepper
Now say if the following sentences are (T) of (F)?
1.You need two eggs to make a chef´s salad ______
2. Boil the egg for 15 minutes _____
3. Cut the cheese and the ham into big pieces _____
4. Cut the tomato into pieces ______
5. Sarve with fresh vegetables ______


Bangers and mash is the familiar term for sausage and Mashed potatoes, a favourite British dish. It is traditionally
served with onion gravy
Label the picture. Choose from
Bangers / Onion gravy / Mash




Complete the recipe with the missing words or measurements:

Gravy / grill / boil / 150 ml / butter / 500 g / mash

______________ potatoes, peeled and chopped
6 pork sausages
4-6 tablespoons of caramelised red onions
________ beef stock

1._____________ the potatoes.
2._____________ the sausages for 10-15 minutes.
3. Put the onios and stock in a saucepan and simmer
4._____________ the potatoes with a littler _____________ and milk. Season and server with the sausages and

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