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Nucleotides and ribonucleic acid Worksheet Name________________________

1. What elements (atoms) are nucleic acids made of? ____________________________

2. Both RNA and DNA are made of these monomers (basic building blocks): ____________________

3. Draw the monomer of nucleic acids:

4. Name the three parts of a nucleotide: 5. There are two types of nucleic acids in the body:

a) _____________________ a. _____________________
b) _____________________ b. _____________________
c) _____________________

6. Circle which picture below represents a Nucleic Acid:

7. This is ________________. Examples are ___________________________________

8. This is ________________. Examples are_______________________________________

9. All of the following are part of a RNA nucleotide, EXCEPT:

A. A ribose sugar 10. What is the name of this bond?
B. A deoxyribose sugar
C. A nitrogenous base
D. A phosphate group 11. How many nucleotides are there?

12.What is this reaction?

13. The sugar in a nucleotide of RNA is ___________________
14. The pyrimidine bases in RNA are ________________ and _______________.
15. The purine bases in RNA are __________________ and _________________.
16. RNA is a ____________-stranded polymer.
17. There are ___________ types of RNA each with its function

Messenger RNA
18. mRNA stands for _____________________________________________.
19. mRNA has the code for making _________________________________
20. mRNA is produced in the ______________________________________
21. Making a messenger RNA using DNA as a template is called ____________________.
22. In the cytoplasm, mRNA delivers the code to the_______________________.

Transfer RNA
23. tRNA stands for _______________________________
24. tRNA carry _______________________ from the cytoplasm to the ribosomes.
25. One end of the tRNA is specific for a single type of ________________________________________
26. The other end of the tRNA contains three unpaired bases called an _______________

Ribosomal RNA
27. rRNA stands for _________________________________________.
28. rRNA forms _______________________ which are the sites of protein synthesis.

29. Write the names of this RNAs

30. Which of these is not a type of RNA?


31. Which of the following correctly describes the role of tRNA?

A. Contains a coding sequence that determines the type of protein to be synthesized.
B. Attaches amino acids to each other in a growing polypeptide chain.
C. Reads the codon and carries the corresponding amino acid to the ribosome.
D. Carries genetic information from the nucleus to the ribosome.

32. Cells store small amounts of energy in the form of: 33. ATP becomes ADP by breaking a phosphate group (P)
A. DNA Break chemical bonds = Release energy
B. NADP+ Then, Where is the majority of ATP’s energy stored?
C. ATP A. the phosphate closest to the ribose molecule
D. ADP B. the second (middle) phosphate
C. the third (terminal) phosphate

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