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1.1 The Background of the Problem

In indonesia, English is a foreign language that is studied as part of an

education curriculum starting from primary education to tertiary education.

As a foreign language, English is not used, formally, as a means of

communication both in society and the language of instruction in the teaching

and learning process (except in international standard schools or in the faculty

of English) but rather as a language used to study a certain disciplines.

Judging from the role of English as a foreign language, students' interest in

learning this language must be influenced by various factors such as internal

or external factors. Motivation is one of the important factors influencing

students' achievement in terms of learning a language, in this case english.

Language is a verbal communication tool for humans in every social

interaction in society. As a communication tool, language plays an important

role in delivering one's message to other people or groups, and vice versa.

Language viewed from the language function interactively (interactional

view) "communication is the delivery of a message or message from greeter

(sender) to pesapa (receiver) through a channel in the form of a sign system".

Communication is an inseparable activity in daily life, without

communication it is as if life is dead. Therefore, the role of language is very

important in this life.


In connection with efforts to prepare human resources, especially for

the provision of quality students and the globalization era that requires people

to be able to speak English, it is very necessary to improve the ability to learn

english. In addition, the low ability of students towards the ability to master

english, reduce their interest and motivation towards English subjects.

Therefore, increasing the ability to learn English starts from increasing

motivation to learn English, because motivation is something that is very

important in human life that is closely related to human behavior. One

that supports the achievement of goals is the creation of effective,

efficient and enjoyable learning for students in this case the students, so

that the learning provided becomes meaningful and beneficial for

students. However, if students have low motivation towards the learning

process, especially in english, the learning objectives will not be achieved


In order to foster, guide and motivate in the direction of aspirations,

the relationship between teacher and student must be educational. Good

interaction is very positive impact on the learning process so that learning

objectives are achieved. However, a problem that is often faced by subject

teachers is how to deliver material to students.


In general, they still use learning methods or models that are not

in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. Though as a teacher

they should be more active and creative in managing the education that

will be delivered. With the aim that in the process of teaching and

learning activities students feel comfortable and not bored with the

material presented. So students understand and understand correctly

with the material presented.

Thus to achieve the goal of national education can be done by

conducting teaching and learning activities which is a process of human

change towards a better, one of the characteristics of learning is the

occurrence of change or individual development which includes three

directions known as taxonomies namely cognitive development, effective,

and psychomotor.

One of the knowledge learned in the learning process at school is

that learning English is a basic ability needed by someone in the era of

globalization, related to the introduction and mastery of science and

technology. As a basic ability that needs to be mastered, teaching English

gets special attention from various academics, practitioners, business

people, and the government. This is reasonable to note considering the

role and function of English as an international language or global

communication language to be able to master science and technology

(Science and Technology).


Therefore, some school learning curriculums in Indonesia make

english as a subject that must be mastered by students starting from

elementary school level to Sukamerta tertiary institution, (via Umar

2018: 4).

In the school environment, communicating in good and right

language is one form of good school culture. school is an educational

service provider. Regardless of whether the school is profit or nonprofit,

the essence of the school as an educational service provider cannot be


it is considered as the most effective institution to practice while

increasing achievement and motivation in learning foreign languages

such as English.

According to Donald (via Sardiman (2014: 73-74) motivation is a

change in energy in a person which is marked by the appearance of "feeling"

and preceded by a response to the existence of goals. The development of

motivation will bring about some energy changes in the

"Newrophysiological" system that exists in human organisms.


According to Sardiman (2014: 75) motivation can also be said to be a

series of efforts to provide certain conditions, so that someone wants and

wants to do something, and if he does not like it will try to negate or avoid

feelings of dislike, so that motivation can be stimulated by external factors

but the motivation is grow in someone. learning motivation is a psychological

factor that is non-intellectual. His distinctive role is in terms of growing

passion, feeling happy and passion for learning. Students who have strong

motivation will have a lot of energy to carry out learning activities.

From the results of preliminary observations and interviews, in class

X at SMA Negeri 2 Woja, problems can be identified, namely: lack of teacher

attention to the importance of using methods in learning activities, weak

student motivation to impact on weak student interest, students are still

relatively low based on interviews with class X teachers, the boredom

experienced by students in conventional learning methods, many students

who have difficulty in understanding the learning material, some of the

students consider that continuity during the learning process is boring, this is

what drives them to be lazy (reluctant to accept material). Other problems

The process of ability in learning English, introduction, integration, and

assessment such as being read. The results showed that Indonesian students

were able to answer perfect level items (0.1%), able to answer high level

items 4%, able to answer medium level items 28%, and able to answer weak

level items 66%. This proves that the ability of Indonesian children is still

low, because they have difficulty in answering English questions and are less

motivated by the methods presented by the teacher so that there are problems.

This problem is often faced by students so that the teaching and

learning process takes place stiffly and tense, however, if the teacher can deal

with this problem more actively and creatively, namely by determining

effective and efficient learning methods. So that the learning process

increases, it requires the right method. Quiz method is the most appropriate

approach or way to solve existing problems. Because with the quiz method,

students will be more interested, motivated, and motivated, which in turn can

improve English language learning skills.

The Quiz team method is one of the active learning methods that can

help improve students' ability to complete their abilities and accustom

students to healthy competition and can encourage students to be more active.

According to Silberman (via Listiani 2017 : 5) one of the efforts to arouse

students' active learning is to use Quiz type learning that can turn on the

atmosphere and enable students to ask and answer. In addition, the teaching

and learning process with the Quiz method invites students to discuss, ask

questions, then answer questions, give direction to each other, express

opinions, and convey information by collaborating with his team. Therefore,

applying Quiz type learning is considered to be able to encourage and

motivate students and can improve learning, especially English.

Therefore, starting from the problems raised above and the strengths

of quis learning, the writer took the initiative to submit a title “The Influence

of Team Quiz toward students’ motivation in english in tenth Grades

Students at SMA Negeri 2 woja in academic year 2019/2020”.


1.2 Problem Limitation

Based on some of the problems raised in the background above, this research

will to some following points:

1) Teaching method in English

2) Students’ motivation in English

1.3 Problem Formulation

Based on the above background, the formulation of the problem in this study

is "Is there any influence of quis team method toward students’ motivation in

english in tenth grades students at SMA Negeri 2 woja in academic year


1.4 Objectives of The Research

The purpose of this study is “to find out the influence of quis team method

toward toward students’ motivation in english in tenth Grades Students at

SMA Negeri 2 woja in academic year 2019/2020”.

1.5 Benefit of The Research

1.5.1 Teoretical Benefits

The results of this study are expected to be utilized in an effort to

improve the quality of English language learning, especially motivating

students to read, speak, be active, be able to express opinions and be

able to master subject matter well and the results of this study are

expected to provide motivation for other researchers interested in

studying more depth to reveal the factors of student difficulties that

have not been revealed in this study.


1.5.2 Practical Benefits

a) For the teacher

The results of this study can be used by teachers as a

reference in order to be able to improve student learning outcomes

and can be well commonly known as optimal student achievement

especially in English subjects.

b) For the students

The results of this study are expected to be useful for students

to be able to improve student learning outcomes in the process.

c) For the principals

The results of this study are expected to be useful for schools

in improving the professionalism of teachers and other educators.

d) For the outhors

As a study material about the relationship between the Quiz

method, and its benefits directly in improving student learning


1.6 Defenition of Key Terms

1) Influence is the power that exists or arises from someone who helped

shape the character, beliefs or actions of someone.

2) Method is the way, variety and steps in doing something to achieve a

clear goal.

3) Quiz team is one of the active learning strategies that can help improve

reading skills and get students used to competing healthily and quis is a

method that can be used in teaching and learning precess in the form

short questions.

4) Learning motivation is a psychological factor that is non-intellectual. Its

distinctive role is in growing passion, feeling happy and eager to learn

(Sardiman 2014: 75)

5) Learning is a change in a person's behavior towards a particular situation

caused by his repeated experience in the situation.

6) English is an English language subject taught in elementary schools that

functions as a foreign language, science, and communication.

7) Accordint to Nata (via Umar 2018: 8) said students are defined as people

who want to get knowledge, skills, experience and good personality as a

provision for their lives so that they will be happy in the world and the

hereafter by means of serious learning.




2.1 Theoritical Review

2.1.1 Quiz Team Method

a) Theory of The Quiz Team Method

The team quiz method is one of the methods that can be used

to help students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes actively.

According to Silberman (via Nurhasanah 2018: 26-27) the team quiz

method trains students to learn and work together so that they get the

ability of students' responsibility for what they learn in a fun way.

The teaching and learning process through the team quiz method

invites students to discuss, ask questions, answer questions, give

direction, express opinions, and convey information by working

together with the team. Thus students will be more open and

confident, because they have the support of their teammates. The

learning process in the team quiz method leads to student centered,

thus enabling students to be more involved and active in classroom

learning. students will be motivated to study harder to get high

grades and will produce fun learning activities.

According to Hamruni (via qur’anni 2013: 14) said that the

team quiz method is a learning strategy that will enhance teamwork

and also the responsible attitude of students for what they learn in a

fun and non-frightening way, namely in the form of quiz.Team Quiz

is one type of learning that is able to increase student activity in


teaching and learning. Sabil & Sri Winarni (via listiani 2017 : 14-15)

stated that, learning the type of Team Quiz is one of the learning

developed by Mel Silberman where students are divided into three

teams. Each student on the team is responsible for preparing the

answer quiz and the other team uses the time to check the notes.

With this academic competition a competition between groups is

created, the students will always try to learn with high motivation in

order to get high scores in the competition. Thus, Team Quiz is one

of the lessons that can increase student activity, where students are

divided into teams and each student is responsible for the group.

Based on the description above that the team quiz method is a

method that is able to generate the activeness of students in the

learning process. In this type students are formed in groups with

each group member having the same responsibility for the success of

the group in understanding the material and answering questions.

In this quis team, it begins with the teacher explaining the

learning material, then the students are divided into three large

groups. All group members study the material together, give

direction to each other, each group makes a question. Then an

academic match was held in the form of a team quiz. Through this

academic competition the competition between groups is created, the

students will always try and be motivated to learn with high

enthusiasm in order to obtain a superior value in the match and

become a quiz winner.


b) Steps of The Quiz Team Method

According to Zaini (via Listiani 2017: 15-16) states the steps

in the implementation of Team Quiz namely, 1) choose a topic that

can be conveyed in three parts, 2) divide students into three groups

namely A, B and C, 3) convey to students the learning format then

start the presentation. Limit delivery of material to a maximum of 10

minutes, 4) after the presentation, ask group A to prepare questions

relating to the material just submitted, groups B and C use this time

to review their notes, 5) ask group A to give questions to group B, if

group B cannot answer the question, throw the question to group C,

6) group A gives questions to group C, if group C cannot answer,

throw it to group B, 7) if the question and answer is finished,

continue to the second question and designate group B to become the

questioner group, proceed as the process for group A, 8) after group

B is finished with the question, continue to deliver the third lesson

and designate group C as the questioner group, 9) conclude the

lesson by concluding the questions and answers and explaining if

there is a wrong understanding of students.

According to Silberman (via Qur’anni 2013: 17) reveal the learning

procedures using the type of team quiz are as follows:

(1) The teacher chooses topics that are usually presented in three


(2) Students are divided into three large groups.

(3) The teacher explains the learning scenario.


(4) The teacher presents the subject matter.

(5) The teacher asks team A to prepare a short answer quiz, while

team B and team C use time to check their notes.

(6) Team A gives a quiz to Team B. If Team B cannot answer the

question, Team C immediately answers it.

(7) Team A directs the next question to team B or team C

members, and repeats the process.

(8) When the quiz is complete, continue with the second segment

of the lesson and ask Team B as the quiz guide.

(9) After team B completes the quiz, continue with the third

segment of the lesson and point to team C.

Based on the opinion above, then in this study the steps of

learning English with Team Quiz are as follows:

(1) The teacher divides the topic into sections.

(2) Students are formed learning teams and each team will get an

assignment to discuss one part of the specified topic.

(3) The teacher explains the rules and procedures of the Quiz


(4) The teacher presents the topic at a glance.

(5) The discussion starts, then the teacher asks the first team to

present the results of the discussion.

(6) After the first team's presentation, the first team will prepare a

short answer quiz on the topic discussed, while the other team

will prepare themselves and check their notes.


(7) The quiz starts with the first team as quiz leader, the first team

gives questions to the second team. If the team cannot answer,

the third team and so on are given the opportunity to answer


(8) The first team continues the quiz by giving further questions to

the second team then repeat the process alternately.

(9) When the quiz is finished, move on to the second topic lesson

and designate the second team as the quiz leader, repeat the

quiz process as in the first part of the quiz. And so on until all

teams get their turn.

c) The Benefits of Implementing the Quiz Team Method

Benefits that can be obtained in the implementation of

discussions, among others:

(1) Students can be certain whether they have understood or are

able to understand English learning material or are able to

master the vocabulary they have learned correctly.

(2) By listening to the teacher's statement, then repeated with a

question from his fellow students a student will be more

absorbed in what he has learned and encourage students to


(3) By asking the group what material has been learned, each

participant competes between groups. Indirectly will master

the material learned better


(4) By actively participating in joint learning activities or

competing between groups to be the best group, and coming

out as the winner, will develop good study habits.

(5) This method is applied to empower all students by learning a

discussion topic in learning, especially speaking English and

dividing learning groups where each group will make a quiz to

be asked to other groups whose rules of play have been set by

the teacher before.

This team quis method includes reviewing, making your own

questions, making connections, visualizing, knowing how words

form meaning, monitoring, summarizing, and evaluating in English.

d) Strengths and Weaknesses of the Quiz Team Method

In order for learning to be varied and fun, teaching and

learning activities must use a variety of strategies. But in a variety of

learning strategies there are advantages and disadvantages that

overlap between the shortcomings with the other advantages.

Likewise in this quis team strategy has advantages and disadvantages

in its implementation.

The advantages of the active learning method of the quiz

team type are as follows:

(1) Increasing students' attention towards learning English.

(2) Can eliminate boredom in the learning environment.

(3) Make students motivated and accomplished, actively

participating in learning.

(4) Train collaboration with the team.

(5) Build self creativity.

(6) Achieve the meaning of learning through fun learning


(7) Focusing students as learning subjects.

(8) Adding motivation and learning motivation of students.

(9) The method can be used in large numbers of students.

(10) Learners focus more on the activities of the teaching and

learning process.

(11) Make students have a competitive attitude with sportsmanship.

The weaknesses of the team quiz method are as follows:

(1) Requires strict control in conditioning the class when a

commotion occurs.

(2) There is a tendency that only certain students in the group can

often answer quiz questions because they are considered smart.

(3) Each group is demanded to be quick in preparing quiz

questions that will be competed between teams due to limited


(4) Requires better preparation and creativity before the quiz.

2.1.2 Motivation

a) Definition of Motivation

According to Sardiman (2014: 73) “The word "motive" is

interpreted as an effort to encourage someone to do something.

Motives can be said as the driving power from within and within the

subject to carry out certain activities in order to achieve a goal.

Motive can be interpreted as an internal condition (preparedness).

Starting from the word "motive", then motivation can be interpreted

as a driving force that has become active,

According Donald (via Sardiman 2014: 74) understanding of

motivation contains three important elements, among others:

(1) Motivation begins the change of energy in every individual

human. The development of motivation will bring some energy

changes in the "neurophysiological" system that exists in

human organisms because it involves changes in human energy

(although the motivation arises from within humans).

(2) Motivation is marked by the emergence, feeling or "feeling",

affections and emotions that determine a person's behavior.

(3) Motivation will be stimulated because of goals. So the

motivation in this case is actually a response from an action,

namely the goal.

According to Robbins & judge ( via Wibowo 2017: 110)

motivation is a process that takes into account the intensity, direction

and perseverance of individual efforts towards the achievement of

goals. motivation in general is related to every goal that focuses on


From the opinions above it can be said that motivation is

something that is complex. Motivation will cause an energy change

that occurs in human beings as an impulse to act on a series of


processes of human behavior by considering the direction, intensity,

and perseverance in achieving goals while the elements contained in

motivation include elements of arousing, directing, maintaining,

showing intensity, are continuous and purposeful.

b) Kinds of Motivation

According to Ellis (via Shinta 2012: 51) dividing motivation

into 4 (four), namely: instrumental, integrative, resultative, and

intrinsic. Brown (via Shinta 2012: 51) adds one type of motivation,

namely extrinsic.

(1) Instrumental Motivation

In the process of acquiring and learning a foreign language

(English), instrumental motivation is the efforts made by

students in order to pass an exam, get a better job, or pass a

college entrance test. In short this motivation is an

encouragement that makes students motivated to learn a foreign

language (English) because mastering English will open up

economic and educational opportunities for them.

(2) Integrative Motivation

This motivation encourages students who learn English to

become interested in learning people and cultures related to


(3) Resultative Motivation

This motivation arises as a result of the achievements of

students because he has English skills. But this motivation can


also arise as a result of language learning, for example students

who are successful in learning English will be increasingly

motivated to learn more or vice versa can be increasingly

unmotivated depending on the consequences arising from it.

(4) Intrinsic Motivation

Activities - activities that are intrinsically motivated are

activities without clear rewards except the activity itself.

Students engage in various activities for their own interests not

because of outside influences. Behavior that is intrinsically

motivated creates internal satisfaction such as feeling competent

and self-determination.

(5) Extrinsic Motivation

The opposite of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation arises

because of the stimulation of appreciation from outside, for

example: money, prizes, test scores, etc.

c) Motivation to Learn

According to Uno, (via shinta 2012: 51-52) Motivation and

learning are two things that influence each other. Learning is a

change in behavior that is relatively permanent and can potentially

occur as a result of (reinforced practice) based on the goal of

achieving certain goals.

Learning motivation can arise due to intrinsic factors, in the

form of desires and encouragement of learning needs, hopes for

ideals. While the entrinsic factors are appreciation, a conducive


learning environment, and interesting teaching and learning


The nature of learning motivation is internal and external

encouragement to students who are learning to make changes in

behavior, generally with a number of indicators or supporting

elements. It has a big role in a person's success in learning.

Indicators of learning motivation can be classified as follows: (1)

there is a desire and desire to succeed; (2) there is encouragement

and need to learn; (3) the existence of future hopes and ideals; (4)

there is appreciation in learning; (5) there are interesting activities in

learning; (6) the existence of a conducive learning environment, thus

enabling students to learn well.

d) The Role of Motivation in Learning

According to Uno, (via Shinta 201: 52) Motivation plays an

important role in the learning and learning process, including (a)

determining what can be used as reinforcement of learning, (b)

clarifying the learning objectives to be achieved, (c) determining the

variety of constraints on learning stimuli, (d) determine learning


(1) The Role of Motivation in Determining Strengthening Learning

Motivation can play a role in strengthening learning, for

example in the case of a child who is learning will be faced with

a problem and he needs a solution. A concrete example is that a

child is trying to solve a math problem with the help of a


logarithmic table. The effort to find the logarithm table is an

example of the role of motivation in generating learning


(2) The Role of Motivation in Clarifying Learning Objectives The

role of motivation here is closely related to the Meaning of

learning. A child will be interested in learning something if what

he learns will benefit him. For example a child learns about

electronics because he knows that by learning electronics he can

repair damaged radios

(3) Motivation Determines Perseverance in Learning A child will be

motivated to learn something in the hope that he will get good

grades. This motivation prevents children from being tempted to

do things other than learning. This means that motivation is very

influential on endurance and perseverance in learning.

e) Motivation Function in Learning

Motivation will always determine the intensity of the learning

effort for students. In connection with this there are three

motivational functions, among others:

(1) Encourage humans to act, so as a mobilizer or releasing

energy. Motivation in this case is a tool or method as a driver

of every activity that will be done.

(2) Determine the direction of the action, namely towards the goal

to be achieved. Thus motivation can provide direction and

activities that must be done in accordance with the objectives.


(3) Selecting actions, which determine what actions must be done

in harmony to achieve the goal, by setting aside the actions that

are not useful for the purpose.

2.1.3 The Nature of English

a) Understanding English

English is a tool to communicate verbally and in writing.

Communicating is understanding and expressing information,

thoughts, feelings and developing science, technology and culture.

The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to

discourse, namely the ability to understand and or produce oral and /

or written texts that are realized in four language skills, namely

listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills are used to

respond or create discourse in people's lives. Therefore English

subjects are directed to develop these skills so that graduates are able

to communicate and speak in English at a certain level of literacy

Wulanike (via Setiyowati 2013: 33).

b) The Purpose of English

Learning English is very important and can even be said to be

mandatory, especially in early childhood. This is because English is

an international language Wulanike, (via Setoyati 2013: 35). The

second reason is that by mastering English, people can easily enter

and access the world of information and technology. With the

introduction of English starting in Elementary School, they have

better basic knowledge. English Subjects in high school aim to have


students have abilities (English language competency standards are

as follows):

(1) Developing communication competence in oral form to

accompany language actions (accompanying action) in the

school context.

(2) Having awareness about the nature and importance of English

to improve the nation's competitiveness in society.

(3) When they are able to master English, they are able to adapt to


c) The Scope of English

In accordance with the content standards set by the

government, English lessons consist of four components of language

learning in general, namely listening (listening), speaking, reading,

and writing Pardoyino, (via Setiyowati 2013: 35-36). The four

components are arranged in one theme so that they can provide

meaningful experiences for students. the four themes are presented

in the following five aspects.

(1) Vocabulary, in the form of a list of words used in the chapter.

The words are maximally memorized by students. The ability

to memorize these words allows students to understand the

material better. To achieve these objectives, the teacher asks

students to do the exercises presented.

(2) Listening, in the form of stories or conversations that will be

read by the teacher or other students. After listening to the


reading, students are expected to be able to express the reading

with the sentence and discuss with the theme.

(3) Conversations, in the form of conversations practiced by

students. in this material, students practice direct use of


(4) Reading, in the form of reading that is read by students. The

teacher guides students and directs them so students have the

right understanding.

(5) Writing, in the form of exercises to improve students' writing

skills in English.

2.1.4 Characteristics of Application of English Language Learning Based on

2013 Curriculum in grades X of SMA Negeri 2 Woja

The preparation of the learning curriculum based on the 2013

curriculum does not only relate to learning problems in class, but

also relates to all school activities both regarding material, personal,

planning, cooperation, leadership, curriculum, etc. that must be

regulated so as to create an enabling atmosphere, the implementation

of good teaching and learning conditions so as to achieve the

objectives of learning English according to the 2013 curriculum.

Based on the findings of 2013 Curriculum research at SMAN 2

Woja, it is known that all English subject teachers have prepared the

2013 curriculum learning planning before the new school year

begins, although it is not yet complete and perfect. Then from the

results of the study it was also found that, in fact the 2013

curriculum learning had been carried out in accordance with the

rules of implementing English learning that had been in force.

In managing curriculum the role of the principal is also very

important in curriculum preparation. A school can run well and be

directed if each school year determines and prepares plans and

policies that will be implemented that year. From the observations of

the curriculum management at school related to the completeness of

the data at the SMAN 2 Woja school it is complete and quite good.

Teachers also have no significant obstacles in preparing the annual

Program Semester, Syllabus and RPP Program.

In accordance with research theory according to Harold

Koontz and Cyril O'Donnel (via Sukrowati, 2016: 10) Management

is the effort to achieve a certain goal through the activities of others.

Thus the head of the school coordinated a number of other activities

which included planning, organizing, placing, directing, and

controlling. The preparation of the 2013 curriculum in learning

English, subject teachers play a very important role in efforts and

efforts to prepare learning according to the 2013 curriculum.

2.2 Framework and Hypotheses Development

A theoretical framework is an initial concept that is used as a

reference for research. The theoretical framework has the foundation of

relevant past research resources and supports the implementation of research

that must be carried out by a simpler context, the theoretical framework being

the study idea shown by the interconnected variables and the study pathway.

In this study, the influence of the independent variable will be measured,

namely Influence of Quis Team (X) on the dependent variable, student's

motivation in English (Y).

Influence Student’s
of Team Quis Motivation
Method Process in English
in English (Y)

2.3 Hypothesis

The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is an Influence of

Quiz Team Method toward student’s motivation in English in Grades X

Students at SMA Negeri 2 Woja.




3.1 Types of Research

This type of research is quantitative research. According to Noor

(2011: 38) Quantitative research is a method for testing certain theories by

examining inter-variable relationships. These variables are measured

(usually with research instruments) so that data consisting of numbers can

be analyzed based on statistical procedures. Quantitative research is research

that is widely required to use numbers ranging from data collection,

interpretation and data, as well as the appearance of the results. So, the

approach used in this research is a quantitative approach that is a study that

uses a theoretical framework, expert ideas and understanding of researchers

based on their experience and the problems raised to obtain justification in

the form of empirical data support

This study consists of two variables, namely Variable X team quis

method and Y variable of student motivation in English. The nature of this

research is to determine the level of influence between the two variables

(Arikunto, 2006: 140).


3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

According to Sugiyono (2016: 117) that population is a

generalization consisting of: objects or subjects that have certain

qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and

then drawn conclusions. while according to Marjono that population is

all data that is of concern in a specified scope and time.

while, according to Arikunto (2013: 173) "the whole subject of

research". So the population can be interpreted as all individuals

(students) to be studied.

Based on the opinion above that the population is all objects

to be studied. The population in this study Will take 120 students of

SMAN 2 Woja consisting of male and female students. For more

details about the population can be seen in the table below.

Table. 3.2.1 Total Study Population.

No Class X Students

1 X1 30

2 X2 30

3 X3 32

4 X4 28

Amount 120

3.2.2 Sample

The sample is a portion or representative of the population

studied (Arikunto, 2006: 117). It was further stated that if in the sample

taking a large number of subjects (more than 100 people) then it could

be taken between 20-25% or more.

From the statement above, because the population is all students

of tenth grades SMA N 2 Dompu in the academic year 2019/2020,

amounting to 120 people, then what will be taken as a sample in this

study is 30 students.

This sampling must be carried out in such a way as to obtain a

sample that can truly represent and can describe the actual state of the

population. Sampling techniques like this are usually based on certain

considerations, in this study using purposive sampling technique,

namely the sampling of members of the population is not done

randomly, but determined by the researchers above consideration. With

the consideration that the sample taken can describe the state of the

population the specific characteristics that exist or are seen in the

population are key to sampling.

According to Sugiyono (2016: 124) states that "purposive

sample is a sampling technique with certain considerations".

Meanwhile, according to Arikunto (2013: 183) that the sample aims to

be done by taking the subject not based on strata, random or region but

based on the existence of certain objectives.


According to Arikunto (2013: 183) there are conditions that

must be met in the following sampling aims:

  (a) sampling must be based on certain characteristics,

characteristics or characteristics, which are the main characteristics of

the population; (b) the subject taken as a sample really is the subject

that contains the most features found in the population; (c) careful

determination of population characteristics is carried out in the

preliminary study. Then it can be concluded that the sampling must

meet population criteria, so that the samples taken are able to represent

and describe the state of the existing population. based on certain

characteristics or characteristics that are estimated to have relevance to

the characteristics or characteristics found in the population that have

been known previously. The sample in this study will focused on tenth

graeds students, amounting to 30 people.

3.3 Data Collection Technique

According to Noor (2011:138) “data collection techniques are a way

to collect data needed to answer the problem formulation in research. "So

data collection techniques are ways used to obtain data that supports the

achievement of research objectives. Some data collection tools used by

researchers include:

3.3.1 Interview

According to Sugiyono, (2016: 194) “The interview is used as a

data collection technique if the researcher wants to conduct a

preliminary study to find the problem that needs to be investigated, and


also if the researcher wants to know things from the respondent in more

depth and the number of respondents is small or small”. Interview is a

number of reports or information from respondents that must be held by

researchers. in this case researchers can use structured interview

methods (face to face) in which researchers know with certainty about

the information obtained.

3.3.2 Quesionare

According to Noor 2016: 199 “The questionnaire is a data

collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written

questions to the respondent to answer ”.

According to Riyanto (via umar 2018:34) The questionnaire is "a

tool to collect data in the form of a list of questions submitted to

respondents to be answered in writing”.

Based on the above opinion it can be concluded that the

questionnaire is a way that can be used by the author in collecting data

and the questionnaire contains a number of questions and the answers

are determined by the relevant researcher “The Influence of Quiz Team

Method Toward Students’ Motivation in English in Grades Students at

SMAN 2 woja 2019/2020”. So the distribution of the questionnaire was

carried out after the evaluation process was given to students of grades

X SMAN 2 Woja.

In this case the questionnaire contains or contains a number of

multiple choices in which students can choose one option in each item

having 5 options, among others:


Tabel 1.2 Pedoman Penilaian Skor Menurut Sugiyono (2016: 135)

Categori Skor
Always 4
Often 3
Rarely 2
Never 1

In this study, the questionnaire method will a closed questionnaire

in which the researcher used a questionnaire that had provided the

answer choices.

3.3.3 Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010: 201) documentation is written

goods. Researchers investigate objects of interest such as books,

magazines, documents, regulations, minutes of meetings, diaries, etc.

So the documentation technique is to strengthen the argument in this

research guide.

can be concluded that the documentation for researcher is:

  (1) (RPP) (2) Syllabus (3) The value of English from the teacher (3)

documentation of the activities of students of SMAN 2 Woja academic

year 2019/2020.

3.4 Research Instruments

According to Arikunto (via Umar, 2018: 36) that research

instruments are "tools or facilities used by researchers in collecting data so

that work is easier and the results are better" The instruments used in this

study are instruments in the form of tests and documentation.

3.4.1 Interview

The interview instrument is a data collection technique in which

this technique is to know with certainty the information to be obtained.

Therefore in conducting interviews, data collectors prepare research

instruments in the form of questions about the response of the English

teacher to The Influence of Quiz Team Toward Students’ Motivation in

English in Tenth Grades Students at SMA Negeri 2 Woja.

3.4.2 Quesioner

The instrument used was a closed questionnaire. The

questionnaire contains questions and answer choices addressed to

respondents that have been provided by the author in the form of

questionnaire / questionnaire sheets. Questionnaires were distributed to

respondents who in this case were students of grades X SMAN 2 Woja.

The distribution of the questionnaire aims to obtain X variable data in

the quis team method.

3.4.3 Documentation

Instrumentation instrument to measure the Y variable "Student

motivation in English". So that the documentation for researcher is:

RPP, Syllabus, The value of English from the teacher and

documentation of the activities of students. thus seen from students

during the discussion process between groups of students.

3.5 Technical Data Analysis

Data analysis technique is a way to process research data so that the

research findings data can be processed and the processed data can be stated

as research data. The data analysis techniques intended in this study will

more clearly be presented as follows.

According to Noor, (2011: 163), Data analysis techniques are a way

of analyzing research data, including relevant statistical tools for use in

research. The data analysis technique will be used in this study is a

statistical analysis technique with the simple Linear Regression formula as


3.5.1 Determine Regression Equations

Ŷ = a + bX


Y : (Read Y cap), the subject of the projected dependent variable

1) : Price Y when price X = 0 (cost price)

2) : Number or regression coefficient, which shows the number of

increases or decreases in the independent variable. If (+) the

direction of the line goes up, and if (-) the direction of the line

goes down.

X : Independent variables that have a certain value to be predicted

To calculate prices a and b can be done by the following formula:

a = (Σy) (Σx²) – (Σx) (Σxy

n(Σx²) – (Σx)²

b = n(Σxy) – (Σx) (Σy)

n(Σx²) – (Σx)²

Information :

a : Constants

b : Regression Coefficient

X : independent variable

Y : The dependent variable

n : Length of period

Interpretation of the regression equation, that an increase in

Variable X will be followed by an increase in variable Y or a decrease

in Variable X will also be followed by a decrease in variable Y.

3.5.2 Analysis of Correlation Coefficients

Correlation analysis is used to determine the degree of

relationship between the variables studied. The relationship between

two variables consists of two types, namely a positive relationship and

a negative relationship. The measure is used to determine whether the

relationship to known how strong or not between the variable X and

Y. The formula of the correlation coefficient is as follows

(Misbahuddin Dkk, 2014: 228).

r = n¿ ¿


r = Correlation coefficient between variables X and Y

n = Number of pairs of data X and Y

Σx = Total Amount of Variable X

Σy = Total Amount of Variable Y

Σx2 = Square of the Total Amount of Variable X

Σy2 = Square of Total Number of Variables Y


Σxy = Result of Multiplication of Total Number of Variables X

and Variable Y

Table 3.3 Value of Correlation Relationship Criteria

No Interval Value Kekuatan Hubungan

1 0,00 – 0,199 Very Weak
2 0,20 – 0,399 Weak
3 0,40 – 0,599 Medium
4 0,60 – 0,799 Strong
5 0,80 – 1,000 Very Strong
Source : Misbahuddin dkk (2014: 231)

Based on the table above it can be explained that the value of the

correlation relationship criteria from the interval of the value and

strength of the relationship.Determination Coefficient Analysis.

3.5.3 Determination Coefficient Analysis

To find out how much the contribution of quiz team method as

an independent variable on student’s motivation as the dependent

variable, statistical calculations were performed using the coefficient

of determination (Kd). The formula of the coefficient of determination

is as follows: (Misbahuddin Dkk, 2014: 231).

K d =r 2 x 100 %


Kd : Value of the coefficient of determination

r : Value of the correlation coefficient

3.5.4 Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the research problem, the

answer must be empirically tested. The hypothesis used in this study


relates to whether or not there is a relationship between the

independent variable and the dependent variable, then the T Hitung and

T Tabel are used. Determination of the hypothesis is used with the aim

to determine whether there is influence between the two variables

above. The proposed research hypothesis is an alternative hypothesis,

while for the purposes of statistical analysis the hypothesis is paired.

Hypothesis is a hypothesis about the absence of a relationship between

the two variables. If the hypothesis is rejected, the alternative

hypothesis can be accepted while the alternative hypothesis is the

hypothesis proposed in this study.




This chapter contains a discussion about the processing and discussion of

data obtained from the results of research that covers about: (a) research results;

(b) discussions that have been conducted by the author to answer the problem and

prove the research hypothesis in chapter II.

4.1 Finding

This research was carried out since 14 januari 2020. The following

data will be presented about the state of the population and research entitled

"The Influence of Quiz Team Method Toward Students’ Motivation in

English in Tenth Grades Studens at SMA Negeri 2 Woja in Academic Year

2019/2020 ".

4.1.1 Data Questionnaire

The data collection activities influence of quiz team method

toward students motivation in English in tenth grades students at sma

negeri 2 woja in academic year 2019/2020 of each student carried out

through three stages: 1) questionnaire distribution; 2) withdrawal of

questionnaires; 3) questionnaire scores.

Table. 4.1 Data Recapitulation Result of Variable X

Nomor item dan score Jumlah

No Nama
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 AZ 5 3 5 5 5 5 4 3 1 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 5 5 2 5 80

2 AT 5 3 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 5 5 5 3 5 1 2 4 2 1 4 66

3 DW 5 3 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 5 4 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 62

4 DM 5 4 4 3 5 5 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 4 5 2 4 72

5 DNF 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 4 1 3 2 5 4 3 3 4 5 2 3 4 73

6 JJ 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 1 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 2 5 85

7 NH 5 3 2 3 5 5 4 3 1 3 4 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 5 72

8 NYF 5 4 3 4 5 5 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 4 4 5 2 4 71

9 NS 5 4 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 4 5 5 3 5 2 2 4 5 3 5 73

10 SS 5 4 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 5 5 5 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 75

11 NW 5 4 2 2 5 5 3 3 1 5 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 2 3 70

12 NWH 5 4 2 4 5 4 5 4 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 72

13 NZ 5 2 5 3 3 5 5 3 1 3 3 2 5 5 3 5 5 5 2 5 75

14 AH 5 4 3 5 3 5 4 3 1 3 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 2 4 75

15 AW 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 2 1 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 2 4 73

16 RRA 5 3 3 3 4 5 4 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 5 5 70

17 IB 5 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 5 3 3 5 67

18 MN 5 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 5 69

19 MM 5 4 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 3 4 5 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 70

20 ARA 5 4 2 2 5 4 4 3 1 2 3 5 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 72

21 KR 5 3 2 5 3 5 2 3 1 2 2 3 5 3 3 2 4 2 5 5 65

Jumlah 1507

Based on the table above, it can be explained about the data from

the questionnaire recapitulation filled by 21 students with 20

questions. Each student who got score 85 was 1 student, who got

score 80 was 1 student, who got score 75 were 3 student, who got

score 73 were 3 student, who got score 72 were 4 student, who got

score 71 was 1 student, who got score 70 were 3 student, who got

score 69 was 1 student, who got score 67 was 1 student, who got

score 66 was 1 student, who got score 65 was 1 student, who got

score 62 was 1 student. From 21 students, I got the total value is


4.1.2 Data Documentation

The data collection activities of the students' students

motivation in English in tenth grades student at sma negeri 2 woja

in academic year 2019/2020 from each student obtained through

the speaking test in this case is a conversation using English that is

done by language coaches.

Tabel 4.2. Data Recapitulation Result of Variable Y .

No Nama skor Nilai
Pengucapan Tatabahasa Kosa kata Kelancaran
1 AZ 3 4 4 3 14 70
2 AT 4 3 4 4 15 75
3 DW 4 3 4 3 14 70
4 DM 4 4 4 4 16 80
5 DNF 4 4 4 3 15 75
6 JJ 2 3 4 4 13 65
7 NH 4 4 4 4 16 80
8 NYF 4 3 4 4 15 75
9 NS 2 3 4 3 12 60
10 SS 3 3 4 4 14 70
11 NW 4 4 4 3 15 75
12 NWH 4 2 3 3 12 60
13 NZ 4 3 4 4 15 75
14 AH 3 3 4 4 14 70
15 AW 4 2 3 3 12 60
16 RRA 3 3 4 3 13 65
17 IB 2 3 4 3 12 60
18 MN 4 4 4 4 16 80
19 MM 4 3 4 4 15 75
20 ARA 3 4 4 3 14 70
21 KR 3 3 4 4 14 70
Result 1.480
Pedoman Penilaian :
 Score Maximum = 20
 Students value ÷ 20 ×100 .

Based on the table above, it can be explained about the data

recapitulation of the speaking test scores of students result by 21

students. Each student who got score 60 were 4 students, who got

score 65 were 2 students, who got score 70 were 6 students, who

got score 75 were 6 students, who got score 80 were 4 students.

From 21 students, I got the total value is 1.480 .

4.1.3 Racapitulation Value of X Variabel dan Y Variabel

The table following is a table of recapitulation of the value

of variables X and Y, the values below are obtained from the

tabulation of compulsory rules of using English and students'

speaking ability.

Table 4.3: Recapitulation Value of Variable (X) and (Y).

No Nama X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 AZ 80 70 6400 4900 5600
2 AT 66 75 4356 5625 4950
3 DW 62 70 3844 4900 4340
4 DM 72 80 5184 6400 5760
5 DNF 73 75 5329 5625 5475
6 JJ 85 65 7225 4225 5525
7 NH 72 80 5184 6400 5760
8 NYF 71 75 5041 5625 5325
9 NS 73 60 5329 3600 4380
10 SS 75 70 5625 4900 5250
11 NW 70 75 4900 5625 5250
12 NWH 72 60 5184 3600 4320
13 NZ 75 75 5625 5625 5625
14 AH 75 70 5625 4900 5250
15 AW 73 60 5329 3600 4380
16 RRA 70 65 4900 4225 4550
17 IB 67 60 4489 3600 4020
18 MN 69 80 4761 6400 5520
19 MM 70 75 4900 5625 5250

20 ARA 72 70 5184 4900 5040

21 KR 65 70 4225 4900 4550
Σx ΣY Σx² ΣY² Σxy
Jumlah 108.63
1.507 1.480 105.200 106.120

The table above is the recapitulation of the X value and Y

Value from the data questionnaire and data documentation. To get

the x² value that is the value of X multiplied by the value of X it

produces Σx² 108639 and to get the value of Y², then Y multiplied

by Y produces Σy² = 105.200, to get the value of X.Y, the value of

X is multiplied by Y and produces Σx.y = 106.120.

(1) Conculate the Value of a and b

Value a = (Σy) (Σx²) – (Σx) (Σxy)

n(Σx²) – (Σx)²
= (1.480) (108.639) - (1.507) (106.120)
21(108.639) - (1.507)2
= 160.785.720 – 159.922.840
2.281.419 -2.271.049
= 862.880
= 83,20

Value b : n (∑xy)-(∑x)(∑y)
n (∑x2)-(∑x)2
= 21(106.120)-(1507)(1.480)
21 (108639) - (1507)2
= 2.228.520 – 2.230.360
2.281.419 – 2.271.049
= 1840
= 0,177

Information :
a : Constants
b : Regression Coefficient
X : independent variable
Y : The dependent variable
 n : Length of period

(2) Analysis Coefficient Correlation

Correlation analysis is used to determine the degree of

relationship between the variables studied. The correlation

technique used in this study is Pearson's product moment

correlation that is to determine the degree or strength of the

reciprocal relationship between two variables. The

relationship between two variables consists of two types,

namely a positive relationship and a negative relationship.

The size used to determine whether the relationship between

X and Y is strong is the correlation coefficient (r). The

formula of the correlation coefficient is as follows:

( ∑ xy )−(∑ x ∑ y )
Value r =n 2
√ [n (∑¿ x )− ( ∑ x ) 2][n ( ∑ y 2 )−( ∑ y ) 2]¿
= 21(106.120) - (1.507)(1.480)

√[21 (108.639) - (1.507)2 ][ 21(105.200) -


= 2.228.520 – 2.230.360

√[2.281.419 -2.271.049] [2.209.200 –

= 1840

√[10.370] [18.800]

= 1840
= 1840
= 0,131

Information :
r = Correlation coefficient between variables X and Y
n = Number of pairs of data X and Y
Σx = Total Amount of Variable X
Σy = Total Amount of Variable Y
Σx2 = Square of the Total Amount of Variable X
Σy2 = Square of Total Number of Variables Y
Σxy = Result of Multiplication of Total Number of
Variables X and Variable Y
Tabel 4.4 Nilai Kriteria Hubungan Korelasi

No Interval Nilai Kekuatan Hubungan

1 0,00 – 0,199 Very Weak
2 0,20 – 0,399 Weak
3 0,40 – 0,599 Medium
4 0,60 – 0,799 Strong
5 0,80 – 1,000 Very Strong

(3) Determination Coefficient Analysis

To find out how much the contribution of quiz team

method as an independent variable on student’s motivation as

dependent variable, statistical calculations were performed

using the coefficient of determination (Kd). The formula of the

coefficient of determination is as follows:

Value Kd = r2 x100 %

= (0,131)2 *(100) %

= 0,1716*100

= 17,16 %

To find out whether the variables of correlation coefficient

r are significant or not, testing is done through t count test. The

formula t count can be seen in the following equation:

r √n−2❑
Value t=
√ 1−r 2
= 0,131 √21-2
= 0,131 √19

= 0,131 x 4358
= 570.898
= 62,72

To calculate the t table

Df = n-2
= 21-2
= 19

T Count > T table = 62,72 > 2,093

Information :
t : correlation test statistics (t Count)

r : correlation coefficient

n : number of samples

r2 : coefficient of determination

As for testing carried out with the provisions according to

the decision making criteria for the hypothesis proposed

according to Misbahuddin Dkk, (2014: 97) are:

If t counts > t table then the hypothesis is accepted. If t counts ≤ t

table then the hypothesis is rejected.

Statistically, the hypothesis that will be tested in decision

making acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis can be written

as follows:

The Quiz team method has a significant influence toward

student’s motivation.

Calculate < t table : r = 0, there is an influence between the

compulsory rules of English (X) and students' speaking ability

(Y). So the t count is 62,72. To find the value of t table , that is with

dk = n-2, dk = 21-2 = 19 so that on the distribution table t table

with a significant 5% means t table is 2,093. its mean the t count > t

table with value 62,72 > 2,093 have significant. So there is the

influence of quiz team method toward student’s motivation in

English in tenth grades students at sma negeri 2 woja in

academic year 2019/2020.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Data influence of team quiz method

From 21 students who were sampled, the researchers distributed

questionnaires on the influence of Quiz team method (X) containing 20

questions, but beforehand the researcher explained the procedure for


filling out the questionnaire and what was mean by filling out the

questionnaire. In the process of filling out the questionnaire students are

very understanding because they have been given an explanation or

understanding in advance by the researcher. From 20 questions had

shared to each student, there were 1507 results for variables (X).

To know the information about the influence of quiz team method

a closed questionnaire with a total of 20 items and each item has 5

options. There is, a, b c, d, and e. Every options to give score, option a

score 5, option b score 4, option c score 3, option and option d score 2

and option e score 1. The calculation score in variable X from 20 item

calculation score in the minimum score (20 x 1 = 20) and (20 x 5 = 100)

as the maximum.

From the questionnaire data, the researcher got students who

scored 85 as many as 1 student with a code name (JJ), who got a score

of 80 as many as 1 student with a code name (AZ), who got a score of

75 as many as 3 students with a code name (SS, NZ, AH ), who

received 73 points as many as 3 students with a code name (DNF, NS,

AW), which received 72 scores of 4 students with a code name (DM,

NH, NWH, ARA), which received a score of 71 as many as 1 student

with the code name (NYF), who received 70 grades of 3 students with

the code name (NW, RRA, MM), which scored 69 as many as 1 student

with a code name (MN), who got 67 as many as 1 student with the

name code (IB), who received a score of 66 as many as 1 student with a

code name (AT), which received a score of 65 as many as 1 student


with a code name (KR), which received 62 scores of 1 student with a

code name (DW). With a total student questionnaire score is 1507.

4.2.2 Students Motivation in English Data

To find out the students motivation in english as a variable (Y)

the researcher gets data containing the recapitulation of the test results

speaking from 21 students. from the results of the recapitulation, the

results is 1,480 were obtained.

From the data documentation of the students' speaking test results,

the students who get 85 score are 5 students, with code names (AZ, JJ,

NS, SS, NWH), students who get 80 grades of 6 students, with code

names (AT, DM , NH, NYF, MN, KR), students who get 75 as many as

4 students, with a code name (DNF, NW, NZ, MM), students who get

70 as many as 3 students, with a code name (DW, AH, ARA ), students

who get a score of 65 as many as 1 student, with a code name (RRAS),

students who get 60 as many as 2 students, with a code name (AW, IB).

Based on the data above, after the researcher conducted the

research it can be concluded that the method in an institution or school,

environment would make it easier to achieve a mutually agreed goal to

realize institutions or school that are able to compete globally.

4.2.3 The Influence of Quiz Team Method Toward Students Motivation

in English

From the output above can be seen the value of T Count = 0.131

and compared with Ttable with a significance value of 62.72 > 2.093,

which means that there is a significant (significant) influence quiz

team method toward students motivation in english influential by


0.131, in general the conclusion of the influence of quiz team method

toward student motivation in english. With a large interpretation of

influence according to Misbahuddin Dkk, (2014.15)

This is evidenced by the calculation of the results obtained by

the value of TCount = 0.131 with a significance value of 62.72 > 2.093,

this is that the hypothesis proposed in this study reads "there is the

influence of quiz team method toward students motivation in English

in tenth grades students at Sma negeri 2 woja in academic year




In this chapter explains two main things including explaining conclusions

and suggestions, the conclusions in question are concluding the results of the

study and giving suggestions to the reader.

5.1 Conclussion

Based on the results of the data in chapter IV, So the t count is 62.72.

To find the value of the table, that is with dk = n-2, dk = 21-2 = 19 so that

on the distribution table means that t table is 2.093. its mean count> t table

with value 62.72 > 2.093 have significant. So there is an influence of quiz

team method toward students motivation in English in tenth grades students

at sma negeri 2 woja in academic year 2019/2010. Shows that hypotheses

(Ha) are accepted and the zero hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

Thus based on the hypothesis proposed in chapter III the influence of

quiz team method toward students motivation in English in tenth grades

students at sma negeri 2 woja in academic year 2019/2020.

5.2 Suggest

Based on the above conclusions as input or consideration, several

suggestions are proposed as follows:

1) As something new in the educational environment, it is important that

foreign language SOP be introduced so that other institutions in

Dompu district and West Nusa Tenggara are generally known.


2) Teachers as educators must be able to apply methods that are able to

make students enthusiastic and actively participate in the learning

process, especially for English language. Schools as a means of

education must be able to provide other facilities at school to support

the learning process such as the provision of learning media.



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Speech Capabilities of Utsman Bin Affan Islamic Boarding School. Skripsi
Tidak Diterbitkan. Dompu : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan STKIP Yapis Dompu.

Wibowo, 2017. Perilaku Dalam Organisasi. Depok: Rajawali Pers.

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