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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación.

U.E “Bolívar y Palacios”

4to año “B”.


Ninoska Pérez #19.

1.Change these expressions to indirect expression using “reported Speech” tense.

Present simple
1. Paul said: “Mary buys a new car “
A: What did Paul say?
He said that you bought a new car.

2. They said: “They fix the cars”

A: What did they say?
They said that they fixed the cars

3. I said: “You take a good decision”

A: What did you say?
I said that you took a good decision

4. The students said: “We study together in this high school “

A: What did they say?
They said that they studied in this high school

5. Juan said: “You work like a secretary “

A: What did Juan say?
He said that you worked like a secretary

Present progressive.
1. Martha said: “You are speaking English well “
A: What did Martha said?
She said that you were speaking English well

3. Johan said: “We are playing card all nights

A: What did Johan say?
He said that they were playing card all nights

4. They said “We are working too hard for the masterpiece”
A: What did they said?
They said that they were working too hard for the masterpiece

5. She said: "I am writing a novel”

A: What did she say?
She said that she was writing a novel

Present perfect
1. Teresa said: “People have not interested to recuperate the neighbor
A: What did Teresa said?
She said that people had not interested to recuperate the neighbor

2. Charles said: “You have lived here for a long time”

A: What did Charles said?
He said that you had lived for a long time
3. They said: “Sophie has left him for another guy”
A: What did they said?
They said that Sophie had left him for another guy

4. The children said: “We have played outside here”

A: What did they said?
They said that they had played outside here

5. He said: “I have thought about my future”

A: What did he say?
He said that he had thought about his future

Past simple
1. Paul said: “Mary bought a new car “
A: What did Paul said?
He said that she had bought a new car

2. They said: “They fixed the cars “

A: What did they said?
They said that they had fixed the cars

2. I said: “You took a good decision”

A: What did you say?
I said that you had took a good decision

4. The students said: “We studied together in this high school “

A: What did they say?
They said that they had studied together in this high school

5. Juan said: “You work like a secretary “

A: What did Juan say?
He said that you had worked like a secretary

Past progressive.
1. Martha said: “You were speaking English well “
A: What did Juan say?
She said that you had been speaking English well

2. The teacher said: “I was making the test so difficult”

A: What did he say?
He said that he had been making the test so difficult

3. Johan said: “We were playing card all nights

A: What did Johan say?
He said that they had been playing card all nights

4. They said “We were working too hard for the masterpiece”
A: What did they say?
They said that they had been working too hard

5. She said: "I was writing a novel”

A: What did she say?
She said that she had been writing a novel

Past perfect
1. Teresa said: “People had not interested to recuperate the neighbor “
A: What did Theresa say?
She said that people had been not interesting to recuperate the neighbor

2. Charles said: “You had lived here for a long time”

A: What did Charles say?
He said that you had been living for a long time

3. They said: “Sophie had left him for another guy”

A: What did they say?
They said that Sophie had been leaving him for another guy

4. The children said: “We had played outside here”

A: What did the children say?
They said that they had been playing outside here

5. He said: “I had thought about my future”

A: What did he say?
He said that he had been thinking about his life

Future simple
1. She said: “I will get married soon”
A: What did she say?
She said that she would get married soon

2. He said: “She won´t want my way of life”

A: What did he say?
He said that she wouldn’t her way of life

3. The manager said:” All these products are failed”

4. The employer said:” We will have to close the department”

A: What did the employer say?
He said that they would have to close the department

5. You said: “I will do it again”

A: What did I say?
You said that you would do it again

Future continuous.
1. They expressed:” We will be starting a new course
A: What did they express you?
They expressed me that they would be starting a new course

2. You said: “My parents will be living in Europe”

A: What did I say?
You said that your parents would be living in Europe

3. She said: “I will be graduating in the middle of this year”

A: What did she say?
She said that she would be graduating in the middle of this year

4. People said: “We will be feeling stronger after this pandemic”

A: What did people say?
People said that they would be feeling stronger after this pandemic

5. My friend said: “My classmate won´t be practicing with me”

A: What did your friend?
He said that my classmate wouldn’t be a practicing with me

Modal verbs
1. She said:” I Can´t stand this situation anymore”
A: What did she say?
She said that she couldn’t stand this situation anymore

2. People said: “We shall leave to think in receiving bonus”

A: What did people say?
They say that they should leave to think in receiving bonus

3. She said; “The prices may get in high soon”

A: What did she say?
She said that the prices might get in high soon

4. The authors said: “You must be concentrated in your goals”

A: What did the authors said?
They said that we should concentrated in our goals.

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