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The Specification

Character Growth:
Every 3 lvls the player will be given 5 points to spend on health, stamina, and chakra.
Every 5 lvls the player will be given 1 point to spend on both passive traits.
Every lvl the player will be given 1 point to spend on ninja abilities.
Stats like Str, Def, Con, Int, and Agi will all be able to be trained separately with training
focusing on a specific thing or by gain exp in more than one stat by doing missions.

Character Creation Scenario:

After hearing from a friend about a new Naruto game on Byond avid teenaged fan Billy
Whitman quickly navigated to the game's hub and pressed play. After Billy downloaded the initial
resources a window popped up with a animated scene of a forest, ninjas performing ninjutsu, and three
buttons on the screen, “New Game”, “Load Game”, and “Delete Game”. After clicking the “New
Game” word on the screen Billy is taken to a new scene of a forest and a ninja except this ninja isn't
moving but facing south, this ninja is Billy's new character ready to be customized. To Billy's bottom
left on the screen there is a Back button that will take him back to the earlier screen, above the back
button is a table which has a title above it that says “Body” beneath that is a horizontal group of 6
square buttons that Billy can use to select his character's skin tone(The last square being Kisame's
needs to be unlocked). Underneath the skin tone buttons are two sliders which are labeled “weight” and
“height”, when the sliders are moved Billy's ninja on the screen will begin to change shape to fit the
weight and height parameters.
On the top right Billy sees a title that says “Create Character”, underneath this title is a table
that has two buttons each with a gender symbol and “Sex:” next to it. Underneath that box is another
box labeled “Hair:” which has a label describing the hair with two arrows next to the hair label to
switch between hair styles, beneath this are 3 sliders to control red, green, and blue components of hair
and numbers to show what number the sliders are on. At the bottom center of the screen is a box where
1 of the 5 ninja villages can be chosen and information will be given about that village. After finishing
creating his character Billy presses the accept button at the bottom right and the game will begin. Once
the game begins Billy is greeted by a black screen that gradually starts to show his character in bed
with a doctor ninja next to the bed, after being asked a few questions your character's clan/stats/traits
are discovered and Billy advances to the ninja academy.

Character Handling:

Characters will be loaded from and saved into save-files which will be organized alphabetically
starting with the first letter of the user's key.

This is an example of the hierarchy of the files: /Saves/U/userkey.sav

To reduce file size the icon, overlay, and underlay information will be taken out of the save-file
before saving of a file. The files will be saved server-side.

NPC Squad-mates:
To simulate the ninja squads shown in Naruto npcs will be used to aid the user in battles and
missions. The npc ninja on the user's squad will be defaulted to attack any enemy you attack using
techniques that they specialize in unless they themselves are being attacked, but the user can right click
an npc squad-mate to bring up a small menu to set their attack/technique preferences. The various
preferences are as follows.

Squad NPC Attack/Technique Scripts

• Attack On Sight (Attack enemy on sight)

• Attack On User Signal (Attack enemy when user attacks it)
• Attack On Target (Attack enemy when user targets it)
• Attack when Attacked (Attack enemy when it attacks you)
• Use Taijutsu (Attack enemy using primarily taijutsu)
• Use Genjutsu (Attack enemy using primarily genjutsu)
• Use Ninjutsu (Attack enemy using primarily ninjutsu)
• Use Healing Jutsu (Heal any injured members of the squad)
• Use All Jutsu (Attack enemy using most powerful jutsu)

If a NPC squad-mate dies then they will lay motionless on the ground. The only way to bring
back your dead squad-mate is to die yourself which will bring back all dead squad-mates but lower
your reputation by the difference of the level of the guy who killed you to your level, if it is negative
then you only lose 1 reputation point. The other way to bring back a squad-mate is to have a person
with healing jutsu perform it on the dead member for 1 minute and 30 seconds and then the dead
member will be brought back to life. If no one on your squad has healing jutsu then you can get
someone else to heal them or wait 5 minutes for them to respawn by you.
If you die but your squad-mates are still alive if they're able to keep fighting for 3 minutes then
you will be brought back to life through will power alone(healing won't help you), however if you die
three times then the third time you will be put into hospital and your squad with be there with you. You
can choose whether or not you want your NPC squad-mates to help you or if you want to go solo and
play without NPC squad-mates by selecting it in the pause/kage house menu.
NPC squad-mates that are over genin rank will not be able to enter the chunin exam with you
and when you make it to the 3rd or 4th part of the exam your squad-mates will not be able to participate
with you, instead whether they get chunin exam or not will be based off how they stack up against 2
other npcs of varying strength and overall ability which will be simulated behind the scenes.

Hair-Styling and Customization:

Users will be able to pick a hair style and color at the initial character creation stage and at in-
game barber shops.
The color of the hair will be determined by the red, green, and blue color components set by the user
using sliders. After a user reaches lvl 30 facial hair will be unlocked for all male characters while new
hair choices will be unlocked for female characters.
Clothing Customization and Decals:

Users will be able to not only choose from an abundant catalog of unique Naruto themed
clothing but for a little extra ryo(in-game currency) users will be able to add on clan symbols and other
little designs onto their clothing to present custom clothing for all to view. Clan/Village symbols can
only be bought by those who are in the clan or village. Also clothing will be separated into different
parts to allow each part of the clothing to be colored using sliders just like hair is colored.

Jutsu Mastery System:

Users won't be able to simply gain a new jutsu and be able to use it perfectly (unless they have
sharingan copy and have their level above the technique's skill level). All jutsu will have a list
information unique only to it that will be organized as so.

Example no Jutsu
• Name: Example no Jutsu
• Affinity: None
• Stamina Cost: 0
• Chakra Cost: 0
• Description: Allows me to make an example. Mastered at level 5. E-Rank Jutsu.
• Current Level: 3
• Exp: 102 / 1025
• Base Dmg: 0
• Modifier Dmg: 0
• Skill Level: 1 / Level at which the user has to be to auto master it with sharingan.

A user masters a jutsu by using it repeatedly the higher the user's level is the easier it'll be to
master the jutsu based on the skill level of the jutsu. Jutsu will be primarily learned from NPCs who
you can talk to about jutsu, getting your clan's jutsu will usually be easier because it won't require a
quest to be completed like most NPCs will require of you. For a person who decides to not take on a
clan they will be able to learn specialized techniques focusing on one of the many categories of jutsu,
but once you learn from one NPC a main specialized style of jutsu then you will only learn 1 or 2 jutsu
from other NPCs who decide to teach you, 5 at the most from one teacher NPC who isn't already you
main teacher.

Trait System:

Depending on your character's personality and traits npcs will respond to you differently, if
you're a genius people will hold you in high regard and usually ask for you help with difficult things,
however if you're a lazy genius the people will still hold you in high regard but won't waste their time
asking you to help them with tasks unless your reputation is high enough. The following are the current
traits that will be in-game.

Main Traits
• Genius (Int and Def bonus of 2 starting out)
• Hardworker (Str and Agi bonus of 2 starting out)
• Calm (Con and Def bonus of 2 starting out)

Secondary Traits
• Lazy ( - 1 Agi + 1 Str)
• Hyperactive( + 1 Agi – 1 Con)
• Tactical ( + 1 Con – 1 Agi )
more to come...

Your traits can also affect your main stats and how your npc squad-mates treat you. For instance
if you're hyperactive it'll probably annoy some members of your squad making them want to talk to you
Reputation System:

Your reputation will affect which missions you get, who talks to you, what they talk to you
about, and if your alignment to a degree. You gain a positive + reputation by helping fellow npc
villagers with mundane tasks like finding their cat and delivering packages, you also gain + reputation
by completing missions. You gain a negative – reputation by failing missions, hurting fellow villagers,
pulling pranks, and doing bad deeds such as stealing, and killing allied shinobi from different villages.

Alignment System:

The alignment system works like the reputation system except only things like killing fellow
villagers and betraying the village will truly affect your alignment, the more evil your alignment the
more sinister and darker your chakra will be, the more good your alignment the lighter and brighter
your chakra will be.

Trading System:

By right clicking another player who is within 2 squares of the user a popup menu will show a
trade option which if selected will send a message to the selected player saying the user is offering to
trade with the player. If the player accepts and wants to trade the user a popup box will display 2 empty
boxes with one side having the user's name on the title and the other side having the player's name on
the title. The boxes will actually be grids that the players can click and drag items from their inventory
into as something they wish to trade, the grids will be updated on both sides of the trade so both players
know what they are being traded. Once a player knows what he wants to trade he can hit the accept
button to process the trade and wait for the other player to accept. If the player doesn't want to trade he
can simply press the cancel button to cancel the trade.

Automatic Genin/Chunin Exams:

Genin Exam:
Every hour an automated Genin Exam will happen for all the villages in which all
academy students will have to pass both parts of the exam. The first part of the exam is a written test in
which the students must get a 75% of greater to pass, the second part of the exam will be a test of jutsu,
the student will each be assigned a different e-rank jutsu they will have to perform 3 times if they fail to
perform it 3 times they will fail the Genin Exam.
Chunin Exam:
At the every 5.5 days a Chunin Exam will automatically be initiated by the server, two
exams will be given at opposite times of the day to allow players from different regions to participate
as well. In order to make sure the exams happen every 5.5 days a variable will be made to keep track of
the time and will be saved every 5 minutes. The Chunin Exam will consist of 3 parts. The first part will
be a timed test, all who pass will be led into the forest of death with either a earth or heaven scroll and
must defeat another player to gain the opposite scroll and enter the Chunin Exam. Being defeated in the
forest will only make you lose your scroll you'll still be able to fight in the forest for another scroll.
Once you have both scrolls you must enter the tower to advance to the third part of the exam. Once you
enter the 3rd part of the exam your name will be added to a list of people waiting for the third part to
start. If there are an odd number of players above 1 in the 3rd part then one person will be selected to
fight twice. If the number of players is even then the fights will continue until there is only 4 people left
in the 3rd part and then they will become chunin.

Main / Side Mission System:

Main missions will be stuff directly assigned to you by your village leader or a story npc, side
mission will be missions assigned to you by various npcs who need you help with something or want to
teach you something. Both main and side missions give rep points and can shift your alignment as well
as give exp. It is more likely that you'll get a lot of money from main missions than from side missions.

Element System:

There will be five basic elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, and Air. At first you won't have
a distinct element so in order to figure out what your main element is going to be you'll have to reach
lvl 10 and talk to your jonin teacher who will give you a test to see which element you possess. Once
you reach lvl 30 you'll have option of learning about a second element by buying the Dbl. Element
passive which can be leveled up 50 times to allow the user to combine the elements into one deadlier
element. Water will dose flames that are more than half the power of the water and so on for various
other elements that are up against their weaknesses. The second element you get to choose.

Bingo Book System:

For every player there will be the option to buy a bingo book from a shop, inside the bingo book
depending on whether or not the player is a rogue shinobi or not will be a list of shinobi who have
killed over 10 people or who have had a bounty put on their head. The bingo book for a non-rogue will
have a list of all rogue shinobi it while a rogue shinobi will have a list of all people who have a bounty
on their head and has killed over 10 people. Bounties can be set by talking to a bounty office clerk,
picking a name, and setting a price which will come out of the player's money immediately. If the
player wishes to cancel the bounty they can but will only get back 90% of their money. The bingo book
will be made to categorize the bounties like so. Bounty locations will not be specifically given, only a
hint of the last place they've entered will be given.

Name: Shinobi, Some

Rank: Jonin
Bounty: 100,000,000 Ryo
Last Seen: Hidden Sand Village
Favorite Technique: Sand Explosion

Bag/Weight/Movement System:

In order to carry more items than your clothes can carry you will have to buy bigger and better
bags. The bigger your bag the more you can carry but also the heavier you become. Having stuff in
your inventory adds to your weight which in turn will slow you down but at the same time if the weight
exceeds you strength*3 then you will be to gain exp for lugging all that weight around toward strength
and agility increasing your speed over time as your agility rises. To put items into a bag all a player has
to do is Dbl. Click an item that's next to them and the item will be put into their inventory. To remove
stuff from their inventory the user needs to click and drag the item out of their inventory which will
drop it right where they stand. To equip an item in their inventory the player just needs to dbl click it in
the inventory.

Targeting System:

The user will be able to target people who they double click or press space near. If the person
they target is an enemy the arrow over their head will be red and squad-mate npcs will attack if they are
set to do so, otherwise the arrow over their head will be blue to show a friendly npc or green to show a
story npc. Targeting will only be allowed at default up to a range of 3 times away, as your intellect and
agility grows however that range will increase, the range can also increase if the sharingan or byakugan
is activated.

Pet / Summon System:

Player's will be able to summon pets, toads, snakes, friends, etc by buying summoning scrolls
and or setting up a contract with a particular animal. To summon specialized animals like toads, snakes,
or slugs the user must first learn from a sacred animal in their natural training grounds, then the user
will have some of their health taken to secure a contract with the animal. After securing a contract the
user will have to buy summoning scrolls to be able to summon the creatures, depending on the user's
chakra and lvl the summoning might be bigger or smaller but will drain the user tremendously. To
summon a dog if you're not part of the Inuzuka clan you just have to buy a summoning scroll, each
summoning of any summoning will use up 1 or more summoning scrolls. To summon people you must
be lvl 30 and you must have atleast 3 summoning scrolls for each person. To choose which thing you
will summon all you have to do is open the summoning box and dbl click the thing that you want to be
able to summon, to have people in your summoning box just click and drag them to your box and they
will be prompted about you wanting to summon them when you try to summon them, they can either
select yes or no, once they say no they will be erased from your box otherwise they will be summoned.

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