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Learning activity 3

Evidence: All in the past

Fuente: SENA

Part A

For this part of the evidence, you will have to record an audio file answering the
following questions.

Question Suggested answers

1. What did you use to do on When I was in high school I used
vacation when you were in high to be a good student.
2. What did you look like when you When I was fifteen I used to be so
were 15 years old? skinny.
3. What did your family use to do on My family used to cook a delicious
Christmas when you were a kid? dinner and buy me gifts on
4. How did your neighborhood use My neighborhood used to be so
to be? funny full of kids
5. What did you use to do five years Five years ago I used to study at
ago? the university
Part B

Now, you are going to see some pictures that show an unfortunate incident that
happened to Jennifer a few years ago, while she was driving home after work. See
what happened to her and write it down. Use past simple and past continuous to
narrate the events.


Fuente de imágenes: SENA

One day, a few years ago, Jennifer was driving home from work.
Suddenly, the car stopped and Jennifer got out of the car to check it and
noticed that she had a spiky tire, she went to look for the tools in the
trunk, but she did not know how to change the tire so she asked for help
from other people who were passing at that time in another car, the Men
got out of the car and talked to Jeniffer and they said that if they would
help her, Jenifer turned around to look for the car tire and when she
returned she realized that the men had stolen her tools, that's when the
police arrived and Jenifeer told her about the acts.

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