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In Class Assessment Three

Innovation Management
Dr. Ioseb Gabelaia

1. Can organizations operate across the entire spectrum of innovation activities? (1 point)
Yes, with the help of each other and through proper management they can operate
across the entire spectrum. Each member of the organization should be innovative.
Through knowledge they can contribute a lot with their activities

2. Explain the fundamental dilemma facing organizations and the tensions it creates. (1
For the need of stability and creativity there is fundamental tension. Of course
stability and static routines is needed to complete their daily responsibilities
inefficient and quickest way. This makes the organization qualified to be able to
compete with others. Company’s daily routine requires a high level of efficiency and
control. They also need new idea and products to offer to compete in the future.
Therefore, they need to have a nurtured creative environment where they can test
and developed the new ideas that they have. The fundamental dilemma of the
company is that even though they strive to innovate it is measured into base markets
and technologies the innovation is more likely to fail. And yet those company who
seek innovation less across the board the greater the corporation itself will fail. Long
run survival is the fundamental tension which an enterprise has in their heart.
Exploitation is about certainty, increasing productivity, control, efficiency and
variance reduction. Exploration is more on searching, autonomy, discovery,
embracing variation and innovation. Doing both is called Ambidexterity

3. Discuss the impact to the firm of changes in architectural knowledge and component
knowledge. (1 point)
Henderson and Clark divide the technological knowledge into two dimensions, the
knowledge of the components and knowledge of the linkage between them they
called it architectural knowledge. Modular innovations will need new knowledge for
one or more components but the architectural knowledge will not change.
Architectural innovation upon the linkage components will have great impact

4. Explain how management tools for innovation may help a firm regain its innovative
performance. (1 point)
Management tools can help a lot the firm to regain its innovative performance
through the help of each member in the organization. Through analyzing the range
of well-established management principles that can help them sustain
innovativeness and even recovery from a period of stagnation is very necessary.

5. Explain how organizational characteristics can facilitate the innovation process. (1 point)
The innovation process depends on many key factors. The purpose of making this
open to Innovation tool software is to get the rates of the innovation performance of
the whole firm by the consumers.
The ratings given by user is further compared with the ratings given by the
members of the company. It is very useful for the organization to make the better
innovation decision or update previous one.
In Class Assessment Three
Innovation Management
Dr. Ioseb Gabelaia

6. Explain the key individual roles within the innovation process and the activities they
perform. (1 point)
It is assumed that individuals produce innovative ideas through processes of
rational, deductive reasoning related to satisfying needs and goals of market.
It is difficult to really understand the role of scientists in process of innovation, but
it is unambiguous that they are vital source of innovation in both products and
individual innovative behavior is presented as the outcome of four interacting
systems individual, leader, work group, and climate for innovation.

7. If we know what organizational characteristics are required for innovation, why are not
all firms innovative? (2 point)

8. If most new products are minor modifications of existing products, why do firms
continue with high-risk, high-cost projects? (2 point)

9. To resolve the innovation dilemma, why do firms not simply separate the creative side of
their business from the operational side? (Extra 2 points)

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