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theChalcedon Foundation | September
Chalcedon Foundation® November2018



n a world awash in lies, Each Orwellian Ministry of Truth
it can be challenging determining “all the news that’s fit to
to think of the future print” is doomed: they labor in vain that
as a time when truth will try to build and maintain such vanities.
triumph in history. Once we sweep aside their pretense of rel-
Lies and falsehoods fuel evance, we can renew our confidence that
the kingdom of man, providing the cover truth will triumph in history. The ocean
under which humanism operates. In of lies, not God’s truth, will be flushed
order to maintain the façade of absolute, down the memory hole.
godlike sovereignty, modern states exert Pilate tried to bat away Christ’s
control over what is and is not truth. A claims by countering with “What is
god cannot err, so history and facts are truth?”3 Pilate was more honest than
accordingly rearranged by the state to today’s humanists, who want to sneak
ensure that its infallibility is maintained. “truth” back into their worldviews.
George Orwell’s depiction of a Ministry Note how anti-Christian novelist Philip
of Truth makes clear that such manipu- Pullman4 provides for a plot device called
lation is structured so that the state may an alethiometer (from aletheia, Greek for
remain absolute. Nothing is off the table truth). The alethiometer “tells the truth,”
in propping up the state as the god of a and by the end of Pullman’s trilogy God
culture. is exposed and overthrown as a big lie. It
Orwell saw the state as the institu- wasn’t enough to depose Truth Incarnate:
tion that turned truth into a pliable asset Pullman needed another source of truth
to be placed under its direct control. to fill the vacuum.
Spin doctors and those who “control the
narrative” bend and warp the truth, but EVERY MAN A LIAR
the state has no monopoly here. When It is always tempting to quote
social media giants block stories that they Romans 3:4 as a rejoinder.5 “Let God
regard as unflattering or harmful to their be true but every man a liar” is one of
cause, they impose an additional layer of the keys to dismantling every pretended
control beyond the state. Ministry of Truth designed to guard
It’d be tempting to point fingers at man’s “refuge of lies” (Isa. 28:15). Paul’s
secularists who, in Nietzsche’s words, seek point clears the way for the victory of
to “seize control of explanation itself.”1 God’s truth in this world, because His
But Christian scholarship suffers the Word will never return to Him void (Isa.
effects of blackballing and suppression 55:11, cf. Isa. 45:22–23).
even within its own ranks.2 Christians Romans 3:4 concludes by quoting
are hypocrites to criticize secular conduct from Psalm 51:4:
while hiding their own dirty laundry. Hu- God forbid: yea, let God be true, but
manists suppress truth because they can, every man a liar; as it is written, That
and Christians do so for the same reason. thou mightest be justified in thy sayings,


A&B November 2020.indd 1 10/23/20 10:22 AM
and mightest overcome when thou art it cannot be impaired, even if man’s
judged. foolishness be universal … Truth must
be ascribed to God, and none but God.12
John Murray explains the signifi-
cance of Paul’s quotation: Consider the relative quantity of
[Paul] has been making emphatic protes- unbelievers/liars in the preceding verse,
tation to the effect that the unbelief Romans 3:3. In English, we tend to
of men does not bring to nought the think of a small proportion when reading
faithfulness of God. The appeal to that “some did not believe.” But Gifford
David’s confession provides him with teaches otherwise:
the strongest kind of confirmation. It is to be remarked that “some” in the
For David had said that sin, since it is original signifies a part of the whole,
against God, vindicates and establishes but not necessarily a small part. It may
God’s justice. If sin does not disestablish be a very great part and majority of the
the justice of God, neither can man’s whole,—as in Hebrews 3:16, where it is
faithlessness and untruth make void the said, “Some when they heard provoked,
faithfulness and truth of God. God must howbeit not all that came out of Egypt
be true though every man be a liar.6 with Moses.” All did provoke God on
There is eloquent progression here. It is that occasion except Joshua and Caleb,
not simply in the face of the fact that and those who were still too young to
some do not believe (vs. 3) that God’s bear arms … (Chalmers).13
faithfulness is inviolate. Even if all men
Just as massive unbelief prevailing in
were liars God’s truth remains unmoved
(cf. Psalm 100:5).7
the past had absolutely no effect on God’s
promises, so too does unbelief today have
C. H. Irwin expands on Paul’s no bearing on whether the truth will
meaning: conquer the world.
The promises of God will be fulfilled, Accordingly, we must not only walk
even though there are some who do by faith (rather than by sight) but we
not believe on them. The Law of God must also not walk in unbelief and in
will assert its claims, even though there
concert with those who reject the certain-
are some who repudiate them … God’s
faithfulness is not affected by the unbelief of
ty that the gospel will conquer. Let God
his own people. (Italics in original.)8 be true, but every man a liar on account
of their unbelief.
Sanday and Headlam concur that
Paul declares the Most High to be “guilt- DON’T THE WICKED
less in respect to the promises which He
has fulfilled, though man will not believe
King David said, “I have seen the
in their fulfillment.”9
wicked in great power” (Psa. 37:35). Too
Moisés Silva draws attention to the
many Christians leave the matter there,
same theme in similar words:
but the verses before and after that obser-
Nevertheless, the purposes of the Cre- vation point out that the wicked will lose
ator, who is also the Savior, cannot be
all their power in time and history, and
thwarted by human weakness.10
that God’s faithful people will see them
We must refuse to walk by sight, and their plans come to nothing.
holding fast to the truth that God’s When we argue that world condi-
revealed purposes cannot be thwarted. As tions and present wickedness must de-
Murray noted, “God is not determined in termine our assessment of the future, we
His purposes or in His promises by what effectively call God a liar. Isaiah asserted
is extraneous to Himself or to His will.”11 that “the nations are as a drop of a buck-
In his discussion of Romans 3:4, R. et, and are counted as the small dust of
J. Rushdoony cites from Gifford’s exposi- the balance” (Isa. 40:15). Moreover, “All
tion at length: nations before him are as nothing; and
God’s truth is absolute and independent; they are counted to him less than noth-


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ing” (Isa. 40:17). Dust on the balance TRUTH AND VICTORY
that’s less than nothing—this means we Note the relationship between truth
need to see the nations as impotent, as and victory in how Jesus Christ inter-
incapable of having any impact whatso- prets Messianic prophecy. According to
ever on the course of events. To imagine Isaiah 42:3, He shall lead justice to truth.
differently is to imagine a vain thing When Christ quotes this prophecy (Matt.
(Psa. 2:1). 12:20) concerning Himself, He changes
the last word: He shall lead justice to
THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY victory. Truth in Isaiah becomes victory
Too many Christians also adopt the in Matthew. Jesus Christ is uniting the
enemy’s position that history embodies two concepts: victory is bound up in the
a principle of inevitability … a principle Biblical conception of truth as it touches
effectively outside of God’s control and upon the expansion of Christ’s rule over
counsel. This is why we increasingly the world from the right hand of the
hear the phrase that someone “is on Father.
the wrong side of history.” This is an Isaiah’s conception of leading justice
appeal to the current flow of history as to truth is crucial here. Christ establish-
determining right and wrong. The future es justice “in truth” because “by every
is appealed to as judge over today’s poli- other mode of dealing, justice would be
cy-making. The intent behind the phrase established in appearance and outwardly
is to shame people to go with the flow, only.”16 Humanism only delivers the
rather than to be seen by future genera- appearance of outward justice, founded
tions as reactionaries impeding supposed upon sand. Because “the isles wait for His
moral progress. law” (Isa. 42:4), the victory established in
Those who only care about their the truth will be a total one, not a super-
reputations don’t want to find themselves ficial, fragile one.
on the wrong side of history. Those
submitted to God should reject such DON’T FOCUS ON GOD’S INSTRUMENTS
argumentation. As Rushdoony noted, Christians are prone to discount
“Sometimes faithfulness to God, being the idea of gospel victory. First, they
in step with the Lord, requires us to be believe the task is too difficult and the
out of step with other people.”14 world too far gone. Common sense
Remember that nobody was more on dictates rejecting such optimism (just as
the wrong side of history than Christ, the common-sense Sadducees rejected
and He changed all subsequent history. the resurrection of the dead). But the
Such reversals aren’t uncommon. In mu- Scriptures don’t permit us to elevate the
sic, Johann Sebastian Bach was on the creature over the Creator, so pessimists
wrong side of history too, but he divided try another argument: the church isn’t
musical history in half and is a perpetual qualified to evangelize the world. It is
presence in the second half.15 Following comprised of weak and flawed people
the multitude and deifying the flow of who couldn’t possibly turn the world
events is a formula for irrelevance—be- upside-down again.
cause emulating the dust of the balance But 1 Corinthians 3:7 alerts us to not
that’s less than nothing is folly. focus on God’s chosen instruments.
Today’s oft-shouted refrain is “the So then neither is he that planteth any
whole world is watching!”—which is thing, neither he that watereth; but God
intended to be the truth all must bow that giveth the increase.
down to and submit to, or else. But we Focusing on the credentials of those
know that it is God who is watching, who plant and water is meaningless,
and He still sees even after Twitter blocks because they are nothing (are not the
its feeds. determining factor).


A&B November 2020.indd 3 10/23/20 10:22 AM
We love that final verse about God people will serve “the day of man” and
giving the increase, but the more closely live in fear of its judgments. Paul’s total
we examine Paul’s statement, the more trust is in the Day of the Lord. “The day
of man” is all around us, but it is a trivial
we realize that any focus upon the in-
matter as against the Day of the Lord.17
struments is foolish. At no point are the
results contingent on their qualifications. Nonetheless, “the day of man” will
Paul has outright asserted that he is fade away in history because “the darkness
nothing, and Apollos is nothing. Modern is passing away” (I John 2:8) and every
Christians aren’t nearly so humble, so knee shall bow (Isa. 45:22–23). We will
pessimists they remain. one day see many a “city of truth” (Zech.
Our eyes should not be upon God’s 8:3) living according to Zechariah 8:16:
enemies (though they be numerous These are the things that ye shall do;
and powerful), or upon the greatness of Speak ye every man the truth to his
the task (to justify folding our hands in neighbour; execute the judgment of
truth and peace in your gates.
defeat). Our eyes should not be upon
ourselves. These are all weights to be set Lies and tumult have no future be-
aside (Heb. 12:1) so that we can look cause they contain the seeds of their own
to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our destruction. The people of God will cling
faith (Heb. 12:2). If you look to Jesus, to the truth against all opposing consider-
you can see only the certainty of victory. ations because Christ is Truth Incarnate,
Look to the world of men, and you will and the ultimate victory of truth will be
sink in the slough of despond. absolute and total before He returns.
Pessimists think themselves wise an- 1. Robert Erwin, The Great Language Panic and
alysts and realists. Our model, however, Other Essays in Cultural History (Athens: Univer-
is Abraham. He refused to consider two sity of Georgia Press, 1990), p. 69.
things that we consider fatal objections: 2. The treatment of Dr. Greg Bahnsen remains
an ugly cautionary tale in this regard, while Dr.
his dead body and Sarai’s dead womb Michael McVicar carefully documented Christi-
(Rom. 4:19). “He staggered not at the anity Today’s concerted suppression (well before
promise of God” (v. 20). We must stand Twitter or Facebook existed) of R. J. Rushdoony,
with Abraham and not stagger at God’s cf.
promises for this world. No other consid- ing-with-pygmies-r-j-rushdoony-christianity-to-
erations matter. Even if “truth is fallen in
3. See the excellent discussion of this in Ron
the street” (Isa. 59:14) and “truth faileth” Kronz, Fighting to Win (and other things I didn’t
(v. 15), God will unfailingly act (vv. learn in Sunday School) (Self-published, 2020,
16–21). ISBN 9798645681418), p. 40.
In his commentary on Corinthians 4. See Lee Duigon’s perceptive review of Pull-
(forthcoming), R. J. Rushdoony says this: man’s trilogy at
In 1 Cor. 4:3, “by man’s judgment” is in dark-materials. HBO is currently churning out
the Greek literally “by man’s day.” God its own version of the trilogy to finish what the
has His Judgment Day at the end of 2007 movie version, The Golden Compass, began.
history, but sinful man passes judgment 5. The most memorable rejoinder citing Romans
daily on his fellow men. 3:4 appears in Greg Bahnsen, “The Prima Facie
Acceptability of Postmillennialism,” Journal of
Paul’s use of “the day of man” as against
Christian Reconstruction Vol. 3, No. 2, [Winter
“the day of the Lord” is very telling. The
1976–77], p. 54.
prevailing power of “the day of man” all 6. John Murray, The Epistle to the Romans
too often governs the church. It is this (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1959), p. 95.
humanistic judgment, that men fear and 7. ibid., n.2.
move in terms of, which is a very great 8. H.D.M. Spence and Joseph S. Exell, ed., The
sin. “The day of man” is a continuous Pulpit Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerd-
backbiting judgment by men on one mans, n.d.), vol. 18, sec. 2, p. 89.
another, whereas God’s great day is at 9. William Sanday, Arthur C. Headlam, The
the end of history. A present-oriented continued on last page...


A&B November 2020.indd 4 10/23/20 10:22 AM
For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7)

ow do we walk by what he experienced was “pushback.” His
faith? Even Paul had statement was that he lived in terms of his
just referred (2 Cor. faith, his worldview of the eternal.
4) to darkness, troubles, We are not lacking faith if we see
perplexity, persecution, and address the problems of our day.
death, and affliction. Ours is only a weak faith if we live or
He could “see” the obvious. The apostle deport ourselves in terms of such tem-
acknowledged the very real problems he poral matters rather than our faith. Our
and others faced in preaching the gospel faith in what God is doing must give us
of the Kingdom of Heaven, which to perspective and direction.
most in the Roman Empire was irrele- In the mid-1970s my father noted
vant, if not nonsense. He walked by faith, that men’s faith in salvation by politics
but he did in fact see the troubles swirling was making them impatient with the
around his ministry. failures of government to create the
To “walk by faith” does not pre- wonderful future they promised in each
clude us from using our sight. To use campaign. He suggested it would lead to
a common expression, Paul could “not more one-term administrations.
help but notice” the obvious. When we He was partly right in that neither
hear this admonition to “walk by faith,” Ford nor Carter were re-elected. The im-
we must never assume it means we are patience he noted has since turned into a
to be oblivious to the obvious that we very divisive political climate which now
observe “by sight.” The Greek word walk seems to have permanently entered every
Paul uses refers literally to “walking at area of society. Our country is in a civil
large,” or figuratively to how he lived or war, though thankfully without armed
deposed himself. He had already revealed conflict.
his frame of reference a few lines earlier We would be foolish to ignore the
when he contrasted the “seen” as tempo- issues of our day that are obvious to any
ral versus things “not seen” as eternal observer. Our challenge is to “see,” or
(2 Cor. 4:18). understand these issues in terms of our
faith, and to live and deport ourselves in
WHAT DO WE SEE? terms of the eternal issues rather than just
When we observe our world we see the temporal ones. Paul had temporal
one mess after another. It is well that we needs and concerns that were very real,
recognize that man in sin does make a as do we. His faith did not require him
mess of things. It is necessary to see the to ignore or dismiss problems, but to
world and people as they are. The Bible understand them; he had to see issues in
gives us no reason to have illusions of terms of the world and life view his faith
man’s goodness. The sins and failures of in Christ gave him.
even its saints are clearly laid out. Paul was
pointing us to his worldview perspective. THE END OF THE AGE OF STATISM
He could not help but see the problems My father frequently referred to our
of confronting the unbelieving world current crisis as the end of an age. The
with the claims of the gospel and he knew post-Enlightenment world, he felt, had


A&B November 2020.indd 5 10/23/20 10:22 AM
run its course and the age of humanism common that binds us as a people. Both
and its statism was, so to speak, running Darwinism and Marxism have embedded
on empty. Its death throes would be vio- the idea of an inescapable “conflict of
lent and dangerous, but it was nearing an interests” into the modern mind. All of
end. We see one area of our civilization life and relationships are now seen as a
after another in disarray: law, politics, dog-eat-dog struggle for control, race vs.
currency, morals, education, the arts, race, men vs. women, labor vs. manage-
and more. The problems cross national ment, children vs. parents, haves vs. have
borders. nots, etc. Modern man is now paranoid
Within the United States, we have about what others are doing to him, and
political chaos. Whoever emerges the vic- that irrational fear causes him to feel jus-
tor in the presidential election by the time tified in “doing unto others before they
you read this, will, next year and thereaf- do unto you.” We no longer even agree
ter face more political dogfighting. The on a common history, as history has been
political campaign will continue. When I taught as a social science to ideologically
was in high school it was common to hear manipulate recent generations. Referenc-
comparisons of the U.S. to the Roman es to history are now only made to cut off
Empire in its decline. That was typically a appeals to the past by a condemnation for
reference to the moral decline of Amer- evils real or imagined. Without a com-
ica and its “bread and circuses” welfare munion based on a common faith, there
mentality, but it is now more analogous can be no community, so the next four
to compare the current treachery within years will see disunity and conflict. With
Washington, D.C., to the murderous no moral standard in a common faith,
plots for control of the imperial throne every man will do that which is “right in
during its latter stages of decline. his own eyes” (Judges 17:6; 21:25). That
Humanism has run its course and is not just a reference to moral lawless-
the bright future liberalism promised as ness. We must take the statement that
they were right in their “own eyes” at face
late as the 1960s now seems transpar-
value. Every lawless (by a righteous stan-
ently impossible. But you cannot merely
dard) man believed in the certainty of his
remove a philosophical worldview and
own virtue and stood proudly in terms of
expect a void to rule the day. Humanism
it. It is describing a proud, self-righteous
must be replaced by something else.
lawlessness, much like our own situation.
Walking by faith will lead us to see clearly
Satan offered Adam and Eve the power
that the “something” our world needs is
of making their own decisions over “good
the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.
and evil” (Gen. 3:5) determinative. All
There is little common ground in
sin seeks to establish itself as the legiti-
our culture. Fifty years or more ago it was
mate norm.
a truism that one could only talk with
strangers about sports and the weather. THE LUST FOR POWER
Now those options are gone. Sports have The problem with politics is that it is
gone from tribal-like loyalty to sym- the means to acquire and maintain power
bols of political correctness and “woke” in our statist culture. An alternative
thought. Discussions of the weather means to power is wealth (also subject to
now revolve around the political cause of great abuse), but politics attracts those
“climate change.” without even the real skills to develop
Humanism has not united mankind, power by legitimately creating wealth.
because it cannot. The words common, It attracts those whose only ability is
community, and communion are related. demagoguery.
In order to have community there must Politics (often in the form of political
be a communion, something in common. correctness, a form of censorship) now
There is precious little we now have in controls the media, entertainment,


A&B November 2020.indd 6 10/23/20 10:22 AM
courts, academia, and most recently, We should look around us and truly
sports. It is seen as a vehicle to establish see the end of the age of humanistic
one’s power over others, so it increasingly statism. The coming years will likely
dominates every aspect of our lives to de- be unpleasant in many respects, but
fine justice, rights, progress, and freedom. the change is necessary. The first Chris-
Now even religious groups are being tians lived through the fall of Jerusalem
ordered to conform. in A.D. 70. A later generation lived
through the fall of Rome itself. The
THE ALTERNATIVE problems presented in our day seem,
TO SALVATION BY POLITICS at this point, small in comparison. The
Our culture is dysfunctional because crises of history come and go, but the
statist humanism is failing, just like Kingdom of God survives and grows.
Rome’s corruption and infighting has- This process continues. We do not have
tened its weakness and eventual collapse. the advantage of foresight to see exactly
It was replaced by Christendom, but that how the crises of our day will play out,
took centuries. When a system collapses, but our eschatology must point us to the
one must exist to take its place or a dan- certainty that all will resound to the glo-
gerous void exists. The authoritarianism ry of God and His Christ. His Kingdom
of the Soviet Union collapsed but was will advance and know no end, and we
only replaced by another authoritarian are heirs with Christ of its eternal glories
regime and corrupt, crony capitalism. (I Cor. 6-9:10, c.f. Rom. 8:14-19).
The alternative to political salva- Selbrede "The Victory of Truth" continued...
tion is salvation by Jesus Christ and the Epistle to the Romans (New York, NY: Charles
making of all things new (Rev. 21:5; Scribner’s Sons, 1903), p. 72.
Isa. 65:17; 43:19). This was the faith of 10. Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Moisés Silva,
which Paul spoke. The Kingdom of God Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search
for Meaning (Grand Rapids, MI: [1994] 2007),
involves all that is in heaven and earth p. 293.
and is associated with power, glory, and 11. Murray, op. cit., p. 95. Murray further
victory (1 Chron. 29:11). The model of asserts that “the unbelief of Jews does not dises-
the kingdom in the old covenant was the tablish the truth and abiding validity of God’s
kingdom of Israel, but the reality now is oracles” (p. 94).
12. R. J. Rushdoony, Romans and Galatians
the Kingdom of God (or Heaven), where
(Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1997), p.
the reign of God (Isa. 52:7) is now repre- 37, citing E. H. Gifford in Cook’s commentary.
sented by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Rushdoony provides data for the original 1881
The Kingdom of God was an- London printing, but it is far more readily avail-
nounced by John (Matt. 3:2) and able today in the 1981 reprint by Baker, thus: F.
C. Cook, The Bible Commentary (Grand Rapids,
preached by Jesus after Herod’s attempt to
MI: [1871–1881] 1981), vol. 9, p. 83. The
silence him (Mark 1:14; Matt. 4:17). Je- following endnote, which goes beyond Rush-
sus said this gospel of the Kingdom would doony’s citation, references this Baker reprint as
go forward despite the coming judgment “Gifford, op. cit.”
on Jerusalem, the apostate center of the 13. Gifford, op. cit., p. 83. See end note above.
old covenant model (Matt 24:14). Citi- 14. R. J. Rushdoony, A Word in Season: Daily
Messages on the Faith for All of Life, Vol. 7
zenship in the Kingdom of God was by (Vallecito, CA: Chalcedon/Ross House Books,
the new birth, or regeneration (John 3:5) 2016), p. 39.
based on the redemption purchased by 15.
our Lord’s atonement (1 Cor. 1:13–14). bastian-bach-a-model-for-christian-excellence
Therefore, we are to seek, before all else, 16. Ernest Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Christology of
the Old Testament (Mac Dill AFB, FL: MacDon-
that Kingdom and the righteousness com-
ald Publishing Company, n.d.), Vol. 1, p. 543.
manded by God (Matt. 6:33), and that 17. R. J. Rushdoony, Commentary on 1st and
duty means we must, as good citizens, 2nd Corinthians (Vallecito, CA: Chalcedon/Ross
obey its commandments (Matt. 5:19). House Books, 2021), loc. cit.


A&B November 2020.indd 7 10/23/20 10:22 AM
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ince 1965, the Chalcedon gained significant ground through
Foundation has served as the helping to restore Christian edu-
S founding and leading minis- cation, but it’s time to move into
try for the message of Christian other spheres by God’s grace, law,
Reconstruction, which is simply and power.
the mission of advancing the We desperately need your
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