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SYAZWI : Good Evening, and welcome to our session tonight. Thank you for taking the time to join
our discussion about the chosen element that manage to attract our attention to talk more about. My
name is _________________.

CHRIS : Hello. My name is

ATIKAH : Hye my name is
NURUL : Hey there, I am

SYAZWI : Today we’ll be presenting an education model about the transition element from periodic
table which is aluminium. We basically want to develop ideas and suggestions about this matter.

There are no wrong answers but rather differing points of view. Please feel free to share your point
of view even if it differs from what others have said. Keep in mind that we’re just as interested in
negative comments as positive comments, and at times the negative comments are the most helpful.
I would like to invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view.

CHRISTOPHER : Allow me to begin. First of all, I would like to state that this investigation of
this should be used to advance new science and thereby develop understanding of this metal
transition. What do you think about this element when it first comes to your mind NURUL?

NURUL : I guess that aluminium is well known metal in this field as a silver-white alloy and seat
at Column 13 of the periodic table. Then what about you Atikah?

Atikah : The basic one that I can identify is aluminium have 13 number of protons along with
the number of electrons.

Ain : ouh thats why aluminium in group 13 due to It have three electrons of valence at all.


AIN : But what can we say exactly about this kind of element that we need to know besides
from the general one?

Chris : is it about the use of aluminium or how can aluminium become one of the most
important things in our daily life? What can you say syazwi?

Syazwi : we here to investigate the further various combinations of its advantageous properties
such as strength, lightness, corrosion resistance, recyclability and formability along with the
features of aluminum and it alloys product.

MNICSP – June 2014

Atikah : I see, I know about something interesting that aluminium is Roughly 75% of aluminium
manufactured at the time is now in use in the aluminium industry. But how can this metal be so
precious in main industry? What do you think nurul?

Nurul : Based on my research, Aluminum has an exceptionally high quality range. One of the
globe's lightest metals: almost three times lighter than iron, but it is still very solid, highly
flexible and resistant to corrosion as the oxide film still protects the surface in a very thin and
effective coating.

Ain : I see your point that the features of aluminium definitely the special one. Is it means that
aluminium is the one that can replace iron if the item in some cases.

Chris : I don’t quite agree with you because aluminium just not have the right composition as
the iron have to use it on the industry as iron more stronger than aluminium.

Syazwi : Next, I think it would be more useful if we know about the structures as we enough
talk about the properties of aluminium. Does anyone agree with me?

Atikah : Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________

NURUL : I’m afraid I don’t see eye to eye with both of you. I still want to know how can this
metal be used widely in main industry before we go any further.

Syazwi : Its okay. Let me tell you something more about it. Aluminum has now become a
metaphor for progress: all state-of-the-art electronics and cars are made out of aluminum. It
would appear that the above combination of standards is already adequate to make aluminium
the industry's top option, but there is another valuable property: aluminium can still be reused.
Can you understand what I’m trying to say this one?

Nurul : Indeed, I do see your information.

MNICSP – June 2014

Chris : That’s an interesting perspective and I would like to share my founding with yau all.
Wouldn’t you agree?

Ain : I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please.

Chris : What I mean is ______________________________________________.

Ain : ouh I see, this one really would be useful to focus on about.

Atikah : That’s a good point, but don’t you think Nurul have to state how the hybrid orbital of
this element looks alike?

Nurul : I agree with you, Ain. The ____________________________________________. So

Syazwi and atikah, what do you guys think?

Syazwi : Now that you’ve explained it like that, I also agree that_____________________.

Atikah : As for me, I feel that it is also _______________________________.

Ain : Wait ii you guys, how can you say about the electron configuration of the transition metal?
Well I already have it in my hands. It is __________________________________________.

Chris : That’s right. Thankfully we not missed about it. I think lets wrap it out.

Syazwi : Now we all agree that aluminium not just an ordinary element but full with outstanding
characteristics and mainly used in main industry to help human achieve better lifestyle in daily

Nurul : Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree with that?

All: Yes, I agree.

MNICSP – June 2014

Syazwi : Thanks for coming today and talking about these issues. Your comments have given
us lots of different ways to see this issue. I thank you for your time.

MNICSP – June 2014

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