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Sanitation is critical when it comes to maintaining one’s overall health and well-
being. Around the world, over 800 children under the age of five die every day from
preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation
and hygiene. In the present context and in the height of a pandemic, the need for
sanitation increases as communities on a global scale respond to this rapidly
evolving situation, making everyone vulnerable to contagious diseases. In
accordance to the World Health Organization (2019), poor sanitation is linked to
transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid
and polio and exacerbates stunting.

In connection to the Philippine setting, approximately one-third of the country's

population lives below the poverty line, and for many families, inadequate sanitation
is a serious problem. Without access to proper sanitation, children and their families
are at much greater risk of contracting waterborne diseases.

In line with this, DemiCare Company did not fail to devise a portable UV sterilizer
to address the said issue. This device is designed to kill viruses and bacteria that are
present not only on objects but also in areas and surfaces not visible to the naked
eye. Indeed, it is inevitable for one to hold a lot of things as well as apply a lot to the
face, not knowing these can be covered in viruses and bacteria. As a result, the need
for a device that can sterilize in a span of minutes is imperative especially since a
time like this calls everyone to not overlook the importance of proper hygiene and

II. Cover
III. Problem

In the present context, no individual wants to contract diseases due to poor

sanitation. Since the world is confronted with a pandemic today, quarantine
measures and protocols are observed on a global scale. However, there is still a
need for people to leave their homes in order to buy food and medicine or go to the
hospital, thus putting themselves at risk to the possibility of contracting COVID-19.
They become vulnerable towards the virus’ potential transmission the moment they
go outside. That is why, sanitation and cleanliness within one’s home and
surroundings are critical and must not be overlooked. Moving on, women, mothers in
particular, and some “neat freak” individuals are very conscious when it comes to
bacteria, germs, dirt, fleas and molds. Moreover, those who have allergies from
particular allergens or dust particles are also keen in keeping everything clean and in
sanitizing things they own and frequently hold. Sometimes the cleaning process itself
has the tendency to be time-consuming as well as requires a lot of energy. In
addition to that, there is no guarantee that an object is fully sanitized since it is
inevitable for residues to be left behind even after sanitizing it with the use of
cleaning materials and chemicals. Also, it cannot be denied that some of these
residues may be toxic or harmful for the body. Some items, equipments, materials,
and surfaces are complicated to clean with its crevices and unreached areas, thus
requiring a portable sterilizer to thoroughly sanitize it in a convenient manner.

IV. Solution

The benefits that the target market can derive from DemiCare portable UV
sterilizer include the following:

 It kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in just 15 seconds.

 It is safe to use and sterilizes objects and its surfaces without the use of
chemicals. Proven tested, safe, leaves no harmful residue, as well as
 It is not only light and portable but also chargeable with low energy
 It aids people to not contract diseases from viruses and bacteria.
Meaning, it minimizes the chances of allergies, flu cases and respiratory

The said functions of the DemiCare portable UV sterilizer can be contributory in

addressing the need for proper sanitation mainly because it is embedded with key
benefits that offer a more convenient and efficient sterilization process.

V. Product Demo

VI. Market Size

The company uses the top-down analysis for its market size estimation. With a
population of approximately 109,000,000 in the Philippines, DemiCare's target market for
one month is estimated to be 1.25%, with 1,362,500 unit sales as a result. The
calculation reaches ₱2,043,750,000, with a starting price of ₱1,500. The worst-case
scenario of the business is to have less than the estimated sales in a month. The
situation may place the company with 250,000 transactions with a total of ₱375,000,000
as revenue. In a real-life scenario of the business, it achieves on having 1,362,500 unit
sales with ₱2,043,750,000 revenue for the month. For the best-case situation, the
company makes sales on 5% of the population, making 5,450,000 unit sales per month.

Population of Philippines ≈109,000,000

Market size 1.25% of the population

Total sales in units 1,362,500 units

Total sales in pesos ₱2,043,750,000

VII. Business Model

Business models are often used to promote and sell products with the goal
of generating profit from the execution of the feasible plans formulated by the
company. With a product that can eliminate viruses and bacteria in a span of
minutes, satisfaction and comfort are provided to the customers who are concerned
with their surroundings. Thus, for the business and revenue model, DemiCare
Company will be utilizing the brick-and-mortar business model and transactional
revenue model given that these are the most advantageous models to be put into
application for our case.

A part of the brick and mortar business model is how to attract customers in
several forms. Marketing through social media is the norm nowadays. The
advertisements on Facebook and Youtube may be costly, but they are beneficial
since Facebook has approximately 1.69 billion users, while Youtube has 2 billion
active users every month. With those numbers of users, the company can market the
product with efficiency. One similar scheme is seen by consumers in malls, with an
expert showing how the machine works and its benefits, but applied in the digital
scene. This idea highlights the physical connection with the customers and the
company as sales happen for the product online. To catch customers' attention is
that the company can use signages in the marketplace, as it attracts people to be
curious about the product. Unique and attention-seeking signage that reflects the
quality of the product can do the job to attract customers and even people who pass
by the advertisement. A different technique is showing promotions to customers
going by to the ads. This method is proximity targeting, as this manner catches the
attention of potential buyers to purchase the product. As the customer orders the
product online, the team sends it to the consumers through a carrier.

With brick and mortar marketing, the most appropriate revenue model is the
transactional revenue model. With a product related to technology, this design
provides the business's demands since it features the ability to generate income for
every sale as the market offers the product and gives service to the customers. The
company already predicts sales since this method is how they produce income in the
whole course. Once the company sold the item to a consumer, they will experience
the strengths of the device when used. In this way, the consumers stay loyal to the
company with the product given to them. This component is essential since loyal
customers can promote the product and increase their market size. The company
plans to provide discounts to customers who suggest more consumers purchase the
product. Also, loyal consumers have the opportunity to avail discounts for them to
continue using the good. As the company makes transactions, 10% of the gross
income is the company's net income. The remaining 90% of the income belongs to
the production and manufacturing aspect of the product.

VIII. Competition
Competition will always be existent in a business, thus it is inevitable for
DemiCare Company to have competitors in the industry it belongs to. The company
listed three products as its competitors in which those products have almost the
same key strengths with that of DemiCare’s portable UV sterilizer.
1. Autoclave is also a sterilizer but DemiCare’s portable UV sterilizer has an
advantage when it comes to being handy and easy to operate. Aside from that,
Autoclave is only limited to sterilizing things or equipment that are not overly
2. UV Care is almost similar with that of DemiCare’s product. However, what makes
DemiCare stand out more is that when it comes to energy and time consumption,
the latter is faster, as well as proven to be an effective and efficient sterilizer.
3. Barbicide’s sterilizers are also proven to be effective but they make use of
chemicals that contribute to environmental problems. DemiCare’s edge, on the
other hand, is that it is an environmental-friendly sterilizer which utilizes UV light
to sterilize objects and surfaces.

IX. Underlying Magic

DemiCare Company is a pioneering healthcare supply line. Its very first product
is the DemiCare portable UV sterilizer that entered the market by storm. Though
everyone does not know what a portable UV sterilizer is, this is uniquely made with
great minds and with a great engineering team that is partnered up with the finest
and quality of materials being used to build the said product. So what makes this
product unique and above all the UV sterilizers in the market? DemiCare portable UV
sterilizer is one of its kind because among the UV sterilizers in the market, these
sterilizers are being plugged and are too heavy to use, making these hazardous for
the people but with DemiCare’s new technology, this UV sterilizer is portable as well
as chargeable, thus making it convenient and efficient to use. The UV sterilizers that
need to be plugged are like fog lamps that need distance between people but
DemiCare’s technology did not fail to design UV bulbs with coating that makes the
users protected from the UV rays being emitted. This in itself is very different from
the common UV sterilizers that need to be plugged before it can be used. Lastly, this
portable UV sterilizer devised by DemiCare Company comes with an affordable price
and is of greater and better quality than its competitors’ products in the market.

X. Go-to Market
We will be utilizing online advertising and virtual demo as tools for our
marketing strategy. We decided to opt for these methodologies in getting the
attention of our target market because as we face the pandemic we are confronted
with today, the need for us to make our target market become acquainted with our
product arises. With this, it will become possible for us to showcase that we have
the means and the capacity to prove that by our product, the DemiCare portable
sterilizer, can live up to its claims and is capable of killing bacteria and viruses in a
span of minutes. To get this point across, we believe that online advertising will be
effective as a marketing tool considering the dominance of technology and social
media in this day and age. We will be introducing our product to our target market
through social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This is
an indicative that we did not fail to recognize that nowadays, the majority of
consumers in the market are tech savvy and the fastest as well as the most efficient
mode to reach them is through online mechanisms. Thus, the purchasing process
as well as the delivery of the product itself are possible with just a few clicks from
their mobile devices. Moving on, since the consumers in the market nowadays have
the tendency to be meticulous and wise when it comes to the products and services
they purchase, we believe that a virtual demo will be effective as a marketing tool.
By means of posting video and infographics, we will be able to reach a wider scope
of audience and our target market will have a grasp of the key benefits they can
derive from our product. Lastly, since the DemiCare portable sterilizer is still
pioneering, we are confronted with the need to test it out first to the public and
expect to receive their feedback.

One of the best ways to reach the target audience or the consumer is through
the use of different online platforms. Due to the emergence of a global pandemic,
individuals around the world face the realities of the need for self-isolation. Classes
have been suspended and there’s been a transition of learning from face-to-face to
online mechanisms and businesses are sending employees off to work from home.
With most of the people spending their time at home and on social media, DemiCare
Company uses digital marketing tactics to reach its target market.

DemiCare Digital Marketing Strategies:

1. Pay-Per-Click ads or PPC

Many customers search for medical supplies near their homes, work, or
their current locations. Through the use of pay-per-click ads, by just targeting
some keywords and phrases, customers can now easily locate the DemiCare
website in which they can find the DemiCare potable UV sterilizer.

2. Social Media Patforms

Through utilizing different social media platforms, DemiCare can improve

brand recognition and can drive more leads. By marketing the company across
social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the company can
easily connect with local communities and new potential customers or buyers.
With informative and helpful social media content, the company can easily
engage with the consumers in the market on a regular basis.

Distribution Model:

XI. Team

Hustler (CEO) – Ms. Trisha Belle Naval

Trisha Belle Naval is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DemiCare Company
and facilitates on its board of directors. She is the one responsible for the company's
nationwide sales, managing the overall operations and resources of the company,
including the end-to-end management of DemiCare's supply chain, sales activities,
and service support in all markets in the Philippines. Before being named CEO in
April 2020, Ms. Naval used to be the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of DemiCare
and played a key role in the company’s continued development of supplier
relationship and strategic reseller. She took responsibility for ensuring the company’s
adaptability and flexibility in response to the emergence of a global pandemic. In
addition, before joining DemiCare, she was the Vice President of Corporate Materials
for Medtronic in which she was responsible for acquiring and managing the product
inventory of the company. Ms. Naval earned an MBA from Harvard Business School,
where she was a scholar and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business
Management at Ateneo de Davao University.

Hacker (CTO) – Ms. Jasmine Faye Calderon

Jasmine Faye Calderon is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of DemiCare

Company. She is responsible for all the technology initiatives of the company, as well
as the one who manages the overall technology vision for the company’s healthcare
technology products such as the portable UV sterilizer, ensuring that the
technological resources are aligned with the company’s business needs. Ms.
Calderon also provides guidance and support for the application development
processes, implementing technology strategies including managing the budget for
technology, and making investments to align the company with its core vision. Before
joining DemiCare, she served as the Vice President of Operations under the Chief
Technology Officer of Stryker in the year 2017, in which she handles the company’s
information technology strategy and information security for its nationwide
operations. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology at Ateneo de
Manila University and completed her master’s degree in business administration
program at Duke University.

Hipster (CDO) – Mr. Carlyl Buhisan

Carlyl Buhisan is the Chief Design Officer (CDO) of DemiCare Company. He is

responsible for handling all design and innovation aspects of the company's
products. Mr. Buhisan also supervises the company's creative team including those
responsible for branding, marketing, design, media outreach, and message
development. He is also responsible for the transformation of DemiCare to become a
focused health technology company. Through his experience and expertise in
designing, Mr. Buhisan brought together consumer solutions and healthcare
innovations and the role of design in the company’s vision. He explains approaches
such as Design Thinking as part of the company's strategies in developing human-
centric, impactful innovations. Before joining DemiCare, he was the Innovation
Manager at Abbot Laboratories, wherein he developed ideas and handled innovation
projects and also the strategic orientation of innovation management. He earned a
bachelor's degree in Design at the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation where he
was a scholar, and a master's degree in Business Management at Yale University.

350 XII.
300 XII.

250 XII.
50 XII.
0 XII.
March April May
Start Middle End
XIII. Fundraising Information

The company will mainly revolve around three (3) focuses in fundraising. One is
Donor Acquisition. This includes improving online donation experience for donors,
investing in advertisements around virtual spaces, networking or building out a
program that promotes proper sterilization, and hiring a partnership manager.

The second one is Donor Engagement wherein there is a program that focuses
on upgrading or developing the sole product. Also, the program includes a peer-to-
peer campaign about sanitation and the prevention of viral infections and diseases.
The fundraising activities of the company also include acknowledging donors through
thanksgiving events to recognize the investments they made for the company.
Crowdfunding campaigns, fundraising events, and corporate giving and partnership
developments are some of the examples.

The last one is Donor Retention. DemiCare Company has proactive donor
retention programs rather than reactive. The company also provides newsletters
monthly for the donors, focused on the growth of the company and the technological
improvements of the portable UV sterilizer. DemiCare aims to align its daily
objectives to its core mission, vision and goals. As a newly established business and
an enterprise, the company seeks funds from the generous consumers in the market
to help the business grow, sustain and prosper.

The company shall generate at least Php 100,000.00 thoroughly. This amount
will be directed for the research and development of the product, producing the
products, manufacturing, operations, expenses and costs, labor work, marketing,
and strategic activities. Indeed, the direction of the accumulated fund from the
donors mainly goes back to the improvement of the company as a whole.

Targets of the organization:

● The company targets to increase donor conversion rates by 20%.

● Acquiring 150 new donors within the year.
● Increase social media reach by 90%.
● Develop partnerships for at least a count of 3.
● Increase the average giving of the donor by 8%.
● Recruitment of donors from peer to peer fundraising.

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