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By: Keziah Dane B. Aloro

Lilo is a little girl who lives in a small village called Appleby. Lilo is a lively girl;
she always loves to play. She plays with her dolls during daytime, after lunch, and even
at night.

But there is one thing Lilo doesn’t like: working.

Lilo is a lollygagger. She prefers playing with her dolls than following her mother.
Whenever she is tasked to do something, she’ll respond, “Yes, Mother;” but, she
doesn’t work at all. She continues to play with her dolls, until she forgets what was

“Lilo, stop lollygagging,” her mother would always tell her.

“Yes, mother,” she would gleefully reply but never obeying.
One day, Lilo was requested to wash the dishes.

“Lilo, can you wash the dishes? I have to go to the bazaar,” her mother asked her.
“Sure, mom. Leave it to me,” Lilo answered while playing with her dolls.
“Be sure to do it, Lilo; else the cat will eat the leftovers and splash the plates,” her mom
reminded her before heading off.

Lilo continued playing with her dolls; she lollygagged again. 

She played and played until she forgot her chore.

Unknowingly, a cat snuck in their kitchen, and ate the leftovers. Worse, one of the plates
it stepped slid and fell.

the sound of “Splash!” the plate hitting the floor.

Lilo was startled.

Her baby brother was startled.
The cat was startled.

“Splash! Splash! Splash!” The plates fell one by one as the cat bolted out of the window.

Lilo was troubled.

“Oh no!  If Mother finds out, she will surely be mad at me,” she said worriedly.

“If only I didn’t lollygag,” she added.

When her mother returned, Lilo rushed to hug her.

Lilo could have lied about the plates, but she remembered the value of Honesty, her
sabbath school teacher taught.  So, she told her mother what truly happened.

“Do you now realize the consequences of being lazy?” her mom asked.
“Yes mother, and I promise I will never lollygag again,” she assured her.

That happening changed Lilo. She realized that being lazy will only bring consequences. 
Whenever she’s asked by her mother to do something, Lilo now does it right away. 
She never lollygags again. 

Morale of the story:

Whenever you are tasked to do something, do it right away. Be obedient and never
complain. Jesus loves an obedient child.

Give the synonym of the underlined words:

1. Lilo doesn’t follow her mother right away. She lollygags. Lilo is?
a. Lazy                         b. Obedient             c. Kind          

2. Lilo gleefully answered her mother. Lilo did what?

a. sadly                        b. happily              c. grumpily

3. The cat bolted out of the window. It did what?

a. rushed                     b. walked                c. slept

4. Mother bought Lilo a doll from the bazaar. Where did she go?
a. pool                         b. park                     c. market

5. Lilo loves to play. She is a lively girl. Lilo is?

a. energetic                  b. weak                    c. tired



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