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The adventures of Service

By: Dom Dezort

Benefits of service to others
• We grow closer to God and grow stronger in our faith
• Build relationships with community members
• Help us learn valuable lessons that help with real world applications
• We get a warm tingling sensation inside because we know we did something
• Helps us learn to be good co workers and help better our communication
Saint Kilian Parish Fish Fry
• Throughout the season of Lent, I worked most
Fridays at the fish fry for a total of 15 hours.
• I chose this because I used to go to school there,
and I wanted to give back to the school and help
out the community.
• My service was done in the kitchen and I was
unable to interact with the people ordering the
• the people I was serving benefited because they
were able to enjoy delicious fish meals with their
• After a days work of serving fish, I felt very tired but
joyful that I could help people out.
McCandless Community Easter Egg hunt
• On a Saturday morning, I worked the Easter egg hunt
for a total of 5 hours.
• I chose to do this because I wanted to help little kids
get the chance to experience the joy of Easter and
raise money for victims of a fire.
• Christ worked within the small children because as I
was working, I was able to see kids helping each other
find eggs.

• Everyone had a fun and enjoyable experience and

benefited from my service because families were able
to spend time with each other and have fun.

• By performing this service, I felt accomplished and

happy that I was able raise money for a good cause
and help families have an enjoyable Saturday morning.
Thank you

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