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USC Upstate

Exercise and Sport Science Internship

Date: ___09-27-2020_____________
4 Total Hours Today
Daily Notes:

Today, I met with May Greene; a 35-year-old mother of 2 who is seeking to lose 25lb and to have a
consistent workout plan that will allow her to have a toned body and a healthy lifestyle. During our
Coffee talk, I learned that May has a fear of inconsistency and she is afraid of regaining the weight she
desires to lose. I assured her that I will curate a fitness plan that will work around her schedule and allow
her to relieve herself of those fears. My goal for May is to dispel her doubts and make her confident in
her body now so she can focus on her goals so she can achieve them.

May emphasized that she would like to focus on her lower body region, arms, and abdominals. My goal
is to assess her desires and create a fitness plan that will target all three areas and keep her consistent
with her workout plan.

Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

Date: __9-29-2020______________
6 Total Hours

Daily Notes:

Today, I researched exercises catered to May’s goals. Since she is a beginner, I believe it is in her best
interest to start with three days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) of a training session. Within these
training sessions, she will have 3 sets of five exercises lasting for 35 minutes (5-minute warm-up, 25-
minute session, and a 5-minute cool-down). On the remaining days, I recommended to May the option of
learning the proper way(s) to breathe while exercising. I have given her a list of breathing exercises as
well as her fitness schedule.

We will begin by working her primary and secondary muscle groups. Therefore, her fitness plan will
incorporate multi-joint exercises such as clean-press squats, tripod-alternating reach, and lateral lunges.
Next, are the single-joint exercises such as standard crunches and push-ups.
Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

USC Upstate
Exercise and Sport Science Internship
Date: ____09-30-2020______________
6 Total Hours Today
Daily Notes:

I have established exercises that will work best for May to tackle her goals. I believe by engaging May’s
multi-joint and single-joint muscle groups; she will have a more intense and effective workout. I’ve
decided to incorporate squats, clean-press weights, crunches, alternating reaches, and pushups. All of
these exercises will engage those multi-joint and single-joint muscles. Tomorrow, I will put each exercise
into a 3-week fitness plan and add the option of box breathing on her rest days.

Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today

Date: ___10-02-2020_______________
6 Total Hours Today

Daily Notes:

Today, I developed May’s workout plan by focusing on her needs and assessing each exercise. One of my
goals while making the plan was to make sure the intensity, duration, and frequency are enough for her
to receive her desired workout, but not too difficult where she will tap into her inconsistency. May will
begin her workout on Monday, October 5th and I track her progress for the next 3-weeks.
Identify AND describe the major task/focus or the most interesting thing that you observed today.

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