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Dosen: Mahatir

Disusun Oleh :

Haiyun Pitria



That is the story of a nurse who is a girl and a boy who is black, that guy, the story is that he is
bound by the past, so it's like they are forced to become nurses, they continue to help make
patient relationships with their families, because of the good relationship and sense of kinship
that they have. height between the patient and the family is very important, which is very
influential both to the family and the patient himself. Black male nurses have difficulty handling
patients who lose their life expectancy who are struggling, of course this is something that It is
not surprising, because patients or people who lose hope for life will definitely give up and
cannot accept their destiny sincerely, they can do negative things because their souls are
disturbed, have a great sense of decision, and always want to go berserk. because she could not
accept the fact that she was in handcuffs, now this male nurse was caring for sex Ali, very caring
has a sense of empathy and is humble.

The male nurse said that he would recover quickly from his illness so never give up and don't let
the patient's hopelessness and depression worsen the patient's condition. And once male
nurses were frustrated, there was also the role of nurses among fellow caring nurses, because
the nature of caring was needed by nurses, whether it was applied to patients, peers and
people around us, especially in the work environment, especially in the health sector , where
caring also greatly affects the health of the client or the patient itself, the film tells the
relationship between nurses and nurses, nurses with patients, or nurses with other medical
team patients, because fraternal relationships or friendship between one another are very
necessary in order to help each other. one and the other.

And the nurse's job is not only to help patients physically but also to help patients in
psychological and social terms. The nurse is able to be a friend who can talk or confide in, pour
out all her heart and burdens that she might want to share, can also be a sister, mother, or child
to the patient. They try to do their best to help patient problems and put personal problems
aside. Because the patient's recovery is the main thing and their happiness is when seeing the
client or patient recover and can smile again. In addition, nurses help each other and motivate
colleagues to support and strengthen each other, their relationship is like a family that cannot
again separated.
When at the end of the prayer it says that the past is still the past, and the past cannot be
returned and there is no need to be sorry, how we deal with it is what is important, continuing
to run forever from the past is not good.

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