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Jim Son H. Candelaria

Sorsogon State College-Bulan Campus
Bulan Sorsogon




Types of Physical Activities and Exercises - Physical Fitness and Testing

Fitness is not about being better than someone else...

It’s about being better than you used to be.

Motive Objectives
Learning Phrase

 Appreciate the importance of Physical Fitness in different aspects.

 Enumerate and explain the different types of physical activity and exercise.
 Identify barriers in physical activity.
 Present basic workout routine.

The Importance of Physical Fitness

To put it simply, physical activity and exercise is important for everyone. Children, adolescents,
and adults of all ages need regular physical activity. Physical activity promotes good health, and
you should stay active throughout all stages of your life regardless of your body type or BMI.

Understanding the benefits of physical fitness and knowing how active you should be can help
you maintain good health and improve your overall quality of life. Here are a few benefits of
regular physical activity that demonstrate the importance of physical fitness.

Save Money

Making healthy choices, such as engaging in regular

physical activity, can reduce your risk for many
health issues and complications that can result in
expensive medical care.

Increase your Life Expectancy

Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity increases life expectancy and
reduces the risk of premature mortality. There’s not a magic formula that translates hours of
physical activity into hours of life gained,
but research suggests that people who are
more active tend to be healthier and tend to live
Reduce your risk of injury
Regular exercise and physical activity increase muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, and
stability. Physical fitness can reduce your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, especially
as you get older. For example, stronger muscles and better balance mean that you’re less likely
to slip and fall, and stronger bones mean that you’re less likely to suffer bone injuries should
you take a tumble.

Improve the quality of life

A sedentary lifestyle and a lack of physical activity can take a toll on a person’s body. Physical
inactivity is associated with an increased risk for certain types of cancer, numerous chronic
diseases, and mental health issues. Exercise, however, has been shown to improve mood and
mental health, and provides numerous health benefits. Of course physical fitness also allows
you to do things that you may not otherwise be able to do.

Stay active
Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that require a certain level of physical
fitness. For example, hiking to the top of a mountain is a rewarding experience that instills a
sense of accomplishment and provides spectacular scenery, but there are people who cannot
experience this due to fitness limitations.  Being active means that it’s easier to stay active as
you get older.

Improve your health

There are numerous health advantages to physical fitness. Regular exercise and physical activity
promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall
health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2
diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers.
In other words, staying active is a crucial part of maintaining good health and wellness.

Make exercise and physical activity a permanent part of your daily routine!

Types of Physical Activity

Key Facts!

 Insufficient physical activity is one of the leading risk factors for death worldwide.
 Insufficient physical activity is a key risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
 Physical activity has significant health benefits and contributes to prevent NCDs.
 Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough.
 More than 80% of the world's adolescent population is insufficiently physically active.
 Policies to address insufficient physical activity are operational in 56% of WHO Member
 WHO Member States have agreed to reduce insufficient physical activity by 10% by


Programmed, Lifestyle, and Work physical activity all build

upon each other. They help meet physical activity goals,
reduce boredom, and keep both mind and body challenged!
These activities help weight management and benefit your health.
Here are some examples of each type of activity.
Find areas where you can add or improve.

Programmed Activities
Aerobic Activities
 Walking • Jogging • Stair climbing • Swimming • Water walking • Water aerobics •
Gardening • Dancing (any type) • Aerobics classes • Bicycling • Roller or ice skating •
Snow skiing • Chair exercises •
Machines - Treadmill - Stationary bike - Rowing machine - Ski machine - Elliptical trainer
Sports - Basketball - Tennis – Golf

Strength Activities
Free weights (dumbbells) • Resistance tubes & bands • Circuit machines
• Conditioning exercises • Medicine balls

Flexibility Activities
• Stretching • Yoga • Tai Chi

Work Activities
 Take the stairs instead of the elevator
 Stand up while you’re talking on the telephone
 Walk down the hall to talk to a co-worker instead of picking up the telephone or sending
an e-mail
 Walk during your lunch break
 Keep a resistance band or stability ball in your office

Lifestyle Activities
Walk or ride a bicycle for transportation instead of car or bus
Mow the grass, rake the leaves, and weed the garden
Get off the bus one stop early, and walk the rest of the way
Walk every hole if you play golf
Walk the dog
Do some extra laps when you are shopping at the mall
Chop or split wood
Wash your car / motorcycle
Vacuum often
March in place during TV commercials

Types of Exercise
We all exercise for different reasons and in different ways. Maybe you do weight training to
build up your strength, yoga to relax or football to improve your fitness. Each of these benefits
your health in different ways.

Whatever your motivation for exercise, the best way to ensure all-round fitness and health is to
do a mix of three different types. The three main types of exercise are aerobic, strength and
flexibility exercise.

Aerobic Exercises

For a healthy heart, lungs and muscles, it’s important to take part in regular aerobic exercise.
This will also improve your fitness levels. Combine aerobic exercise with a balanced diet and
you’ll be on the right track to maintaining a healthy weight too.

Benefits: Swimming exercises your whole body and doesn’t put any stress on your joints. It’s a
great choice if you have any problems with your joints, such as arthritis.

Benefits: Cycling is good for improving your fitness and strengthening your upper leg muscles. It
also helps with balance and is a good way of getting around – much faster than walking.

Team sports

Benefits: Team sports, such as football, are an excellent way to stay motivated because you all
rely on and support each other. There are plenty to choose from and they are a great
opportunity to socialize while improving your fitness.

Brisk walking

Benefits: Brisk walking (fast enough to feel slightly out of breath) is great aerobic exercise for
everybody, no matter what age you are. It’s also a good choice if you’re just starting to exercise
as you can easily build it into your everyday life.

Running and athletics

Benefits: Running burns more calories than walking and improves your fitness. You need hardly
any equipment (apart from a good pair of running shoes) and you can vary your routes to make
it more enjoyable. Listen to some good tunes to keep going! Athletics is one of the easiest
sports to get into because you don’t need much equipment and you can really get your heart
rate going. You can compete in events all over the country to stay motivated.


Benefits: This is the definition of aerobic exercise and can be a fantastic workout and a great
way to meet people too.


Benefits: An endurance sport, triathlon brings together running, cycling and swimming for an
intense workout.

Strength Exercises
Strength training involves moving your muscles against some kind of resistance, which is why
you’ll sometimes hear it called resistance training. You can use:
 rubber (resistance) bands
 free weights (such as dumb-bells)
 weight-lifting machines
 your own body weight (such as doing press-ups)

Doing some regular strength training will bring a range of health benefits such as:

 helping you to improve your strength, posture and balance

 keeping your bones healthy
 keeping your blood pressure healthy

Having more muscle burns up lots of calories too, so building it up will help you to stay a
healthy weight.
Flexibility Exercises

Flexible muscles allow us to keep mobile and active. It’s important to do some regular exercises
to improve your range of motion. Flexibility exercises involve slowly stretching your muscle
groups without jerking or bouncing.

These all focus on suppleness and flexibility. You gently ease and stretch your body into
different positions, and then hold these while concentrating on your breathing. You might be
surprised at how much they can increase your flexibility and strength. Some of these may also
help you to relax and improve your balance.

Barriers to Physical Activity

Many technological advances and conveniences that have made our lives easier and less
active, many personal variables, including physiological, behavioral, and psychological factors,
may affect our plans to become more physically active. Understanding common barriers
to physical activity and creating strategies to overcome them may help make physical activity
part of daily life. People experience a variety of personal and environmental barriers to
engaging in regular physical activity.

Personal Barriers
With technological advances and conveniences, people’s lives have in many ways become
increasingly easier, as well as less active. In addition, people have many personal reasons or
explanations for being inactive. The most common reasons adults don't adopt more physically
active lifestyles are cited as:

 insufficient time to exercise

 inconvenience of exercise
 lack of self-motivation
 non-enjoyment of exercise
 boredom with exercise
 lack of confidence in their ability to be physically active (low self-efficacy)
 fear of being injured or having been injured recently
 lack of self-management skills, such as the ability to set personal goals, monitor
 progress, or reward progress toward such goals
 lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends
 non-availability of parks, sidewalks, bicycle trails, or safe and pleasant walking
 paths close to home or the workplace

The top three barriers to engaging in physical activity across the adult lifespan are:

 time
 energy
 motivation

Other barriers include:

 cost
 facilities
 illness or injury
 transportation
 partner issues
 skill
 safety considerations
 child care
 uneasiness with change
 unsuitable programs
Environmental barriers
The environment in which we live has a great influence on our level of physical activity. Many
factors in our environment affect us. Obvious factors include the accessibility of walking paths,
cycling trails, and recreation facilities. Factors such as traffic, availability of public
transportation, crime, and pollution may also have an effect. Other environmental factors
include our social environment, such as support from family and friends, and community
spirit. It is possible to make changes in our environment through campaigns to support
active transportation, legislation for safer communities, and the creation of new
recreation facilities

End of Week 3 Lesson

Stay Safe – Stay Healthy – Stay Motivated


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