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The essential element of hypochondriasis is:

a. anxiety

b. dissociation

c. psychosis

d. depression
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

When no physical cause can be found for pain or other physical symptoms, the diagnosis is usually:

a. body dysmorphic disorder

2 b. hypochondriasis

c. somatization disorder

d. pain disorder
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Which of the following would be typical for a patient suffering from a conversion disorder:

a. ability to identify everything in the visual field even though the patient reports that she is blind

3 b. ability to see some bright objects when calm, but suffering complete loss of sight during a stressful period or emergency

c. great concern with the loss of function and belief that it is a symptom of a potentially fatal disease

d. ability to avoid walking into things even though he reports being unable to see anything
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:
Your textbook authors describe a promising treatment plan for conversion disorder involving:

a. application of a strict behavioral program that includes reinforcement for each display of progress and punishment when necessary

4 b. regression to the early psychosexual stages of development

c. in-depth exploration of psychological conflicts

d. removal of any benefits to the patient for "disabilities" caused by the disorder
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

During therapy for social phobia, Lisa turns to her therapist and says: "Are you kidding? I'll never be comfortable in public as long as I have this huge, crooked nose!" The therapist is shoc
completely normal looking nose. Lisa appears to have:

a. hypochondriasis

5 b. conversion disorder

c. body dysmorphic disorder

d. somatoform disorder
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

The diagnosis of depersonalization disorder is:

a. quite rare but applied to anyone who experiences depersonalization

6 b. quite rare and only applied when the experience of depersonalization interferes with normal functioning

c. fairly common and applied to anyone who is frightened by an experience of depersonalization

d. fairly common since many people experience depersonalization

status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

The disorder in which more than one distinct personality exists within one individual is now called ______________ in the DSM-IV.

a. multiple personality disorder

7 b. dissociative identity disorder

c. dissociative trance disorder

d. schizophrenia
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

With regard to evidence for the scientific validity of dissociative identity disorder, the most accurate statement is:

a. objective tests can be always determine which patients are faking dissociative identity disorder

8 b. research suggests that faking dissociative experiences possible

c. most DID patients are faking

d. it is virtually impossible to fake the types of changes that occur in dissociative identity disorder
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

9 The main reason why dissociative identity disorder patients tend to have many additional psychological disorders is that:

a. the number of personalities increases the number of disorders

b. the severe trauma of childhood leads to many problems in later life

c. they are substance abusers

d. they seek attention
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

In a study conducted by Elizabeth Loftus and her colleagues (Loftus, Coan and Pickrell, 1996) individuals were told about false events that had supposedly occurred when they were chi

a. people can become convinced of events that did not happen only during hypnosis or other dissociative states

10 b. people can become quite convinced of events that never happened

c. people cannot be convinced of events that did not happen

d. only individuals with diagnosable disorders can be convinced of events that never happened
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

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