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Stonyhurst Southville International School

Malarayat Campus




In answering this PT, I do hereby renew my commitment to observe, practice, and pursue the highest
degree of intellectual honesty and integrity in academic conduct by not choosing to cheat, lie, or
plagiarize in accomplishing any academic work.
So help me God.

1. Make a copy of this document.
2. Change the filename into “M8-PT1_NAME”. For example, M8-PT1_Rodz
3. Share your document to me at as editor.

Part 1: Analysis and Reasoning in Factorization

Directions: Read and analyze each given and state your reasoning. Be guided with the
Rubric per item:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Demonstrate only a limited
understanding of the
mathematical concepts
and/or procedures
Demonstrate partial embodied in the task. May
Demonstrate a thorough A one-point response is
understanding of the address some elements of the
understanding of the incorrect, irrelevant,
mathematical concepts task correctly but reaches an
mathematical concepts incoherent, or contains a
and/or procedures inadequate solution and/or
and/or procedures correct response arrived at
embodied in the task. provides reasoning that is
embodied in the task. using an obviously incorrect
Address most aspects of the faulty or incomplete. Exhibit
Indicate that the student has procedure. Although some
STRATEGY / task, using mathematically multiple flaws related to a
parts may contain correct
completed the task
sound procedures. May misunderstanding of
PROCEDURE correctly, using mathematical procedures,
contain an incorrect solution important aspects of the task,
mathematically sound holistically they are not
but provides complete misuse of mathematical
procedures. Contain clear, sufficient to demonstrate
procedures reasoning and/or procedures, or faulty
complete explanations even a limited
explanations. May reflect mathematical reasoning.
and/or adequate work when understanding of the
some misunderstanding of Reflect a lack of essential
required. mathematical concepts
the underlying mathematical understanding of the
embodied in the task.
concepts and/or procedures. underlying mathematical
May contain a correct
numerical answer but
required work is not provided.

1. Does the trinomial 8 x 2+ 26 x+15 factor to ( 4 x+5)(2 x +3)? How can you tell
without multiplying the binomials completely?

2. Identify the value(s) of b for which the trinomial 3 x 2+ bx+7 is factorable. Explain
how you arrived to that answer.
3. Explain how to factor 1−(a−b) .

Part 2: Writing Own Examples

Directions: Write your own example based on the indicated factoring method. Show
your complete work and explanation. (1 point for the answer, 1 point for the
computation, 1 point for the explanation)

1. Factoring by GCMF
Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

2. Factoring Quadratic Expressions where a = 1

Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

3. Factoring Quadratic Expressions where a is not equal to 1

Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

4. Factoring Difference of Two Squares

Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

5. Factoring Perfect Square Trinomial

Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

6. Factoring Sum or Difference of Two Cubes

Algebraic Computation Mathematical Explanation (words)

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