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The reading and the lecture are both about driverless cars.

Whereas the author of the reading states that

driverless cars have a positive impact, the lecturer suggests that they are not as good as people think. The
lecturer casts doubt on the main points made in the reading by providing three reasons.

First of all, according to the reading, driverless cars are safe because they are built by a program, which
can’t make mistakes. However, the lecturer disputes this point. He says that these programs are made by
humans and they make mistakes.

Secondly, the reading states that driverless cars reduce pollution and they solve traffic problems.
Nevertheless, the lecturer refutes this argument. He argues that more people will use these cars without
age restriction. So , it can cause a lot of problems like, traffic problems because there will be more cars.

Finally, the reading claims that driverless cars give passengers time on other things like, watching movies.
On the other hand, the lecturer believes that driving a car is relaxing and it’s a way of entertaining.

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