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Katie Watts

TLED 430
Dr. Rippard
November 15th, 2020

TPACK Template

Online Learning Asynchronous 5th Grade Science at Virtual Virginia


Subject Science

Grade Level 5th Grade

Learning Living Systems-

Objective 5.5 The student will investigate and understand that organisms are
made of one or more cells and have distinguishing characteristics
that play a vital role in the organism’s ability to survive and thrive in
its environment. Key concepts include

a) basic cell structures and functions;


Online Activity The students and teachers utilize Blackboard and Flipgrid to check
their assignments and give feedback on the work that is assigned.

This week, the lesson is on cell structure and the students find a link
on Blackboard to an interactive game about the cell and its
organelles called, “The Incredible Megacell Game”.

The teacher has also posted a link on how to download/enable the

flash plugin as this is required for this game.

To play the game, the student will first click through the prompts
that are written in a comic book form.

After getting through the prompts, the students will play a game that
sorts the cells by their names and corresponding functions.

Once completing the simulation, the students will log onto Flipgrid to
answer a few questions and to give their feedback on the game. This
allows the teacher to check participation and the students’
understanding of the cell structures and functions.


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