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Chapter 36
General Principles of

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

Postoperative Intensive
Care Unit Care
Michael J. Hockstein and Philip S. Barie
Classic postoperative indications for ICU admission
Postoperative Evaluation
include advanced age or prolonged duration of the opera-
Recovery from Anesthesia tion, both criteria without specifically defined thresholds.
Postoperative Resuscitation
Awakening from Anesthesia
Other factors, such as the need for mechanical ventilation,
Postoperative Extubation volume resuscitation, or administration of vasoactive
Best Practices
medications, make ICU care unavoidable. Monitoring of
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism and Deep level of consciousness, airway, bleeding, pulses, rhythm,
Venous Thrombosis acidosis, urine output, and global perfusion also is
Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis facilitated by ICU admission. Identifying patients who
Preventing Nosocomial Pneumonia may need postoperative ICU care can be difficult.
Management of Agitation and Delirium Although there are quantitative ways to assess risk
Management of Hyperglycemia
and mortality (APACHE, SAPS, MPM, Possum), most
Postoperative Nutrition physicians do not use these tools to determine postopera-
Timing and Route
Feeding Considerations in General Surgery Patients
tive ICU admission. Many of these prediction models
are applied to patients already in the ICU and have not
Wound Healing and Care
Physiology and Biology of Wound Healing
been validated as preadmission screening tools. Scoring
Epithelialization and Wound Care systems may have good general mortality prediction,
Optimizing Wound Healing but lack calibration for all patient populations.3 Although
extremely useful to describe severity of illness of
populations, the accuracy for single patients is signifi-
cantly less, and physicians may predict mortality better
than scoring systems.4 Admission criteria based on prior-
Regionalization within a health care structure allows for ity, diagnosis, and objective parameter models have been
more efficient control and use of limited resources. The published by the Task Force of the American College of
intensive care unit (ICU) contains specially trained staff Critical Care Medicine and the Society of Critical Care
and a variety of support devices, such as mechanical Medicine.5
ventilators, intra-aortic balloon pumps, ventricular assist
devices, and dialysis machines, which in most cases cannot
be used elsewhere. Optimally, the location of a patient is POSTOPERATIVE EVALUATION
determined by matching the patient’s needs with a loca-
Obtaining a comprehensive medical and surgical history
tion’s resources and expertise.
is a fundamental step in understanding a patient in the
Generally, the surgical ICU is where experience, man-
surgical ICU. The written medical record should contain
power, skills, and technology converge to provide services
all of the elements necessary to assemble the story up
that cannot be provided anywhere else within the hospi-
until the time of ICU admission, although deciphering a
tal. Highly skilled nurses, often greater in number than
chart, particularly when it is long, requires time, detective
the patients themselves, work intimately with intensivists
skills, and patience. Data gathering usually begins by word
and ancillary staff in an environment designed to stabilize,
of mouth from the providers delivering the patient.
diagnose, and treat simultaneously the most acutely ill
Certain questions are common to virtually all admissions,
patients. ICU management by intensivists allows for an
as follows:
economic and a morbidity and mortality advantage.1 The
surgical ICU combines experienced personnel with criti- 1. How old is the patient?
cally ill postoperative patients to facilitate this special care 2. What are the highlights of the medical/surgical
and allows for safe and efficient patient throughput. Such history?
efficiency allows for greater institutional procedural 3. Was the operation elective or emergent?
volume, which, when paired with surgeon procedural 4. What operation was performed, and what are the
volume, has been shown to be associated with reduced details of the surgery?
mortality.2 5. Are there any drains?


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6. What are the current ventilator settings if the patient ticular for antiseizure medications, bronchodilators, anti-
is intubated? hypertensives, antiarrhythmics, anticoagulants, diuretics,

7. What medications is the patient receiving currently? steroids, and insulin. It must be decided which medica-
8. Where are the vascular access points? Were they tions must be continued in the immediate postoperative
placed under sterile conditions? period and which can be temporarily delayed. If antibiot-
9. What was the intubation and anesthetic course like? ics were administered preoperatively, the clinician should
10. What were the complications, if any? identify what they were and how long had they been
given and for what indication. In general, if administered
Age, comorbidities, and emergency operations all affect preoperatively, bronchodilators, steroids, and insulin are
mortality. The details of the operation are key, often aided resumed postoperatively. Long-acting antihypertensives
by diagrams in the chart. Resections, diversions, anasto- should be avoided in the early postoperative period, and
moses, transplantations, use of prosthetic materials and short-acting intravenous agents should be used to control
other surgical findings are some of the details that should hypertension. Diuretics should be avoided in the immedi-
be obtained. In addition, the type and location of each ate postoperative period unless directed by invasive moni-
drain must be accounted for. Only by knowing where a toring or required because of some other medical necessity.
drain is placed can a care provider know how to interpret The use of early postoperative β-blockade in patients with
the quantity and quality of the effluent. Each drain or coronary artery disease is encouraged if the overall hemo-
wire must be labeled correctly. Also, the completion of dynamic performance allows. Most other medications
wound closure must be ascertained (skin and fascia can be safely delayed until the postoperative patient
closed?). Finally, if the operation was incomplete, the has shown satisfactory cardiopulmonary performance and
health care provider needs to inquire about intentions to stability.
return to the operating room for staged or incomplete Postoperative laboratory, imaging, and electrocardio-
procedures. gram studies should be selected on a case-by-case basis.
The significance of the anesthesia record should not Patients who have been moved from operating room table
be minimized. The details about trends in gas exchange, to bed and then transported for any distance are at risk
blood pressure, urine output, medications, and summary for displacement of tubes and catheters. The admission
fluid balance should be reviewed. Always identify if the chest radiograph allows for the evaluation of intravascular
intubation was easy or difficult. Reviewing the ventilator catheter and endotracheal, nasogastric, and thoracostomy
settings that were used in the operating room sheds some tube positions in addition to visualization of the pleural,
light on any possible gas exchange difficulties and pro- mediastinal, and parenchymal structures. Measurements
vides a first opportunity to make corrections. Tidal volumes of blood counts and chemistries are usually routine, but
in the operating room are often much larger than those may be deemed unnecessary if preoperative or intra-oper-
used in the ICU. Identification of current medications and ative values were unremarkable, and the operation was
the purpose of each help to formulate short-term thera- uneventful. Laboratory abnormalities should be followed
peutic strategies. Elements such as the duration of the case closely until a favorable trend is established. Patients at
and the volumes of resuscitation fluids, blood products, risk for perioperative myocardial injury or with new intra-
urine output, and other fluid losses all factor into assess- operative arrhythmias should have an electrocardiogram
ing the adequacy of intraoperative resuscitation. Patients and possibly cardiac enzyme determination.
are virtually always in positive fluid balance at the end of The physical examination of the patient completes the
the case. Typical postoperative maintenance intravenous initial postoperative evaluation. It starts as a cursory
fluid rates are 80 to 125 mL/h, but can be substantially survey and concludes as a detailed examination. The
higher in the presence of ongoing intravascular volume examination should expose all parts of the patient that
loss. Isotonic fluids are the most appropriate maintenance can be accessed, and the examiner should inspect and
fluids. It is useful to inquire the last time the patient palpate the patient. Areas that are not under examination
received narcotics, benzodiazepines, or paralytics. If para- should be kept covered to preserve body temperature. If
lytics were used, were reversal agents given? Finally, any the bed sheets are being changed, it presents an opportu-
intraoperative laboratory values, particularly ones that nity to examine the back of the patient. An initial assess-
require immediate attention, should be ascertained. ment of the vital signs, skin, pulses, and urine output
When time permits, attention should be directed back provides preliminary insight into clinical perfusion (Table
to the medical record. The clinician should scan the history 36-1).
and physical examination, progress notes, and consulta- The endotracheal tube, if present, needs to be secured
tions and develop a cohesive story line of events that led adequately. The health care provider should listen for
up to the operation. Did the illness have an impact on obvious air leaks around the cuff. The presence of nasal
nutrition or functional state? How are other comorbidities or oral gastric tubes should be noted. All drainage tubes
or past operations related to the current presentation? The should be identified, and the quality and quantity of
past medical history and the medication list should be output should be scrutinized: Is it serous? Sanguineous?
scrutinized; the two are complementary. Inclusion of a Bilious? Drainage from raw, inflamed surfaces is often
disease in the past medical history and absence of an serosanguineous. Frankly bloody drainage in quantities of
expected medication warrants further investigation (and more than 100 mL/h may suggest surgical bleeding or
vice versa). The medication list should be scanned in par- coagulopathy. All intravascular catheters should be identi-


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evaluated handily. The persistence of anesthesia or admin-
Table 36-1. Support for Adequate Clinical Perfusion
istration of narcotics can remove many of the signs and

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

Mean arterial blood pressure >70 mm Hg symptoms typically relied on to signal problems. Exami-
nation should focus on baseline location and quantity of
Heart rate <100 beats per minute
pain, presence of abdominal distention, firmness to palpa-
Warm, pink skin without cyanosis or mottling over the digits, tion, and quality and quantity of effluent from drains.
thighs, or knees
Bleeding and progressive visceral edema can cause a rapid
Palpable pulses distention and loss of compliance of the abdomen, often
Good capillary refill before other findings occur, such as reduction in hemo-
Clear yellow urine >0.5-1 mL/kg/h
globin concentration, urine output, and blood pressure.
Frequent follow-up examinations compared with baseline
data may be the earliest way of recognizing an intra-
abdominal catastrophe. Knowing where the tip of each
fied with the goal of determining which should be retained abdominal drain lies is necessary to evaluate the effluent.
for use and which should be removed. Diagnostic cathe- A drain lying outside the bowel or biliary system should
ters often remain unnoticed—and unused—particularly not drain succus or bile. A drain that suddenly shows these
when in femoral vessels. Intravenous catheters not placed fluids may herald loss of integrity of a surgical repair or
under sterile conditions should be removed immediately. de novo perforation. Unexplained or unexpected changes
The neurologic examination may be suboptimal if the in the quantity of effluent from a drain also are notable.
patient is still under the effects of anesthesia. Reducing Abdominal wounds are not always closed at the end of
or temporarily withholding narcotics and sedation can an operation. The clinician needs to determine if the skin
provide a window to complete a neurologic assessment. or fascia has been left open and, if so, what kind of tem-
If further analgesia or sedation is still required, it may be porary closure is employed. Surgical or traumatic wounds,
resumed after the neurologic assessment. regardless of location on the body, should be examined
Intubation, general anesthesia, and mechanical ventila- for closure integrity, erythema, and induration.
tion can result in a variety of airway or parenchymal Examination of pulses is important after vascular surgi-
injuries. Breath sounds should be equal bilaterally. Asym- cal procedures. Scheduled reassessments should docu-
metry can be caused by atelectasis (possibly endotracheal ment the presence and strength of pulses. Sudden
tube malposition), pleural effusions, or pneumothorax reduction or loss or pulse signal can represent proximal
and can be excluded by careful review of the chest x-ray. vascular occlusion. Baseline cyanosis and mottling of
Examination of the respiratory system should include extremities should be noted for subsequent comparison.
evaluation of thoracostomy tubes and the mechanical Evaluation of a postoperative trauma patient in the ICU
ventilator if present. Except in the case of pneumonec- can be restricted by the presence of dressings and immobi-
tomy, thoracostomy tubes should be placed to suction lizing casts and neck collars. Sometimes only toes or fingers
pending demonstration of sustained lung inflation or reso- are visible for examination. Should the mechanism of
lution of significant drainage. The mechanical ventilator injury increase the risk of muscle swelling and compart-
settings and airway pressures should be noted. The clini- ment syndromes, the practitioner should perform fasciot-
cian should ensure satisfactory initial oxygen saturation omy, measure intravesical pressure, or reopen the abdominal
and avoid excessive tidal volumes. End-tidal carbon incision to facilitate examination of muscle compartments,
dioxide monitoring facilitates adjustment in ventilation depending on location. Postoperative admission to the ICU
and progress in weaning. Routine blood gas analysis is is a good opportunity to look for injuries missed during the
unnecessary. initial evaluation and management period.
The cardiovascular examination is primarily directed at
assessment of adequate clinical perfusion. Impressions
from the initial survey of clinical perfusion plus any avail-
able data from invasive monitoring can be used to assess
Postoperative Resuscitation
appropriate hourly maintenance fluid rate and the need
for further volume resuscitation. Cardiac surgery patients Assessment
may have mediastinal drains and pacing wires. The former “Adequate resuscitation” is a state, often temporary,
should be connected to suction, and the quantity and which allows for good clinical perfusion and physiologic
quality of drainage should be scrutinized. Pacing wires stability. Patients with good clinical perfusion (expected
should be tested for function on admission and can be heart rates, blood pressures, and urine outputs: absence
capped if pacing is not needed. If a postoperative patient of acidosis) may require no further resuscitation other
comes to the ICU with a permanent pacemaker or an than maintenance intravenous fluids. Subtle abnormalities
implantable cardiac defibrillator, the device should be in any of these parameters may suggest a more serious
interrogated for mode and function at the earliest physiologic derangement warranting further investigation
convenience. and intervention. Resuscitation is the process of optimiz-
In contrast to the lungs and heart, which can be ing macroscopic and microscopic metabolic substrate
imaged easily and whose function can be monitored delivery with the goal of avoiding an imbalance between
objectively, the abdomen and its contents cannot be supply and demand. The most fundamental concept is to


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ensure adequate oxygen . delivery (DO2) and meet the in patients undergoing surgery with decompensated car-
oxygen consumption (VO2) needs of tissues and organ- diogenic shock or acute lung injury.6,7

elles. Because the moment when VO2 exceeds DO2
is difficult to determine, resuscitation “targets” serve as
proxy markers of adequate DO2. Resuscitation targets are Management Theory
reproducible, quantifiable values, such as pressures, Restoration of “normal” blood pressure, heart rate, and
outputs, metabolites, inflammatory mediators, or oxygen urine output do not ensure adequate DO2, particularly at
saturations, which represent therapeutic goals. Resuscita- the level of the microvasculature.8 Evaluation and optimi-
tion targets provide an important opportunity for study zation of blood pressure, filling pressures, heart rate, and
and outcome validation. Despite the seemingly simple rhythm often occur simultaneously, particularly in unsta-
logic of employing resuscitation targets, few of these ther- ble patients (Fig. 36-1). Overzealous resuscitation and
apeutic goals have been shown to improve clinical supranormal DO2 not only do not improve outcome, but
outcome. Even routine data derived from a pulmonary also may be detrimental.9 Not all patients require the
artery catheter have not been shown to improve outcome same type of resuscitation. Although the fundamental

Figure 36-1. Approach to

Hypotension managing postoperative
hypotension. ABG, arterial
Source of Low BP blood gases; BP, blood pressure;
Noninvasive BP Arterial Catheter
Reading CBC, complete blood count;
CXR, chest x-ray; ECG,
Manual BP electrocardiogram.

Reposition Cuff, Flush catheter,

Measured BP
check BP on reposition
Still Low?
opposite extremity extremity


Check Manual BP No
True Low BP
on both extremities


Isotonic Crystalloid
Begin Intervention Monitor BP
250 mL-500 mL

Selective laboratory evaluation

may indicate CBC, ABG, CXR, No Resolution of Yes
coagulation profile, ECG, and Low BP
hemodynamic monitoring

Assess clinical perfusion of skin
(warmth, mottling, cyanosis,
Begin Diagnostic
capillary refill), pulses, and urine
output. Review medical and
surgical history and available labs

Hypovolemia Findings Suggest Vasodilation

Cause of Low BP:


Low Urine Output Low Urine Output Good Pulses

Visible Loss of Blood Poor Clinical Perfusion Low Filling Pressures

Large Volumes of 3rd Spaced Fluids High Filling Pressures High Cardiac Output

Low Filling Pressures Low Cardiac Output


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principles are the same, the particular resuscitation end trophils and cause a potent inflammatory response.
points may differ among the different types of shock.10,11 Hypertonic saline and dextran combinations cause less of

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

For example: an inflammatory response but any mortality benefit
is unproved.18,19 Greater than 1 L of hypertonic saline
■ Early goal-directed therapy in patients with septic
typically results in the development of hypernatremia.
shock, as described by Rivers and colleagues,12 has
Resuscitation exclusively with isotonic NaCl results in a
been shown to reduce morbidity, mortality, and
hyperchloremic acidosis. Hetastarch can cause coagulop-
resource consumption. In early goal-directed therapy
athy if greater than 1.5 L is given. All acellular resuscita-
for sepsis, volume resuscitation targets central venous
tion fluids, if given in sufficient quantities, cause dilutional
pressures of 8 to 12 mm Hg followed by the addition
anemia. Despite this confusing and contradictory collec-
of vasoactive agents to keep the mean arterial pressure
tion of recommendations, no single resuscitation fluid is
at 65 to 90 mm Hg.
satisfactory on its own.
■ In patients with penetrating trauma, attaining “normal”
filling and systemic pressures before hemostasis may
Temperature Control
result in undesirable hemodilution, coagulopathy,
Postoperative patients can come to the ICU with moder-
bleeding, and less favorable outcomes.10
ate-to-severe hypothermia. Heat is lost in the operating
Although these two examples illustrate possible differ- room as a result of vasodilation from volatile anesthetics,
ences in initial blood pressure goals, the therapeutic prin- cool intravenous fluids and air temperature, large open
ciples of ensuring adequate DO2 can be applied to all surfaces, and evaporation. Excluding patients with poten-
forms of shock. Targeted resuscitation strategies provide tially anoxic central nervous system injuries,20 hypother-
an orderly approach to resuscitation, monitoring, and mia complicates initial postoperative care by creating an
outcome validation. In general, such strategies optimize in vivo coagulopathy, even when in vitro coagulation
cardiovascular performance and concurrently measure studies (normalized to 37°C) are normal. In trauma
markers of adequate global DO2 and tissue use. Increased patients, reduction in enzyme activity and platelet func-
serum lactate concentration, decreased mixed venous tion, leading to abnormal fibrin polymerization, occurs at
oxygen saturation, and decreased central venous oxygen temperatures less than 34° C.21 Care must be taken when
saturation are the proxy markers for inadequate global administering large volumes of cold blood products or
DO2. Noninvasive techniques have reduced the need to even room temperature crystalloids. Fluid warming
obtain physiologic data by the use of a pulmonary artery devices are available not only to prevent, but also to treat
catheter.13 Normal values of mixed venous oxygen satura- hypothermia. All patients with postoperative hypother-
tion and central venous oxygen saturation do not guaran- mia less than 36° C should be actively warmed with forced
tee normal use of oxygen in the tissues, however, air blankets, and when normothermia has been achieved,
particularly at the regional level. Appropriate targets for patients should be kept covered to prevent heat loss.
microcirculatory resuscitation remain elusive. Gastric Active warming does not cause peripheral vasodilation
tonometry, sublingual capnography, near-infrared spec- and subsequent hypotension, and it does not paradoxi-
troscopy, and orthogonal polarization spectral imaging cally cause core cooling owing to heat exchange in cold
are some of the current unvalidated technologies avail- extremities.
able to assess the effectiveness of resuscitation at the
regional level.14 Awakening from Anesthesia
Resuscitation products should target the intravascular Before successful resuscitation, sedation, analgesia, and
components that are inadequate, including red blood cell anxiolysis should be maintained to facilitate patient
concentrates, platelets, coagulation factors, and acellular comfort and to prevent interference with medical care
resuscitation fluids. Fluid type, bolus volume, and main- (e.g., mechanical ventilation or motor activity jeopardiz-
tenance rate must be individualized. The optimal resusci- ing airway, drains, and intravenous catheters). Selected
tation fluid effectively should expand the intravascular agents should have minimal hemodynamic sequelae and
space and minimize the inflammatory response (particu- relatively short duration of action so that frequent neuro-
larly in hemorrhagic shock15,16). All resuscitation fluids logic assessment can be performed. Daily interruption of
leak to some degree out of the intravascular space into continuous sedation has been shown to reduce ICU length
the interstitium of the extracellular space. Hypotonic of stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and incidence
resuscitation fluids are inappropriate for volume resuscita- of post-traumatic stress disorder.22,23 The use of standard-
tion because of their inability to remain exclusively in the ized sedation scales may obviate the need for daily inter-
extracellular space. Volume per volume, hypertonic fluids ruption of sedation, while maintaining the benefits of
cause more intravascular expansion than isotonic fluids. continuous sedation.
Hypertonic fluids yield no better outcomes than isotonic Narcotics such as fentanyl, morphine, and hydromor-
crystalloids, however, in the resuscitation of trauma phone make ideal first-line analgesics. Delivered by con-
patients. Similarly, isotonic crystalloids are at least as effi- tinuous infusion and supplemented as needed, successful
cacious or may be better than colloids to reach the same analgesia reduces pain-driven tachycardia and hyperten-
end points.14 sion and facilitates cough and deep breathing. The sensa-
Metabolic consequences are associated with virtually tion of anxiety is a potent dysphoric stimulus that can
all resuscitation fluids. Ringer’s lactate can activate neu- result in restlessness and interfere with care. Anxiety can


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be treated with short-acting intravenous benzodiazepines, Postoperative Extubation
such as lorazepam. Very short-acting benzodiazepines,

Liberation from mechanical ventilation requires clinical

such as midazolam, are less useful because of the dosing readiness to begin weaning and demonstration of adequate
frequency necessary to prevent symptoms from returning. physiologic reserve before extubation. Clinical readiness
Narcotics and benzodiazepines, when given in sufficient assesses completion of perioperative tasks at hand and
dose, can reduce greatly the level of consciousness. This questions any need for early return to the operating room.
may be a desired effect in a patient who has persistent Resuscitation should be complete, hemostasis should be
restlessness that competes with mechanical ventilation or achieved, metabolic acidosis should be resolving, vasoac-
provision of care. If further reduction of level of con- tive support and gas exchange abnormalities should be
sciousness is necessary, propofol or dexmedetomidine can minimized, anesthetic agents should be cleared, the ability
be added and titrated to desired effect. Dexmedetomi- to protect the airway should be present, and the patient
dine, a weak analgesic, can reduce narcotic requirements.24 should be awake and reasonably cooperative. These crite-
Propofol has no intrinsic analgesic properties, however. In ria have not been validated clinically, but similar consen-
a patient who has serious pain, neither propofol nor dex- sus guidelines have been published.27 Daily, if not more
medetomidine should be used without the concurrent frequent, reassessment of clinical readiness is necessary to
administration of a narcotic. The use of most agents men- determine if it is reasonable to consider weaning.28
tioned can be limited by their tendency to reduce blood Patients who are ready clinically to progress to extuba-
pressure. tion should have an assessment of physiologic reserve.
When patients are resuscitated adequately, consider- Having the patient breathe without mechanical assistance
ation can be given to awakening from residual sedation. allows observation of respiratory rate, mechanical coordi-
On arrival to the surgical ICU or recovery room, uncon- nation of chest and abdomen, vital signs, end-tidal carbon
sciousness, if present, is due to the residual effects of dioxide concentration, and subjective comfort. If the
volatile anesthetics, narcotics, benzodiazepines, and para- patient was not mechanically ventilated preoperatively,
lytics. The effects of volatile anesthetics can persist for 20 the perioperative course has been uneventful after 60 to
to 60 minutes after their discontinuation, particularly if 90 minutes, the patient is comfortable with stable vital
the agent is fat-soluble, the patient is obese, and the case signs, and no tachypnea or respiratory muscle dyssyn-
was long. Paralytics can have longer than expected dura- chrony is present, extubation can usually proceed.
tion of action, and this should be suspected when a post- Patients who do not achieve these basic criteria may
operative patient remains very weak (cannot perform a require continued mechanical ventilation that maximizes
10-second head lift) or does not move. A train-of-four patient comfort and unloads the respiratory muscles.
twitch monitor can address this issue. Persistent chemi- These patients require a structured, evidence-based
cal paralysis can be reversed with neostigmine and approach to ventilator weaning and assessment of ade-
glycopyrrolate. quate physiologic reserve. For more detailed information
Re-entry into consciousness may be accompanied by on weaning, refer to Chapter 44.
disorientation, anxiety, pain, and varying degrees of rest-
lessness. In the absence of underlying encephalopathy, it
is usually possible to get patients to follow commands, BEST PRACTICES
answer questions, and participate in the extubation Achieving optimal outcomes should be pursued by pro-
process. The discomfort of an endotracheal tube can lead viding optimal care. This is especially true for patients
to unplanned self-extubation. It is important for the with longer length of stay. Effort should be expended
bedside care provider to maintain control of the recovery pursuing interventions that have been shown to reduce
process by ensuring analgesia and anxiolysis. Small complications, cost, morbidity, and mortality. Because a
doses of narcotic or benzodiazepine or both can usually postoperative ICU patient is different in many ways from
correct these problems without inducing further sedation other ICU patients, some of these fundamental practices
and delay of extubation.25 Patients with encephalopathy are applied with slight nuance and warrant additional
resulting from sepsis or shock may not recover a level of mention.
consciousness that allows participation in the weaning
process. It is controversial whether such a patient should Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
be extubated (avoiding the complications of prolonged and Deep Venous Thrombosis
extubation) or remain intubated until the ability to protect All postoperative ICU patients should be considered for
the airway is more certain. Dexmedetomidine can reduce venous thromboembolism (VTE) or deep venous throm-
restlessness without respiratory suppression and may be bosis (DVT) prophylaxis. For general surgery patients
useful to facilitate extubation of a restless patient. Patients with moderate to high risk29 of VTE or DVT, prevention
who require sedation for an extended time should receive is anticoagulant based. Low-dose unfractionated heparin
doses of medication no higher than necessary to achieve twice a day or low-molecular-weight heparin once a day
the therapeutic target. Sedation scales, such as the Ramsay should be continued in the absence of postoperative
and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale,26 are useful to bleeding or instituted if not started intraoperatively.
avoid oversedation and ultimately promote earlier libera- Patients at higher risk for VTE/DVT should receive low-
tion from mechanical ventilation. See Chapter 20 for a dose unfractionated heparin three times a day or low-
comprehensive discussion of sedation and analgesia. molecular-weight heparin once a day. Very-high-risk


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patients should receive mechanical prophylaxis via SRMD can progress to clinically significant bleeding
sequential compression devices (SCD), in addition to low- resulting in hemodynamic instability and need for

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

dose unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight transfusion. It can develop as early as 24 hours after ICU
heparin. In general surgery patients with a high risk of admission. Patients at risk for SRMD include critically ill
postoperative bleeding, mechanical prophylaxis should patients who require mechanical ventilation for greater
be the initial preventive modality until the risk of bleed- than 48 hours and patients with coagulopathy (risk associ-
ing has decreased enough to allow for anticoagulant ated with the presence of shock only approached statisti-
prophylaxis. cal significance).33 Other patients are at low risk for
Neurosurgical procedures or the use of neuraxial anal- clinically significant bleeding. The risk of clinically signifi-
gesia also require special consideration. Anticoagulant cant bleeding increases with the severity of illness, dura-
prophylaxis should not be in effect while epidural cathe- tion of mechanical ventilation, increased length of stay,
ters are placed or removed and should be used with and low intragastric pH. Hemodynamic compromise sec-
caution while an epidural catheter is in place. Patients ondary to acute blood loss occurs in only a small percent-
undergoing intracranial surgery should receive mechani- age of patients with SRMD, but it is associated with a
cal prophylaxis with SCD. Anticoagulant prophylaxis significantly increased mortality rate.34
should be added in patients at high risk for VTE/DVT Because of the morbidity and mortality associated
beginning 24 hours postoperatively.29 with the complications of SRMD, it is important to
Trauma patients constitute an extremely heterogeneous identify patients at risk for SRMD and employ effective
group, making it difficult to study the strategies of VTE/ prophylaxis before bleeding occurs. Although early
DVT prophylaxis. There is disagreement in the literature enteral nutrition has many benefits, the effects of enteral
about valid independent risk factors for VTE/DVT in nutrition on SRMD are controversial and should not be
trauma patients. Older age, spinal fractures, spinal cord used as a sole prophylactic strategy.35 Pharmacologic
injuries, traumatic brain injuries, prolonged mechanical prophylaxis targets mucosal protection or the suppression
ventilation, pelvic fractures, venous injuries, and multiple of acid secretion. Proton-pump inhibitors may be a good
major operative procedures are often cited. In trauma first choice for SRMD prophylaxis owing to degree of
patients, there are few large, prospective, randomized acid suppression, duration of action, lack of tolerance,
studies validating the efficacy of any method of VTE/DVT and cost, but data are lacking. Parenteral H2 receptor
prevention.30 Low-dose unfractionated heparin, which has antagonists may offer a cost advantage over proton-pump
proven efficacy in the general surgery population, is no inhibitors. Prophylaxis with sucralfate is not preferred
better than absence of prophylaxis in a trauma patient.31 because of the efficacy profile of acid-suppression thera-
Low-molecular-weight heparin given twice daily does pies and a higher rate of bleeding with sucralfate
offer a statistical benefit, however, in the prevention VTE/ prophylaxis.
DVT in trauma patients.32 Trauma patients without signi-
ficant risks for bleeding should begin anticoagulant pro- Preventing Nosocomial Pneumonia
phylaxis or postoperatively. Data are insufficient to make Postoperative patients should be encouraged to take deep
recommendations as to when anticoagulant prophylaxis breaths, cough, ambulate, and use incentive spirometry.
in trauma patients with brain injury or liver or spleen Iatrogenic spread of bacteria can be reduced by the
fracture is safe. Waiting 72 hours in the former and 48 enforcement of hand washing and by the use of appropri-
hours in the latter, after bleeding has ceased, are conserva- ate barrier protection when performing procedures.36
tive times to delay. In trauma patients at high risk for Semirecumbent body positioning, keeping the head of
bleeding, mechanical prophylaxis can be used, although bed elevated more than 30 degrees, has been shown to
benefit is unproved. In selected trauma patients, expected reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in mechanically
to have prolonged immobilization or with significant risks ventilated patients.37 Placing the bed in reverse Trendelen-
for bleeding, inferior vena cava filters may be placed as burg position can simulate this elevation without flexing
VTE prophylaxis.30 Inferior vena cava filters should not the back, as could be difficult in trauma patients or
be used as a primary prophylactic strategy in trauma patients with large open abdomens. Before deflating the
patients.29 If available, removable filters should be consid- cuff of an endotracheal tube for tube removal or position
ered. SCD cannot be applied to lower extremities with change, ensure that secretions are suctioned clear from
fractures, fasciotomies, or external fixators. Compression above the cuff.36 Endotracheal tubes designed to provide
devices applied to the feet may be used as a substitute drainage to the subglottic area above the tube’s cuff have
for SCD, but have not been shown to be as efficacious as been shown to reduce the risk of ventilator-associated
leg devices. In a trauma patient at high risk for VTE/DVT, pneumonia.38 The use of 0.12% chlorhexidine oral rinse
the addition of mechanical prophylaxis to anticoagulant has been associated with reductions in the rate of ventila-
prophylaxis may be useful, but synergistic benefit is tor-associated pneumonia in surgical ICU patients and
unproved. should be part of good oral hygiene.39 Although there is
evidence that selective digestive decontamination beyond
Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis the oropharynx also can reduce the risk of ventilator-
Stress-related mucosal disease (SRMD) is manifest as associated pneumonia, it is unclear how the routine use
diffuse gastric mucosal petechiae, erosions (loss of epi- of this technique would affect antimicrobial resistance.40
thelium, necrosis, and hemorrhage), and discrete ulcers. The use of noninvasive ventilation in patients with


Ch036-A04841.indd 741 9/13/2007 10:24:22 AM

exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder More recent literature has shown that outcomes can be
and congestive heart failure is associated with reductions improved with more intensive monitoring and treatment

in rates of nosocomial pneumonia, but there are few of hyperglycemia in postoperative patients requiring con-
studies evaluating application of this technique in the tinued ICU stay. Animal studies have shown improvement
management of postoperative respiratory failure. Use of in survival and neurologic outcome in models of cerebral
noninvasive ventilation may be associated with a higher ischemia and head trauma.46 In a large prospective study
mortality rate when used to manage failed extubation of cardiac surgery patients, tight glycemic control with
(see Chapter 44).41 intravenous insulin was associated with a significant
reduction in deep sternal surgical site infections compared
Management of Agitation and Delirium with glycemic control with subcutaneous insulin.47 Tight
Delirium is a major problem in postoperative ICU glycemic control with insulin also has been shown to
patients.42 Previously believed to be an expected and improve mortality attributable to infection, reduce poly-
unavoidable result of critical illness that resolves with neuropathy, and reduce the need for mechanical
clinical improvement, it is now known to be a significant ventilation.48
marker of increased morbidity,43 resource use, and long- It is increasingly clear that correction of hyperglycemia,
term cognitive deficit. Delirium is an acute, variable rather than supplementation of insulin, is responsible for
change in mental status with inattention and either altered the beneficial effects. A vigilant approach to monitoring
level of consciousness or disorganized thinking. Occurring and an urgent and efficacious treatment of hyperglycemia
in about 70% to 80% of ICU patients, delirium had been needs to be implemented. Unreliable subcutaneous
underdiagnosed until validated assessment tools such as absorption, extreme or labile hyperglycemia, and incon-
the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM- sistent caloric intake are reasons to use short-acting, con-
ICU) became available.44 Delirium is believed to be due tinuous intravenous insulin rather than slower-onset,
to imbalances between the stimulatory and inhibitory longer-acting subcutaneous insulin. Insulin therapy should
neurotransmitters, particularly an increase in dopaminer- target a blood glucose range of 80 to 110 mg/dL.
gic and decrease in γ-aminobutyric acid and cholinergic
activity. Risk factors include age, pre-existing dementia,
sepsis, metabolic abnormalities, and medications. The use POSTOPERATIVE NUTRITION
of benzodiazepines, narcotics, anticholinergics, and anti- Postoperative surgical patients are exposed to unique
psychotics is associated with a substantial increase in risk. nutritional challenges as a result of the enhanced meta-
It is currently unclear whether prevention or treatment of bolic demands of wound healing and the abnormalities of
delirium changes clinical outcomes such as mortality and bowel motility, anastomotic function, and swallowing.
long-term cognitive deficits. Nutritional support provides calories for metabolic pro-
Preventive strategies include avoidance of hypoxemia cesses, reduces catabolism of protein stores as an energy
(Fig. 36-2), correction of metabolic disturbances, restora- source, supplies substrate for anabolic processes, and pro-
tion of sleep/wake cycles, adequate pain control, minimi- vides an opportunity to reduce net protein losses in the
zation of unnecessary physical and auditory stimulation, face of ongoing protein catabolism. In an otherwise well-
frequent reorientation (particularly with family involve- nourished postoperative patient, beginning nutritional
ment), and early mobilization.42 Pharmacologic treatment support may be unnecessary, unless it is anticipated that
of delirium is suboptimal because the same medications oral nutrition would be delayed for 7 days.49 There are
intended to reduce disorganized thought may simultane- considerably fewer studies showing nutritional support
ously increase sedation, prolonging the undesired state. strategies that work in the postoperative patient than ones
Benzodiazepines may aggravate disorganized thought and that do not work.50
should not be used to treat delirium. Haloperidol is the
most commonly prescribed neuroleptic to treat delirium,45 Timing and Route
although its efficacy is yet to be validated. Until efficacy There are three routes of nutritional support—enteral
of any pharmacologic intervention is shown, medications nutrition, parenteral nutrition, and oral feedings. With
should be used in the lowest doses possible for as brief a respect to outcomes, it is important to consider not only
time as possible. the route of administration, but also the timing. Neither
enteral nutrition nor parenteral nutrition seems to have an
Management of Hyperglycemia effect on mortality whether given preoperatively or post-
Hyperglycemia in a critically ill patient can be due to operatively.51 Preoperative nutritional support seems to
diabetes mellitus (established or new) or stress-induced benefit only severely malnourished patients by reducing
release of counter-regulatory mediators. It is associated complication rates.52,53 Parenteral nutrition, which requires
with increased mortality after acute myocardial infarc- vascular access, is associated with complications related to
tion, stroke, and severe traumatic brain injury. Hypergly- non–catheter-related infection and catheter-related blood-
cemia also is associated with reduced functional outcome stream infection.51 In addition to avoiding the complica-
after neurologic injury, the development of polyneuropa- tions associated with parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition
thy in critically ill patients, increased rates of infectious possibly reduces gut mucosal atrophy and bacterial trans-
complications in the postoperative period, and defective location. In perioperative patients, sufficient evidence is
collagen formation in wound healing. lacking, however, to suggest that the effect of enteral nutri-


Ch036-A04841.indd 742 9/13/2007 10:24:22 AM


General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

Postoperative Low Pulse SaO2 or SaO2 Reposition Pulse SaO2 Still No Continue to
Hypoxia ABG PaO2? Sensor Low? Monitor

First increase FIO2 and quickly

PaO2 Yes
assess hemodynamic stability.
Then pursue cause of hypoxia

Yes No

Consider severe
Patient biting ETT Yes Place bite block, Yes
upper airway Stridor
or thrashing? sedate patient

Make sure airway is correctly positioned,

No secured, cuff inflated, there are no air leaks,
and there is expected exhaled tidal volume. No
Look for suggestive ventilator alarms

Listen for audible and Listen for audible and

symmetrical breath sounds symmetric breath sounds

Consider pneumothorax,
atelectasis, mucous
Asymmetric Yes Yes Asymmetric
plugging, large pleural
breath sounds? breath sounds?
effusion, main stem
bronchus intubation

Disconnect from ventilator and manually Cough, incentive

ventilate. Feel for airway resistance spirometry

Suction Airway

Order chest x-ray, ABG.

Improvement No Increase FIO2 (consider No Improvement
in SaO2? increasing PEEP if in SaO2?

Yes Yes
Monitor Patient

Figure 36-2. Approach to managing postoperative hypoxemia. ABG, arterial blood gas; ETT, endotracheal tube; FIO2, fraction
of inspired oxygen; PaO2; arterial oxygen tension; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; SaO2; arterial oxygen saturation.

tion on the gut barrier has any outcome advantage over nutrition alone in patients who are not malnourished.59
parenteral nutrition.54,55 Enteral nutrition has been shown Patients who are malnourished or are not expected to be
to be associated with a lower risk of infection compared tolerating oral feedings at nutritional goal by about post-
with parenteral nutrition.56 Early enteral nutrition also has operative day 7 should begin enteral nutrition as soon as
been shown to be associated with a shorter length of stay bowel function permits. If otherwise adequately nour-
and lower incidence of infections compared with delayed ished postoperative ICU patients are expected to be tol-
enteral nutrition.57 Enteral nutrition is the preferred route erating oral feedings at nutritional goal by postoperative
over parenteral nutrition because of the reduction in com- day 7, early enteral nutrition may not provide substantial
plications and cost. Early postoperative parenteral nutri- benefit. Finally, patients who are able to take oral feedings
tion does not improve clinical outcomes and should be but are unable to consume an amount equal to the nutri-
reserved only for patients who are unable to receive timely tional goal require supplemental nutrition, typically
enteral nutrition.58 enteral nutrition.
The combination of parenteral nutrition and early When the decision is made to deliver enteral nutrition,
enteral nutrition has no advantage over early enteral tube feedings should be increased quickly in volume to


Ch036-A04841.indd 743 9/13/2007 10:24:22 AM

reach nutritional goal. The initial destination for enteral even without normal peristalsis.62,63 Large bowel hypo-
nutrition is the stomach. Nothing about laparotomy itself motility, if present, begins to resolve 24 hours postopera-

precludes enteral nutrition with the return of bowel func- tively, heralded by the passage of flatus. Recognized
tion (e.g., bowel sounds, flatus). Although bowel motility postoperatively as abdominal distention on physical
continues through surgery or returns shortly thereafter, examination or a nonobstructed gas pattern on
gastroparesis is common postoperatively and may result abdominal x-ray, ileus usually resolves over 24 to 72
in delayed gastric emptying. It may be recognized by hours with conservative therapy including nasogastric suc-
abdominal distention, high daily nasogastric output tioning. Refractory ileus in the absence of mechanical
(>500 mL/d), or high residual volume in the stomach obstruction should suggest some unresolved inflammatory
(>300 mL). Gastroparesis has the potential to delay process. In the absence of such unresolved problems, ileus
achieving delivery of adequate enteral nutrition and has also can be improved with prokinetic agents. Neostigmine
resulted in a trend toward delivering enteral nutrition via has been successful in decompressing acute colonic
a postpyloric route. There is no clinical benefit, however, pseudo-obstruction.64 The presence of enterotomy repairs,
to postpyloric feeding with respect to incidence of pneu- bowel anastomoses, or new ostomies should not be bar-
monia, ICU length of stay, mortality, or time to reach riers to enteral nutrition with the return of bowel
nutritional goal compared with the prepyloric route.60 function.65
Gastroparesis often can be improved with prokinetic Nutritional support in the presence of an enterocutane-
agents, such as metoclopramide or erythromycin.61 It is ous fistula is problematic because enteral nutrition can
reasonable to continue gastric enteral nutrition in the exacerbate fistula output. This output, particularly when
presence of gastric residual volumes of 150 to 300 mL as high, can perpetuate or worsen malnutrition owing to the
long as the patient is not experiencing nausea, vomiting, loss of nitrogen. With the exception of some colocutane-
or progressive abdominal distention or has any evidence ous fistulas, conservative therapy consists of bowel rest
of functional gastric outlet obstruction or ileus. The naso- (nothing per mouth), parenteral nutrition, control of
gastric route of feeding is preferred, but if establishing infection, correction of electrolyte disturbances, and local
stomach function is anticipated to be problematic, implan- wound care. High-output fistulas may require a daily non-
tation placement of a jejunostomy feeding tube should be protein calorie complement based on 1.5 to 2 times the
considered during laparotomy. basal energy expenditure plus 1.5 to 2.5 g/protein to
satisfy nutritional needs.66
Acute pancreatitis is treated commonly in the surgical
Feeding Considerations in ICU. In mild acute pancreatitis, enteral nutrition has
General Surgery Patients no effect on outcome and is recommended only in
Patients requiring esophageal resection may present with patients who cannot tolerate oral nutrition after 5 to 7
some degree of malnutrition. It is important to resume days.67 In severe acute pancreatitis, the therapeutic
nutritional support as soon as technically possible after pendulum has swung from bowel rest and parenteral
the operation. These patients have fragile anastomoses in nutrition back toward early enteral nutrition. Although
their chests, however, which usually have a suction cath- no differences in mortality have been shown in severe
eter placed across the repair to decompress the postanas- acute pancreatitis between groups treated with enteral
tomotic structures. An oral diet is delayed to ensure nutrition and parenteral nutrition, the early enteral
mechanical integrity of the anastomosis. Some patients nutrition group has significant reductions in stress
have a distal feeding tube placed at the time of surgery response, infections, surgical interventions, and length of
so that enteral nutrition does not need to be delayed. stay.68,69 Early enteral nutrition can be given equally effec-
Patients who cannot receive oral or enteral nutrition by tively via gastric or postpyloric destinations when started
postoperative day 7 should be considered for early institu- at low volumes and incremented slowly toward nutri-
tion of parenteral nutrition. tional goal.70
Gastric surgery may result in delayed gastric emptying.
Vagal denervation can cause some degree of gastroparesis,
and functional outlet obstruction may occur owing to WOUND HEALING AND CARE
edema at the site of anastomosis. Gastric enteral nutrition
cannot be started until gastric emptying improves. If it Physiology and Biology of Wound Healing
seems that gastric enteral nutrition would be unacceptably Many tissues in the body respond to injury by undergoing
delayed, a more distal enteral route should be secured, or a reparative process, which can be described histologi-
parenteral nutrition should be started. Patients with new cally, biochemically, chronologically, or functionally. There
gastrostomies, whether placed percutaneously or via an are many ways to label these processes, but a simple and
open procedure, rarely have postoperative motility distur- useful paradigm includes inflammatory, proliferative, and
bances. It is common, however, to wait for 24 hours before remodeling phases.71,72 The process begins with hemosta-
use of gastronomy feeding tubes. sis, inflammation, and generation of an extracellular
Postoperative ICU patients with manipulation, resec- matrix on which proliferating cells can attach. Wound
tion, or diversion of the bowel may have a transient ileus. healing is locally coordinated by cytokines and facilitated
Small bowel hypomotility, if present, resolves 6 to 8 hours by systemically mobilized cellular elements and noncel-
after surgery, and some absorptive capacity is present lular substrate. Ultimately, the normal healing process


Ch036-A04841.indd 744 9/13/2007 10:24:23 AM

ends with collagen maturation. Collagen develops its Without moist, occlusive dressings over superficial
tensile strength through intermolecular cross-linking of wounds, a scab forms, delaying epithelialization. Only

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

fibrils into larger and longer bundles. By 1 week’s time, with clot proteolysis can the wound be resurfaced success-
in the absence of extraordinary tension, the wound has fully. If the wound is kept moist with an occlusive dress-
developed enough mechanical integrity to allow for suture ing,73 however, and accumulated exudates and necrotic
removal. The collagen mass undergoes continual synthesis tissue are removed frequently, epithelialization can occur.
and degradation as weaker, randomly oriented collagen Small amounts of wound exudates and necrotic tissue can
fibers are reorganized into stronger, linear, highly cross- be removed with frequent, moist dressing changes and
linked bundles aligned toward mechanical stress placed water irrigation; larger amounts may require surgical
on the wound. This remodeling process may last 6 to 12 débridement. The optimal wound dressing provides a
months. In normal circumstances, these phases tend to be moist environment, has absorptive reserve to trap wound
sequential with generous overlap between the end of one exudates, possesses bacteriostatic properties, and does not
phase and the beginning of the next. adhere to the wound. Large, open wounds may be dressed
Surgical site infection, the presence of necrotic tissue, with moist gauze at the surface and reinforced with dry
ischemia, and poor surgical closure technique all can con- gauze packing (wet-to-dry dressing). Absorptive capacity
tribute to failed wound healing and possibly wound dehis- is limited, however, and frequent dressing changes are
cence. Whether a surgical wound purposely closed by required. Dressings made of hydrocolloids, materials that
primary intention or an open wound left to close slowly incorporate high-capacity absorptive materials into a self-
by granulation and wound contraction (secondary inten- adhering occlusive backing, are useful for open wounds
tion), the healing processes are similar. Successful healing of moderate size and allow for less frequent dressing
of a closed surgical wound yields mechanical integrity by changes. More recently, the vacuum-assisted closure has
virtue of high tensile strength. Successful healing in an gained popularity for the management of large open
open wound may be measured by epithelialization with wounds. Vacuum-assisted closure therapy is the combina-
the promise of satisfactory mechanical integrity (scarring) tion of moderate suction applied above an absorptive
over time. Understanding these interrelated processes surface, such as a towel or sponge, which is covered by
facilitates logical wound care and helps to avoid diver- an occlusive plastic drape. This application provides for
sions from normal wound healing. continual removal of wound exudates and edema and
may improve local perfusion and promote wound
Epithelialization and Wound Care
Development of an epithelial barrier begins within hours
of injury. In partial-thickness wounds, the source of epi- Optimizing Wound Healing
thelial repopulation is remaining dermal structures, sweat Management of Hyperglycemia
glands, and hair follicles. Epithelial cells from the basal Hyperglycemia is common in postoperative critically ill
layers of the wound migrate across the underlying extra- patients and is associated with poor outcome in a variety
cellular matrix, reforming the characteristic basal to apical of conditions. In the current context, hyperglycemia is
differentiation, until migration halts in the center of the associated with impaired immune response, infection, and
wound because of contact inhibition. Wound coverage can impaired wound healing.46 Although the optimal glucose
be complete 24 to 48 hours after a clean surgical incision range has not been validated, a target of 80 to 110 mg/dL
is closed by primary intention. At this time, no further is reasonable. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are to be
wound protection is necessary, and skin cleansing with avoided.
water is permitted. Bacteria, necrotic tissue, wound exu-
dates, inflammatory cells, inflammatory mediators, and
desiccation all retard re-epithelialization. Deeper or Antibiotics
open wounds also show delayed epithelialization. Open The routine use of systemic antibiotics to aid wound
wounds first must fill in with proliferating fibroblasts, cap- healing, in the absence of actual surgical site infection,
illaries, and a loose extracellular matrix made of collagen should be avoided. Wound surfaces are typically colonized
and proteoglycans (granulation tissue) before epitheliali- by bacteria, and this colonization is not detrimental to
zation can occur. Such tissue is of poor mechanical wound healing. An increased bacterial load, more than the
integrity. typical colonization, may impede wound healing, however.
The ability of epithelialization to occur from the margin Distinguishing between common colonization and an
of the wounds over the granulation tissue depends on the increased bacterial burden requires microbiologic confir-
presence of adequate angiogenesis, absence of bacterial mation. Simple swab cultures lack specificity, and quanti-
burden, the provision of a moist environment, and the tative tissue cultures revealing greater than 105 organisms/g
removal of excess necrosis and proteinaceous exudates may be necessary to identify true bacterial burden. Topical
(which contain proteases and inflammatory mediators and antibiotics are commonly applied to wound surfaces, but
support bacterial growth). With optimal circumstances, the the benefits of topical antibiotics are not well docu-
maximal rate of epithelialization from the margins occurs mented.72 The incorporation of silver into dressing materi-
at 1 to 2 mm/d. As the epithelial cells mature and stratifi- als adds bacteriostatic properties and may be useful to
cation progresses, keratinization occurs. limit bacterial overgrowth in the wound.


Ch036-A04841.indd 745 9/13/2007 10:24:23 AM

Nutrition in Wound Healing at least daily for progression of healing and for develop-
ment of infection. Normally healing surgical incisions

Nutritional deficiencies can impede wound healing. Large,

open wounds are metabolically demanding and may be a should be dry with a minimal dry scab at the point of
source of substantial protein loss. Daily dietary goals of closure. The edges should have at most a 3- to 4-mm
calorie and protein need to be increased accordingly. Defi- border of erythema and induration when fresh, which
ciencies of vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) are should resolve over about 1 week. Nonpurulent drainage
infrequent, but should be suspected in malnourished is not likely to be infected. Clear drainage from the wound
(including unusual dietary habits) patients, elderly pa- may simply be escaping subcutaneous edema fluid.
tients, and patients who have been receiving parenteral Wounds with an enlarging border of erythema and indura-
nutrition. Vitamin and mineral supplementation should tion, without fluctuance or drainage, particularly when
accompany dietary calorie and protein in patients with painful to palpation, suggest cellulitis or infection of
deficiencies, but the benefit of pharmacologic doses of deeper structures. Fluctuance and drainage may be from
these micronutrients in the absence of deficiency is an abscess beneath the wound. Drainage that is turbid or
unproved. Vitamin A is required for proper fibroblast pro- frankly purulent should suggest true SST. SSIs require
liferation, collagen cross-linking, and epithelialization. opening of the incision for irrigation and drainage. Anti-
Vitamin A may reverse the inhibitory effects of steroids biotics may not be needed for uncomplicated SSIs, which
on the inflammatory phase of wound healing and may be respond to this intervention and local care.76
useful in steroid-dependent patients with poorly healing More complicated SSIs require systemic antibiotics
wounds.75 Vitamin C is needed for hydroxylation of lysine directed at the likely pathogens. Culture of pus collected
and proline in collagen formation (see earlier). The benefit aseptically is useful to guide therapy, but simple swab
of vitamin C supplementation in patients receiving a cultures of the wound surface are of low specificity
normal diet is not validated. Zinc is an essential trace because of the presence of wound colonizers. Necrotizing
mineral for protein synthesis, cell division, and protein SSIs can spread rapidly through soft tissues and involve
synthesis; however, its supplementation has not been the fascia (necrotizing fasciitis). Necrotizing soft tissue
shown to be beneficial in patients who are not zinc defi- infections can have subtle findings at the skin surface (e.g.,
cient.75 Glucosamine is required for the synthesis of hyal- an advancing border of erythema), while forging a destruc-
uronic acid, an abundant component of the extracellular tive path just below. Wounds that dehisce superficially or
matrix, but also lacks clinical validation of benefit. at the fascia should suggest infection or technically inad-
equate closure. Dehiscence almost always requires surgi-
Surgical Site Infections cal evaluation. When an abdominal wound has open skin,
Infections of surgical incisions are referred to as surgical evaluation for status of the fascial closure is needed. The
site infections (SSIs).76,77 SSIs are superficial incisional mechanical integrity can be evaluated by gently probing
SSIs when limited to skin and subcutaneous tissues above the closure with sterile cotton-tipped swabs. The edges of
the fascia or deep incisional SSIs if extending below. Intra- these wounds should show yellow fat or pink granulation.
cavitary SSIs are referred to as organ-space SSIs. The sur- Dark gray, nonviable tissue should be obvious on inspec-
gical site becomes inoculated either inward from the skin tion and should be débrided.
or outward from the structures beneath the incision. Most
SSIs are caused by the gram-positive cocci found on the Drains
skin, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epi- Few things in the postoperative patient are more puzzling
dermidis, and Enterococcus species. The type of the oper- and sometimes intimidating than drains. Seemingly simple
ation also can influence the causative organisms of the SSI in construction and intuitive in purpose, the efficacy of
such that enteric aerobic gram-negative rods (Escherichia, these devices and their application are quite limited. A
Enterobacter) and anaerobic organisms (Bacteroides) are study of the history of drainage is a study in the evolution
more likely after intestinal or head and neck surgery.76 of medicine and surgery itself. The earliest description of
Skin and bowel preparations are used preoperatively to drains shows their application for the removal of fluid
reduce bacterial numbers. These techniques, in addition from large cavities, such as the pleural space, abdomen,
to the use of narrow-spectrum “prophylactic” systemic and bladder, and for the treatment of wounds.
antibiotics, have reduced the incidence of SSIs. Adminis- Drains can be classified on many levels.80 Drains with
tration of prophylactic antibiotics beyond 24 hours, even one end open to the atmosphere are known as “open”
in the presence of colonic perforation or shock, does not systems and constitute most early devices. Before the
contribute further to reducing the rate of SSIs, however.78 recognition of germ theory, it was not appreciated that
In addition, prolonged use of prophylactic antibiotics may open systems provided a free route for entrance of etio-
result in the emergence of multiple drug–resistant strains logic agents into the body. Some open systems employed
of organisms, Clostridium difficile colitis, nosocomial a filter at the open end to limit the ability of microorgan-
pneumonia, and catheter-related infections.79 It is impor- isms to enter the system. “Closed” systems of drainage
tant to discontinue prophylactic antibiotics before the have no opening to the atmosphere directly; fluid collec-
benefits of such therapy are overshadowed by the risks tion terminates in a bag or canister.
that their continuation brings with them. Structurally, drains can be classified as “hollow” or “cap-
The first rule of wound evaluation is “Take off the dress- illary.” Hollow drains take on many shapes, but all have
ing and look at the wound.” Wounds should be evaluated one or multiple internal lumens and have fenestrations


Ch036-A04841.indd 746 9/13/2007 10:24:23 AM

throughout a portion of their length, sometimes including tent sinus tracts. The pioneering surgeon Halsted believed
their ends. Fenestrations must be large enough to allow that good surgical technique and obliteration of dead-

General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

fluid and debris to enter, but not so large as to allow signifi- space obviated the need for drainage in nonseptic
cant portions of tissue, such as omentum or intestine, to instances. He believed that drains “invariably produce
enter. Such migration into the drain has been the cause of some necrosis of tissue with which it comes in contact and
drain failure, tissue adhesion, and organ injury. Capillary- enfeebles the power of resistance of tissues towards organ-
type drains leverage the physical interaction, which occurs isms. But, given necrotic tissue plus infections, drains
between liquids and the walls of thin tubes and fibers. become almost indispensable.”80 Prophylactic drainage
Structurally, capillary-type devices are made from tufts of ultimately gave way to therapeutic drainage. In the 1920s,
thin fibers, fabrics (e.g., gauze), or thin tubes. indications for drains included the “presence of free puru-
Drains can be classified as “passive” or “active.” Passive lent material in considerable quantity . . . and the pres-
drains provide a route of low resistance to the body’s ence of an abscess sac.”80
exterior and are driven by capillary action and pressure Currently, the indications for drainage include the
gradients. Capillary-type drains are classified as passive following:
drains. Active drains use an external source of negative
■ Removal of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain’s
pressure to establish a pressure gradient. Active drainage
ventricles or spinal cord for the purpose of reducing
of deep recesses is classified as sump drainage. Sump
pressure in a closed space and improving perfusion
drains were ultimately modified so that an additional
lumen running alongside the primary lumen supplied
■ Removal of blood or fluid from the subdural space to
atmospheric gas into the drainage site to prevent the
prevent compression or shift of intracranial contents
intestine and omentum from occluding the fenestra.81
■ Closure of certain soft tissue wounds to minimize dead
Sump drains are used to drain the gastrointestinal tract
space and remove excess fluid and debris; often seen
and abscess cavities. Active drainage employing a closed
in neck surgery, breast surgery, and certain reconstruc-
system is used to obliterate potential spaces, particularly
tive procedures
under skin/muscle flaps or other wounds.
■ Drainage of the pleural space in the event of pneu-
Drains should be soft and flexible, but not so much that
mothorax, hemothorax, or large pleural effusions
the lumen collapses with suction. Irritating materials, such
■ Drainage of the pericardium to treat large pericardial
as latex rubber, should be avoided (except in cases where
development of a fibrous tract is desired, such as in T-tube
■ Drainage of abscess cavities; drains can be placed
biliary drainage). Siliconized materials (Silastic) and poly-
directly in the operating room or percutaneously with
vinyl chloride are commonly used in contemporary drain-
the guidance of imaging technologies
age systems.
■ Drainage of existing fistulas to create a controlled route
Drains also are classified as therapeutic or prophylac-
of elimination; includes drainage of bile or pancreatic
tic.82 Therapeutic drainage is intended to remove necrotic
secretions, succus, or stool
debris, pus, or fistula drainage or to prevent premature
■ Surveillance drainage over the sites of complicated
closure of wounds. Prophylactic drainage is intended to
procedures involving the stomach, duodenum, pan-
prevent the accumulation of blood, pus, bile, pancreatic
creas, and rerouting anastomoses
secretions, intestinal contents, and fluids. In the historical
literature of medicine and surgery, it was noted that Placement of surveillance drains is controversial because
patients with ovariotomy developed accumulations of of the risk of creating a fistula by the drains themselves.
blood and fluid in the pelvis. It was believed that this fluid, In the event of a catastrophic breach in enteral integrity,
in stagnation, would decompose and release toxins whose such as the highly morbid duodenal stump “blow-out,”
absorption resulted in fatal outcomes. In 1882, drains early identification and controlled drainage may be
were used to “remove from cavities fluids liable to undergo facilitated.
putrefactive changes if retained and to cleanse such cavi- In general, the following questions must be answered
ties by injection of disinfectants.”80 for all drains:
The popularity of drainage in certain applications waxed
1. What is the intended anatomic location of the drain?
and waned owing to its controversial effect on outcome,
2. How can location be confirmed?
particularly mortality. When surgeons abandoned the use
3. What is the expected quantity and quality of the drain’s
of abdominal drains during World War II, mortality
decreased by 50% compared with World War I.83 The use
4. Is the drain functioning normally?
of prophylactic drains, particularly in abdominal surgery,
5. When should a drain be removed and by what
was equally controversial. Capillary-based systems, which
did more to prevent drainage of necrotic or purulent mate-
rial than facilitate its removal, ultimately fell out of favor. Only by knowing the intended anatomic location of a
Complications increased from use of multiple or unneces- given drain can a clinician determine the best way to
sary drains and included ventral hernias, pain on removal, confirm location and assess function. The visual location
omental penetration of the drain’s fenestrations, intestinal of a drain on physical examination does not ensure proper
obstruction, adhesions (occasionally pulling omentum or placement; a thoracostomy tube seen to penetrate the
bowel into the abdominal wall), fecal fistulas, and persis- chest wall may not be in the pleural space, and a gastros-


Ch036-A04841.indd 747 9/13/2007 10:24:23 AM

tomy tube seen to penetrate the abdominal wall does not not return, as assessed on chest radiograph, the thoracos-
guarantee that the tip lies in the stomach. Sometimes the tomy tube can be removed.

location of a drain cannot be confirmed, such as drains Nasogastric or orogastric tubes are used to decompress
left in the peritoneum. This leaves only assessment of the stomach or provide a route for nutrition. Double-
quantity and quality of drain output as a guide to the lumen sump tubes should never have the secondary port
drain’s proper function. For these reasons, it is useful to clamped to prevent mucosal injury in the presence of
know certain characteristics of specific drains. suction. Inadvertent placement in the airways can be
The most common drains seen after neurosurgical pro- disastrous if enteral feedings are administered. Confirma-
cedures are the subdural drain and the ventriculostomy. tion of gastric placement cannot be guaranteed by listen-
The former drain is usually a Silastic drain left in the ing over the epigastrium during insufflation. Correct
subdural space to drain blood or fluid after craniotomy. placement on radiograph is recognized by identifying the
There is no way to confirm its location. These drains typi- distal tip well below the diaphragm. Salivary and gastric
cally drain about 20 to 30 mL of serosanguineous fluid output can be 0.75 to 1.5 L/d each. Continuous gastric
per hour until tapering off to minimal drainage after about suction can result in significant volume loss, leading to
6 hours. Frankly bloody drainage, particularly when in metabolic alkalosis. Gastric suction should be maintained
higher volumes or persisting longer than a few hours, until resolution of enteral obstructions or ileus. When the
suggests active bleeding that requires correction of coagu- daily volume of gastric aspirate is less than 200 to 300 mL,
lopathy or neurosurgical intervention. The ventriculos- gastric suction can be discontinued as long as nausea,
tomy tube, also made of Silastic, has its tip located in a vomiting, or abdominal distention does not result.
lateral ventricle. The proper tip location can be confirmed The color of gastric aspirate should be clear or yellow-
by seeing a pulsatile waveform when the catheter has green. Large volumes of bilious aspirate suggest the distal
continuous pressure monitoring and by seeing CSF output. port of the drain is positioned beyond the pylorus. “Coffee
About 450 mL of CSF is produced a day; the volume of grounds” or frank blood in the aspirate suggests bleeding
CSF drained depends on the height of the drainage sys- in the stomach or duodenum. The stomach also can be
tem’s external port relative to the height of the catheter’s accessed by placement of a surgical or percutaneous
tip in the ventricle and the ability of the arachnoid granu- endoscopically assisted gastrostomy. These tubes infre-
lations to reabsorb CSF. The fluid may be clear or san- quently migrate out of the stomach to lie in the perito-
guineous depending on the intracranial pathology. CSF neum. Should acute abdominal pain or absence of typical
that changes from clear or serosanguineous to frankly gastric drainage occur in a patient with a recently placed
bloody suggests a serious problem, particularly in sub- gastrostomy, a radiographic contrast study of the gastros-
arachnoid hemorrhage. Declining or absent CSF drainage tomy should be done to exclude tube migration. The liver
or loss of a pulsatile waveform suggests tube occlusion by produces 500 to 1500 mL of bile daily. Drainage of the
clot or malposition and requires neurosurgical attention. common bile duct via a T-tube is used after complicated
Thoracostomy tubes are placed to drain pleural effu- biliary surgery, often for obstruction. The drainage tube
sions and treat pneumothorax. Thoracostomy tubes can itself causes a modest inflammatory reaction resulting in
be inadvertently placed subcutaneously. Proper location the formation of a fibrous tract. The drainage system is
is confirmed by chest radiograph. The tube may be closed, without suction, and terminates in a collection
intentionally positioned in many orientations; however, bag. Significant reduction or cessation of biliary output
the most proximal “sentinel” hole should always lie may suggest either obstruction or malposition of the T-
within the pleural space, and the tube should not be tube or resolution of the obstruction.
kinked. A properly functioning, correctly located thora- With the exception of drains placed in abscess cavities
costomy tube should show a cycling of intrapleural pres- and to control the direction of pancreatic and enteral
sure with respiration when the drainage system is on fistula output, drains left in the abdominal cavity are seen
“water seal.” Absence of cycling may suggest tube occlu- less frequently than in the past. Drains left in the perito-
sion or inappropriate location. Bubbling across the water neum should have relatively little output. Confirmation of
seal suggests an air leak, but does not indicate the source their location is usually unnecessary. A change in the
of the leak. Persistence of the bubbles across the water quality or quantity of drainage is important to note. New
seal when the thoracostomy tube is clamped close to the bile, succus entericus, or stool in a drain suggests a breach
chest wall indicates a leak in the drainage system, not in in the integrity of some part of the viscera and requires
the lung. Variable amounts of suction can be applied to investigation or surgical attention.
the thoracostomy tube, particularly when draining an Drains placed in subcutaneous spaces or areas of recon-
effusion or reinflating a lung after pneumothorax. Initial struction are placed to gentle suction to obliterate poten-
suction of −20 cm H2O is applied. Persistence of sanguine- tial spaces and remove excessive fluid and blood collection.
ous drainage greater than 100 to 200 mL/h for 2 to 3 Confirmation of absolute location is generally unneces-
hours after the correction of hypothermia and coagulopa- sary. The quality of the fluid should be serous to
thy suggests surgical bleeding and requires attention. serosanguineous in volumes less than 100 mL hourly for
When fluid drainage has diminished to about 100 to the first 3 to 6 hours postoperatively before tapering off.
200 mL/d or air leaks have ceased, external suction can Frankly bloody drainage in higher volumes or of longer
be removed, and the water seal alone can be used to durations suggests surgical bleeding in the absence of
prevent lung collapse. If effusions or pneumothorax do coagulopathy.


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General Principles of Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Care

■ Optimally, the location of a patient in the ICU is support and gas exchange abnormalities minimized,
determined by matching the patient’s needs with a anesthetic agents cleared, the ability to protect the
location’s resources and expertise. Such efficiency allows airway present, and the patient awake and reasonably
for greater institutional procedural volume, which, when cooperative.
paired with surgeon procedural volume, has been shown ■ Nutritional support provides calories for metabolic
to be associated with reduced mortality. processes, reduces cannibalism of protein stores as an
■ The postoperative evaluation should include a thorough energy source, supplies substrate for anabolic processes,
evaluation of the patient’s medical and surgical history and provides an opportunity to reduce net protein losses
and a physical examination, which should encompass all in the face of ongoing protein catabolism.
parts of the patient that can be accessed by sight and ■ Successful healing of a closed surgical wound yields
touch. mechanical integrity by virtue of high tensile strength.
■ “Adequate resuscitation” is a state, often temporary, Successful healing in an open wound may be measured
which allows for good clinical perfusion and physiologic by epithelialization with the promise of satisfactory
stability. The most fundamental concept is to ensure mechanical integrity (scarring) over time.
adequate DO2 and meet VO2 needs of tissues and ■ The ability of epithelialization to occur from the margin
organelles. of the wounds over the granulation tissue depends on
■ Resuscitation targets are reproducible, quantifiable the presence of adequate angiogenesis, the absence of
values, such as pressures, outputs, metabolites, bacterial burden, the provision of a moist environment,
inflammatory mediators, or oxygen saturations, that and the removal of excess necrosis and proteinaceous
represent therapeutic goals. Targeted resuscitation exudates (which contain proteases and inflammatory
strategies optimize cardiovascular performance and mediators and harbor bacterial growth).
concurrently measure markers of adequate global DO2 ■ The first rule of wound evaluation is: “Take off the
and tissue use. dressing and look at the wound.” Wounds should be
■ Analgesics should be administered as the patient is evaluated at least daily for progression of healing and
resuscitated from anesthesia to facilitate comfort and for development of infection.
avoid interference with medical care. ■ Only by knowing the intended anatomic location of a
■ Resuscitation should be complete, with hemostasis given drain can a clinician determine the best way to
achieved, metabolic acidosis resolving, vasoactive confirm location and assess its function.

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