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Garcia, Nehemiah B.

BSN 2-2

What are the positive impacts of listening to your everyday life as a


- Listening has so many positive impacts in our day to day lives. Like for example , if you
listened well to the discussion , you’ll be able to answer when there’s a surprise recitation
or quiz , because you listened. Also listening could also lead to a better relationship with
your classmates can help eliminate conflict, anger and resentment. When we don’t
communicate with people, we tend to assume what someone is thinking and feeling and
this could lead to miscommunication and possibly create anger, resentment and other
negative emotions. If you actually listened you will learn, rather than assume, what
others are thinking and feeling. It could also show respect to your teacher when they are
discussing up front , or saying something because non-verbal communication such as eye
contact, leaning in or nodding your head, allows the teacher to know you are engaged and
truly listening.
Another positive effect of listening to student’s daily life , is that listening well , creates a
good environment for us students to work, because having good communication with
others is very important , it develops us socially and emotionally. In that way we can be
more open and look interested in what others has to say in that way they approach us ,
and in return it feels good because of that friendship formed.

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