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Name: Farah Gul

Reg no: 063

Sec: b

Semester: 8 th

Group: 1

Submitted to: Ma’am Solat

Topics for research

1. Effects of social support on academic achievement with mediating role of optimism and
peer victimization as a moderator.




Social Support Academic achievement


Peer victimization

The reason for choosing this topic is because of my personal experience with friends. As
I have seen many students, they do not achieve high grades because they lack social
support. I believe it is really important for academic achievement. Most of students alone
cannot achieve high, they need some social support which can improve their academic
success. And secondly optimism plays important role in achieving high. When we have
positive attitude towards achievement, we can succeed in studies. If we are pessimistic, it
becomes difficult to succeed and it can also reduce our self esteem that can lead to
failure. It turns out that optimistic attitude helps to be happier and more successful. It
protects us from failure. If you have positive attitude, you start to see silver lining in
challenging situation. It motivates you to achieve your goals.
Thirdly, with emergence of positive psychology, new perception helped to change the
focus from disorders to more different aspects of life.

2. Impact of verbal communication in building healthy relationships in adults with

moderating role of humor and emotional wellbeing as a moderator.



Verbal communication Healthy relationship



Emotional wellbeing

Reason for choosing this topic is because many relationships that I have experienced failed due
to lack of communication and spending time on social media and if someone uses humor, it can
improve relationship. I find it interesting. Humor is very important for improving relationship.
Good sense of humor can make other people listen to you. And we all like to be surrounded with
people who make us happy and laugh. People who use humor, they have good communication
skills. They can build trust and acceptance. It can be used to overcome reluctance that arises
during the process of getting to know someone. In established relationships, it can keep things
exciting, fresh and vibrant. It helps to forget past conflicts that can build up over time. It can ease
a tense situation and help to resolve disagreement.

Verbal communication allows the sender and receiver to hear what exactly you are saying. When
you are communicating verbally, people will do one of the two things, one, they will listen and
that means they will mentally pay attention to what is being said. And this will set standard as to
what response will be given. We use verbal communication to impart the knowledge and
information we are trying to put out clearly. It can solve misunderstandings. With proper
communication we can establish lifelong relationships.

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