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Name: ______Joshua Lambert_________________________ Date lesson taught: _____________________

Content Area: Music ESL

Course Title & Grade Level: Instruments and music theory, 3rd grade Level 2

3.2 participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer,
audience, or reader comments and questions.
participate in short discussions and written exchanges
follow the rules for discussion
ask questions to gain information or clarify understanding
respond to the comments of otherscontribute his or her own comments
about familiar topics and texts.


Content— students will use instruments and their knowledge of reading sheet music to compose a small song about
something that means a lot to them.

Language— Students will learn basics of rhythm and beat to create their own song/jingle about something that means
a lot to them.

Student-friendly— Students will create a song about something that means a lot to them

Students will be assessed on their ability to create a song/jingle

Students will be assessed on their ability to work and participate in groups

Students will be assessed on their ability to create a small song

Proactive Management:
Students are expected to be on task and listening.
Students are encouraged to collaborate with small groups
Students may not use instruments inappropriately
Voice level is 0 during lecture
Voice level 2 when discussing with small group
Voice level 2 when presenting

Instructional Strategies:
Multimedia presentation
Small group work
Cooperative learning
Role Play
Note Taking Strategy:
Cloze notes
Guided notes

What are the different groups of instruments?
What acronym do we use for guitar strings notes?
Anticipatory Set:
Begin lecture with a kahoot (10:00)
 Kahoot has pictures and other multimedia about instruments used in songs.
 Top three get a piece of candy

The Lesson:
Anticipatory Set (10:00)
Students will get a breakdown of how to use instruments safely and responsibly (20:00)
 Students will be supplied with hand drums, maracas, bongos, online music streaming
 Students will each get a chance to play each instrument before breaking off in small groups to create a song.

Students will be broken up into groups of 3-4 where they will pick an instrument or two and create a song about something they
enjoy (20:00)
 Students must work together to create lyrics and some instrumental music.
 They will present and it must be at least 1 minute in length.
o This is purely a completion grade.

Closure (5:00)
 Students will return instruments to the front of the room and return to their seats
 They will be asked to remember an instrument they played and explain it at the beginning of next period

Procedural— students will finish presenting their songs and think about an instrument that was used or taught
to explain next class.
Content Summary— students will have created a song using instruments and lyrics

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