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Research notes for IR

Title: Biodiversity and How does the loss of biodiversity affect the
ecosystem loss ecosystem?

Research aims - I will research about this topic and

look at it from all three: Global,
National and Local perspective.
- I will also provide facts and data
about biodiversity and ecosystem
loss and explain whether this is a
good or a bad thing
- I will also provide real life examples
and I will also present a possible
solution to this problem.
context The loss biodiversity can affect the environment
and humans and animals. For humans, it may be
both beneficial or bad. For animals, it is just bad
in many ways. Biodiversity loss should be kept
at a minimum and an advantageous level.
Methods I can research about this topic on the internet and
use websites that are unbiased and useful in
many ways like google scholars. I could also
read the newspapers to see if anything useful is
Sources of Data and Evidence The internet and the newspaper will be the main
source of my research, but I will not interview
people about this topic for they may be biased.
Recording of Data and I will record my data by using bullet points and
Evidence then later on I will turn them into a paragraph
and I will also highlight some quotes and save
them to later on use them in my essay
Possible problems For the possible problems I will face, I think
facing some biased and untruthful sources might
be a problem, but other than that I don’t think
there will be any other problems.
Analyzing Data and So, by analyzing the sources and data, I will
Evidence. answer my research question and try and see if
there is a solution to the problem.
Presentation of information For the presentation I will write an essay with
maybe 5 to 6 paragraphs and at least 1000 words
using my sources and the data.

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and

future challenges
Research notes for IR

Likewise, biodiversity loss describes the decline in the number, genetic variability, and

variety of species, and the biological communities in a given area. This loss in the
variety of life can lead to a breakdown in the functioning of the ecosystem where
decline has happened.

In contrast, the continuing loss of biodiversity on a huge scale presents a direct threat to our
health and well-being.
Without a healthy biodiversity the quality of human lives and its population will decrease.

Quotes: Biodiversity is the foundation for human health

How does the loss of biodiversity affect the ecosystem?

Biodiversity refers to the diverse variety of life and living things on earth. It also refers to
the lives of plants and animals in a habitat or an ecosystem. For example, in an ocean, there
are many different kinds of plants and animals including fish, octopus, and seaweed.
Biodiversity is important because it helps the environment in many ways. For example, it boosts
the productivity of an ecosystem so it produces more materials and resources. Every single
species in an ecosystem plays a role in helping the ecosystem and the biodiversity no matter
how small the role is. For example, plants in an ecosystem produce air and food for everyone to
consume. The small fish eat the food produced by the plants after that they get eaten by the
bigger fishes and then the big fishes get eaten by bigger fishes and so on. By doing so this
helps maintain overpopulation in an ecosystem. 

Health is our most basic human right. Biodiversity gives us life-sustaining goods and
services and by sustaining a healthy biodiversity we human gain many health benefits and
resources such as food, water, and materials such as wood and metal. Biodiversity also
supports food security, dietary health and also the development and the quality of the crops
that we consume daily. Diets based on diversity of food species promote health and helps
Research notes for IR

protect against diseases, malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, the loss
agricultural biodiversity may threaten health, security of food and nutrition and the quality of
the products that we consume. Studies of wild life and biology can also lead to the important
developments in human medicines and drugs. For thousands of years we humans have
been using variety of resources produced by both plants and animals for many things
including drugs and medicines. The loss of biodiversity can also lead to the extinction of
some species. “The current extinction rate is now approaching 1,000 times the background
rate and may climb to 10,000 times the background rate during the next century, if present
trends continue [resulting in] a loss that would easily equal those of past extinctions.” (Anup
Shah, “Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions.”). In different parts of the world, different
species face different types and levels of threats. The rate of biodiversity loss is rapidly
growing and is showing no signs of slowing down in the future, because of the persevering
of the five major principles. These five principles are: Habitat loss and degradation, Climate
change, Excessive nutrient load and other forms of pollution, Over-exploitation and
unsustainable use, Invasive alien species. Although the loss of biodiversity is bad and has
many down sides, it also has many advantages and good things about it. Some good things
about biodiversity loss is that by having a forest diversity destroyed, it creates a space for us
humans to use to do or build many things such as cities and buildings. We can also gain
resources and things due to the loss of biodiversity. Even though it has some advantages
those advantages are only beneficial to us humans’ beings and most of the time have a bad
effect on those other species and creatures that contains in that biodiversity. However even
if it contains some advantages there are more disadvantages and dire consequences to
biodiversity loss. Globally we are losing too much biodiversity so to make biodiversity loss
advantageous and beneficial we must be smart, careful and keep it at a minimum level.

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