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Throughout the article, both author position them in the issue with disapproving of the

issue of increment number of domestic violence. Besides, both of them stated that society has
underestimated the effects and scale of such abuse. They also claim that there are lasting
effect of domestic violence on victims physical either being hit, slammed or beaten. Although
some of the rich countries experience small amount of domestic violence such as being
assaulted, but the figure is disturbing the authors for the most of the poor countries. Yet, both
of them take into account that if the uses of animal in research is band of law, there only little
hope to overcome human suffering. In addition, domestic violence from terrorism also causes
the increase of deaths globally. Moreover, domestic violence effecting costs to society such
as pain, bills, lost productivity plus increased risk of homicide. Last but not last, increase in
global cost affected by cost of domestic violence internationally. The author’s purpose for
writing this article is to let readers know that the after effect of domestic violence towards
individual, society and global. The author’s tone on this article is biased because the author
has a negative attitude towards domestic violence that contributed to mental-health problems
and chronic illnesses. The author’s intended audiences to read this article are Ministry of
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Family Welfare, Ministry of Health,
society and parents.
There are few types of supporting detail that the author practices in conveying the
issue. Most of the author claim are more from research finding and statistic. In paragraph one
he stated that animal research makes people healthier and even contributed to better nutrient
and sanitation. He also claims that without animal research there is almost possible to obtain
some information in paragraph 2 and in the last paragraph he once again claim that without
animal research there are little hope to eliminate the widespread of human infection reflect
his personal opinion. Beside that he also takes in some opinion from the expert on the last
paragraph where they believe that animal discomfort and pain experience is a small problem
compared to the statistical amount of human suffering. Other than that author use case
studied in paragraph two, some example in paragraph two and three, statistical data at
paragraph five and seven, and research finding in paragraph six to support his claim.

In this article the author fulfills the aspect of relevance, objectivity, completeness,
credibility and validity. The support is directly related to the argument for example only
animal can be fed identically and closely monitored diet and on the other hand it still has
some biological similarities to human so its related to the argument impossible by using
human subject in the experimental model. Most of the support consists fact and clear
evidence such as data from the 1998 Animal Welfare Enforcement Report by Department of
Agriculture prove that the author's argument has objectivity. Animal research is essential in
alleviating this widespread human suffering compare that they abuse in animal show the
argument is complete. Low percentage of animal abuse in laboratory, low number of dead
involve a lab animal, better nutrition and sanitation in animal research and social
confrontation in using human subject to show the argument has validity and credibility.

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