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AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

Application Note

Document version 1.0

October 1, 2012 l Public

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics


1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
2 Definitions ........................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Measurement Sessions............................................................................................................................2
2.2 Metric Classification ................................................................................................................................2
2.3 Metrics Availability ..................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Result Record (RR) ...................................................................................................................................3
2.5 Units ........................................................................................................................................................3
2.6 Percentiles ...............................................................................................................................................4

3 Metrics ............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Time Metrics ............................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Packet Delay .................................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Inter Packet Delay Variation (IPDV) ..............................................................................................6
3.1.3 Packet Delay Variation (PDV) .......................................................................................................6
3.1.4 Multicast Join And Leave Delay ....................................................................................................7
3.2 Count Metrics ..........................................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 Number Of Packets and Bytes ......................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Packet loss ....................................................................................................................................8
3.2.3 Packet reorder ............................................................................................................................10
3.2.4 Packet Duplication ......................................................................................................................10
3.2.5 Packet tooLate ............................................................................................................................11
3.3 Packet Field Metrics ..............................................................................................................................11
3.4 Bandwidth metrics ................................................................................................................................13
3.5 Quality Metrics ......................................................................................................................................14
3.6 Meta Metrics .........................................................................................................................................14

4 Metrics Per Session Type ................................................................................ 18

4.1 Metric Calculation Per Session Type .....................................................................................................18
4.2 Time Metrics ..........................................................................................................................................18
4.3 Count Metrics ........................................................................................................................................20
4.4 Packet Field Metrics ..............................................................................................................................21
4.5 Bandwidth Metrics ................................................................................................................................21
4.6 Quality Metrics ......................................................................................................................................23
4.7 IGMP Zap Metrics ..................................................................................................................................23
4.8 Meta Metrics .........................................................................................................................................24

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

5 Metrics Per System Component ..................................................................... 25

5.1 Time Metrics ..........................................................................................................................................25
5.2 Count Metrics ........................................................................................................................................27
5.3 Packet Field Metrics ..............................................................................................................................27
5.4 Bandwidth Metrics ................................................................................................................................28
5.5 Quality Metrics ......................................................................................................................................29

6 References...................................................................................................... 30

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

List of Tables

Table 1 Unit Descriptions............................................................................................................................ 3

Table 2 Delay Metrics ................................................................................................................................. 5
Table 3 IPDV Jitter Metrics ......................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4 PDV Metrics ................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 5 Multicast IGMP Metrics .................................................................................................................. 7
Table 6 Packet Count Metrics .................................................................................................................... 8
Table 7 Packet Loss Metrics ...................................................................................................................... 9
Table 8 Packet Reorder Metrics ............................................................................................................... 10
Table 9 Packet Duplication Metrics .......................................................................................................... 10
Table 10 Packet Duplication Metrics ........................................................................................................ 11
Table 11 Packet Field Metrics .................................................................................................................. 12
Table 12 Bandwidth Metrics ..................................................................................................................... 13
Table 13 Quality Metrics ........................................................................................................................... 14
Table 14 Meta Metrics .............................................................................................................................. 14
Table 15 Metrics Type Per Session .......................................................................................................... 18
Table 16 Time Metrics Generated Per Session ....................................................................................... 18
Table 17 Count Metrics Generated Per Session ...................................................................................... 20
Table 18 Packet Field Metrics Generated Per Session ............................................................................ 21
Table 19 Metrics Specific to the BW session ........................................................................................... 21
Table 20 Quality Metrics Generated Per Session .................................................................................... 23
Table 21 Metrics Specific to the MC Zap session .................................................................................... 23
Table 22 Meta Metrics Generated Per Session ....................................................................................... 24
Table 23 System Component Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 25
Table 24 Time Metrics Per System Component ....................................................................................... 25
Table 25 Count Metrics Reported Per System Component ..................................................................... 27
Table 26 Packet Field Metrics Reported Per System Component ........................................................... 27
Table 27 Bandwidth metrics reported per System Component ................................................................ 28
Table 28 Bandwidth metrics reported per System Component ................................................................ 29

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

1 Introduction

This application note describes the measured and derived metrics for Accedian V-NID
measurement streams.

The document contains information about the result metrics created at and reported
from the V-NID Actuators, metrics exported from the V-NID Manager export interface and
metrics presented in the V-NID Analyzer client graphs.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

2 Definitions

2.1 Measurement Sessions

A measurement session is a stream of packets sent from a sending endpoint to one or
several receiving endpoints. Some streams are reflected back to the origin using reflectors
(Actuators can function as reflectors). The measurement packets have a wide variety of
encodings, including IPv4, TCP, IEEE802, TWAMP, etc. Accedian V-NID measurement
streams are typically continuous, that is, they are not single test measurements.

The receiving end of a measurement stream computes and collects metrics and reports
them upstream to a server or client.

Measurement sessions are of the following types:

• One-way (OW) is a uni-directional measurement stream where metrics are
measured on a path from a sender to a receiver. A one-way session may also be
multicast, from one sender to a group of receivers.
• Two-way (TW) is a bi-directional measurement stream between an Actuator and a
reflector where metrics are measured separately on both the uplink, i.e., the path
from a sender to a reflector, and downlink, the path from a reflector and back.
Double sequence numbers and time stamping are usually necessary.
• Round Trip (RT) is a bi-directional measurement stream between an Actuator and a
reflector where metrics are measured as the sum of the uplink and downlink paths.
In a round-trip measurement, you cannot distinguish between the uplink and
Note that some session types may report a combination of round-trip and two-way

2.2 Metric Classification

There are several efforts in standardizing metrics, including IETF/IPPM [2] and ITUT
[5]. IETF/IPPM classifies metrics into ’singleton’, ’sample’, and ’statistical’, where
singletons are individual instances of a measurement (e.g. the one-way delay of one
packet) and samples are a collection of singletons (such as a vector of one-way delay
metrics. Statistical metrics are derived from the more primitive values, such as the
average of the one-way delay metric over some time interval.

The major part of the metrics in this document fall into the ’statistical’ class. Note,
though, that some ’higher level’ statistical metrics are derived from other statistical
metrics. For example, the quality metrics, including MOS and R-value, is computed by a
composition of loss and latency.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

While most statistical metrics are computed immediately at the time of the sampling on
the measuring Actuators, many of the higher level metrics are computed off-line, such as
by a server or a presentation client.

2.3 Metrics Availability

Metrics are of central importance in the V-NID system. The measuring Actuators collect
and compute metrics and transfer them as result records (RRs) to upstream Managers.
From the Manager, metrics can be exported using the export XML interface, see (V-NID
Manager Export I/F User's Manual, Accedian Networks, 2012) for more information on
using this interface.
Many metrics are also available in the clients: V-NID Analyzed and web client. The
availability of each individual metric is shown in Section 3.7

2.4 Result Record (RR)

A result record (RR) is a set of metrics collected by a V-NID Actuator during a specific
measurement time interval (’intervalms’ in the figure below). During this period, a stream
of test packets are sent and received by the Actuator. The receiving side assembles the
result at the end of each interval (statTime) and creates an RR. The RR contains metrics
such as max, min, percentiles etc. RRs are numbered (statRound) starting from 1 and
increasing in steps of one for every new interval. RRs are either sent upstream to a V-NID
Manager server or temporarily stored locally on the Actuator should the connection to
the Manager be lost.

RRs are encoded using binary files, XML and SQL. The binary file format has the file
extension “.pml”. The XML export interface is an example of XML encoded result records.
Session statTime=T1 statTime=T2
Start create 1st RR create 2nd RR
| | |
|<-------- statRound=1 ---------->|<-------- statRound=2 ---------->|
| | |
|<-------- intervalms ----------->|<-------- intervalms ----------->|
| | |
T0-------------------------------T1--------------------------------T2--> Time(ms)
| | |

2.5 Units
The following table contains a description of the units used in the metric tables in the

Table 1 Unit Descriptions

Unit Description

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

ms Milliseconds

us Microseconds

seqnum A sequence number starting from 1

int An enumeration of an integer

float A floating point number

bps Bits per second

kbps Kilobit per second

2.6 Percentiles
A percentile is a statistical value that represents a distribution of result data. When
calculating a percentile, the complete set of data collected during an interval is stored in a
vector, and then sorted in ascending order. A specific percentile may then be retrieved
from the sorted vector by reading the corresponding element of the vector. In this way
percentile 0 (min) is equal to the first value in the sorted vector, percentile 100 is the last
value in the vector, and the median (percentile 50) is the value at the middle of the

Example, if there are 1000 measured delay values during an RR interval; the 99th delay
percentile will then represent the 10th highest delay value. Delay percentiles are named
’dp’. The 25th delay percentile is termed dp25, etc. Jitter percentile metric are named jp,
as jp75 for the 75th jitter percentile. Delay variation percentiles are named dvp. The 75th
delay variation percentile is named dvp75, etc.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

3 Metrics

3.1 Time Metrics

Time metrics are related to latency, that is, the passing of time between the sending of a
packet and its reception.

3.1.1 Packet Delay

Depending of which type of session is producing the result record (RR), a delay metric can
hold one-way or roundtrip data. E.g. if the session type is 1xOneWay the metric holds
one-way delay data and if the session type is eth-lb the metric holds roundtrip delay data.
The max value is 16.77 seconds expressed as microseconds.

Table 2 Delay Metrics

Name Unit Description

dmin us Minimum delay during the RR interval

dp25 us Percentile 25 delay during the RR interval

dp50 us Percentile 50 (median) delay during the RR interval

dp75 us Percentile 75 delay during the RR interval

dp95 us Percentile 95 delay during the RR interval

dp96 us User configured (default p96) delay during the RR interval

dp98 us User configured (default p98) delay during the RR interval

dp99 us User configured (default p99) delay during the RR interval

dmax us Highest delay during the RR interval

davg us Average delay during the RR interval

dStdDev us Standard deviation of the delays during the RR interval

rttMin us Minimum roundtrip packet train delay during the RR interval

rttMax us Maximum roundtrip packet train delay during the RR interval

rttAvg us Average roundtrip packet train delay during the RR interval

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

3.1.2 Inter Packet Delay Variation (IPDV)

The IPDV metrics are of type Inter Packet Delay Variation (IPDV). IPDV is defined as the
absolute value of the difference in delay between two consecutive received packets.

Depending of which type of session is producing the result record (RR), a delay variation
metric can hold one-way or roundtrip data. E.g. if the session type is 1xOneWay the
metric holds one-way delay variation data and if the session type is eth-lb the metric
holds roundtrip delay variation data. The max value is 16.77 seconds expressed as

Table 3 IPDV Jitter Metrics

Name Unit Description

jmin us Minimum delay variation during the RR interval

jp25 us Percentile 25 delay variation during the RR interval

jp50 us Percentile 50 (median) delay variation during the RR interval

jp75 us Percentile 75 delay variation during the RR interval

jp95 us Percentile 95 delay variation during the RR interval

jp96 us User configured (default p96) delay variation during the RR


jp98 us User configured (default p98) delay variation during the RR


jp99 us User configured (default p99) delay variation during the RR


jmax us Highest delay variation during the RR interval

javg us Average delay variation during the RR interval

jStdDev us Standard deviation of the delay variations during the RR


3.1.3 Packet Delay Variation (PDV)

The Packet Delay Variation (PDV) metrics compare a delay percentile with the minimum
delay value. Thus it gives a view of the span between minimum delay value and the
percentile. This is sometimes referred to as “Real Jitter”.
Depending of which type of session is producing the result record (RR), a delay variation
metric can hold one-way or roundtrip data. E.g. if the session type is 1xOneWay the

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

metric holds one-way delay variation data and if the session type is eth-lb the metric
holds roundtrip delay variation data. The max value is 16.77 seconds expressed as

Table 4 PDV Metrics

Name Unit Description

dvp25 us Percentile 25 delay difference from min delay

dvp50 us Percentile 50 (median) delay difference from min delay

dvp75 us Percentile 75 delay difference from min delay

dvp95 us Percentile 95 delay difference from min delay

dvp96 us Percentile 96 delay difference from min delay

dvp98 us Percentile 98 delay difference from min delay

dvp99 us Percentile 99 delay difference from min delay

dvmax us Max delay difference from min delay

dvavg us Average delay difference from min delay

3.1.4 Multicast Join And Leave Delay

Table 5 Multicast IGMP Metrics

Name Unit Description

joinDelay ms Receive time of the first received packet after called IGMP join
as offset in milliseconds after joinTime. Max value 300 seconds

leaveDelay ms Receive time of the last received packet after called IGMP
leave as offset in milliseconds after leaveTime. Max value 60

3.2 Count Metrics

Count metrics holds information about number packets received and metrics derived
from packet sequence numbering such as lost, reorder and duplicate.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

3.2.1 Number Of Packets and Bytes

Table 6 Packet Count Metrics

Name Unit Description

rxpkts int Number of packets that was received (including duplicate

packets) during the RR interval

rxbytes int Number of bytes that was received (including duplicate

packets) during the RR interval

sentTrains int Number of packet train that was sent from transceiver on
uplink during the RR interval

invalidTrainsUL int Number of packet trains that was sent from transceiver on
uplink and was received invalid by reflector due to packet
lost, reorder, duplication or TOS, TTL mismatch within a
train during the RR interval

invalidTrainsDL int Number of packet trains that was sent from reflector on
downlink and was received invalid by receiver due to
packet lost, reorder, duplication or TOS, TTL mismatch
within a train during the RR interval

pktsUL int Number of packets that was received on uplink (including

duplicate packets) during the RR interval

bytesUL int Number of bytes that was received on uplink (including

duplicate packets) during the RR interval

pktsDL int Same as pktsUL but for downlink result

bytesDL int Same as bytesUL but for downlink result

3.2.2 Packet loss

The packet loss metrics counts the number of lost packets, number of periods of lost
packets and the minimum and maximum length (lost burst)of the lost periods during a
result record (RR) interval.

Lost packets are counted for the following reasons.

• A packet does not arrive in RR interval N.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

• A packet arrives with a larger sequence number than expected and the sequence
discontinuity is not caused by reordering
• A packet expected to arrive in RR interval N, arrives late and reordered in RR
interval N+1. Such packet is counted as lost in RR N and as tooLate and reordered in
RR N+1.
• A packet expected to arrive in RR interval N, arrives late in order in RR interval N+1.
Such packet is counted as lost in RR N and as tooLate in RR N+1.
• A packet arrives but is corrupted.

Examples, consider a stream of 10 packets sent as (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) during an RR

interval and arriving as:

• (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10): No packets are lost. All packet loss metrics are 0.
• (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10): Packet 2,7,8,9 are lost. Number of lost packets are 4. Number of
lost periods is 2. The minimum and maximum lengths of the periods are 1 and 3

Table 7 Packet Loss Metrics

Name Unit Description

lostpkts int Number of lost packets during the RR interval

lostperc % Number of lost packets during the RR interval in percent.

= (lostpkts / (rxpkts + lostpkts - duplicatepkts)) * 100.0

lostperiods int Number of lost periods during the RR interval

lostburstmin int Shortest loss period length during the RR interval

lostburstmax int Longest loss period length during the RR interval

lostTrains int Number of lost packet trains on uplink or downlink during

the RR interval

lostPktsUL int Number of lost packets on uplink during the RR interval

lostPktsDL int Same as lostPktsUL but for downlink result

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3.2.3 Packet reorder

The packet reorder metric counts the number of packets received with a sequence
number not earlier received and smaller than expected during a result record (RR)
If a packet arrives with a larger sequence number than expected, this indicates sequence
discontinuity caused by either packet loss or reordering.

Table 8 Packet Reorder Metrics

Name Unit Description

misorderpkts int Number of packets that was received reordered (excluding

duplicates) during the RR interval

misorderperc % Number of packets that was received reordered (excluding

duplicates) during the RR interval in percent.
misorderperc = (misorderpkts / (rxpkts - duplicatepkts)) * 100.0

misorderPktsUL int Number of packets that was received reordered on uplink

(excluding duplicates) during the RR interval (BW session

misorderPktsDL int Same as misorderPktsUL but for downlink result (BW

session only).

Examples, consider a stream of 4 packets, sent as (1, 2, 3, 4) and arriving as:

• (1, 2, 3, 4): No packets are reordered in the stream.
• (1, 2, 4, 3): The packet with sequence number 3 is reordered.
• (1, 2, 4, 3, 3): The first packet with sequence number 3 is reordered and the second
one is duplicated.

3.2.4 Packet Duplication

The packet duplication metric counts the number of additional identical and uncorrupted
copies received. Packets are considered identical if they belong to the same session
(contain identical information fields) and have the same sequence number. For IP packets,
e.g. TTL field may vary if a duplicated packet has been routed differently. A duplicated
packet is both counted as received and duplicated.

Table 9 Packet Duplication Metrics

Name Unit Description

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

duplicatepkts int Number of packets that was received duplicated during the
RR interval

duplicateperc % Number of packets that was received duplicated during the

RR interval in percent.
duplicateperc = (duplicatepkts / (rxpkts - duplicatepkts)) *

duplPktsUL int Number of packets that was received duplicated on uplink

duplicates) during the RR interval (BW session only)

duplPktsDL int Same as duplPktsUL but for downlink result (BW session

Examples, consider a stream of 4 packets, sent as (1, 2, 3, 4) and arriving as:

• (1, 2, 3, 4): No packets are duplicated.
• (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4): Every packet is duplicated once
• (1, 2, 3, 4, 3): The packet with sequence number 3 is duplicated

3.2.5 Packet tooLate

A packet tooLate is a packet received in result record (RR) interval N+1 but is already
incorrect counted as lost in previous RR interval N.

Table 10 Packet Duplication Metrics

Name Unit Description

toolatepkts int Number of packets received late, already counted as lost in

the previous RR interval

Examples, consider a stream of 10 packets sent as (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) and arriving in RR

interval N as (1,2,3,4,6) and in interval N+1 as (7,5,8,9,10). The packet with sequence
number 5 is received reordered in interval N+1. Since the packet is already counted as lost
in interval N, the tooLate (and the reorder) counter is increased in interval N+1. The
tooLate counter indicates here the false count of lost packet in previous interval N.

3.3 Packet Field Metrics

Packet field metrics are derived from IP or Ethernet packet header fields.

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

Table 11 Packet Field Metrics

Name Unit Description

tosmin int Minimum received TOS value during the RR interval. Max
value 255

tosmax int Maximum received TOS value during the RR interval. Max
value 255

ttlmin int Minimum received TTL value during the RR interval. Max value

ttlmax int Maximum received TTL value during the RR interval. Max value

vpriomin int Minimum received VLAN priority during the RR interval. Max
value 7

vpriomax int Maximum received VLAN priority during the RR interval. Max
value 7

melmin int Minimum received MEG (Maintenance Entity Group) level

during the RR interval. Max value 7

melmax int Maximum received MEG (Maintenance Entity Group) level

during the RR interval. Max value 7

tosminUL int Minimum received TOS value on uplink during the RR interval.
Max value 255

tosmaxUL int Maximum received TOS value on uplink during the RR interval.
Max value 255

ttlminUL int Minimum received TTL value on uplink during the RR interval.
Max value 255

ttlmaxUL int Maximum received TTL value on uplink during the result
record interval. Max value 255

vpriominUL int Minimum received VLAN priority value on uplink during the RR
interval. Max value 7

vpriomaxUL int Maximum received VLAN priority value on uplink during the
RR interval. Max value 7.

tosminDL int Minimum received TOS value on downlink during the RR

interval. Max value 255

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

tosmaxDL int Maximum received TOS value on downlink during the RR

interval. Max value 255

ttlminDL int Minimum received TTL value on downlink during the RR

interval. Max value 255

ttlmaxDL int Maximum received TTL value on downlink during the result
record interval. Max value 255

vpriominDL int Minimum received VLAN priority value on downlink during the
RR interval. Max value 7

vpriomaxUL int Maximum received VLAN priority value on downlink during the
RR interval. Max value 7.

3.4 Bandwidth metrics

The bandwidth metrics holds information on consumed bandwidth of a session, link
capacity and free bandwidth or terminating traffic on a physical interface.

Table 12 Bandwidth Metrics

Name Unit Description

bwCurr kbps Instantaneous sample of Rx load at JoinTime

bwHist kbps Average/history Rx load before JoinTime

avbwp5UL bps Uplink percentile 5 available bandwidth during the RR

interval. Max value 990 Mbps

avbwp95UL bps Uplink percentile 95 available bandwidth during the RR

interval. Max value 990 Mb

avbwAvgUL bps Uplink average available bandwidth during the RR interval.

Max value 990 Mbps

avbwp5DL bps Same as avbwp5UL but for downlink direction

avbwp95DL bps Same as avbwp95UL but for downlink direction

avbwAvgDL bps Same as avbwAvgUL but for downlink direction

cap5UL bps Uplink percentile 5 capacity during the result record interval.
Max value 990 Mbps

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cap95UL bps Uplink percentile 95 capacity during the result record

interval. Max value 990 Mbps

capAvgUL bps Uplink average capacity during the result record interval. Max
value 990 Mbps

cap5DL bps Same as cap5UL but for downlink direction

cap95DL bps Same as cap95UL but for downlink direction

capAvgDL bps Same as capAvgUL but for downlink direction

3.5 Quality Metrics

A quality metric is higher level metric derived from one or many metrics to form customer
experience measure.

Table 13 Quality Metrics

Name Unit Description

R-value float Rating value (or factor) is a measure of voice call quality and
is derived from metrics such as codec type, latency, jitter,
and packet loss. The R-value is expressed as a decimal value
in the range from 1.0 to 100.0, where 100.0 is the highest
rated quality

MOS float MOS float Mean Opinion Score is a measure of voice call
quality. MOS is expressed as a decimal value in the range
from 1.0 to 5.0, where 5.0 is the highest rated quality. MOS
is derived from the R-value

3.6 Meta Metrics

The meta metrics holds information about the result record (RR) such as identification,
status, timing, error codes and numbering information.

Table 14 Meta Metrics

Name Unit Description

peerid int unique (global scope) 32 bit session endpoint identifier

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

direction int Indicates which link the result concerns. Direction uplink
(Actuator->Reflector) = 0 and downlink (Reflector-
>Actuator) = 1

statStatus int Statistic result level of the RR and error code. The
statStatus metric is divided into two parts, statLevel (low 16
bit) and errorCode (high 16 bit). The statLevel is bit mask
and hold information of valid result in the RR.

If statLevel = LOSS, JITTER and DELAY is set, the RR contains

loss, jitter and delay results.
LOSS = 0x00100 (256)
JITTER = 0x00200 (512)
DELAY = 0x00400 (1024)
EST LOSS = 0x04000 (16384), Estimation is done when no
packets have been received to calculate possible gap in
sequence number at the time to process the RR.

If the error code is equal to zero, then the RR is ok. If error

code is larger than zero, then it contains an error code
which must be interpreted to find out the type of error.
Error reason can be e.g. cannot analyze data due to
received no packets etc

syncStatus int Synchronization state and quality factor. Concerns all

sessions where one-way delay metrics are measured.

The syncStatus metric is divided into two parts, state (low

16 bits) and quality (high 16 bits). The sync quality factor is
measured in percent (0-100%). It is not an exact value but
instead a guidance on how well synchronization can be
performed over the network. The state holds the current
state of used synchronization session.
CONNECT(13) test connectivity to destination
COLD (16) synchronization started (not yet ready to use)
WARM (17) synchronization data ready to use
FATAL (23) Fatal error occurred

statTime ms End time of one RR interval and the time when the
collected data were condensed into RR metrics. UTC time
milliseconds since epoch 1/1/1970

intervalms ms The RR data collecting interval. This is the time between

creating two consecutive RRs. Max value 600 seconds

statRound seq RR numbering per session. Starting from 1 and increasing in

num step of one for every newly created RR

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

firstpktOffset Receive time of the first received packet during the RR

interval as offset in milliseconds before statTime. Max value
600 seconds

firstpktSeq Sequence number of the first received packet during the RR


lastpktOffset Receive time of the last received packet during the RR

interval as offset in milliseconds before statTime. Max value
600 seconds

lastpktSeq Sequence number of the last received packet during the RR


zapId A zap (multicast) channel identifier. Max value 10

round Zap round = (1...n), zap order for a channel. Rounds for a
channel can be ordered like 1,5,9..., if there are four
channels to zap between

joinTime Time when called IGMP join. UTC time milliseconds since
epoch 1/1/1970

leaveTime Time when called IGMP join. UTC time milliseconds since
epoch 1/1/1970

joinFail Failed to join multicast group. No packets received before

end of join fail limit (next call IGMP leave). Zero means no

leaveFail Failed to leave multicast group. Packets received after end

of leave fail limit. Zero means no fail

statLevelUL Statistic result level of the uplink RR (BW session only). The
statLevelUL hold information of valid result in the RR and is
a bit mask of LOSS, DELAY, AVBW, CAP and EXTEND

statLevelDL Same as statLevelUL but for downlink result

avbwStatusUL Available bandwidth result status of the uplink RR (BW

session only). If the status code is equal to zero, then the
RR is ok. Otherwise, information code

avbwStatusDL Same as avbwStatusUL but for downlink result

firstTrainOffset Receive time of the first received packet train during the RR
interval as offset in milliseconds before statTime. Max value
600 seconds

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lastTrainOffset Receive time of the last received packet train during the RR
interval as offset in milliseconds before statTime. Max value
600 seconds

firstTrainSeq Sequence number of the first received packet train during

the RR interval

lastTrainSeq Sequence number of the last received packet train during

the RR interval

trainInfoUL Number of uplink extended detailed train information that

follows this RR (BW session only when log to file)

trainInfoDL Same as trainInfoUL but for downlink result

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

4 Metrics Per Session Type

This section defines which metrics are measured for each session type in the V-NID
system. It includes tables where each column represents one session type.

4.1 Metric Calculation Per Session Type

The following table shows how metrics are counted and calculated depending on session

Table 15 Metrics Type Per Session

Metric Type 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW









OW – One-way reported metric

TW – Two separate one-way metrics reported, one for each direction
RT – Round-trip metric

4.2 Time Metrics

The table shows time domain metrics reported depending on session type

Table 16 Time Metrics Generated Per Session

Metric 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW


Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 18

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

dmin X X X X X X X -

dp25 X X X X X X X -

dp50 X X X X X X X -

dp75 X X X X X X X -

dp95 X X X X X X X -

dp96 X X X X X X X -

dp98 X X X X X X X -

dp99 X X X X X X X -

dmax X X X X X X X -

dmean X X X X X X X -

dStdDev X X X X X X X -

jmin X X X X X X X -

jp25 X X X X X X X -

jp50 X X X X X X X -

jp75 X X X X X X X -

jp95 X X X X X X X -

jp96 X X X X X X X -

jp98 X X X X X X X -

jp99 X X X X X X X -

jmax X X X X X X X -

jmean X X X X X X X -

jStdDev X X X X X X X -

dvp25 X X X X X X X -

dvp50 X X X X X X X -

dvp75 X X X X X X X -

dvp95 X X X X X X X -

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

dvp96 X X X X X X X -

dvp98 X X X X X X X -

dvp99 X X X X X X X -

dvmax X X X X X X X -

dvmean X X X X X X X -

4.3 Count Metrics

The following table shows count metrics reported depending on session type

Table 17 Count Metrics Generated Per Session

Metric 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW


rxpkts X X X X X X X X

rxbytes X X X X X X X X

misorderpkts X X X X X X X -

misorderperc X X X X X X X -

duplicatepkts X X X X X X X -

duplicateperc X X X X X X X -

toolatepkts X X X X X X X -

lostperc X X X X X X X -

lostpkts X X X X X X X -

lostperiods X X X X X X X -

lostburstmin X X X X X X X -

lostburstmax X X X X X X X -

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 20

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

4.4 Packet Field Metrics

The following table shows packet field metrics reported depending on session type

Table 18 Packet Field Metrics Generated Per Session

Metric 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW


ttlmin X X - - - X X X

ttlmax X X - - - X X X

tosmin X X - - - X X X

tosmax X X - - - X X X

vpriomin X X X X X X X X

vpriomax X X X X X X X X

melmin - - X X X - - -

melmax - - X X X - - -

4.5 Bandwidth Metrics

The following table shows metrics reported for the BW session type

Table 19 Metrics Specific to the BW session

Metric BW UL BW DL

statLevelUL/DL X X

avbwStatusUL/DL X X

firstTrainOffset RT RT

lastTrainOffset RT RT

firstTrainSeq RT RT

lastTrainSeq RT RT

sentTrains RT RT

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

lostTrains RT RT

trainInfoUL/DL X X

rttMin RT RT

rttMax RT RT

rttAvg RT RT

pktsUL/DL X X

trainsUL/DL X X

bytesUL/DL X X

misorderPktsUL/DL X X

duplPktsUL/DL X X

lostPktsUL/DL X X

invalidTrainsUL/DL X X

ttlminUL/DL X X

ttlmaxUL/DL X X

tosminUL/DL X X

tosmaxUL/DL X X

vpriominUL/DL X X

vpriomaxUL/DL X X

avbwp5UL/DL X X

avbwp95UL/DL X X

avbwAvgUL/DL X X

capp5UL/DL X X

capp95UL/DL X X

capAvgUL/DL X X

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 22

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

4.6 Quality Metrics

The following table shows quality metrics reported depending on session type

Table 20 Quality Metrics Generated Per Session

Metric 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW


R-Value X X - - - X X -


4.7 IGMP Zap Metrics

The following table shows metrics reported for the IGMP Zap session type

Table 21 Metrics Specific to the MC Zap session

Metric Zap

bwCurr X

bwHist X

joinFail X

leaveFail X

joinTime X

joinDelay X

leaveTime X

leaveDelay X

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

4.8 Meta Metrics

The following table shows meta field metrics reported depending on session type

Table 22 Meta Metrics Generated Per Session

Metric 1xOW 2xOW ETH- ETH- ETH- TWA Echo BW


direction - X X - X X - -

statStatus X X X X X X X -

syncStatus X X X - X X - -

firstpktOffset X X X X X X X -

lastpktOffset X X X X X X X -

firstpktSeq X X X X X X X -

lastpktSeq X X X X X X X -

statTime X X X X X X X -

statTime X X X X X X X -

intervalms X X X X X X X -

statRound X X X X X X X X

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 24

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

5 Metrics Per System Component

This section defines in which V-NID system component the metrics appear. The following
table shows abbreviations of the system components where metrics appear

Table 23 System Component Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

MEI Manager XML Export Interface

MAF Manager Alarm Filter

MAT Manager Alarm Table

APV Analyzer Client Plot Viewer

ASG Analyzer Summary Graph

AST Analyzer Summary Text Report

AAR Analyzer Auto Reports

ACR Analyzer CSV Aggregated Reports

WSR Manager Web Session Reports

WAR Manager Web Alarm Reports

5.1 Time Metrics

The following table shows time metrics reported per system component

Table 24 Time Metrics Per System Component


dmin X X X X X X X X X

dp25 X X X X - X X X X

dp50 X X X X X X X X X

dp75 X X X X - X X X X

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 25

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

dp95 X X X X - X X X X

dp96 X X X X X X X X X

dp98 X X X X X X X X X

dp99 X X X X X X X X X

dmax X X X X X X X X X

dmean X X X X X X X X X

dStdDev X X X X - - - X X

jmin X X X X - X X X X

jp25 X X X X - X X X X

jp50 X X X X - X X X X

jp75 X X X X - X X X X

jp95 X X X X - X X X X

jp96 X X X X X X X X X

jp98 X X X X X X X X X

jp99 X X X X X X X X X

jmax X X X X - X X X X

jmean X X X X - X X X X

jStdDev X X X - - - - X X

dvp25 X X X X - X X X -

dvp50 X X X X - X X X -

dvp75 X X X X - X X X -

dvp95 X X X X - X X X -

dvp96 X X X X - X X X -

dvp98 X X X X - X X X -

dvp99 X X X X - X X X -

dvmax X X X X - X X X -

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 26

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

dvmean X X X X - X X X -

5.2 Count Metrics

The following table shows count metrics reported per system component

Table 25 Count Metrics Reported Per System Component


rxpkts X - - - - X - X X

rxbytes X - - - - - - X -

misorderpkts X X - X - X X X X

misorderperc - X - X - X X - -

duplicatepkts X X - X - X X X X

duplicateperc - X - X - X X - -

toolatepkts X - - X - X X X -

lostperc X X - X - X X X -

lostpkts X X - X - X X X X

lostperiods X - - X - - X X X

lostburstmin X - - X - - X X X

lostburstmax X - - X - - X X X

5.3 Packet Field Metrics

The following table shows packet field metrics reported per system component

Table 26 Packet Field Metrics Reported Per System Component


Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 27

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

ttlmin X - - X - X X X X

ttlmax X - - X - X X X X

tosmin X - - X - X X X X

tosmax X - - X - X X X X

vpriomin X - - X - X X X X

vpriomax X - - X - X X X X

melmin X - - X - X X - -

melmax X - - X - X X - -

5.4 Bandwidth Metrics

The following table shows bandwidth metrics reported per system component

Table 27 Bandwidth metrics reported per System Component


avbwp5UL/DL X - - - - - - - -

avbwp95UL/DL X - - - - - - - -

avbwAvgUL/DL X X X X - X X X -

capp5UL/DL X - - - - - - - -

capp95UL/DL X - - - - - - - -

capAvgUL/DL X X X X - X X X -

occAvgUL/DL - - - X - X X - -

avbwAvg%UL/DL - - - X - - X - -

occAvg%UL/DL - - - X - - X - -

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Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

5.5 Quality Metrics

The following table shows quality metrics reported per system component

Table 28 Bandwidth metrics reported per System Component


R-value - X X X - - X - -

MOS X X X X - - X - -

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 29

Application Note AN153 V-NID Suite Metrics

6 References

(V-NID Manager Export I/F User's Manual, Accedian Networks, 2012)

(RFC 2330 -”Framework for IP Performance Metrics”, IETF, 1998)
(RFC 2679 -”A One-way Delay Metric for IPPM”, IETF, 1999)
(RFC 3432 -”Network performance measurement with periodic streams”, IETF, 2002)
(Y.1542 -”Framework for achieving end-to-end IP performance objectives”, ITU-T, 2006)

Accedian Networks Inc.

2351 Alfred-Nobel, Suite N-410
St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada H4S 2A9
Toll free: 1-866-685-8181

Document version 1.0 l September 27, 2012 30

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