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Complex Engineering Activity

Subject: EE-223L-Digital Logic Design

Semester: Fall 2020
Instructor: ​Engr. Wania Anoosh

The objective of this complex engineering problem is to investigate and design a practical real
world application that has following attributes:
1. The problem has no obvious solution and requires abstract thinking, originality in
analysis to formulate suitable models.
2. This problem involves Interdependence and is a high level problem including many
componentparts and sub-problems.
This problem will design and simulate a coin operated vending machine.

Complex Engineering Activity Outcomes (CEAO):

Through the course of this engineering activity, students should be able to partially attain some
or all of the following graduate attributes:
1. GA1: Engineering Knowledge
2. GA2: Problem Analysis
3. GA3: Design/Development of Solution
4. GA4: Investigation
5. GA5: Modern Tool usage
This activity is mapped on CLO2 and your performance in this project will play an important
role in the attainment of this course learning outcome. .

CLO2 Apply acquired problem-solving knowledge both in PLO9 P3

individual capacity and teamwork to reproduce results.

Task Goals:
The goals of this engineering problem are to:
1. Design a digital circuit according to given specifications.
2. Gain experience with modern CAD techniques used to design digital systems.
3. Learn how to get information from professionally written manuals (e.g., 7-Segment)
4. Learn to test designs with simulation.
5. Learn to perform physical testing.
6. Learn how to work in a team.
7. Learn how to write a project report.
Problem Statement:
You have to design and simulate a circuit for a vending machine using switches, lamps (LEDs)
and seven-segment displays. The following design specifications are to be followed:
● The vending machine takes two types of inputs, coins and choice of product.
● The vending machine should accept and differentiate between different money
denominations. Assume that there are only 1, 2, 5 and 10 rupee coins available. The
different type of coins can be denoted by four different switches.
● This machine sells 8 different type of products, each with different prices. None of the
products can cost exactly 1, 2, 5 or 10 rupees. Choice of product can be indicated by
toggle switches. Users are only allowed to purchase 1 product at a time.
● Two types of outputs are generated by the vending machine; indication of product
purchased and the amount of change that needs to be returned.
● One out of 8 LEDs for each product should light up indicating a successful purchase.
Another LED should light up if the input money is less than the price of any desired
● The amount of change that needs to be returned must be displayed on 7 segment displays.
● Once the money credited to the user is returned, the vending machine should be able to
reset the money counter while triggering an LED to indicate change has been returned. A
new product could then be purchased.
● The vending machine design should be able to keep track of inventory in the machine. It
can be assumed that in the initial state, the machine is full and there are five items for
each of the 8 selections.

You are supposed to submit the following deliverables by the deadline:
• Hardware implementation of the sequential vending machine
• Detailed report on the design and working of the vending machine
• Simulation circuit on Proteus
Each group will have to present their project on the above-mentioned date.

Report Instructions:
Your written report should be concise and professionally written. It is expected that you will
follow the provided format closely. Departures from the format may result in deduction of points
from your grade. The task report must contain the following sections:
1. Task Description: This section should describe your design. It should provide the
reader with information he would need to understand how the circuits work and how you
designed them.
2. Theory of operation: Explain how your circuit works, but do not give implementation
details. This should be an expanded version of the introduction. That is, give a high level
description of what your circuits do and how they do it. For example, you could explain
any conditions or restrictions the user must observe to use the circuits, and the high level
structure of your circuits at the block diagram level.
3. Breakdown of Tasks
4. Block Diagram of the design
5. Design Details: In this section you can go into the details of your design. It should
contain any logical expressions you use, any Karnaugh maps or algebraic simplifications
you performed, and any tables or state diagrams for sequential circuits. It should explain
these design techniques if they are not self-explanatory. It should refer to the detailed
documentation (such as schematic diagrams) explicitly. This section should also contain a
description of any unusual problems you had and how you solved them and any aspect of
your design that is novel.
6. Design schematics for all modules: All schematic diagrams should be included in the
report according to the following rules:
a. Make sure all input and output connectors are labeled with the proper signal
name. Add labels for any interior signals that appear in the written description of
the circuit, especially those that appear in logical expressions.
b. The exact placement of parts and wires on the diagrams is not critical.
However, you should ensure that the circuit inputs are on the left side of the page
and circuit outputs on the right side so that information flow is from left to right
across the page.
7. Simulation screenshots showing testing details of the design.

Policy on Professional Ethics & Plagiarism:

You are free to consult any book and online resources during the design and analysis phase, but
you could not copy from them. Your design and implementation must be your original effort and
same apply for simulations. Remember that if anyone is found to copy from the Internet or other
group members, the group shall face severe penalty. You are not allowed to copy any material or
code directly from the web or elsewhere. Note that if you are found to violate this policy or it
becomes obvious that the work you have submitted is not your own or has been taken from some
other source you shall be facing severe consequences.
The Formula that will be generously applied in all cases is:

Final Score = Raw Score – 2*CF*Total

Where CF is the Copying Factor. This means that even if you are found to copy only in 50% of
the activity deliverables, and you end up scoring 100% raw score, but your final score will be 0.
Please follow the principle that “Honesty is the Best Policy”.
Make sure you write your own report and do not copy material directly off the internet.
Plagiarism content should not be more than 20%.
Best of luck!

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