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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning students. Today’s meeting, I’d like you to read the text on “Gay Marriage
Controversy”, then do the tasks (Task 1 and Task 2). Submit your work to e-learning
“Penilaian Keterampilan”. Submission is due 31 August 2020, at 23.00

Name: Putra Ardiansyah(24)

Class: XII Bahasa
Gay Marriage Controversy
It is obvious from the varying definitions of marriage that this topic carries with it a large amount of
controversy. Those who support same-sex marriage often argue that love is grounds enough for marriage,
regardless of sexual orientation. Those who are opposed often cite religious viewpoints and concerns
about the rearing of children as the main reasons for their opposition. The conflict over same-sex
marriage is not a simple one. It involves many legislative, cultural, religious and family issues.

From a legal standpoint, those on the opposing side of the gay marriage debate often believe that the
rights of marriage should be restricted to couples who are of the opposite sex. Those who are for it
believe that marriage is a civil right and should not have restrictions to those of a particular sexual

Gay Marriage and Religion

Arguments for and against the gay marriage debate often involve religious factors. Some religious
associations refuse to employ or offer services to same-sex couples. Christian groups who argue for same-
sex marriage tend to believe that lesbian and gay people were created as such by God and should have the
same rights as others. Those who are against it argue that same-sex relationships are immoral, against
God's will and subvert the goal of human sexuality, which is to produce children. The Jewish church also
varies in its approach to same-sex marriage. The Islamic faith openly rejects homosexuality, citing the
story of Lot in Sodom as a condemnation of homosexuality.

Many of those who take a particular position on same-sex marriage do so because of their beliefs about
family. Many argue that a child has a right to grow up with a father and a mother, and to raise him or her
in a homosexual household is to deny him that right. On the other hand, scientific studies have found that
children raised by homosexual parents are every bit as capable of providing heterosexual parenting to
their own children later in life.
The conflict over same-sex marriage is a big one because of the many social and legal factors involved.
Though there is no cut-and-dry definition of marriage, political and social groups everywhere are working
hard to form their own opinions and arguments.

Task 1

Complete the columns “Meaning or synonym and Indonesian Equivalent” IN PART A with the
words in columns “Meaning or synonym and Indonesian Equivalent” PART B.

Note: the words are jumbled. You must find the correct words.


No English Meaning or synonym Indonesian Equivalent

1 obvious (adj.) Clear, distinct, evident, visible, Jelas, nyata, kentara, terang
2 ground (n) Reason, basis Dasar, alasan
3 regardless of (prep.) Anyway, irrespective of, in spite of, Terlepas dari
despite, unconcerned about, with
consideration of, no matter
4 opposed (adj.) Dissaproving, dissagreeing, Bertentangan, tak sependapat, tak
contrasting, against, conflicting, in setuju
opposition, contrary, incompatible
5 cite (v) Quote, praise, summon, refer to, Mengutip, menyebut, memetik,
mention, reproduce, commend, mencupliki
6 concern (n) Matter, interest, business, thing, Perhatian, prihatin, urusan,
involvement, issue, affair, persoalan, kecemasan
7 rear (v) Educate, construct, raise, rise Membesarkan, mendidik,
membangun, menumbuhkan
8 legal (adj.) Allowed, concerned with the law, Diizinkan, diperbolehkan,
permitted sah(secara hukum)
9 standpoint (n) Point of view, viewpoint, vantage Sudut pandang, pendapat, opini,
point, stance, stand, view, opinion, posisi dalam menyikapi sesuatu
position, perspective, way of
thinking, outlook
10 right (n) Something that is morally correct, Hak, tuntutan
just, or honorable; a moral or legal
entitlement to have or obtain
something or to act in certain way
11 restrict (v) Limit, curb, restrain, confine, narrow, Membatasi, mengurangi
decrease, reduce, diminish
12 condemnation (n) Accusation, judgement, blame, Penghukuman, pengutukan
sentence, conviction, disapproval
13 for (prep.) Intending to have or benefit from Untuk
something; representing a group,
being behalf of someone or
something; particular feeling toward
someone; explaining the purpose of
something; expressing reason or
14 employ (v) Give work to someone; make use of Mempekerjakan
something; Hire, engage, recruit, take
on, use, utilize, make use of
15 will (n) Desire, wish, choice, determination, Kehendak
appetite, passion
16 subvert (v) Undermine the power and authority; Merusak, menumbangkan,
destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, menggulingkan, melanggar
overturn, depose, bring down
17 reject (v) Deny, discard, refuse, dismiss, Menolak, memungkiri
decline, desert, abandon
18 deny (v) Refuse, oppose, reject, counter, Menolak, membantah,
decline, forbid, prohibit, ban menyangkal, mengingkari
19 every bit In every way Di setiap bagiannya
20 cut-and-dry (adj.) Having a clear and definite quality Jelas, gamblang, mantap
that does not allow doubt or that
cannot be changed


No. Meaning or synonym Indonesian Equivalent

1 lawful (berhubungan dengan hukum, secara hukum)
2 raise (merawat, membesarkan)
3 entitlement or freedom (hak)
4 definite (pasti, absolut)
5 in support of something (mendukung)
6 state of being condemned, sentence (kutukan, hukuman)
7 viewpoint, point of view (sudut pandang)
8 clear (jelas)
9 opposite (bertentangan, berbeda)
10 in all ways, equally (dalam segala hal, sama)
11 limit (membatasi)
12 undermine, destroy, mislead (melemahkan, merusak, mengalihkan)
13 prevent from having (mencegah agar tidak memiliki)
14 make use of (memanfaatkan, memberikan)
15 no matter what ( tanpa memperdulikan)
16 reason or basis (alasan)
17 refuse (menolak)
18 deliberate intention, wish (niat, kehendak)
19 relevant matter (hal hal yang berkaitan dengan, menyangkut)
20 quote, mention (mengutip, menyebutkan)

Task 2
1. Find/Write the:
a. Pros statements based on:
- Legislative point of view: Marriage is a civil right and should not have restrictions to those
of a particular sexual orientation.
- Cultural point of view: Lesbian and gay people were created as such by God and should
have the same rights as others.
- Family point of view: It is proven scientifically that homosexual parents are as capable as
heterosexual parents to provide parenting to their children.
b. Cons statements based on:
- Legislative point of view: The rights of marriage should be restricted to couples who are of
the opposite sex.
- Cultural point of view: Same-sex relationships are immoral, against God's will and subvert
the goal of human sexuality, which is to produce children.
- Family point of view: A child has a right to grow up with a father and a mother

2. How do these following religions view gay/same-sex marriage?

a. Christianity
The views towards same-sex marriage is divided. Those who are for it argue that gay and
lesbian people are created as such by God, so they must have the same rights as others. On the
other hand, the rest who are against it argue that it’s immoral and against the God’s willing.
b. Judaism
It is said that their views towards the topic also vary as Christianity.
c. Islam
Islam openly rejects the same-sex marriage as it is considered immoral and against the
God’s will. Muslims also tend to cite the story of Lot in Sodom as a condemnation of
3. Does the writer give opinion or conclusion about same-sex marriage? Justify your answer.
As the writer’s position is neutral in discussing such a topic, all he concludes is that the topic
remains a big debate between those who are for and against the concept meanwhile the definition of
marriage itself is still not clear.
4. What is your own opinion about same-sex marriage?
I strongly disagreed about same-sex marriage,it is inmoral act that against my faith. God created
every kind of Plants, herbs, trees and whatever grows from the Earth in Pairs. Then as in Surah
Dhariyat, it affirms that not only this but everything that God created has pairs regardless if it is
an animate or inanimate creature. Even emotions, feelings, and other characteristics come in this
category like happiness/sorrow, Bravery/Cowardness, etc. Further in Surah Yasin 36:36 it is
elaborated more that God created all in pairs including Human beings and that not only this but
there are other things that we cannot see or have no knowledge of them but these things also have

I believe homosexuality is a mental disease which can be cured,but every individual engaged in
the homosexual lifestyle, who has adopted a homosexual identity, they know, intuitively, that
what they’re doing is immoral, unnatural, and self-destructive, yet they thirst for that affirmation.
There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or
even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family.Marriage is holy, while
homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.

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