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areas of disagreement and provide a basis This paper points to other components interests of determining design limitations,

for discussion. It is the hope of the authors that require consideration. With the ad- properly evaluating and applying motors,
that relay engineers will find the data vent of new insulation systems, of new and affording adequate relay protection.
useful in describing the advantages of new materials, and of the use of computers Since other designs may have widely
devices or applications of present devices which contribute to refinements in design, different characteristics, these data cannot
for motor protection. components other than the insulation be used in specifying a protection system
Motor users have employed, until re- system will become increasingly limiting. for any particular design other than this
cently, the stator insulation of an induction The addition of data along the lines of one. Nevertheless, this should be a
motor to define its limits of operation. this paper is therefore essential in the valuable tool in evaluating present practices.

Tertiary )X1indings in Autotransrormers can be connected to the neutral terminal

of the 2-winding transformer, which will
supply the third-harmonic exciting cur-
Size of Tertiary Winding
A UTOTRANSFORMERS have pro- factorily controlled without a tertiary If a delta-connected tertiary is to be
vided savings in installation and winding provided the neutral lead is used, its size is an important considera-
operating costs in many utility and in- carried through to the autotransformer tion. The 35% rule is much overworked
dustrial power systems-and the demand from the supply source of the system or and may set a trap for the unsuspecting
for this reduced-size transformer is in- from some other neutral of a Y-delta user. A tertiary winding should be large
creasing as more users become acquainted transformer that is always connected as enough to withstand the fault currents
with its advantages. When applied in a long as the autotransformer is in service. that it may be expected to carry. These
3-phase svstem, the autotransformer In some cases, for example with units of fault currents may be caused by (1)
windings are usually Y-connected.I For 3-phase core-type construction, the third- a 3-phase fault on the tertiary circuit, (2)
Y-connected main windings it has be- harmonic exciting current is small enough a line-to-neutral fault on the low-voltage
come axiomatic to add in each 3-phase to be carried by a ground neutral return (LV) line, or (3) a line-to-neutral fault
unit a delta-connected tertiary winding circuit and so a metallic neutral conduc- on the high-voltage (HV) line.
of 35% of the equivalent size of one tor is not necessary. The third-harmonic The calculation of possible fault cur-
(usually the larger) of the other two portion of the exciting current for the rents is part of the engineering of every
windings. autotransformer flows in the same direc- application of an autotransformer with
Is the tertiary winding needed? If it is tion through all three phase lines and re- tertiary winding. In most applications,
needed, what should be the size? These tLrns through theneutral connection to the a 3-phase fault on the terminals of the
two questions should be considered when supply source. This third-harmonic ex- tertiary winding will cause the most
applying an autotransformer. citing current suppresses third-harmonic severe tertiary winding current. Thus,
voltages that might otherwise arise due by making the tertiary winding large
Omission of Tertiary Winding to the characteristics of the core iron. enough to withstand a 3-phase fault this
Third-harmonic currents in the lines have problem is solved.
Sometimes the tertiary winding is not been objectionable at times because of the An equivalent circuit used in cal-
needed and may actually be a liability. possibility of their interference with tele- culating fault current3'- in case of a 3-
This is particularly true of autotrans- phone circuits strung near the power cir- phase short circuit on the tertiary ter-
formers of low co-ratio, the type of cuits. However, this no longer presents minals is shown in Fig. 1, where:
application where the most benefits can a major problem because of the greater %IoZHv = per-cent impedance of the HV
be realized. separation of telephone and power lines system as viewed from the terminals
The purpose of the delta tertiary wind- and the use of dual-conductor telephone of the autotransformer
ing may be (1) to carry load at a third circuits that in general balance out the %IZLV=per-cent impedance of the LV
mutual inductive effect of the power system as viewed from the terminals
voltage, (2) to stabilize the neutral when of the autotransformer
line-to-neutral single-phase loads that lines.2 Furthermore, the low exciting %IZH=per-cent impedance of the HV cir-
may be unbalanced are supplied, and (3) current of modern cold-rolled transformer cuit of the autotransformer
to suppress third-harmonic voltages. If cores reduces interference. %IZL= per-cent impedance of the LV
the last were the only reason for the ter- It follows from the above that the circuit of the autotransformer
tiary winding its size could be very small, tertiary winding may be omitted if its
except that in case of an accidental line- only purpose is the suppression of har- %IZ LV
to-neutral fault a large current would flow monics and it is possible to complete the %lZHV %IZ H %IZ L
in the tertiary with disastrous results. neutral circuit of the autotransformer. A
Third-harmonic voltages can be satis- good example of an application where no
tertiary winding is needed in an auto-
Paper 61-13, recommended by the ATEE Trans- transformer is where the unit is used to
formers Committee and approved by the AIEE
Technical Operations Department for presentation boost or buck the output, or input, volt-
at the AIEE Winter General Meeting, New York,
N. Y., January 29-February 3, 1961. Manuscript age of the Y-connected winding of a
submitted October 13, 1960; made available for transformer or bank of transformers which
printing November 7, 1960.
0. T. FAtRY iS with the Wagner Electric Corpora-
has a delta-connected winding. The Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit for 3-phase Fault
tion, St. Louis, Mo. neutral terminal of the autotransformer at the terminals of the tertiary winding

78 Farry-Tertiary Windings in Autotransformers APRIL 196Lt

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I%ZT=per-cent impedance of the tertiary tion of both. Larger kva capacity may be Other symbols used are
circuit of the autotransformer just as economieal as higher impedance. %IZOH-N=zero-sequence impedance of an
%IZH = (%IZH-L+ %7GIZH-T- %IZL-T)/2 Without any increase in impedance the re- autotransformer from the HV circuit
quired size of the tertiary winding to limit to neutral including the delta tertiary
the steady-state short-circuit current to winding
%IZL = %IZH-L -%CIZH (2) 25 times normal would be %IZOL- N = zero-sequence impedance of an
autotransformer from the LV circuit
%IZT = %CIZH-T %CIZH (3) 44 to neutral including the delta tertiary
1,658 X-= 2,918 kva winding
where 25 %IZOH- L//N = zero-sequence impedance of
%IZH- L = per-cent impedance from the HV an autotransformer from the HV
circuit to the LV circuit of the auto- Tertiary Winding Without External circuit to the LV circuit and the
transformer Terminals tertiary winding in parallel
%IZH- T = per-cent impedance from the HV %IZOL- H//N = zero-sequence impedance of
circuit to the tertiary circuit of the an autotransformer from the LV
Economy can sometimes be realized circuit to the HV circuit and the
autotransformer by omitting the terminals of the tertiary
7GIZL- T = per-cent impedance from the LV tertiary winding in parallel
circuit to the tertiary circuit of the winding in applications where the tertiary %IZOH = zero-sequence impedance of the
autotransformer does not supply any load. Then the HV circuit in an autotransformer
possibility of a 3-phase fault is removed %IZOL = zero-sequence impedance of the
As an example assume a 10,000-kva LV circuit in an autotransformer
and the tertiary winding need only be %IZoN = zero-sequence impedance of the
autotransformer, 115,000 to 69,000 volts, large enough to carry zero-sequence un- neutral circuit including the delta
with minimum-size tertiary winding with balanced currents and zero-sequence cur- tertiary winding in an autotrans-
taps in the high voltage at 120,750 and rents caused by line-to-neutral faults. To former
109,250 volts having an impedance of n= rated current based on same kva as
attain this economy safely requires the the impedances
3.68% at the 115,000- to 69,000-volt con- calculation of possible zero-sequence cur- I,= positive-sequence current expressed in
nection. The impedance at 109,250 to rents. per unit of I,
69,000 volts is assumed to be 3.12%. The A well-grounded system, that is, one 12=negative sequence current expressed in
HV system is assumed to have 1% im- having low zero-sequence impedance, per unit of In
pedance and the LV system 3% imped- o= zero sequence current expressed in per
will relieve to some extent the zero- unit of I,,
ance. The HV to tertiary-voltage cir- sequence current load on the tertiary of
cuit impedance, %IZH-T, is 15.89% and the autotransformer. For this reason it Subscripts H, L, and N following a
the LV to tertiary-voltage circuit imped- is necessary to know the maximum zero- current symbol indicate HV circuit, LV
ance is 11.5%. All impedances refer sequence impedance characteristics of the circuit, and tertiary-neutral circuit cur-
to a base of 10,000 kva. Starting with HV and LV systems that are to be rents, respectively.
these data the solution of tertiary short- connected to the autotransformer as well In calculating possible zero-sequence
circuit current is as follows: as the maximum short-circuit kva capa- fault currents in systems that do not have
%IZH (%IZH-L+ %IZH-T - %IZL-T)/2
= bilities of these systems if an exact cal- resistance grounding it is customary to
culation of the necessary size of the ter- assume that all impedances are reactances
= (3.12+ 15.89-11.5)/2 - 3.755% so that reactance equations are used for
tiary winding is to be made.
%IZL= 3.12-3.755 = -0.635% Of course, the impedances of the auto- impedances.
transformer are also necessary. Available Zero-sequence current will flow in the
%ICIZT = 15.89 -3.755=12.135% impedances at minimum cost depend on tertiary winding when there is a line-to-
Substituting these in Fig. I gives a the autotransformer rating. In general, neutral fault on either the HV or the LV
total impedance of 13.715%. the positive-sequence impedance at rated system. Simultaneous line - to - neutral
voltage connection will be the co-ratio faults on both systems could be more
10,000 X 100 = severe, particularly if the two faults were
72,900 = kva equivalent cur- times the available positive-sequence im-
13.7 15 pedances of 2-winding transformers of
rent that would flow in the
tertiary winding the same voltage class. The co-ratio, r, 21 IH 21IL
is given by the equation
The equivalent size of the series winding
is high voltage-low voltage
I= (4)
high voltage
120,750- 69,000
109,250 4
%IZHL = r X %oIZR (5)

The minimum-size tertiary is where

%8ZR = per-cent impedance of a conven-
0.35X4,738= 1,658 kva tional or regular 2-winding trans-
44 times normal current in the Various symbols used in the following
tertiary winding calculations include those previously oHl < ION
listed, some of which will have subscript
This is obviously a larger current than the numbers as follows preceding other sub-
tertiary winding should be expected to scripts and indicating symmetrical com-
withstand without damage. In an ap- ponents. Fig. 2. Fault-current distribution For a line-
plication like this the tertiary winding 1 =subscript indicating positive sequence to-neutral Fault on the HV side oF a Y-
should either be of larger kva capacity 2=subscript indicating negative sequence connected autotransFormer with a delta-
or have higher impedance, or a combina- O=subscript indicating zero sequence connected tertiary winding
APRIL 196 1 Farry-Tertiary Windings in A utotransformers 79

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11 = 12 = IO (6)
With full voltage maintained these cur-
rents are

II == 12 = 10-= 10OIn (7)

%IIZ1+ %IZ2+ %IZo
To use this equation one must first
determine impedances. The positive-
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit for Fig. 2 and negative-sequence impedances are Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit for Fig. 4
usually considered to have equal values
and are made up of the impedances of
on the same phase. For this reason, the the HV system, the LV system, and the tions as shown in Figs. 6-9. Single-phase
autotransformer positive-sequence imped- current at rated frequencv is circulated and
exposed portions of the two systems ance.
should be physically separated to reduce readings made of volts and amperes.
The zero-sequence impedances may These readings are corrected to the values
the possibility of simultaneous faults not be so readily available. The sys-
involving the same phase of both systems. shown in Table I by multiplying both
tem zero-sequence impedances %IZoHv volts and amperes in each test by the same
Single-fault zero-sequence currents will and %IZOLv are characteristics of the sys-
be considered first. factor. Then the zero-sequence imped-
tems, not including the autotransformer. ances %IZoH-, %IOIZOL_.V, %1ZOH-,11//N
They are indexes of the effectiveness of and %IZOL-ffH//N are calculated by
Line-to-Neutral Fault the grounding of the systems. They the equations in the table. The neutral
A line-to-neutral fault on the HV side may be expressed as zero-sequence im- zero-sequence impedance %IZON is cal-
would cause currents to flow as shown in pedance ratios, thus relating them to the culated by either of the two following
Fig. 2. In this figure the arrows and positive-sequence impedances of the sys- equations or by both of them anid the re-
their corresponding values represent cur- tems. sults averaged.
The zero-sequence impedances of the
rents at an instant of crest value of the %lZoN
fault current. The equivalent circuit used autotransformer %IZOHf, %IZOL, and
in the calculation is shown in Fig. 3. %IZoN usually have definite relations to - V %IZOH-N(' OIZOL-N- %IZOL-H'/N )
A line-to-neutral fault on the LV side the positive-sequence impedance. In a (8)
bank of three single-phase Y-connected
would cause currents to flow as shown in %IZO.0
Fig. 4. The equivalent circuit is shown autotransformers with delta-connected
in Fig. 5. tertiary they are equal to the correspond- - V%IZOL- (%IZOH-N- %IZH )-LI/N)
In each of these equivalent circuits, the ing positive-sequence impedances, thus:
%IZoN= %IZN, %IZOL =%IZL, and % (9)
impedances are in three groups, positive
sequence, negative sequence, and zero IZON= %IZT. However, in a core-type The zero-sequence impedances of the
3-phase autotransformer the zero-se- HV and LV circuits of the autotrans-
sequence. Each of the three groups is a
network, the value of which can be cal- quence impedances are usually lower in fonner are as follows:
value than the corresponding positive-
culated from its components. The three %IZOH - %IZOH-N - %IZO.x (10)
groups are connected in series so that the sequence impedances. These impedances
can be determined by tests on the auto- %IZOL = %IZO L-N - NIZON (11)
currents flowing through them are equal.
Therefore transformer or by calculations based
on tests of similar autotransformers. Estimates of Zero-Sequence
Tests are described below. A method Impedance
21 IH of estimating these impedances is also
given. Estimates of zero-sequence impedances
Zero-sequence impedance tests of an of normal core-type 3-phase autotrans-
autotransforner are made with connec- formers can be made as explained below.

Table 1. Zero-Sequence Impedance Tests and the Equation for Calculating Impedance
Value from Each Test
Connection Equivalent Amperes* Equation for Converting Test Results
Test Figs. Circuit Figs. to Circulate into Per-Cent Zero-Sequence Impedance

applied voltsX 100

. 6(A) .......... 6(B) ............. 31H ...... %1Z7J0H-H N-
rated volts H to N
2............97 (A)............ 7 (B)............ 31L %I7OL- applied voltsX 100
rated volts X to N
3...... 3 . 8(A)
. ....... 8(B)8(B) .
........... 3I31H .
H....... %1,oH- LIIN=
%ILoH L//N= ~~~~~applied
tplidvotsHt 100
rated volts H to N
Fig. 4. Fault-current distribution for a line-
to-neutral fault on the LV side of a Y-con- 4... 9 (A) . 9 (B) ........... 3IL.1L N applied volts I 00
rated volts X to N
nected autotransformer with a delta-connected
tertiary winding *IH=rated HV current; IL-rated LV current.

80 Farry-Tertiary Windings in Autotransformers APRIL 1961

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Fig. 10. These values of impedances in-
serted in equivalent circuits per Fig. 3 and
Fig. 5 will facilitate the calculation of
short-circuit currents for single line-to-
ground faults.
If it is desired to calculate fault currents
for the severe condition of simultaneous
(A) (A) line-to-ground faults on both the HV
and the LV systems with the same phase
x H faulted on both systems, the equiva-
lent circuit would be per Fig. 11. This
figure is a combination of Figs. 3 and 5.

Assume a 50,000-kva autotransformer,
N N 138 kv to 69 kv, with taps at 144.9 kv
(B) (B) and 131.1 kv, having 4% impedance.
The HV system has 2,000-mva (megavolt-
Fig. 6. Connection for test of %Mioa-N (A) Fig. 7. Connection for test of %IZOL-N (A) amperes) short-circuit capacity, with
and equivalent circuit (B) and equivalent circuit (B)
XoIX,=3. The LV system has 500-mva
short-circuit capacity with Xo/X1 = 2.
H2 H2 A minimum-size tertiary winding is in-
cluded with terminals not brought out.

%IZ1HV= 2,000 =2.5%/,O

%IZo1v 3 X2.5= 7.5%
(A) 50 X 0
(A) <cIZ LV-
x H
%IZOLV = 2X 10-20.0%

Co-ratio at 138 kv, r= 3= 0.5

Co-ratio at 131.1-kv tap, r= 61= 0.474


Because impedance changes are the square
(B) (B)
of the co-ratio,
Fig. 8. Connection for test of %IZOH-L//N Fig. 9. Connection for test of %IZoL-H//N %IZH -=4X =00) 3.6%

(A) and equivalent circuit (B) (A) and equivalent circuit (B)
%oIZoR = 0.8 X 3.6 = 2.88%

Data for these rules obtained from

were 0.9 with 0.8 times %IZIH-L a fair average %IZOL = 0 (from estimate)
the analysis of numerous normal designs to use. 0.5

of power autotransformers having high %IZoL, the zero-sequence impedance K- -0.3=1.765

voltages from 34.5 kv to 230 kv and co- of the LV circuit, can be taken as zero. (equation 13 or Fig. 10)
ratios from 0.167 to 0.8. It should be It may be either positive or negative in
recognized that these rules are for esti- value ranging from -0.2 to +0.2 times %IZON = 1.765 X3.6 = 6.354%o
mating purposes and that data for specific %IZH.-L Zero is a convenient average to
units should be obtained from the use.
supplier of the equipment. %IZON, the zero-sequence impedance of
The following paragraphs express zero- the neutral circuit of an autotransformer,
sequence impedance in reference to the including the tertiary winding, is largely
positive-sequence impedance of the unit. dependent on the co-ratio of the auto-
Therefore, the positive-sequence imped- transformer. It can be estimated by the
ance, %IZHfL, should be determined empirical equation.
first. This value is then multiplied by the
indicated appropriate factors to determine %IZON = K X %IZH-L (12) b-
the other impedances.
%IZoH, the zero-sequence impedance of
the HV circuit in the autotransformer, is K =-05 r--1 -0O3 (13)
about 0.8 times %IZH-L. In individual Fig. 10. Graph of function K expressed by
units the value may vary f rom 0.65 to A graph of this function, K, is shown in the equation K=O.5r-1 9-0.3

APRII. 196 1 Farry-Tertiary Windings in Autotransformers 81

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Table 1!. Fault Conditons
Times Rated
Current of
Kva of 10,130-Kva
Neutral Zero- Tertiary
Fault II, 12, and lo ION Sequence Current Winding
HV line to neutral
. ................. 12.46In ..... 4. 665In. 233,250 ..... ..... 23
LV line to neutral .9 .2OIn .... 4.77 In ..... 238,500 ..... 23.5
HV line to neutral with LV
disconnected.. 10.94In.. .... 4.04In ...... 245-,200 .... . 24
Simultaneous HV and LV line-
to-neutral faults .14.4 In ..... 66.65 In .... . 332,500 .... . 33

Fig. 11. Equivalent circuit for line-to-neutral

faults on the same phase of both the HV and fault on the HV side while the LV side is
the LV terminals of an autotransformer conditions the figures as tabulated appear
disconnected. The equivalent circuit will satisfactory, but they do not provide mar-
be per Fig. 3 with IZILV, IZ2LV, and IZOLV gin for manufacturing tolerance in imped-
With line-to-neutral fault on the HV all of infinite value. ances. A larger safety factor would be
line; see Figs. 2 and 3: advisable. This could be obtained by
IZI = 122 = 2.5 % using a larger size tertiary winding or by
2. 5X(10+3.6)
%1Z1 = %IZ2= 2.5+1 )=2.112 = 7.5 X (2.88+ 6.354) =4.139% specifying higher impedance.
7.5+9.234 The foregoing examples are typical of
6.354 X20 autotransformer applications in power
7Z X 3 Il =I2-Io-l100I1/(2.5+2.5+4.139) systems and they both show the fallacy
*10.4I nof depending on the 35% rule for tertiary
lo = 100102 112+2.1128+38)
5=X2 ON -=-7
16.734 X~1094In = 4904In While size.
winding these examples are typical, they
= 12.46In (equation 7)
4.904 X50,000 =245,200 kva flows in the do not illustrate the extreme conditions
Zero-sequence current on the autotrans- neutral circuit of high fault current that can occur in
formel side of fault is many autotransformer applications. The
With simultaneous faults on same phase recent tendency to specify still lower im-
7.5 of HV and LV lines; see Fig 11: pedances adds to the problem of limiting
ION+IOL = X 12.461 = 6.147I1
2.5 X 10 fault currents.
Zero-sequence current in the autotrans- IZI rZ2 ' 12.5 2%

former neutral circuit is

7.5 X20 X6.354 Conclusions
20 °I X20+20X6.354+755X6-354
7.5 Autotransformers properly applied can
ION = 226.354 X 6.147 = 4.665In
- 2.945 save money in both installation and
A current of 4.665 X>50,000=233.250 kva I,=12=10 = lOOIn/(2+2+2.945) = 14.4In operating costs. A tertiary delta-con-
flows in the neutral circuit. Most of this nected winding should be included only
current flows in the tertiary winding al- ION = _
X 14A4In = 6.65 when necessary. When it is included,
though a minor part acts as zero-sequence 27.5(5.455+6.354) the tertiary winding should be large
exciting current and does not appear in 6.65 X50,000 = 332,500 kva flows in the enough to withstand short-circuit cur-
the tertiary winding. neutral circuit rents that might occur. Short-circuit
With a line-to-neutral fault on the LV currents can be calculated by con-
line; see Figs. 4 and 5: For the purpose of comparing the fault ventional methods. Data presented in
currents with equivalent sizes of the this paper provide means of estimating
%IZI= %IZ2 = 106. =3.788% winedings the equivalent sizesarecal-
zero-sequence impedances for use in
quivat entseredasnf preliminary calculations of zero-sequence

Equivalent series winding iscuens

20 2X x6.354X(7.5+2.88)
6.354+10.38 -32 %

20+3.941 kvas = 50,000 X 1311= 28,950 kva References

I1i=12=o= 100In/(3.788+3.788+ Equivalent common winding is AUTOTRANaFORMERS FOR POWER SYSTEMS,
3.292) = 9.20In O. T. Farry. AIEE Transactions, pt. Ill-B
144.969 (Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 73, Dec.
Zero-sequence current on the auto-
transformer side of the fault is
kvac=50,000 X =6,19
26,190 kva 1954, pp. 1486-99.


A 35% tertiay winding would be ALL
20 pt. III-A (Power Apparatus and Systems),
~X 9.2.1n= 7.691n
ION +IO0H 23.941 vol. 78. Oct. 1959, pp. 963-70.
kvat = 0.35 X28.950 = 10,130 kva
10.38 Table II summnarizes the fault conditions TIONS, A. N. Garin, K. K. Paluev. Ibid. (Electrical
ION = 16.734 X 7.69In = 4.77In Engineering),vol. 55, June 1936, pp. 717-30.
calculated in the above example. In
this .apetetr
this example the tertiary winding would 4. THEORY Op THREE-CIRCUIT TRANSFORMERS.
4.77 X50,000 = 238,500 kva flows in the
A. Boyajian. Ibid., vol. 43, Feb. 1924, pp.
neutral circuit not be considered adequate to withstand 508-29.
the simultaneous line-to-neutral faults 5. SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS (book), C. F.
Wagner, R. D. Evans. McGraw-Hill Book Com-
Another possibility is a line-to-neutral on the HV and LV sides. For the other pany, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1933.

82 Farry Tertiary Windings in A utotransformers APRIL 1961

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