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An Oracle Whitepaper 2011

Author: Anshu Anand

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 1

Table of Contents
AN OVERVIEW: WHAT IS A SEQUENCE? ................................................................................................................... 3
BENEFITS OF ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING SEQUENCES: ............................................................................... 6
SETUP AND CREATION – ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING SEQUENCES ........................................................... 7
ACCOUNTING SEQUENCES – SETUP AND CREATION ............................................................................................ 8
REPORTING SEQUENCES – SETUP AND CREATION .............................................................................................. 20
EXCEPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
THE KEY POINTS: .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
THE FIRST AID KIT – Reporting Sequences .................................................................................................................. 30
TABLE LEVEL DETAILS - Setup ................................................................................................................................... 31

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 2


A Sequence generates a series of numbers to uniquely identify an application transaction. Sequences also provide
an audit trail. For example, a document sequence assigned to a journal in General Ledger, maintains a list of such
journals created. A missing sequence hence denotes a journal that was probably deleted and flags the same for
auditors review.

Sequences in General Ledger and Subledger Accounting (SLA)

Release 11i brought in sequences in the form of ‘Document Sequences'. These were the sequences that got
assigned the moment journals were created. Though these sequences were successful in maintaining a trail of
journals that got created, there were also cases where the sequences went missing and caused gaps. Release 12
not only retains the traditional sequences but also brings in two more sequences – Accounting and Reporting

Release 11i Release 12

Document Sequences Document Sequences

Accounting Sequences

Reporting Sequences

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 3

In Release 12, in order to cater to the need for Legal compliance for countries like Europe and Latin America,
two more sequencing options have been introduced as a part of standard application. These Sequences can be
assigned not only to journals in General Ledger module but also to those created in SLA:

• Accounting Sequence:

Accounting Sequences are assigned to GL journals when they are Posted and to Subledger Journals
once they complete accounting.

• Reporting Sequence :

Reporting Sequences are assigned to journals in GL and Subledger journals upon GL period closure. Once a
period is closed, the close period program fires a ‘Create Reporting Sequences’ program as a shoot off. This
program assigns reporting sequences to journals.

This is one of the replacements for Accounting Engine (AX) Legal Sequencing.


These new Sequences can be assigned on the following mutually exclusive parameters:

•Journal Sources
•Journal Category
•Balance Types

This would mean one could have separate sequences created for different journal sources, or categories etc. Let
us take an example -

Sequence A is created for the following set of parameters:

Ledger: Operations
Source: Assets
Category: All Balance Type : Actual

This would imply that whenever user creates a journal for Ledger: Operations and Source: Assets, Sequence
A would get picked up if the Balance type of the journal were ‘Actual’.

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Oracle has provided four standard Sequence Event and Entity combinations

1. Posting – GL Journal Entry: Application will generate an automated sequence on event Posting i.e.
when journal is posted in GL. The number shall be created only for GL journals

2. Accounting – Subledger Journal Entry: Application will generate an automated Sequence on the event
Accounting i.e. when Subledger Transaction is accounted. The number shall be for all Subledger journals
and can be viewed through SLA.

3. GL Period Close – GL Journal Entry: Application would generate an automated Sequence on event Period
Close. The numbering shall be only for GL journals.

4. GL Period Close – Subledger Journal Entry: Application shall generate an automated Sequence on the
event Period Close. The number shall be for all subledger journals and can be viewed through SLA.

The first two combinations create an Accounting Sequence while the other two for Period Close event creates a
Reporting Sequence.

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Following are the benefits or advantages of using Reporting and Accounting Sequences

1. Legal Compliance Made Easy

The biggest advantage of sequencing is that it will now address business requirement in many countries.
Therefore, it allows the fiscal authorities to verify the completeness of a company’s accounting records.

2. Flexibility

Sequences provide flexibility in choosing different sequences as mentioned earlier – Ledgers, Journal Sources,
Categories and Balance types.

3. No Localization Required

As discussed earlier, these Sequences were earlier created for Italian and European specific requirements
and hence were a part of the localization application only. They have now been absorbed as an integral part
of GL base application.

4. Re-Sequencing Of Journals

Resequencing is one of the key components of Reporting Sequence functionality. In some cases, completed
journals can be functionally correct but sequence numbers assigned to them could be wrong. For example,
user realizes that the sequencing setup is not correct and wants to Resequence all the incorrectly sequenced
journal entries. Subledger Accounting provides an undo and redo option to create new sequences. Users
can recreate Reporting Sequences simply be reopening and closing the respective period. This option,
however, is available for Reporting Sequences only.

5. Applicable for All Balance Types – Actuals, Budgets, Encumbrance

The newly introduced sequences in R12 can be assigned to journals of all Balance Types as against Sequences
in Release 11i, which was available to journals of balance type Actuals only.

6. Creates Gapless Sequences

Users often complained of gaps in sequences created when using the assignment type of Automatic. This
very well defeated the complete purpose of existence of such sequences. The Reporting and Accounting
Sequences ensure no such gaps creep in and hence ensure complete integrity of the financial data.

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The steps for creation of these sequences are very similar excepting the event –entity combination they get created
for. The following flowchart gives us the details of these steps in a quick snapshot:

1.1 Define Sequences

1. Define
1.2 Define Sequence

2.1 Define Sequencing


2. Define Sequence 2.2 Assign Sequences


2.3 Exceptions

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 7

Event: Journal Post Entity: GL Journals

Let us take up a user requirement. Say, Users would like to sequence journals in General Ledger to avoid
gaps due to loss of Journals that are deleted. Accounting sequences created for the event Posting will help us
with the same. Let us go through the setups:

Step 1: Create the ‘Sequence’ and Its ‘Version’

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Define

Enter a Name for the Sequence and its Description.

Sequence Version: The same page provides a tab to create a sequence ‘Version’. A sequence version allows
one to create a mutation of the same sequence definition. Let us take an example where the users would want
the sequence generation to begin from 1 for every financial year.
One could simply add two versions –

Version 1: From Date Jan1 2011 to Dec 31’ 2011 Initial Number: 1
Version 2: From Date Jan1 2012 to Dec 31’ 2012 Initial Number: 1

This setup would ensure that the first journal created for year would begin with 1 and similarly, the first journal for
the year 2012 would again begin with the numeric 1.

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Status: The Status Could be either ‘New’, ‘Used’ or ‘Disabled’.

New: Sequence has not been used yet for sequence generation
Used: This sequence has created transaction numbers already. The Last Number used would show the last
number used by this sequence.
Disabled: The Sequence has been disabled and cannot be used any further.

Initial Number: Any number greater than zero. This Number is incremented by one for each accounting entry.

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Step 2: Create Sequencing Context
Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign

Sequencing context basically captures information upon the event entity combination that will fire sequencing
along with other details on sorting and assignment.

Sequencing Entity:

A Sequencing Entity is the journal transaction for which this particular sequence would get assigned. This
could have two values –

• Subledger Journal Entry

• GL Journal Entry.

Sequencing Event :

A Sequencing Event is the event, which would fire Create Reporting Sequence Program to create sequences.
E.g. if one chooses the sequencing event as Posting, the Sequences will get assigned the moment a journal is
A Sequencing Event can have any of the following values:

• GL Period Close: Sequences get created once the respective GL Period is closed.
• Posting: Sequences get created once the respective journal is Posted in GL.
• Accounting: Sequences get created once the transaction is Accounted. i.e. the Create Accounting
Program is run. This Event can be chosen only for the entity ‘Subledger Journal Entry’.

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Processing Options:

1. Require Assignment: If you select this option, you must explicitly define valid Sequence
Assignments, or Exceptions for all journal entries within a given Sequencing Context. This option is
very similar to the profile option ‘Sequential Numbering’ for traditional document sequences.

2. Validate Sequence By: Required Parameter. This is the date format for validating the sequences. When
generating a sequence number, this date is used to determine if a sequence is available and the sequence
assignment is active.

Parameters: Accounting Date and Journal Effective Date for the Accounting sequence event. Journal
Effective Date and Reference Date for the GL Period Close sequence event.

3. Assign Sequence By: Optional. Select the sorting option.

Parameters: Accounting Date, Journal Effective Date and Reference Date.

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Step 3: Assign Sequences to Sequencing Context
Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign
Query the Context and Click on ‘Assign Sequences’

Provide the Journal Source, Category and Balance Type; this Sequence should get assigned to.

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Step 4: Click on ‘Apply’.

Click on ‘Apply’ to conclude the setup. This takes the control back to Sequences Context Page. The
status here now should show us up as ‘Complete’. Hit the ‘Apply’ button again.

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Accounting Sequences : Creation

Accounting Sequences get created once a GL journal gets Posted. Please note that if more than one Journal is
posted in the same Posting run, the journals are first sorted based on value provided for the parameter
‘Assign Sequences By’ and then sequenced accordingly.

In the setup example above for sequences on Journal Posting, we had selected them to be sorted on the basis of
‘Effective Date’. If we post two journals on the same posting program, the sequences would get assigned as

The journal with earlier effective date gets sequenced first, followed by others in the same order. If one now posts
a journal with an effective date of Jan 1, this would get an accounting sequencing of 3. This re-emphasizes the
fact that only journals in the same posting run are sorted.

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Event: Accounting Entity: Subledger Journals

Step 1: Create the ‘Sequence’ and Its ‘Version’

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Define

Step 2: Create Sequencing Context

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign

Step 3: Assign Sequences to Sequencing Context

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign
Query the Context and Click on „Assign Sequences‟

Select the relevant Options.

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 15
Step 4: Click on ‘Apply’.

Click on ‘Apply’ to conclude the setup. This takes the control back to Sequences Context Page. The status here
now should show us up as ‘Complete’. Hit the ‘Apply’ button again.

Step 5: Create a Subledger Transaction

Navigation: Payables Superuser Responsibility -> Invoices -> Entry -> Invoices

Let us know create a Subledger transaction and see if the sequences are created as expected. We
shall create an Invoice with the Payables module as an example.

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Step 6: Validate the Invoice:
Navigation: Invoices -> Actions -> Validate

Note that the Invoice Status turns to „Validated‟.

Step 7: Account the Invoice in ‘Final’ mode or ‘Final Post’.

Navigation: Invoices -> Actions -> Accounting

Note that transactions accounted in draft mode are not eligible for Sequencing

Step 8: Check on the Sequence Created.

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Reports -> View Accounting

This would bring up the SLA Page. To view the subledger Journal, please click on ‘View Journal Entry’.

In the Transaction Information area, click on „ +‟ icon to Show the Additional information. Unhide the

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 18

This shows up the generated Sequence

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Event: GL Period Close Entity: GL Journals

Event: GL Period Close Entity: Subledger Journals

Let us take up the following user requirement. Users want to sequence all the journals created in General Ledger
for the month. This would help ensure that no journals are deleted after the period is closed and balances
reconciled. This is when Reporting Sequences come to picture.

Reporting Sequences are created once the period in General Ledger module is closed. These sequences could
be created for GL Journals as well as for Subledger Journals.

The setups for both Accounting and Reporting Sequences are same. The only difference being that Users
will have to choose any of the following Entity- Event combination.

• GL Period Close – GL Journal Entry

• GL Period Close – Subledger Journal Entry

Step 1: Create the ‘Sequence’ and Its ‘Version’

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Define

The first step remains the same. Simply create a sequence and assign a version to it.

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Step 2: Create Sequencing Context
Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign

It is mandatory to select Balancing Segment values as fiscal in case of Reporting Sequences.

Journals with only these Balancing values will get sequenced. A journal containing a Balancing value apart
from those selected in the setup above is not eligible for sequencing.

Step 3: Assign Sequences to Sequencing Context

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 21

Step 4: Click on ‘Apply’.
Click on ‘Apply’ to conclude the setup. This takes the control back to Sequences Context Page.
The status here now should show us up as “Complete‟. Hit the ‘Apply’ button again.

Step 5: Run the Sequencing Event - The GL Period Close Program

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> SetUp -> Open/ Close

Before closing the period, ensure that all periods prior to Jan-11 are in ‘Closed’ or Permanently Closed’ status
for the Generate Reporting Sequencing Program to complete successfully.

The Period Close program also fires the following two programs as a shoot off

Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

In release 11i, it happened quite a few times that users realized that there were journals parked in
GL_INTERFACE table long after the period was closed. The action required was to reopen the period
and import the data thereafter. This would mean that balances for all the periods after this one also change
once this data gets posted and balances get carried forward.

Release 12 introduces this report called ‘Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report’ that is automatically
fired upon period closure. This report lists all such exceptions like data in interface table or even the
unposted journals. Though users get an immediate alert, this would not stop the period from being closed.
Users could take a call immediately and reopen the period to pull back the data into GL base tables from
the interface.

Create Reporting Sequence Number

This is the program responsible for generating the Reporting Sequences.

Let us review the Reporting Sequences that were created:

1. GL Journals :
Navigation: Journals -> Enter

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Query for any journal with Source Manual.

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Note the Reporting Sequence that appears in the ‘Reporting Sequencing’ tab.

2. Subledger Journals
Navigation: Journals -> Enter
Query for any journal from Subledger for the closed period

Please note that for Journals coming in from Subledgers, reporting sequences cannot be viewed from
Reporting Sequences tabs in GL. Users will have to drilldown to SLA journals to be able to view the

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To View the Reporting Sequences Generated,

• Navigate back to the Journal. Select a Journal Line and click on ‘Line Drilldown’

• Select one of the journal lines and hit the ‘View Journal Entry’ button. This shows up the SLA journal.

In the Transaction Information area, click on ‘+’ icon to View the Additional information.
Unhide the Information.

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 25

• Scroll down to the ‘Sequences’ tab to view the Reporting Sequences generated.

Please ensure the following in order to have the reporting sequences assigned :

•Please ensure the SLA journal has status of ‘Final’. Draft entries are not assigned a reporting sequence.
•Ensure that GL journals are in ‘Posted’ status.
•Ensure that GL period has been closed and has automatically launched process ‘Create Reporting Sequence
Number’. The Program completed normally.
•Ensure that the GL period has not been reopened. (The Open Period Program erases the sequences that are
assigned to the journal entries that belong to the reopened period.)

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An Exception is like an Exclude statement. It is used to alter the sequence logic for a particular combination of
Ledger, Source and Category. It could be used for

1. Assigning a different Sequence to a particular Balance Type, Source and Category

Action: Choose a different Sequence Name for assignments.
2. Not Sequencing a particular Balance Type, Source and Category combination.
Action: Leave the ‘Sequence Name’ field blank for the exception assignment.

Navigation: General Ledger Responsibility -> Setup -> Financials -> Sequences -> Accounting -> Assign -
> Query the Context and Click on ‘Assign Sequences’ Create
an Assignment and click on ‘Exceptions’ Icon.

One could also Prioritize exceptions to determine the sequence to be used when generating the sequence number.
In case of a conflict, the sequences are assigned based on the priority set. Let us take an example as below for our

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As per the above example, the application would first assign the sequences for the setup defined in Priority1.
This would mean that all journals for Source ‘Assets’ and balance type ‘Actual’ would not be assigned any
sequence since the Sequence name is left blank here.

The Program now picks up Exception with Priority 2. All journals with Source ‘Payables’ and Category
‘Allocation’ would be assigned a sequence as per the setup defined for Sequence ‘Seq for Period Close’. After
all the exceptions are sequenced based on their priority, the application now assigns sequences to remaining
transactions on the Major Assignment. In our example above, after Exceptions 1 and 2 have been executed,
sequences would be created for all Journals and balance type ‘Actuals’ using Sequence Name ‘Period Close –
GL Journals’.

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Following is a list of few Key Points with respect to Reporting and Accounting Sequences.

1. Secondary Ledger Propagation: Sequences assigned to a primary ledger do not get propagated to the
secondary ledger. One will have to create a different sequence assignment for secondary ledger in addition to

2. Previous Open Periods: When there is a previous period open in General Ledger, journal entries
belonging to a closed period are not eligible for sequencing.

3. Succeeding Closed Periods: If there are succeeding closed periods, the sequences assigned to journal
entries that belong to these closed periods would get erased. Users will have to reopen these periods again to
regenerate the sequences.

4. Period Reopen: Reopening a period would erase the Reporting Sequences generated for Period close
event. These sequences get regenerated only when the period is closed again.

5. Program – Unlock Accounting Sequence Setups

It is observed at certain times, after sequences are generated and the user tries to make any changes in the setups
on the ASM page, the following error crops up:

‘Temporarily, you cannot update this data. Other programs are using it. Try again later’

This happens only when the Closed Period is Adjustment type and there is NOTHING to sequence in it. The
program does not exit properly and keeps the Page locked. Hence the error.

‘Program – Unlock Accounting Sequence Setups’ when run from GL responsibility, releases these locks and in
turn makes the page available for update.

6. Adjustment Periods:

If users plan to use reporting sequence for a ledger and the ledger calendar includes adjustment periods,
then adjustment period must:

• Always coincide with the last day of another Non-Adjustment period

• Cover one day only. This is not a technical mandate but a suggestion. Adjustment periods covering more than
one day could cause sequences being jumped between Non – Adjustment and Adjustment periods.

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THE FIRST AID KIT – Reporting Sequences

1. Reconfirm that the setups are complete.

2. Ensure all previous periods prior to the one currently closing are also in Closed or Permanently Closed
status. You could try running the program ‘Periods - Gapless Close Period’.

3. Verify that the balancing segment values are assigned to the ledger in case of GL journals and respective
legal entity in case of subledger journals.

4. Verify the corresponding Business Event is enabled.

Log into System Administrator Responsibility and navigate to

Workflow -> Administrator Workflow -> Business Events
Query Event and ensure this has a status of ‘Enabled’.
Click on ‘Subscriptions’ and ensure that both the subscriptions appear with status ‘Enabled’.

This event is required for Reporting Sequences Only.

5. If any of the changes are done as per steps above or the sequence numbers appear to be incorrect, re-open
and close the period again such that ‘Create Reporting Sequence Number’ request is fired and have the
sequences regenerated.

6. If the issue still persists, please log an SR with Oracle Support and we will be glad to assist you.

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The detail for various components of Sequence creation is stored in different tables as follows:

1. Sequences Setup : FUN_SEQ_HEADERS

2. Sequence Versions : FUN_SEQ_VERSIONS
3. Sequence Contexts : FUN_SEQ_CONTEXTS
4. Sequences Assignments : FUN_SEQ_ASSIGNMENTS





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TABLE LEVEL DETAILS - Sequence Generation

Sequences created are saved in different tables based on the Event-Entity combination they have been created
Accounting Sequence created on Posting and Reporting Sequence created for GL journals are saved
in the table: GL_JE_HEADERS. They refer the following columns:

Accounting Sequences : Posting Reporting Sequences : GL





Sequences created for Sublegder journals for the event Accounting and Period Close Are
stored in the table: XLA_AE_HEADERS. They refer the following columns:

Accounting Sequences : SLA journal Accounting

Reporting Sequences : SLA Journal
Period Close



COMPLETION_ACCT_SEQ_ASSIGN_ID refer to the column ASSIGNMENT_ID from the table


COMPLETION_ACCT_SEQ_VERSION_ID refer to the SEQ_VERSION_ID column from the table
Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 32

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 33

Question 1: “The Period Close program calls ‘Create Reporting Sequences’ and both these programs
complete successfully. Upon Examining, the sequences are generated; however, there seems to be a gap. I
have tried reopening and closing the period but the outcome remains same. Please advise.”

Whenever a GL period is closed or a period is re-opened, a procedure in the background checks the eligible
journals in SLA & GL to which the sequence needs to be assigned for that ledger.
Let us take an example where same sequence is assigned to both GL and Subledger Journals . Suppose, we
close period - Jan-11

SLA code now checks all the eligible journals in SLA (eligibility criteria in SLA - all SLA records which are
transferred to GL for JUN-08) for the ledger. The code also checks for all GL data, which is posted in GL.
Say suppose there are 3 journals are in GL and 2 journals in Subledger as well. Now we have 5 journals in

GL Journals SL Journal
•SLA calls a sequence generator, which assigns the sequence now to these journals. Say
the last value of sequence generated was - 100.
Therefore, the sequence assigned between SLA & GL would be 101,102,103,104,105 to all these 5 journals.
Out of this, it is possible that 101 gets assigned to GL journal while 102 gets assigned to SLA journal.

GL Journals SL Journal
GL1 -> 101 SL1 -> 102
GL2 -> 103 SL2 -> 104
GL3 -> 105

Though this might appear as a gap at the first look, it is not actually exist.

101: GL1
102: SL1
103: GL2
104: SL2
105 : GL3

• Next time when SLA needs to be assigned it would start from 106.

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Question 2:
“Is it possible to exclude journals with STAT currency from getting sequenced?
STAT currency journals are normally created for internal purposes or for assistance in massallocation.
Hence, users would not want to sequence these.”

It is not possible to exclude a currency from being sequenced. However, as a work around, users could
create a separate category for STAT journals and create an ‘Exception’ for this category: running the
sequencing event would hence exclude this category from being sequenced.

Question 3:
“When attempting to close a period, the following error occurs in the reporting sequence generation.”

Exceptions posted by this request:

Concurrent Manager encountered an error while attempting to start your immediate concurrent program
XLAREPSEQ. Routine &ROUTINE r received a return code of failure. Contact your support

It is possible that Sequencing Context is not defined for SLA journals on event Period Close. It is mandatory to
define Sequencing contexts for both GL and SLA for the Period Close event.

Question 4:
“Can Reporting and Accounting Sequences be generated for journals that have come in from the Upgraded
instance? “

Yes, Reporting and Accounting sequences can be generated for journals brought in from upgraded instance as
well. For generating the Reporting Sequence, the period will have to be reopened and then Closed. Accounting
Sequence will get generated for the Upgraded journals that are posted in the new upgraded instance (however,
as per the general practice, Journals should be posted before the Upgrade, so this may not be applicable).

Question 5:
“Can one have all three Sequences defined for one journal i.e. Document Sequences, Accounting Sequences
and Reporting Sequences? “

Definitely. We could have all the three kinds of sequences existing for same journal.

Question 6:
“Do we have a Report that shows a listing of all Sequences created. “
Unfortunately, at the moment no reports exist and an Enhancement Request is running on the same.


As a workaround, users could run the following query -
Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 35

The above query could be modified to pick up COMPLETION_ACCT_SEQ_VERSION_ID as well.

As a workaround, users could also run the report ‘Journal Entries Report’ from subledger responsibility. This
report is an XML report and though the report pulls up the sequence details, the template does not show these.
Users could create their own templates for this report and show the columns with Sequence details.

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Note 744962.1: R12: How To Generate Reporting Sequence?

Note 857372.1: What are the differences among the sequencing context 4 options during accounting setup?

Note 760511.1: R12:Assigning One BSV To A Sequencing Context Assigns It To Other Ledger's Sequencing

Note 756774.1: R12 What are the Differences Between Accounting Sequencing and Reporting Sequencing?


• Oracle General Ledger Users Guide.

• Oracle Financials Implementation Guide
• Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide.

Accounting and Reporting Sequences Page 37

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