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Alma Carrillo

123 Your Street

Your City, ST 12345

Ms. Nicole Pawloski

123 Address St
Anytown, ST 12345


As a highly skilled advisor who has years of experience with the office for Student Leadership,
Involvement, and Community Engagement, I am writing to express my interest in the Executive Director
for Equity and Inclusion position. My experience aligns well as I have been heavily involved with issues of
equity and inclusion throughout my college career. My current job title, Involvement Advisor, is
specifically targeted towards getting college students involved on campus and helping them find various
involvement opportunities. Through one-on-one meetings I advise in a inclusive environment for
students who are struggling to find community and a sense of belonging.

My work experience and my various training in diversity, equity, and inclusion would make me a great fit
for the position. I have advanced knowledge on identifying and acting on issues of diversity, equity, and
inclusion on a college campus. I feel comfortable training others on how to deal with these issues. I can
also create and facilitate projects, meetings, conversations, and training. My current position has
allowed me to build skills in working with groups of diverse people. We collaborated on creating various
events, reaching out to other officials or departments on campus, data collecting, and creating resources
centered around helping students reach their goals and not only be actively involved on campus but
thrive during their college career.

I am very passionate about issues that deal with diversity and equity. I am always looking for more
innovative, creative, and meaningful ways to involve more people in discussions about these issues. I
have worked as a leader in many of my work projects and I feel very comfortable talking, collaborating,
and leading others in the project that Front Range is working on. I feel confident in my ability to excel in
this position and I am ecstatic to be an applicant.

Do not hesitate to reach out if any questions arise or you need further information. I cannot wait to
meet with you and discuss the position in detail.

Thank you for your consideration.

Alma Carrillo

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