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 Introducing yourself = Hello.

My name is Rydle Sianturi

 Greeting somebody = hai, nice to meet you

 Introducing a colleague = Rydle this is Jamal. Jamal is the person in charge

for the cooperative relations of our company.
 Making a Small talk =
1. Can I know your name?
2. where are you from?
3. How’s your day
4. Are you enjoy your flight?
5. What will you do in here?
6. What is the first impression about this city
Example small talk dialog
Jamal = Hello. Can I introduce myself ?
Udin = oh sure.
Jamal = I’m Jamal. Nice to meet you
Udin = Hai Jamal. I'
Jamal = Udin, what are you doing here?
Udin = oh I'm accompanying my co-worker. we will make a presentation to
establish a collaboration. How about you?
Jamal = I'm just stopping by here because this is my friend's company.
By the way I come from New Zealand, how about you?
Udin = oh I come from Vietnam.
jamal = I see. how long have you been in indonesia?
Udin = I just arrived last night. I should have arrived here about 1 week ago.
however my flight has been delayed due to the current pandemic. If you?
Jamal = same as you, my flight was also delayed for the same reason as yours.
Oh yes. this country is a good country for doing business right?
Udin = yes you are right. here the development of business regarding tourism is
truly amazing. because of that I am interested with my colleagues to establish
business cooperation in this country.
oh here he comes. jamal this is my colleague Abdul. Abdul is the person in charge
for the cooperative relations of our company.
Jamal = hi Abdul, nice to meet you.
Abdul = hi jamal. nice to meet you too.
Jamal = okay because you are gathered, I will leave you first. I will try to help the
goals of your cooperation with my friend companies.
Abdul & Udin = thank you very much Jamal. we are very grateful

 Talking about you job = I am the chief of staff specialized in international

 Showing interest = I am interested or have the desire to establish a business
cooperation in the tourism sector

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