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Q.1. Write down the functions of saliva. From: Ten Cates PG: 254.

Ag: 16 Fe: 15
Or , Write down the antimicrobial function of saliva.
A. Functions of saliva:

Functions Effects Active ingredients

1. Protection Clearance Water
Lubrication Water and mucin
Thermal insulation Mucins
Pellicle formation. Protein, Glycoprotein, mucin.
2. Buffering Maintenance of pH. Bicarbonate, phosphate, urea
Neutralization of acid. ,ammonia.
3. Tooth integrity Maturation of enamel Calcium, phosphate, fluoride.
4. Antimicrobial action Physical barrier Mucin
Immune defense Secretion of secretory IgA.
Non-immune defense Peroxidase, Lysozyme.
5. Tissue repair Wound healing Growth factor and Regeneration
6. Digestion Formation of bolus. Mucin.
Boil starch & Triglyceride Amylase & lipase.

7. Taste Maintenance of taste bud Epidermal growth factor

A. Antimicrobial action of saliva.
1.Pellicle Formation:
*The protein of saliva reacts with the Ca on the surface of the enamel and form a protective layer upon
the enamel.
*Also the protein of the saliva reacts with micro-organism and form calculus on the surface of the

2.Lubrication: Helps to prevent oral mucosa to stick together.

3.Thermal insulation: Protect oral mucosa from burn when we take hot food into the mouth.

4.Buffering: Helps to prevent decalcification of enamel.

5. Tooth integrity Maturation of enamel Calcium, phosphate, fluoride.

6. Antimicrobial action Physical barrier Mucin
Immune defense Secretion of secretory IgA.
Non-immune defense Peroxidase, Lysozyme.
7. Tissue repair Wound healing Growth factor and Regeneration
Q:2. Short note: Myoepithelial cell. From 265, Ten Cates. Ag: 16
Or, Define myoepithelial cell. Ag: 15
A. Myoepithelial cells: Myoepithelial cells are the contractile cell that associated with the secretory end
pieces and the intercalated ducts of salivary gland..
Location: They are located between the cells of basal lamina and between the cells of secretory or duct
cell. They are connected with the cell by desmosomes.
Derive from: They are like smooth muscle but they are derived from epithelium.
Myoepithelium cell associated with the secretory end piece :
a) They are stellate shape.
b) Have numerous cell processes that embrace the secretory end pieces.
c) Cell processes are composed of actin and myosin filament,
d) The cell membrane contains numerous caveolae that initiating the contraction function of the
e) Most of the cell organelle remains in the perinuclear cytoplasm.
Myoepithelium cell associated with the intercalated ducts:
a) They are fusiform in shape.
b) They have less cell processes.
c) They oriented lengthwise along the duct.

1. The contraction of the cells gives support during the secretion of the saliva from the secretory end
2. It expels the primary saliva from the secretory end piece to the duct.
3. In intercalated ducts its contraction make the duct widen and shorten that keeps the potency of the
4. It passes signal to the acini cell to maintain the polarity of the cells.
5. It has tumor suppressor capacity such as it inhibits the proteinase enzyme and it has antiangiogenesis

(Angiogenesis: Developing of new blood vessels on neoplasm.)

Q.3. Classify salivary gland. Fe:15. Differentiate serous and mucus saliva/cell/glands Fe:15 . Write
down the anticaries function of saliva.( From: Sheet sir) Fe: 16.
A. Classification:
1. Major salivary gland e.g. Parotid, sub-mandibular, sublingual. These glands are present outside
of the oral cavity and have the ductule system through which the saliva comes to the oral cavity.
2. Minor salivary gland: There is lots of minor salivary gland. They are present in Labial, lingual,
buccal, palatine, glossopalatine and retromolar.

Difference between serous and mucus saliva/cell

(Secretory granules: Granulocytes are a category of white blood cells characterized by the presence
ofgranules in their cytoplasm. They are also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN, PML, or PMNL)
because of the varying shapes of the nucleus, which is usually lobed into three segments. )
Anticaries functions saliva:
Q.5. Give the composition of saliva. From: Ten Cates 254. Ag: 15
Age Developmental characteristics
1. Volume 1. 600-1000 ml/day
2. Electrolytes 2. Na, K, Ca, Mg, CL, F, HCo3, HPO4, HCN.
3. Secretory protein 3. Amylase, lipase, lysozyme, proline rich protein,
Hista tin, cystatin.
4. Immunoglobulin 4. Secretory immunoglobulin A, G, and M.
5. Small organic 5. Glucose, amino acid, urea, uric acid.
6. other organics 6. Epidermal growth factor, insulin, serum

(Proline (abbreviated as Pro or P; encoded by the codons CCU, CCC, CCA, and CCG) is an α-
amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. ... It is non-essential in
humans, meaning the body can synthesize it from the non-essential amino acid L-glutamate).

(Cystatin C is a protein that is produced by the cells in your body. When kidneys are working
well, they keep the level of cystatin C in your blood just right. ... A blood test for cystatin C can
help your healthcare provider find your GFR (glomerular filtration rate).

Stroma (tissue), the connective, functionally supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or

organ (in contrast, the parenchyma is the functional aspect of a tissue) Stroma of ovary, a soft
tissue, well supplied with blood, consisting of spindle-shaped cells with a small amount of
connective tissue.
Q:6. Write down the neural control of saliva. Fe: 14

Unconditional Reflex: Conditional reflex:

Question: Salivary gland.
Q.1. Write down the functions of saliva. From: Ten Cates PG: 254. Ag: 16 Fe: 15
Q:2. Short note: Myoepithelial cell. From 265, Ten Cates. Ag: 16
Q.3. Classify salivary gland. Fe:15. Differentiate serous and mucus saliva/cell/glands Fe:15 . Write
down the anticaries function of saliva.( From: Sheet sir) Fe: 16.

Q.5. Give the composition of saliva. From: Ten Cates 254. Ag: 15
Q:6. Write down the neural control of saliva. Fe: 14

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