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Minutes of Meeting of Business Communication

Business Communication Class Minute of Meeting.

Date, Time and Location: Sunday, Nov 04, 2018, at 1 p.m. in the IOBM University Main library building,
Meeting called to order by Miss Toba Kamil at 12:45 P.M.

Attendance: Complete class Students of Business Communication.

Meeting Agenda: General Email writing skills in cooperate world.

Meetings Points:

 In the First half we have studied and understanding the Guffrey chapter 02 in which we
discussed Pre writing, writing, revising, discuss about message has the purpose to
describe the complete information to audience also analyze your audience.

 After that we have discussed the Best channel for message as Importance of the message
Amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required Necessity of a permanent record Cost
of the channel Degree of formality desired and confidentiality and sensitivity of the message.

 We have discussed about the anticipating the audience , as if your email/ message will be seen
by your superior than you have change your writing style and adopted more formal language
also shorten your message on specific topic.

 We have discussed on empathy and sympathy, we focus on things that always empathic to the
audience and give them ease to adopt and focus on your message.

 Always be courteous to you sub ordinates they emphasize second-person pronouns (you, your)
instead of first-person pronouns (I/we, us, our). Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or promote
goodwill, the catchiest words you can use are you and you.

 We have discussed about developing skillful writing skills, in which we see in article that always be
conversation in email but also remember the professionalism, not to say dialogues like Hey boss and
non-professional and causal verbs.

 In last some of the students share their real life issue on their workplace as an example to completely
understanding the theme.

Thank you!
Muhammad Faizan

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