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1. What rights are guaranteed (protected) as a citizen and which are important to you?

In my own perspective, it is the section 1 of the Bill of Rights that states “No
person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.” These words etched in
our Constitution compel the State to safeguard the life, liberty and property of the
Filipino people regardless of class, gender, ethnicity or actions. Even at the
suspicion of crime, these rights are not stripped away from a citizen and they remain
under due process of law.

2. What responsibilities come with your rights?

My rights as a Filipino, is to have the right of freedom of speech, of the press and
assembly. I have the right to freedom expression, to be heard and my views are
considered. Also, I have the right to form unions, associations, or societies to pursue
a specific good of a smaller group.

3. At what point does the common good of society limit your rights?

In my own perspective, it was the time when the previous president who
managed the country established and construct housings for those people who are
affected by fortuitous events, people who have no ability to provide their own home;
yet they constructed it in the wrong location in which it can be easily affected by
flood. At the end of it, the project was rendered useless and was not continued and
people who are expecting to live there was not able to live since they were deprived
of their right.

4. Do you think you are a responsible citizen? If so, why? If not, why not?

I believe that I am a responsible citizen, it is because I follow the rules and

regulations that was imposed by our government such as simple laws when it comes
to walking in a pedestrian lane as a citizen. Also, extending assistance to those
people who are in need. Moreover, I try to avoid complex issues that would cause
me at fault and disrespecting the laws.


CRITERIA 1: Obeys the law / Respects authority

Reason: As a responsible citizen, it is your duty to obey the rules and regulations
imposed by the government to avoid any complex issues and chaos.
CRITERIA 2: Love your country
Reason: Loving your own country means promoting nationalism and patriotism which
means that as a good citizen you are engaging to regulations for the betterment of the
CRITERIA 3: Register & Vote
Reason: As a responsible citizen, it is your duty to vote and register wherein it is your
freedom to choose the best leader who have devotion in protecting the country and its


I. Creatively draw a symbol of the EDSA People Power experience, or a symbol

of the success of EDSA.

II. Reflect further on the symbol drawn by answering the following questions:

1. What does your illustration tell you?

My illustration tells me about the challenges of the people during the
revolution. The hand represents the people and the object represents the
hardship of the people. Overall, this indicates that no matter what difficulties they
went through, they were able to raise their voices and successfully achieved
what they have fought for.

2. What qualities emerged when we united as a people during our EDSA People
Power experience?
The qualities emerged under Makabayan cluster is the unity since people
united to raise their voices against regime violence and electoral fraud. Another
thing is under the Makatao cluster which is the freedom, since they wanted
freedom from all the injustices acts of President Marcos before.

3. What are the effects of faith and prayer in our lives?

Personally, the effects of prayer in my life is that this gives me strength to
face whatever challenges that I might encounter. This make me feel that I am not
alone entering the battlefield since I will always have someone on my back.
Furthermore, faith and prayer is my instrument to release all the problems that I
have and then eventually I will feel at ease and not eaten by my own problems.

4. Do we continue to profess the same faith in God and appreciate the value of
prayer in ordinary times when there is no conflict or imminent danger to our lives
and nation? Explain briefly.
It’s an absolutely yes for me, it is because there was a time wherein I
really doubted myself and I did not open up my problems to anyone but when I
hear His words and wisdom from our pastor, it was an eye opener for me to
always trust Him and not just only rely on my own knowledge. Ever since then, I
learned to pray without asking something from Him. I was only praying that I am
thankful for all the blessings, for the guidance, and love that He showers upon
me and then I felt contented. On the other hand, to answer this question, I am not
generalizing things but there are still a lot of people who do not seek Him when it
was an ordinary day but they only remember Him when they needed Him.
Personally, this works for me but in my own opinion when it comes to everyone
it’s a no since they do not continue seeking Him during ordinary days.

5. Do we give enough time each day to thank God for being faithful to us despite
our unfaithfulness to Him? Explain briefly.
For me, I will always forever be grateful to Him because of His faithfulness
to us. Although we only remember Him when we ask for some things, and when
those times when we do not seek for Him, he was always there and never stop
working. I even reach to the point where I question myself “do I deserve the
blessings that he showered upon me although I only seek him when I ask for
something?” but still realization hit me hard that I should always strengthen my
faith in Him and always trust His process since He will make it happen whatever
the desires we have in our heart.

Think of a slogan that will truly depict the nature of citizenship values under the
Makatao cluster. Each slogan shall comprise of not more than 12 substantive words.

1. Love – “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet”

2. Freedom – “Freedom deserves a fight and every fight deserves freedom”
3. Peace – “Peace starts from within, how can you make peace with someone if you
have no peace of mind”
4. Truth – “If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it”
5. Justice – “If we cannot maintain justice, justice will not maintain us”

I. Identify the national symbols below and list down at least five native values
that best describe the Filipinos.

1. Bahay-Kubo – The Bahay-kubo is considered a cultural icon in which this

symbolizes togetherness. Filipino families are known to be closed-knit
families. Also, Bahay-kubo before is movable wherein if a family decides to
transfer location, usually neighbors will help them moving the house and this
value is called Bayanihan.

2. Barong and Saya – The Baro’t saya for women symbolizes the virtues and
nobility of a Filipino. On the other hand, the barong for men became a symbol
of Filipino’s resistance colonization. These are worn before during important

3. Sampaguita – This symbolizes purity and simplicity as well as strength. We

can say that Filipino’s have faith when it comes to facing their own struggles.

4. Philippine Eagle – This represents the Philippines as a solid and stable

nation. Which means that Filipino’s are promoting patriotism and nationalism.

5. Carabao – The domesticated carabao is persevering, industrious, and strong.

These are qualities that Filipino’s possess.

II. Identify three main environmental issues or concerns in your community and
determine how NSTP and student trainees could address solutions to each.

Environmental Issue/ Concern No. 1:

There are lamp post in selected streets in the village that are not working that
causes concerns with the women who returns home at night and women who are
working assigned in graveyard shift.

Proposed solutions:
As an NSTP student, this kind of situation is kind of alarming to us women
especially me who usually return late at home due to intensive studying outside. In
order for me to take action on this issue, I will go to our barangay and look for someone
whom I can rely the issue so that they will be informed take immediate action about our

Environmental Issue/ Concern No. 2:

Our neighbor just beside our house is doing a welding since their house is also
their junk shop. Loud noises of their metals are heard every morning, afternoon and
worse even evening.

Proposed solution:
As a concerned citizen and a student who are studying NSTP, my first action on
this issue is to talk appropriately with the neighbor that causes distraction not just only
to us but also to other neighbors. If I have done my best to escalate the issue and still
not effective I will try to rely the issue on our barangay and explain to them that it
causes distraction from other neighbors who are having siesta during afternoon or
neighbors who are working from home so that the barangay will take immediate action
on this.

Environmental Issue/ Concern No. 3:

There are still some neighbors who are burning dry leaves outside their house in
which this was already prohibited in the village and imposed by the laws.

Proposed solution:

As a concerned citizen, I will reach out to that neighbor and talk to her in a nice
way. I will tell her that this kind of activity is already prohibited in the village so that she
would avoid getting notice from the barangay, and so that she will be aware of the
things that they have implemented.

Create a short poem for each of the good citizenship clusters reflecting the values that
fall thereto. In like manner, a poem to summarize the good citizenship values clusters
shall be crafted.

1. Pagkamaka-Diyos


I love the way you hear me whenever I pray.

You listen so intently to every word I say.
I love your understanding when words are hard to find.
But most of all, I love it that I am always on your mind.

2. Pagkamaka-Tao


To love is to share life together,

to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side
and then smile with pride
as one by one, dreams all come true.

3. Pagkamaka-Bayan



United we stand,
Together we fight hand in hand,
For the love of our own land.

4. Pagkamaka-Kalikasan


This view gives me serenity,

Oh! How I love to look at you until infinity.
I will not let you feel the sorrow,
But rather I will take care of you forever tomorrow.

5. The Four Good Citizenship Values Cluster

In a community,
People treat each other like a family.
Neighbors cleaning outside their gates,
Never fail to greet each other,
with smiles plastered on their face.
Every time you are in need of help,
They never let you feel alone,
But rather they make you feel
that you are in this together.
Each family may have different traditions and beliefs,
But when it comes to faith,
Every one finds their destination,
That strengthens their inspiration.

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