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1. What is Cooperative Learning?

Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into
academic and social learning experiences.

2. a. The principle of positive interdependenceIn group learning, the success of a task completion
depends very much on the work done by each group member. Therefore, it is important for every
group member to realize that the success of group task completion will be determined by the
performance of each member. Thus, all members in the group will feel interdependence. To create
an effective working group, each group member needs to divide the tasks according to the group's
goals. The task, of Courie, adjusted to the ability of each group member. This is the nature of positive
dependency, meaning that the task of the group cannot be completed when there are members
who cannot complete the task, and all this requires good cooperation from each group member.
Group members who have more abilities are expected to be willing and able to help their friends to
complete their tasks.

b. Individual responsibility

This principle is a consequence of the first principle. Because the success of a group depends on
each member, each group member must have responsibilities in accordance with their duties.
Each member must give their best for the success of the group. To achieve this, the teacher
needs to provide an assessment of individuals and also groups. Individual assessments can be
different, but group assessments must be the same.

c. Face to face interaction (face to face promotion interaction) 

Cooperative learning provides space and broad opportunities for each group member to meet
face to face with each other to inform and learn from one another. Face to face interaction will
provide valuable experience for each group member to work together, appreciate each
difference, take advantage of each member's strengths, and fill each other's weaknesses.

d. Participation and communication

Cooperative learning trains students to be able to actively participate and communicate. This
ability is very important as their provisions in life in the community later. Therefore, before
cooperating, teachers need to equip students with communication skills. Not every student has
the ability to communicate, for example the ability to listen and the ability to speak, even though
the success of a group is determined by the participation of its members.

To be able to participate and communicate, students need to be equipped with communication

skills. For example, how to express disagreement or how to politely disprove the opinions of
others, not to discredit; how to convey ideas and ideas that are considered good and useful.

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