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1 Circle the correct answer. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Climate change has had a(n) extensive / profound effect on many species of plants.
2. Personal stories about the day the earthquake struck will evoke / spark sympathy in everyone.
3. Schools and universities alike / aside will be affected by the changes to the education system.
4. Will you help me reveal / spread the word about the sponsored walk?
5. Some TV channels will do anything for the need / sake of ratings.
6. The documentary aims to highlight / showcase the difference between two ways of farming.
7. Andrew was bullied as a child and has some bitter / turbulent memories of his schooldays.
8. It’s our pressing / moral duty to help the children caught up in the conflict.
9. The police were dispatched / persevered to deal with the riot.
10. Children growing up in poverty face many hardships / trappings.

2 Complete the sentences. Choose from the words given. (7 x 2 = 14)

1. Wealth and personal happiness do not necessarily go hand hand. on / to / in
2. I’m afraid I can’t lend you any money – I’m strapped cash myself. for / from / off
3. Breaking stereotypes can be an important step in bringing people together. out / away / down
4. The singer often chooses to travel an assumed name. with / by / under
5. A number of events led to Peter’s decision to resign. out / back / up
6. The novel is about a retired judge whose past catches with him. up / by / back
7. The family moved to Europe search of a better future. in / to / on

3 Complete the text. Use the words below. (12 x 2 = 24)

life welfare aspirations embark fall founded
impacted subsequently non-profit troubled domestic desperately

John had a difficult childhood. The victim of (1) ............................................ violence, with nobody to (2) ............................................
back on for support, he was (3) ............................................ unhappy. By the age of 15, the (4) ............................................ teen was
sleeping outside on park benches. After four years he ended up in hospital. Concerned about his (5) ............................................ ,
the hospital staff contacted Centrepoint, a (6) ............................................ organization (7) ............................................ in 1969 to help
homeless young people. John was offered accommodation at a Centrepoint shelter and, for the first time in his life, he had
a room where he felt safe. He spent time talking to counsellors at the centre about his problems and they helped him learn
important (8) ............................................ skills, such as how to cook, pay bills and manage his money.
(9) ............................................ , he began studying for exams and did quite well. His experiences at the shelter have
(10) ............................................ on his life in such a positive way that John has begun to put the past behind him. Today, he has
the same (11) ............................................ as most people his age – to complete his education, (12) ............................................ on
a rewarding career and one day to have a home of his own.

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 3 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

1 Circle the correct answer. (15 x 2 = 30)
1. “Angela’s made a number of mistakes in this report.” 9. I’m afraid we don’t have any apple pie left, but you
“Well, she be quite careless at times.” try our chocolate cake instead.
a. may c. will a. may c. will
b. can d. could b. might d. ought
2. “Wasn’t Ben going to help you with the decorating?” 10. “This must be the most boring film ever!”
“Yes, but he .” “I believe anyone is enjoying it.”
a. may as well forget c. must forget a. might not c. can’t
b. could be forgetting d. might have forgotten b. mustn’t d. couldn’t
3. “I might have to work late on Friday.” 11. “I’ve run up against some problems with my science
“Well, perhaps we meet on Saturday instead.” project.”
a. may c. must “Perhaps John be willing to give you some advice.”
b. are able d. could a. can c. is able to
4. I knew you’d enjoy this exhibition. Otherwise I it. b. would d. should
a. couldn’t suggest c. wouldn’t have suggested 12. “The company finally apologized for their mistake.”
b. mustn’t suggest d. can’t have suggested “I should so too!”
5. “How are the children getting on at summer camp?” a. think c. be thought
“They be happier!” b. be thinking d. have thought
a. won’t c. couldn’t 13. “There’s a suspicious man standing outside the house
next door.”
b. can’t d. wouldn’t
“ we call the police?”
6. Claire isn’t in her office, which means she from home
today. a. Have c. Might
a. can work c. could have worked b. Would d. Should
b. might be working d. may be worked 14. Congratulations to the bride and groom! they have a
long and happy life together!
7. “Police are doing a good job of fighting crime around
here.” a. May c. Can
“Oh, I still think they do more.” b. Should d. Will
a. need c. had to 15. According to the doctor, this medicine on an empty
b. would d. could
a. mustn’t take c. ought not to have taken
8. “Only four students are taking part in the sponsored
run this year.” b. shouldn’t be taken d. can’t be taking
“I thought everyone in.”
a. had to join c. ought to have joined
b. must be joining d. has to have joined

  PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // TEST: Unit 3 // Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
(6 x 2 = 12)
1. They still don’t have a venue for the class reunion. ABLE
They a venue for the class reunion yet.
2. It was a mistake to build the factory far from the motorway. BEEN
The factory closer to the motorway.
3. Why don’t you give me that exercise bike that you never use any more? WELL
Since you never use that exercise bike any more, to me.
4. I’m certain Chris is looking forward to the trip. MUST
Chris forward to the trip.
5. I’m angry you wore my boots without asking. MIGHT
You before wearing my boots.
6. Perhaps George was in the middle of dinner when you called. HAVING
George could dinner when you called.

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