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Argumentative Essay

Homeschooling as Promising Option After Covid-19 Pandemic Ends

Homeschooling is a family and environmental education path where parents are

fully responsible for the child's education process. Homeshooling is carried out at
home under the direction of parents and is not carried out in other formal places such
as schools or other educational institutions with a structured and collective learning
activity model. Parents can act as teachers or also bring home a tutor or co-tutor.
Some people say that homeschooling could be a promising option after Covid 19
pandemic, whereas others say it is not a promising option.
In my opinion, homeschooling can be a promising option after the Covid 19
pandemic because homeshooling education costs are cheaper than formal education.
Moreover, the cost of formal education is currently getting more expensive. In
addition, homeschooling assignments and learning are more flexible so that children
are not too overwhelmed as in formal schools which are always given many tasks.
Giving too many tasks can also affect a child's mental state. With homeschooling,
parents can monitor their children better than in schools that have a less favorable
environment for child safety and development, such as fighting and consumption of
illegal drugs. At school there is still a lot of bullying and this is not very good for
children's development. On the other hand, some people argue that homeschooling is
not a promising option after Covid 19 because things such as the homeschool learning
process have an effect on children's social life. Children who homeschool usually
have a less extensive social life, so that children have difficulty interacting with peers
from various social statuses. Children are less exposed to social, organizational life,
and the worst is that they are less able to work together in teams. Homeschool
children also tend not to have competitiveness and have difficulty learning because
they do not have classmates. Therefore some people argue that formal schools are
indeed the best places to study, train children's social interactions and train children's
competitive spirits.
In conclusion, I believe that learning can be anywhere and anytime. Everyone
thinks differently about homeschooling. Many of them agreed and many of them
disagreed that homeschooling was a promising choice after Covid 19. Indeed,
homeschooling will be difficult to do in Indonesia today and in the future because
most people in Indonesia are used to learning in school. However, it is not wrong if
homeschooling will be a promising choice after the Covid 19 pandemic. Promising
whether or not homeschooling is implemented after the Covid 19 pandemic depends
on their respective views on homeschooling.

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