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1.The capital of Sri Lanka is----------?

A. Jakarta

B. Colombo (Answer)

C. Kolkata

D. Malay

2.The part of desert where adequate water is available for cultivation is called -----------?

A. Oasis (Answer)

B. Marsh

C. Island

D. Isthmus

3.The fine yellowish dust or silt spread and deposited by the winds, that is very fertile is called -----?

A. Alluvium

B. Loess (Answer)

C. Sediment

D. None of the above

4.Which is the thinnest earth layer?

A. Core

B. Mantle

C. Crust (Answer)

D. None of the above

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5.What is the name given to areas of land in the higher latitudes where short, cool summers do not permit trees to

A. Arctic

B. Tropical

C. Savanna

D. Tundra (Answer)

6.The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is known as ---------------

A. a.Earthquake Center

B. Epicenter (Answer)

C. Gravitational Center

D. Geological Center

7.Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called ------------?

A. Stream

B. Fall

C. Spring (Answer)

D. Lake

8.The Band-e- Amir National Park is located in--------------.

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Afghanistan (Answer)

D. Kuwait

9.The Empire State Building is located in---------------.

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A. London

B. Birmingham

C. Paris

D. New York City (Answer)

10.The mixture of silt, sand, and gravel deposited by flowing water such as rivers and streams is called -------?

A. Sediment

B. Loess

C. Alluvium (Answer)

D. All of the above

11.The areas of grassland totally without trees in South America especially around the estuary of the River Plate are
called ---------?

A. Savanna

B. Pampas (Answer)

C. Loess

D. None of the above

12.China’s ----------------- space station mostly burns up on re-entry over South Pacific.

A. Tianhe

B. Tianzhou

C. Tiangong 1 (Answer)

D. Xuntian

13.Basin is a low land area. Which are the largest basins in the face of the earth?

A. Seas

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B. Oceans

C. Rivers (Answer)

D. None of the above

14.A hill or peak sticking through an ice cap, mostly found in Green land or Antarctica is called ----------?

A. Mesa

B. Moraines

C. Nunatak (Answer)

D. Loess

15.A vent in the Earth’s surface that emits steam and gases, essentially associated with volcanic regions is known as ------

A. Fumarole (Answer)

B. Mesa

C. Munatak

D. Moraines

16.Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India----------?

A. President (Answer)

B. prime minister

C. chief justice

D. Parliament

17.The SAFTA(South Asian Free Trade Agreement) entered into force on 1 January,----------?

A. 2004

B. 2005

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C. 2006 (Answer)

D. 2007

18.The SAPTA(South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement) signed on 11 April-------------?

A. 1993 (Answer)

B. 1994

C. 2004

D. 2006

19.SAFTA signed on 6 January 2004 in---------------?

A. 10 SAARC summit

B. 11 SAARC summit

C. 12 SAARC summit (Answer)

D. 13 SAARC summit

20.The official language(s) of “Association of Southeast Asian Nations” is/are -------------?

A. One

B. Five

C. Nine

D. Ten (Answer)

21.The motto of ‘Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ is “One Vision, One---------- ,One Community”.

A. Unity

B. Identity (Answer)

C. Faith

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D. Ideology

22.The country famous for Samba dance is---------?


B. Brazil (Answer)

C. Portugal

D. Chile

23.Name of the Alexander horse was----------?

A. Beucephalus (Answer)

B. Alexcephalus

C. Macodophalus

D. Grekophalus

24.The most densely populated island in the world is Honshu located in-------?

A. South Korea

B. North Korea

C. Japan (Answer)

D. China

25.When Pakistan introduced National Identity cards (NIC)------------?

A. 1948

B. 1957

C. 1963

D.1974 (Answer)

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26.Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means------------?

A. Fear of cats (Answer)

B. Fear of rats

C. Fear of cockroaches

D. Fear of height

27.The country whose national anthem has only music no words--------------?

A. Bahrain (Answer)

B. Chile

C. Greece

D. Albania

28.Which of the following keys of personal computer is not available in the key board of traditional typewriters?

A. Tab

B. Enter (Answer)

C. Backspace

D. Spacebar

29.River Jordon flow out into ----------?

A. Dead sea (Answer)

B. Caspian sea

C. Red sea

D. Mediterranean sea

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30.hat is the significance of a small country “Ecuador”-----------?

A. Beautiful state of South America

B. Lies on equator (Answer)

C. Biggest producer of water-melon

D. famous for canal system

31.The country in which river Wangchu flows is ----------------?

A. Srilanka

B. Myanmar (Answer)

C. Nepal

D. Cambodia

32.The country known is the sugar bowl of the world-----------?

A. Cuba (Answer)

B. Jamaica

C. South Sudan

D. Sierra Leone

33.In which one of the following South East Asian countries, India will build satellite tracking station ?

A. Vietnam (Answer)

B. Philippines

C. Laos

D. Cambodia

34.Which one of the following companies will launch Project Skybender to boost 5G internet speed -----?

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A. Facebook

B. Google (Answer)


D. Apple

35.The first ‘Cross word’ puzzle in the world was published in --------

A. 1913 (Answer)

B. 1915

C. 1917

D. 1927

36.For which disease,Indian scientists have developed herbal medicine using Ayurveda?


B. Blood Cancer

C. Dengue (Answer)

D. Diabetes

37.The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic games held at Athens was----------


B. 15

C. 14 (Answer)

D. 21

38.The Pentagonian desert is located in ------------?

A. U.S

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B. Argentina (Answer)

C. Brazil

D. Canada

39.Who invented Jet Engine-------------?

A. Sir Frank Whittle (Answer)

B. Gottlieb Daimler

C. Roger Bacon

D. Lewis E. Waterman

40.World’s longest Sea Bridge connected Hongkong, Macau and China is-------------.

A. Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

B. Baling River Bridge

C. Duge Bridge

D. Zhuhai Macau Bridge (Answer)

41.When was bar code scanner invented--------?

A. 1950s

B. 1960s

C. 1970s (Answer)

D. 1980s

42.What furniture item was invented by California furniture designer Charles Prior Hall in 1968?

A. Sofa bed

B. Captain’s chair

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C. Waterbed (Answer)

D. Hammock

43.Edwin Budding invented lawn mover belong to----------?

A. England (Answer)

B. U.S

C. Sweden

D. Finland

44.What invention caused many deaths while testing it---------------?

A. Dynamite

B. Parachute (Answer)

C. Motor car

D. Railway

45.Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink. When did the first chocolate bar appear-------------?

A. 1831

B. 1832

C. 1833

D. There is no sure date (Answer)

46.The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is--------------?

A. 5

B. 7

C. 11

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D. 13 (Answer)

47.Night watch is a famous-------------?

A. Restaurant

B. Painting (Answer)

C. Hotel

D. Beach

48.Biro Brothers invented the BALLPOINT PEN belong to-------------?

A. Hungry (Answer)

B. Sweden

C. Finland

D. Greece

49.The number of keys in an ordinary piano is------------?

A. 66

B. 77

C. 88 (Answer)

D. 44

50.Togo is situated in -------------?

A. southern African countries

B. Western African countries (Answer)

C. Northern African countries

D. Eastern African countries

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51.Bismillah Khan is related to---------------?

A. Flute

B. Tabla

C. Shehnai (Answer)

D. Sarod

52.Which of the following lines divide Turkish and Greek Cyprus communities?

A. Yellow Line

B. Green Line (Answer)

C. Maginot Line

D. 11 parallel line

53.Who first pioneered the idea of a blood bank----------?

A. Booker T, Washington

B. George Washington Carver

C. Jonas Salk

D. Charles Drew (Answer)

54.Mahan Airline belongs to which country--------------?

A. Iran (Answer)

B. Iraq

C. Yemen

D. Oman

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55.Where Das Man Palace is located in---------------?

A. Yemen

B. Kuwait (Answer)

C. Bahrain

D. Oman

56.Diego Garcia is United States military base in the-----------------?

A. Indian Ocean (Answer)

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Atlantic Ocean

D. Arctic Ocean

57.Decision Point” Book is written by------------?

A. Barack Obama

B. George W Bush (Answer)

C. Bill Clinton

D. Richard Nixon

58.Nightingale Florence (belongs to France) was a--------------.

A. Doctor

B. Nurse (Answer)

C. Teacher

D. House wife

59.The first Persian newspaper was-------?

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A. Persian News

B. Jam-i-Jahan Numa

C. AL-Hilal

D. Mirat-ul-Akhbar (Answer)

60.International Cricket Council (ICC) headquarters is located in----------?

A. Dubai (Answer)


C. China

D. Australia

61.ICC was founded in the year---------?

A. 1905

B. 1910

C. 1909 (Answer)

D. 1914

62.The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called -------------?

A. The Torrid Zone

B. The Frigid Zone (Answer)

C. The Temperature Zone

D. The Hardiness Zone

63.The world’s largest land border is between ------------------?

A. China and Mongolia

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B. Russia and China

C. Argentina and Brazil

D. America and Canada (Answer)

64.Which part of the world is known as Star and key of Indian Ocean?

A. Manora

B. Sri Lanka

C. Maldives

D. Mauritius (Answer)

E. Madagascar

65.The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in------?

A. Gilgit

B. Hunza

C. Swat (Answer)

D. Dir

66.“Siachen Glacier” is situated in-------?

A. Hindu Kush

B. Sulaiman

C. Pamir

D. Karakorum (Answer)

67.Bore is caused by------?

A. Rising tide while meeting river currents (Answer)

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B. Friction from prevailing winds

C. Spring tide and strong winds

D. Unequal heating of oceans

68.Oldest university of the world is ----------?

A. University of bologna

B. University of Karueein (Answer)

C. University of Nalanda

D. University of Karachi

69.The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is-----?

A. Mariana Trench

B. Puerto Rico Trench

C. Diamantina Trench (Answer)

D. Isle Trench

70.A canyon is a large form of --------?

A. Dry valley

B. Gorge (Answer)

C. Pediment

D. Badiand

71.The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT:?

A. Wet bulb thermometer

B. Maximum thermometer

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C. Ordinary thermometer

D. Anemometer (Answer)

72.Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences -------?

A. Land Breeze

B. Monsoon

C. Frontal

D. Convectional (Answer)

73.The extinct Volcanic Peak of Koh-i-Sultan is in -------?

A. Turkmanistan

B. Turkey

C. Iran

D. Pakistan (Answer)

74.What is Chandragup?

A. Famous Personality

b. Food Item

c. Tree

d. Mud Volcano (Answer)

75.Transportation and trade are------?

A. Primary activities

B. Secondary activities

C. Tertiary activities (Answer)

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D. Quaternary activities

75.Which of the following regions is ‘Peninsula’--------?

A. Arabia

B. Scandinavia

C. Alaska

D. All of above (Answer)

76.The richest fishing ground in the world?

A. North Western Europe

B. North Eastern Asia (Answer)

C. North Western Africa

D. North Eastern North America

77.Maize, Rice and Wheat are generally referred as-----?

A. Root crops

B. Legumes Crops granaries

C. Cereal Crops (Answer)

D. None of Above

78.The largest latitude circle on earth is --------?

A. Arctic circle

B. Tropic of cancer

C. Tropic of Capricorn

D. The Equator (Answer)

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79.The season changes because of the ------------?

A. Moon is revolving round the earth

B. Earth is revolving round its axis

C. Earth is revolving round the sun (Answer)

D. Planet Mars is attracting the sun

80.The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time?

A. 10 minutes

B. 4 minutes (Answer)

C. 15 minutes

D. 1 minute

81.Rainfall related to mountains is ?

A. Orographic rainfall (Answer)

B. Normal rainfall

C. Monsoon rains

D. Cyclonic rainfall

82.Which waterway gives the source of terrestrial moisture?

A. Ocean

B. Rivers

C. Lakes (Answer)

D. Canals

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83.A large group of islands is known as?

A. Peninsula

B. Archipelago (Answer)

C. Strait

D. Channel

84.These are only two double land-locked countries in the world. Double land locked means a land-locked country which
is also surrounded by land locked neighbouring countries. Name both the countries?

A. Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein (Answer)

B. Uzbekistan and Chad

C. Uzbekistan and Mali

D. Liechtenstein and Chad

85.Earth’s largest ice volume is present in-------------?

A. Himalayas

B. South America

C. Antarctica (Answer)

D. North America

86.The Seven Rila Lakes are located in-----------?

A. Bulgaria (Answer)

B. Hungary

C. Poland

D. Czech Republic

87.“Netherlands” literally means-------------?

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A. ideal location

B. lower countries (Answer)

C. mouth of land

D. land of sun set

88.The Orange river flows in------------?

A. Indonesia

B. Egypt

C. South Africa (Answer)

D. Mexico

89.Indonesia is a country with around ---------- islands?

A. 10,000

B. 11,000

C. 12,000

D. 13,000 (Answer)

90.When was the game Frisbee invented?

A. 1860s

B. 1870s (Answer)

C. 1830s

D. 1850s

91.Who was the First Pakistani Player to have a hundred in T20Is?

A. Ahmed Shehzad (Answer)

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B. Umar Akmal

C. Misbah-ul-Haq

D. Mohammad Hafeez

92.Silk is produced by------------?

A. Egg of silkworm

B. Pupa of silkworm

C. Larva of silkworm (Answer)

D. Insect itself

93.How Many Countries Are Landlocked In Asia?

A. 11 Countries

B. 12 Countries (Answer)

C. 13 Countries

D. 14 Countries

94.26th January is India’s----------- Day?

A. Independence Day

B. Republic Day (Answer)

C. Revolution Day

D. Parliament Day

95.Which Country joined SAARC in 2007?

A. Pakistan

B. India

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C. SriLanka

D. Afghanistan (Answer)

96.The shortest day is-----------?

A. 22 June

B. 22 July

C. 22 September

D. 22 December (Answer)

97.Turkey connects the two continents-------------?

A. Asia and Europe (Answer)

B. Asia and Africa

C. South America and North America

D. Asia and Australia

98.Augusta Raurica is located in-----------?

A. Egypt

B. Portugal

C. Switzerland (Answer)

D. Turkey

99.The South Pole of the Earth is located in------------?

A. Norway

B. Antarctica (Answer)

C. Arctic Ocean

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D. Pacific Ocean

100.The birthplace of the World Wide Web was----------?


B. Pentagon

C. CERN (Answer)

D. Microsoft

101.The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called-------------?

A. Golden Gate Bridge

B. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

C. Bosphorus Bridge (Answer)

D. Royal Gorge Bridge

102.Alexandria is a city in-------------?

A. Turkey

B. Egypt (Answer)

C. Jordan

D. Greece

103.About --------% of Antarctica is covered by ice?

A. 97%

B. 98% (Answer)

C. 99%

D. 100%

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104.The Pico Island is located in-----------?

A. Switzerland

B. Portugal (Answer)

C. Turkey

D. Egypt

105.Which city is also called The City of 1,000 Minarets?

A. Istanbul

B. Cairo (Answer)

C. Makkah

D. Islamabad

106.The Pena Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in------------?

A. Egypt

B. Portugal (Answer)

C. Switzerland

D. Turkey

107.The North Pole of the Earth is located in------------?

A. Norway

B. Antarctica

C. Arctic Ocean (Answer)

D. Pacific Ocean

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108.Egypt connects which of the following two continents?

A. Asia and Europe

B. Asia and Africa (Answer)

C. South America and North America

D. Asia and Australia

109.Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the--------------?

A. Green Mosque

B. Blue Mosque (Answer)

C. Red Mosque

D. Yellow Mosque

110.Panama (a country) connects which two continents?

A. Asia and Europe

B. Asia and Africa

C. South America and North America (Answer)

D. Asia and Australia

111.The Mariana Trench is in the ----------- Ocean?

A. Atlantic

B. Arctic

C. Antarctic

D. Pacific (Answer)

112.First Museum of Pakistan established in Karachi on?

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A. 17 April 1951

B. 17 April 1950 (Answer)

C. 17 May 1950

D. 25 April 1950

113.Keemiya-e Saadat was written by----------------?

A. Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah

B. Abu Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Al Farabi

C. Abu Abd Allah Muḥammad ibn Ali ibn Muḥammad ibn Arabi al-Ḥatimi aṭ-Ṭati

D. Abu Ḥamid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazali (Answer)

114.The word democracy has been derived from the-------------language?

A. French

B. Latin

C. Greek (Answer)

D. Arabic

115.Nagqu is located in which country?

A. China (Answer)

B. Nepal

C. Bhutan

D. Mongolia

116.Who is the author of the famous book, “The Spirit of Islam”?

A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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B. Syed Ameer Ali (Answer)

C. Khwaja Salimullah Khwaja Salimullah

D. Sir John Woodroffe

117.John Austin presented his “Theory of sovereignty” in his book “The Province of Jurisprudence Determined” which
was published in--------------?

A. 1832 (Answer)

B. 1935

C. 1717

D. 1736

118.Insulin drug was discovered by------------?

A. Charles Herbert Best

B. Prof John James Rickard Macleod

C. Sir Frederick Grant Banting (Answer)

D. Leonard Thompson

119.Nawab Abdul Latif found the Muhammadan Literary Society in April 1863 at-----------?

A. Dhaka

B. Faridpur

C. Calcutta (Answer)

D. Selhat

120.John Stuart Mill wrote a famous book ” on liberty” in------------?

A. 1859 (Answer)

B. 1850

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C. 1759

D. 1871

121.Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863?

A. Shah Waliullah Dehlawi

B. Syed Ameer Ali

C. Nawab Abdul Latif (Answer)

D. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

122.The Indus Waters Treaty water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan, brokered by the?

A. International Monetary Fund

B. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

C. World Bank (Answer)


123.The High courts in India were established under the-------------------?

A. Indian High Courts Act 1868

B. Indian High Courts Act 1871

C. Indian High Courts Act 1858

D. Indian High Courts Act 1861 (Answer)

124.Who was the viceroy of Indian during the WWII?

A. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten

B. Victor Alexander John Hope, Marquess of Linlithgow (Answer)

C. Major Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Marquess of Willingdon

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D. Frederic John Napier Thesiger, Viscount Chelmsford

125.The International Day of Forests is observed every year on--------------?

A. March 21 (Answer)

B. March 22

C. March 23

D. March 24

126.First Women Bank Limited commenced its business on------------?

A. 02 Nov 1989

B. 02 Dec 1989 (Answer)

C. 02 Dec 1988

D. 01 Nov 1990

127.President of Pakistan announced new medal on 23 march 2018 named as -----------?

A. Sitara-e- Juraat

B. Tamgha-e-Amtiaz

C. Nishaan-e-Haider

D. Tamgha-e-Azam (Answer)

128.Which Country law is considered to be harsh?

A. Iran

B. Saudi Arabia (Answer)

C. China

D. Ethiopia

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129.Non-permanent members of UN Security Council are elected for term of--------------?

A. 1 year

B. 2 years (Answer)

C. 3 years

D. 5 years

130.Braille education system was introduced by Braille for?

A. Blinds (Answer)

B. Dumb

C. Handicap

D. Labours

131.“Spirit of Islam” book was written by?

A. Syed Ameer Ali (Answer)

B. Quaid-e-Azam

C. Allama Iqbal

D. Sir syed

132.Who was the first asian to receive noble prize in 1913?

A. Rabinder Nath Tagore (Answer)

B. C.V.Raman

C. I.A.Bunin

D. Mother teresa

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133.Harrapa city is situated on the bank of which river?

A. Ravi (Answer)

B. Chenab

C. Sutlej

D. Indus

134.The oldest flag of the world is?

A. Denmark (Answer)

B. China

C. Japan

D. Greece

135.The oldest anthem of the world is?

A. Japan (Answer)

B. China

C. Russia

D. Denmark

136.Total number UN Security Council members is------------?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15 (Answer)

D. 20

137.The General Assembly of UN meets regularly once a year on third Tuesday of-------------?

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A. September (Answer)

B. October

C. November

D. December

138.How many official working languages recognized by UN (United Nations)?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 (Answer)

D. 7

139.The UN official birthday is celebrated on------------?

A. December 24, 1945

B. October 24, 1945 (Answer)

C. September 24, 1945

D. November 24, 1945

140.Pakistan Television started in the reign of-------------?

A. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

B. Yahya Khan

C. Zia Ul Haq

D. Ayub Khan (Answer)

141.How many states are in Europe?

A. 47

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B. 48

C. 49

D. 50 (Answer)

142.headquarter of the African Union is located in------------?

A. Johannesburg

B. Cairo

C. Dakar

D. Addis Ababa (Answer)

143.What was the name of concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Germany in 1961?

A. Peace Wall

B. Peace Berlin Wall

C. Berlin Wall (Answer)

D. Peace Wall of Berlin

144.Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of ------------?

A. Paint

B. Gun powder

C. Paper (Answer)

D. Ink

145.In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is ----------?

A. Helium

B. Hydrogen (Answer)

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C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

146.----------------is the fear of bathing?

A. Agoraphobia

B. Acrophobia

C. Ablutophobia (Answer)

D. Hydrophobia

147.Which US president resigned while in office ?

A. Richard Nixon (Answer)

B. Jimmy Carter

C. Ronald Reagan

D. J. F. Kennedy

148.------------ is a famous beverage today , originally it was the name of a medicine?

A. Coca Cola (Answer)

B. Lemonade

C. Pepsi

D. Soda water

149.Father of rivers is called ------------?

A. Indus river (Answer)

B. Amazon river

C. Manchar river

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D. Keenjhar river

150Angela Merkel is a German Politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since-----------?

A. November 2003

B. November 2005 (Answer)

C. November 2008

D. November 2011

151.Which country has no railway track?

A. Afghanistan (Answer)

B. China

C. Russia

D. Somalia

152.Spectrum is made of ---- colors?

A. 7 (Answer)

B. 8

C. 6

D. 9

153.Blind dolphins are found in which river of Pakistan?

A. Indus (Answer)

B. Jehlum

C. Kabul

D. Chenab

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154.Where the Pakistan’s first radio station was setup?

A. Karachi (Answer)

B. Lahore

C. Multan

D. Islamabad

155.Who was the last mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne?

A. Muhammad Shah (Answer)

B. Aurangzeb

C. Shah zafar

D. Shah alam II

156.Digital computer was invented by?

A. Howard Alken (Answer)

B. Steve Jobs

C. Charless babbage

D. James watson

157Steve jobs .was an american and he was founder of?

A. Apple (Answer)

B. Google

C. Yahoo

D. Oracle

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158.Hardest substance in the human body is?

A. Enamel (Answer)

B. Nail

C. Bone

D. N.O.T

159.Famous painting “The sunflower” is painted by?

A. Vincent van gogh (Answer)

B. Banjamin west

C. Gustav klint

D. Pablo picasso

160.The first truly global war was?

A. Seven years war (Answer)

B. Hundred years war


D. Thirty years war

161.Napoleon regarded which battle as his greatest victory?

A. Austerlitz (Answer)

B. Arras

C. Amiens

D. Assayer

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162.The first war b/w Arabs and Israel was fought in?

A. 1948 (Answer)

B. 1946

C. 1942

D. 1940

163.Who gave the title of Mahatma to Gandhiji?

A. Rabindranath tagore (Answer)

B. Lala lajpat roy

C. Abu kalam azad

D. None

164.The chemical that is used in making artificial rain is?

A. Silver iodide (Answer)

B. Silver nitrate

C. Silver chloride

D. Silver nitrite

165.What approximate part of J&K is under india’s occupation?

A. 75% (Answer)

B. 60%

C. 90%

D. 50%

166.Which is the largest country in Africa?

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A. Sudan (Answer)

B. Nigeria

C. Libya


167.The term of office of a judge of the ICJ is?

A. 9 years (Answer)

B. 8 years

C. 7 years

D. 6 years

168.In which month does the Un general assembly meet annually?

A. September (Answer)

B. October

C. November

D. December

169.Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987?

A. Sheikh Ahmed yassin (Answer)

B. Yasser arafat

C. Abdul majeed

D. Zulfiqar Ali

170.Asian developement bank was established in?

A. 1964

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B. 1966 (Answer)

C. 1968

D. 1970

171.Which continent has no desert?

A. Europe (Answer)

B. N.America

C. S.America

D. Australia

172.The Highest papulation growth rate among the following countries is in-----------?

A. Bangladesh (Answer)

B. India

C. China

D. Srilanka

173.Corbillion Cup is given in the game of------------?

A. Golf

B. Squash

C. Table Tennis (Answer)

D. None of these

174.Dushanbe is the capital of----------?

A. Tajikistan (Answer)

B. Ukraine

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C. kazakhistan

D. Turkmenistan

175.“FREE TOWN” is the capital of-------------?

A. Somalia

B. Slovenia

C. Cuba

D. Sierra Leone (Answer)

176.Harrappa near Sahiwal was centre of-----------?

A. Greek civilization

B. Persian civilization

C. Muslim civilization

D. Indus valley civilization (Answer)

177.After Pashtun which is the second largest ethnic group of Afghanistan?

A. Uzbek

B. Baluch

C. Tajik (Answer)

D. Hazaras

178.Sunlight is composed of-----------?

A. Three colours

B. six colours

C. seven colours (Answer)

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D. eight colours

179.The most urbanized province of Pakistan is----------?

A. Kpk

B. Punjab

C. Baluchistan

D. Sindh (Answer)

180.“Taipei” is the capital of----------?

A. Tanzania

B. Vietnam

C. Taiwan (Answer)

D. Togo

181.Which of the following country are called “Land of free peoples”?

A. Thailand (Answer)

B. Japan

C. Norway

D. Canada

182.8 March is observed internationally as?

A. Women’s Day (Answer)

B. World Water Day

C. World Health Day

D. Human Rights Day

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183.K2 is also known as?

A. Goodwin Austin

B. Chogori

C. Killer mountain

D. A & B (Answer)

184.when was the parachute invented-----------?

A. 1560s

B. 1570s

C. 1783s (Answer)

D. 1470s

185.Scientific bureau of Economic Cooperation Organization is situated in--------------?

A. Tehran

B. Turkey

C. Qatar

D. Pakistan (Answer)

186.Eyeglasses are invented in Italy in--------?

A. 1586

B. 1286 (Answer)

C. 1386

D. 1486

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187.Blood which heart pumps to lungs is----------?

A. deoxygenated blood (Answer)

B. lymph fluid

C. atria blood

D. oxygenated blood

188.Headquarter of NASA is located in-------?

A. South Wales

B. Berlin

C. Bern

D. Washington (Answer)

189.The poorest region of the world is----------?

A. the Middle East

B. sub-Saharan Africa (Answer)

C. Asia

D. Latin America

190.Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located----------?

A. Indus and Jhelum (Answer)

B. Jhelum and Chenab

C. Chenab and Ravi

D. Ravi and Beas

191.he Indus Valley Civilization specialized in-------?

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A. Town Planning (Answer)

B. Architecture

C. Craftsmanship

D. All of these

192.TAPI gas Pipeliine stands for ?

A. Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

B. Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

C. Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Answer)

D. None of the above

193.Who is the National Poet of Afghanistan?

A. Amir crore

B. Khushal khan khattak (Answer)

C. Rehman Baba

D. None of these

194.Who invented optical fiber?

A. Samuel Cohen

B. Narinder Kapany (Answer)

C. Percy L.Spencer

D. T.H. MaimahA

195.Which of the following Island group named as ‘Sandwich Island’?

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A. Hawaii Island (Answer)

B. Falkland Islands

C. Greenland

D. Tuvalu

196.Which of the following is the largest Island of Japan?

A. Hokkaido

B. Honshu (Answer)

C. Shikoku

D. Kyushu

197.If we say the child has an IQ of 100, what does this means?

A.The performance of the child is below average.

B.The performance of the child is above average.

C.The mental age of the child is equal to his actual age. (Answer)

D.The performance of the child cannot be better.

198.Who was the first president of Uzbekistan?

A. Abdulhashim Mutalov

B. Oʻtkir Sultonov

C. Islam Karimov (Answer)

D. Nigmatilla Yuldashev

199.Who defeated Darius III in the Battle of Gaugamela?

A. Aristotle

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B. Julius Caesar

C. Napoleon Bonaparte

D. Alexander the Great (Answer)

200.Who founded the Achaemenid Empire?

A. Darius I

B. Cambyses II

C. Cyrus the Great (Answer)

D. Alexander the Great

201.Which king was first addressed as ‘Your Majesty’?

A. Akbar

B. Louis

C. Victoria

D. Henry VIII (Answer)

202.Who is the founder of Greek historiography?

A. Aristotle

B. Herodotus (Answer)

C. Thucydides

D. Hippocrates

203.Who became the first ever non Muslim woman elected to Pakistan’s senate?

A. Krishna kumari (Answer)

B. Sonakshi kumari

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C. Payal kumari

D. Soni kumari

204.Which monarch called himself as the Second Alexander?

A. Akbar

B. Ashoka

C. Samudragupta

D. Ala-ud-din Khilji (Answer)

205.What is the national currency of Hong Kong?

A. Taiwan dollar

B. Yen

C. Hong Kong dollar (Answer)

D. Yuan

206When was the first petrol Car developed?

A. 1885-1886 (Answer)

B. 1887-1888

C. 1888-1889

D. 1889-1890

207.Where is Headquarter of World Economic Forum is in-------------?

A. London

B. Paris

C. Cologny (Answer)

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D. Geneva

208.What is the capital of Norway?

A. Vienna

B. Copenhegan

C. Oslo (Answer)

D. Berlin

209.Dr Abdus Slam was born in which city of Pakistan?

A. Lahore

B. Multan

C. Jhang (Answer)

D. Khushab

210.Members of Association Of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are------------?

A. 08

B. 09

C. 10 (Answer)

D. 11

211.Capital of Armenia is-------------?

A. Kampala

B. Tbilisi

C. Yerevan (Answer)

D. Amman

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212.In a push – pull converter, the filter capacitor can be obtained as------------?

A. Cmin = V / ( Vr L f2 )

B. Cmin= ( 1 – D ) V / ( Vr L f2 )

C. Cmin= ( 1 – 2 D ) V / 32 ( Vr L f2 ) (Answer)

D. Cmin= ( 1 – 2 D ) V / 42 ( Vr L f2 )

213.MOSFET stands for--------------?

A. Metal – oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (Answer)

B. Molybdenum – oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

C. Metal – oxide silicon field effect transistor

D. Metal – oxide semiconductor field effect transmitter

214.In a flyback converter, the inductor of the buck-boost converter has been replaced by a-------------?

A. Flyback capacitor

B. Flyback resistor

C. Flyback transformer (Answer)

D. Flyback transistor

215.Advantages of Cuk converter is / are-------------?

A. Large number of reactive component

B. Low stress on switch

C. Low stress on capacitor

D. None of these (Answer)

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216.A MOSFET, for its conduction uses-------------?

A. Only minority carriers

B. Only majority carriers (Answer)

C. Both minority and majority carriers

D. None of these

217.An RC snubber network used in BJT----------?

A. Divert the collector current during turn – off

B. Improves the reverse bias safe operating area

C. Dissipates a fair amount of switching power

D. All of these (Answer)

218.The ac output voltage waveform of VSI and AC output current waveform of CSI respectively is composed of-----------?

A. High dv / dt, low di / dt

B. Low dv / dt, low di / dt

C. Low dv / dt, high di / dt

D. High dv / dt, high di / dt (Answer)

219.If energy is taken from the AC side of the inverter and sends it back into the DC side, then it is known as-----------?

A. Motoring mode operation

B. Braking mode operation

C. Regenerative mode operation (Answer)

D. None of these

220.A combination of synchronized leading edge and trailing edge modulation has also been used to control a------------?

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A. Boost single – phase power factor converter

B. A buck dc – dc converter to reduce ripple in the intermediate dc bus capacitor

C. Both A. and B. (Answer)

D. None f these

221.Regulator sampling PWM is usually used in-----------?

A. High power inverters

B. Rectifiers

C. Low power inverters

D. Only A. and B. (Answer)

222. a 3 phase VSI SPWM to use a single carrier signal and preserve the features of PWM technique, the normalized
carrier frequency should be------------?

A. Multiple of two

B. Odd multiple of three (Answer)

C. Odd multiple of five

D. Odd multiple of seven

223.In square wave operation mode of 3 phase VSI, the VSI

A. Can control the load voltage

B. Cannot control the load voltage

C. Cannot control the load voltage except by means of dc link voltage (Answer)

D. Cannot control the load voltage except by means of dc link current

224.For commutation in three phase PAC, normally balanced three phase voltages VR, VY and VB are connected to the
three legs of the converter via--------------?

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A. Three inductances (Answer)

B. Three capacitances

C. Three resistance

D. Three transistors

225.If all the SCR’s of 3 phase PAC is replaced by diodes, they would be triggered-------------?

A. 120 degree after the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages

B. 60 degree after the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages (Answer)

C. 120 degree before the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages

D. 60 degree before the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltages

226.The ability of an electronic system to function properly in its intended electromagnetic environment and should not
be a source of pollution to that electromagnetic environment is known as------------?

A. Susceptibility

B. Emission

C. Interference

D. Electromagnetic compatibility (Answer)

227.The opposite of susceptibility is-----------?

A. Immunity (Answer)

B. Emission

C. Interference

D. Electromagnetic compatibility

228.The output current in PWM DC – DC converters is equal to-----------?

A. Average value of the output inductor current

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B. Product of an average inductor current and a function of duty ratio

C. Either A. or B. (Answer)

D. None of these

229.A step – down choppers can be used in-----------?

A. Electric traction

B. Electric vehicles

C. Machine tools

D. All of these (Answer)

230.In a lossless inverter, the average power absorbed in one period by the load must be----------?

A. Equal to the average power supplied by the dc source (Answer)

B. Greater than the average power supplied by the dc source

C. Lesser than the average power supplied by the dc source

D. Equal to the average power supplied by the ac source

231.The ac voltage controller can be used for -----------?

A. Lighting and heating control

B. On – line transformer tap changing

C. Soft starting

D. All of these (Answer)

232.In a full bridge VSI, in order to avoid the short circuit across the DC bus and the undefined AC output voltage
condition, the modulating technique should ensure that-----------?

A. Top switch of each leg is on at any instant

B. Bottom switch of each leg is on at any instant

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C. Either A. or B. (Answer)

D. None of these

233.The phase angle of gate signal in TRIAC can be shifted by using-------------?

A. A capacitor

B. A variable resistor

C. An inductor

D. Only (a) and (b) (Answer)

234.In the SPWM, the modulating signal is-----------?

A. Square

B. Sinusoidal (Answer)

C. Triangular

D. Saw – tooth

235.A TRIAC can be turned on with--------------?

A. Positive voltage at the gate terminal

B. Negative voltage at the gate terminal

C. Either (a) or (b) (Answer)

D. None of these

236.The transfer function of PWM is generally developed in--------------?

A. Time domain

B. Frequency domain

C. Either A. or B. (Answer)

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D. None of these

237.DIAC and TRIAC both are semiconductors devices and conduct in--------------------?

A. DIAC conducts in forward direction and TRIAC conducts in reverse direction

B. Both conducts in forward direction

C. Both conducts in reverse direction

D. Both conducts in either direction (Answer)

238.The Graetz bridge makes excellent use of --------------?

A. Current transformer

B. Potential transformer

C. Power transformer (Answer)


239.In constant frequency PWM, at perturbation the amplitude of the sinusoidal component is a-----------?

A. Linear function

B. Non linear function

C. Constant function

D. None of these (Answer)

240.If the firing angle becomes negative, then the rectifier begins to work as---------------?

A. A rectifier

B. An inverter (Answer)

C. A chopper

D. A regulator

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241.In variable frequency, PWM gain

A. Phase lead helps to increase the phase margin of the control loop (Answer)

B. Phase lag helps to increase the phase margin of the control loop

C. Phase lead helps to decrease the phase margin of the control loop

D. Phase lag helps to decrease the phase margin of the control loop

242.In a 3 phase half wave rectifier, when firing angle is less than 90 degree, then the average dc output voltage

A. Positive (Answer)

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of these

243.Transformer utilization factor is a measure of the merit of a rectifier circuit. It is the ratio of---------------?

A. AC input power to the transformer volt – amp rating required by secondary

B. AC input power to the transformer volt – amp rating required by primary

C. DC output power to the transformer volt – amp rating required by secondary (Answer)

D. DC output power to the transformer volt – amp rating required by primary

244.A carrier based PWM technique in CSI is composed of------------?

A. A switching pulse generator and a shorting pulse generator

B. A shorting pulse distributor

C. A switching and shorting pulse combination

D. All of these (Answer)

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245.46.In a square – wave operation of 3 phase CSIs, the power values are on for-----------?

A. 60 degree

B. 90 degree

C. 120 degree (Answer)

D. 150 degree

246.Ripple factor is the ratio of----------------------?

A. Rms value of the ac component of load voltage to the dc voltage (Answer)

B. Average value of the ac component of load voltage to the peak value of voltage

C. Average value of the dc component of load voltage to the ac voltage

D. Peak value of the dc component of load voltage to the ac voltage

247.Form factor of a rectifier is the ratio of --------------?

A. Root mean square value of voltage and current to its peak value

B. Root mean square value of voltage and current to its average value (Answer)

C. Average value of current and voltage to its root mean square value

D. Peak value of current and voltage to its root mean square value

248.Silicon controlled rectifier can be turned on------------?

A. By applying a gate pulse and turned off only when current becomes zero (Answer)

B. And turned off by applying gate pulse

C. By applying a gate pulse and turned off by removing the gate pulse

D. By making current non zero and turned off by making current zero

249.TRIAC is a semiconductor power electronic device which contains------------?

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A. Two SCR’s connected in reverse parallel (Answer)

B. Two SCR’s connected in parallel

C. Two SCR’s connected in series

D. Two BJT’s connected in series

250.The curve between V and I of SCR when anode is positive w.r.t cathode and when anode is negative w.r.t cathode
are known as---------------------?

A. both as forward characteristics

B. both as reverse characteristics

C. former as forward characteristics and later as reverse characteristics (Answer)

D. former as reverse characteristics and later as forward characteristics

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