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B.E. SEM-1

Obtain the B-H relationship in magnetic circuit.

 Single-phase variac
 Single-phase transformer (1 KVA, 230V /115V)
(transformer core will be used as a magnetic material)
 Multimeter
 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
 Voltage & Current Probe

Graphical relationship between Flux and Magnetic Field Intensity is known as the BH curve. The lag or
delay of a magnetic material known commonly as Magnetic Hysteresis, relates to the magnetization
properties of a material by which it firstly becomes magnetized and then de-magnetized.
B-H Curve
Magnetic flux generated by an electromagnetic coil is the amount of magnetic field or lines of force
produced within a given area and that it is more commonly called “Flux Density”. Given the symbol B
with the unit of flux density being the Tesla, T. The magnetic strength of an electromagnet depends
upon the number of turns of the coil, the current flowing through the coil or the type of core material
being used, and if we increase either the current or the number of turns we can increase the magnetic
field strength, symbol H. The relative permeability, symbol μr was defined as the ratio of the absolute
permeability μ and the permeability of free space μo (a vacuum) and this was given as a constant.
However, the relationship between the flux density, B and the magnetic field strength, H can be defined
by the fact that the relative permeability, μr is not a constant but a function of the magnetic field
intensity thereby giving magnetic flux density as: B = μ H. For ferromagnetic materials the ratio of flux
density to field strength ( B/H ) is not constant but varies with flux density. However, for air cored coils
or any non-magnetic medium core such as woods or plastics, this ratio can be considered as a constant
and this constant is known as μo, the permeability of free space, μo = 4.π.10-7 H/m.
𝝁 = 𝝁𝟎 𝝁𝒓
𝑩 = 𝝁𝑯

By plotting values of flux density (B), against the field strength (H), we can produce a set of curves
called Magnetization Curves, Magnetic Hysteresis Curves or more commonly B-H Curves for each type of
core material used as shown below.

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Figure 1: B-H Curve of various magnetic material

The flux density increases in proportion to the field strength until it reaches a certain value were it
cannot increase any more becoming almost level and constant as the field strength continues to
increase. This is because there is a limit to the amount of flux density that can be generated by the core
as all the domains in the iron are perfectly aligned. Any further increase will have no effect on the value
of B, and the point on the graph where the flux density reaches its limit is called Magnetic Saturation
also known as Saturation of the Core.
Hysteresis Loop
Removing external magnetic field is equivalent to reducing H from Hmax to 0. Due to this, the domains
which were aligned in the direction of external field, “become free” of the external magnetic force.
However, now they do not attain completely random orientation as they had at (B = 0, H = 0). Some
domains maintain the direction of external magnetic field. This results in remnant magnetic flux density
Br. In short, while H traverses the trajectory 0 − Hmax − 0; magnetic flux density B traverses 0 − Bmax − Br,
as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2: Hysteresis Loop

In order to reduce flux density to zero we have to apply external magnetic field in the opposite direction
or on the negative H−axis. If external field is increased in the opposite direction, the behavior of
magnetic material is seen analogous to that of the positive quadrant. Complete B − H curve for is shown
in Fig. 2. It is also called as “Hysteresis loop1” traced by the flux density in the material.
Determination of B − H Curve / Hysteresis Loop of a Magnetic Material

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We cannot “measure” B and H directly. Further if we have transformer, we only have terminal
measurements at our disposal. Hence, it is required to “process” the signals to get values of B and H.
From Faraday’s law 𝑒 = 𝑁 𝑑∅⁄𝑑𝑡 , induced The rms voltage induced in a transformer is given by,
𝑬 = 𝟒. 𝟒𝟒 ∅𝒎 𝒇 𝑵
where, φm is maximum value of the flux in the core, f is operating frequency and N is number of turns
in the coil. This flux in the coil is given by ∅𝑚 = 𝐵𝑚 𝐴𝑐 where, Bm is the maximum flux density in core
and Ac is the cross-sectional area of the core. So we have
𝑬 = 𝟒. 𝟒𝟒 𝑩𝒎 𝑨𝒄 𝒇 𝑵

The value of induced voltage E is thus dependent upon Bm which setup in the core can be in the core.

Magnetic field strength (H) is proportional to the current which produces the field. From Ampere’s
Circuital law, it can be proved that H is proportional to current I. If a current carrying coil produces
magnetic flux which traverses an average length of l in complete flux path, then

Equation tells that H is is proportional to current.

The two signals of voltage and current can be given to two channels of a digital storage oscilloscope. B
− H curve of the material can be seen by plotting using Lissajous plot settings of the oscilloscope.

Connection Diagram:

Figure 3 Connection Diagram

1. Connect the apparatus as shown in the Fig. 3.
2. Turn on the supply and increase voltage.
3. Measure the voltage and current. Plot the graph of V-I.

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Observation Table:

Sr Current I Voltage V
No. (mA) (Volt)

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Measurement of Outcome:


1. Discuss the application of B-H curve of magnetic material.

2. What is permeability? Explain absolute and relative permeability.

3. What is the magneto motive force?

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OBJECTIVE (Why are you conducting this experiment?)

ITEMS/APPARATUS (Which instrument or consumable was used in this experiment?)

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.

OBSERVATIONS (List out important observations you made in this experiment)

CONCLUSION (What conclusion or theory was established in this experiment?)

Sign of Instructor: ______________

Grade: __________ Date: ______________

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