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hqiwyfe7qw898oepqwjeioqwhegqyuwgeuisjindiqwedqwdewe Puntales bajo
Chigre de Remolque
La zona bajo el chigre de remoque es un zona sometida a grandes esfuerzos
tracción y flexión, además de tener que soportar el peso del equipo por lo que
12312312 (x/L) > 0.45 22.045.0)/(+−bCLx
Cb = block coefficient at summer load waterline, based on the vessel’s length, L, as defined in 3-1-
1/3, not to be taken less than 0.60 nor greater than 0.80. For aft end bulkheads forward of amidships,
Cb need not be taken as less than 0.80.
x = distance, in m (ft), between the after perpendicular and the bulkhead being considered.
Deckhouse side bulkheads are to be divided into equal parts not exceeding 0.15L in length, and x is
to be measured from the after perpendicular to the center of each part considered.
L = length of vessel, as defined in 3-1-1/3, in m (ft)
f = (L/10)(e–L/300) –
dvolawiydhnaohbcjhsdgduawdggioawudumpoavwmudvoawudhnhscbsnyhcjbnsjabd uyadawdaw1 –
(L/150)2] f12or L, in m, see also 3-2-9/Table 2
(L/10)(e–L/984) – [3.28 – L/272)2] for L, in ft, see also 3-2-9/Table 2
y = vertical distance, in m3 (ft), from the summer load waterline to the midpoint of the stiffener
c = (0.3 + 0.7b1/B1), but is not to be taken as less than 1.0 for exposed machinery casing bulkheads.
In no case is b1/B1 123to be taken as less than 0.25.
b1 = breadth of deckhouse at position being considered, in m (ft)
B1 = actual breadth of vessel at the freeboard deck3 at the position being considered, in m (ft)
Where w123indows 3are fitted12 in bulkheads, the spacing, s, is to be the spacing

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