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Horizon Days

Project Plan
Version 2.0

Andre Samuel Rieuwpassa, 3002500

Lama Naser Eddin, 3046699
Theodor Galinov Genov, 2987597
Kaloqn Babev, 3061507

Meeting week 3 (Tuesday, 13:15)

Revision history
 Add logo

 Add revision history

 Add no of page

 Change the project leader into client (page 2)

 Add person for meeting minute (page 3)

 Adding more description in the current situation (page 3)

 Add more description in current situation (page 3)

 Adding project justification (page 3)

 Adding more project project goal and problem (page 3 – 4)

 Change the deliverables and non-deliverables(page 4)

 Change project constrain (page 4)

 Add management plan (page 9)

1. Project Statement:
In this document will explain why we started this project and what will achieve. The
following topics will be described. : the formal client, the project leader and the team
members ,current situation, the problem description, the goal of our project, the
deliverables and non-deliverables,
the constraints and the risks.

2. The Formal Client:

Mr. Vladimir Kabzar ICT from Fontys ICT Eindhoven is the Client.
Contact information:
Mr. Vladimir Kabzar
Rachelsmolen 1, Eindhoven

3. Project Team:
-Project leader:
Andre Samuel Rieuwpassa.

Lama Naser Eddin.

-Note maker:
Teodor Galinov Genov

-meeting minute:
Kaloyan Atanasov Babev

4. Current Situation:
The company wants to organise a food festival that starts on Friday morning and
continues until the end of the weekend. The event will take place in camping park
“Park Kuierpad”. The company needs a software system that is going to be used to
manage the event. Our company going to provide application to help the event
management team to see the overall status of the event and the shop. And we
provide website to make customer buy the ticket to get in and serve camping ground
if they want. The food festival are going to be many stand of food stall that will be
serving foods, in the event there will be more than just food there’s going to be
merchandise and music then keep going until the 3 days.

5. Project justification:
To view the event going and the stand and to work the bank balance while the event
is going are a little bit hard, with us making the application that help all of the the
work for the event organisation going to be easier and less work.
And the website is much easier to sell the product or in this case are event ticket and
it help to inform the customer about the event.

6. Project Goal and problem description

The system will be composed of several applications, which will be used to manage
the event. The system must provide

 There going to be a visitor status on the application that we going to made.

 There going to be a visitor history on the application that we going to made.
 On the application there going to be number of total of people per day.
 In the app total of balance of all visitor going to be visible
 In the app total of money that been spent buy the visitor going to be visible
 Camping statistics going to be visible in the app
 There is going to be an account for every visitor
 Total money per shop is visible in the application

 Total amount of a certain product is visible in the application
 The website are for inform people about the event
 The website are for reserve a ticket for the event
 The website are for reserve camping spot in the event
 The website for reserve camping can have guest
 After reserve a ticket visitor going to get a barcode in email for entering the

7. Project Deliverables and non-Deliverables

-Agenda's and minutes of every meeting
-A name (and a logo) of the group
-A project plan
-A setup document
-A website - wireframe
-A website (Static part)
-A design for a database
-C# application for entrance/leaving the event
-C# application for the shops
-Fully functional website

We will not deliver:

-gps track on the bracelate

7.Project Constraints:
Constraint 1: Time

In every week, we need to have a meeting to always plan the next step.

The company require to make an application and website with in 20 weeks

8.Project risks:
Risk 1: Illness amongst team member
Probability: small
Impact on project: high (due to small team)
Steps to prevent: have one backup team member
Clean up action: push unavailable teammates’ deadlines to another teammate(s).

Risk 2: Impossible demand by client

Probability: medium
Impact on project: high
Steps to prevent: critical thinking when talking to client.
Clean up action: Inform client, negotiate new demands.

Risk 3: Missing deadline

Probability: medium
Impact on project: medium
Steps to prevent: Have realistic demands, keep all team members’ tasks organized.

Clean up action: Negotiate thing that you can and cant deliver to the client, reorder tasks.

9.Project phasing:
Initiation Design Build Test Deploy

Build Test

Start Deploy
Project Apps

Document Build
Project Database

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
wk1 wk3 wk6 wk13 wk15 wk16

Phase 1: Initiation
Action: Start project
1. Interview client
2. Discuss current situation, problems and end application
3. Set a goal
4. Organize team
Estimated duration: 2 weeks.
Deliverables for Milestone 2

 Project plan – first draft

 Group name and logo

Phase 2: Documentation and design

Action: Make the project document and design
1. Finish project plan
2. Finish setup document
3. Provide reports of schedule every week
Estimated duration: 2 weeks.

Design tasks:
1. Design application
2. Design database
3. Design UI of website
Estimated duration: Two weeks.
Deliverables for Milestone 2 are:

 Project plan
 Database ERD
 Static website

Phase 3: Build
Action: Build
1. Build and populate database
Estimated duration: 1 week.
Deliverables are:

 Web app
 App for scanning ticket
 App for shop management
 App for loan stands
 App for event
 Database

Phase 4: Test
Action: Test applications and website
1. Database check
2. Test event apps
3. Test website
4. Improve if needed
Estimated duration: 2 weeks

 Tested apps and website

Phase 5: Deploy
Action: Deploy applications
1. Deploy applications and website
2. Create a presentation
Estimated duration: 1 week

 Presentation
 Deployed applications and website

10. Management Plans:
1. Skill
 Making application on c#
 Making website
 Database basic
 Documentation making
 Application and database connection

2. Information
 In charge of all the document is : Andre
 In charge of the website is: Theodor
 In charge of the application is : kaloqn
 In charge of the database is: lama
(note: everyone going to make everything but the one that in charge of the above
are those people)

3. Time
 In every week at least 1 time meeting with the tutor
 In every week at least 1 time meeting not with the tutor
 before the last week everything should be done

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