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Optimization-Oriented Design of Rectangular and

Circular Waveguide Components with the Use of
Efficient Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial
Circuit CAD Tools (Invited Article)

F. Arndt,1 Th. Sieverding,1 T. Wolf,1 U. Papziner1

Microwave Department, University of Bremen, P.O. Box 330 440, Kufsteiner Str. NW 1, D-28334
Bremen, Germany; email:
Recei¨ ed 17 March, 1996; re¨ ised 5 June, 1996

ABSTRACT: Efficient mode-matching waveguide building blocks are described for user-
friendly utilization in common commercial circuit CAD tools. This hybrid mode-matching r
circuit theory CAD approach allows the accurate, convenient, and fast design of a compre-
hensive class of rectangular and r or circular waveguide components, such as filters,
transformers, and multiplexers by advantageously combining the accuracy of the rigorous
electromatic simulators with the efficiency of mature and well-established circuit theory
design instruments. Moreover, an adequate multimode combination technique between the
individual elements enables the utilization of additional design parameters resulting from
higher-order mode interaction effects. The efficiency of the hybrid CAD method is demon-
strated at typical microwave design examples that are optimized by use of the mode-match-
ing waveguide building blocks in powerful commercial CAD packages, such as hp-EEsof’s
TOUCHTONE TM or LIBRATM and OSA’s OSA90 r hope TM. Advanced high-power asymmetrical
iris coupled TE 103 r TE 201 filters with high edge steepness show that the presented hybrid
method is also applicable to more specialized design tasks. Its accuracy is verified by
measurements and by comparison with the results of the conventional mode-matching r
modal scattering matrix technique. Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Microwa© e Millimeter-
Wa© e CAE 7: 37–51, 1997.

Keywords: mode-matching technique; CAD of waveguide components; hybrid technique

1. INTRODUCTION niques have stirred interest in interfacing rigor-

ous electromagnetic simulators into common
Increasing progress in modern communication CAD frameworks w5x. Moreover, with the avail-
systems, such as satellite or high-capacity mi- ability of powerful low-cost workstations, the stor-
crowave radio relay links, has prompted the need age and CPU time requirements of appropriate
for the accurate design of high-performance electromagnetic methods are no longer a limiting
waveguide components for many different appli- factor for applying advanced field theory subrou-
cations w1]4x. Recent advances in the develop- tines for portions in the design that need it.
ment of efficient circuit theory CAD tools and Although complete numerical 3D analysis
progress in modern waveguide fabrication tech- techniques, such as the finite-element w6x or
finite-difference approach have been commer-
Correspondence to: F. Arndt cially available for some time, the analytical

Q 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1050-1827r97r010037-15

38 Arndt et al.

mode-matching method w2]5, 7]11x proves to be obstacles of finite thickness . by rigorous mode-
faster and more efficient for analyzing and opti- matching subroutines including all necessary
mizing waveguide components that are composed higher-order modes Že.g., up to 300 when neces-
of the important class of stepped discontinuities. sary., and combining them with the fast circuit
Moreover, nearly all standard waveguide compo- th eory tech n iqu e Ž i.e., w ith on ly th e
nents can be decomposed into a few basic build- fundamental-mode network. of available CAD
ing blocks, which are combined by homogeneous programs w5, 9, 11x.
waveguide sections of finite length. Many structures, for example, iris compen-
Common waveguide components, such as fil- sated junctions w7x, where the distance between
ters, multiplexers, transformers Žcompare Fig. 1., the iris and the junction is less than about a
include sections where the higher-order modes quarter of the guide wavelength, or filters with
evanesce to a negligible value. The most prudent improved stop-band behavior w2, 8x, where the
approach for fast but reliable design tools for this interaction with propagating higher-order modes
class of waveguide components is, therefore, to is utilized, require the rigorous inclusion of an
solve only the critical pieces Že.g., windows or adequate number of higher-order modes to cas-

Figure 1. Design examples that demonstrate the efficiency of the hybrid mode-
matchingrcircuit theory approach for the optimization of advanced microwave structures.
Ža. Rectangular waveguide components: Rectangular iris coupled filters, inhomogeneous
transformers, metal insert filters, common junction diplexer with iris compensated metal
insert filters, multiaperture coupled filter. Žb. Examples for circular or mixed circularrrect-
angular waveguide structures: Rectangular waveguide filter with circular or rectangular
irises, circular waveguide filter with rectangular waveguide input and output ports. Žc.
Examples for circular or mixed circularrrectangular waveguide structures: Manifold triplex-
ers with circular waveguide filters. Žd. Example for the multimode combination technique:
Asymmetrical iris coupled filter design examples with stop-band poles for high edge
steepness requirements controlled by additional variations of the waveguide width.
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 39

Figure 1. Ž Continued.

cade the building blocks. In this article therefore, smaller waveguide section because of an auto-
an appropriate multimode combination technique matic determination process of the required num-
is described for user-friendly utilization in com- ber of modes according to the fastest convergence
mon circuit theory CAD packages. criterion w8x. The modes are selected conveniently
The advantages of using mode-matching simu- in order of increasing cutoff frequency.
lators in commercial CAD tools for the design of Coupling-section elements of finite lengths Že.g.,
waveguide components include the following: In- irises or metal inserts . are combined by consider-
dividual codes for the different structures are not ing two junctions at once w12x, where again only
required; the mode-matching building blocks are one combination submatrix of reduced size has to
conveniently available as additions to the usual be inverted Ža technique rediscovered only re-
element catalogs Žhence no special knowledge of cently w14x.. Furthermore, the coupling integrals
the field theory behind the models is necessary ., are solved analytically Žwith the exception of the
and full benefit can be taken of the available step discontinuity larger circular to smaller rect-
design, optimization, and graphical user interface angular, which is calculated as a contour integral
capabilities of the familiar circuit CAD tool. numerically by a fast Gaussian quadrature method
All features of the advanced mode-matching w15x.. For two-port structures, the frequency de-
technique w7]12x are consequently utilized. These pendency of the coupling integrals can be elimi-
include a modified algorithm that requires only nated. Although well known w7]13x, this feature
the inversion of a submatrix a quarter of the size has been described in several articles again and
of the conventional mode-matching technique has been identified with different names; com-
w13x. Moreover, the related submatrix is merely of pare, for example, w16x. Therefore, the waveguide
the order of the lower number of modes in the building blocks presented in this article involve as
40 Arndt et al.

the state of the art all efficiency advantages of the can be reduced to T junctions or corners by
mode-matching technique Žand their diverse des- placing adequately short-circuited planes. The
ignations. that have been reported in the last 10 generalized scattering matrix combination of the
years. corresponding key building blocks with homoge-
The efficiency of the hybrid mode-matchingr nous rectangular or circular waveguide sections of
circuit theory approach for the optimization of finite lengths achieves the flexible formulation of
advanced microwave structures is demonstrated a comprehensive set of rigorous mode-matching
at typical waveguide component design examples waveguide building blocks Žsuch as irises, cavities,
Žcf. Fig. 1.. For rectangular waveguides wFig 1Ža.x metal inserts of finite length or thickness . that
these are: rectangular iris coupled filters, inhomo- can be implemented conveniently in commercial
geneous transformers, metal insert filters, com- CAD tools as accurate and fast electromagnetic
mon junction diplexers with iris compensated simulators.
metal insert filters, and multiaperture coupled The asymmetric step discontinuities already in-
filters. The examples for circular or mixed circu- clude all information required for general multi-
larrrectangular waveguide structures are shown port transitions or multiaperture isises Žcf. w3x..
in Figure 1Žb. and 1Žc.: A rectangular waveguide Moreover, the coupling matrix expressions for the
filter with circular or rectangular irises, a circular step discontinuity key building blocks are fre-
waveguide filter with rectangular waveguide input quency independent and do not need to be re-
and output ports, and rectangular waveguide computed at each frequency point. This advanta-
manifold triplexers with circular waveguide filters. geous feature has already been shown in w13x.
The appropriateness of the multimode combi- The full set of TE m n and TM m n modes in all
nation technique in this hybrid mode-matchingr sections is required in order to model the general
circuit theory approach is shown at the successful mode-matching waveguide elements adequately.
optimization of asymmetrical iris coupled filter For each homogeneous waveguide subregion un-
design examples, wcf. Fig. 1Žd.x, with stopband der consideration the fields w3, 7]11x
poles for high edge steepness requirements con-
trolled by additional variations of the waveguide ª ª ª
E n s = = = = P ne y j vm= = P nh ,
width. Measurements and comparisons with re-
ª ª
sults of the conventional mode-matchingrmodal H n s j ve = = P ne q = = = = P nh Ž1.
scattering matrix technique verify the presented
hybrid approach that advantageously combines are derived from the z-components of the suit-
the accuracy of rigorous electromagnetic simula- ably normalized electric and magnetic Hertzian
tors with the powerful optimization and graphical vector potentials P e , P h , respectively,
user interface capabilities of well-established
commercial CAD tools. ª
Pez s Ý Ž aŽni , j. ey g Ž i , j. z y bŽni , j. eq g Ž i , j. z .
Ži , j.

? TŽ i , j.
The required basic mode-matching key building ven Z nf Ž i , j.
blocks1 ŽFig. 2. for the formulation of the accu- Nh
rate set of waveguide building blocks for the Phz s Ý Ž awnm , nx ey g w m , nx
q bwnm , nx eq g w m , nx z .
adequate simulation of nearly all common wave- w m , nx
guide structures Žcf. Fig. 1. are the asymmetric
rectangular waveguide double-plane step disconti- yj Z nf w m , nx
nuity wFig. 2Ža.x w13x, the asymmetric rectangular ? Tw m , nx Ž2.
to circular wFig. 2Žb.x, and circular to circular
waveguide step discontinuities wFig. 2Žc.x w8x, and where aŽ i, j. , bŽ i, j. , aw m, nx , bw m, nx are the still un-
the general six-port cross wFig. 2Žd.x, w10x which known normalized eigenmode amplitude coeffi-
cients of the forward Žy. and backward Žq.
The designation key building blocks is used for the basic waves in the z direction, Ž i, j . stands for the TM
four building blocks in Figure 2 from which the currently and w m, n x for the TE modes, g is the propaga-
implemented 32 standard waveguide elements Ždesignated as
waveguide building blocks., such as irises, T junctions, and tion factor of the Ne and Nh considered TM p q-
bends, are derived. and TE p q modes, Z f are the wave impedances,
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 41

Figure 2. Basic four key building blocks for the modal S-matrix description of the 32
currently available building blocks Žsuch as irises, T junctions etc... Ža. Asymmetric rectangu-
lar waveguide double-plane step discontinuity, Žb. asymmetric rectangular to circular wave-
guide step discontinuity, Žc. asymmetric circular to circular waveguide step discontinuity
Žboth polarizations., Žd. general six-port cross, Že. combination of the building blocks Že.g.,
iris. with empty waveguide sections by p modes
42 Arndt et al.

and T are the cross-section eigenfunctions for the more conveniently by eq. Ž5. rather than by the
rectangular or circular waveguide, respectively, boundary enlargement and reduction model w4x,
which are explicitly given in w8x. The Hertzian because only very few modes are required for the
vector potentials in eq. Ž2. and the eigenfunctions large cavity regions of realistic filters. Further-
are suitably normalized, so that the power carried more, for the identical inverse step for irises, the
by each mode is 1W for propagating modes, jW corresponding S matrix is merely the transposed,
for evanescent TE modes, and yjW for evanes- so that, for example, for calculating the S matrix
cent TM modes. This leads then directly to the of an iris only one matrix inversion of order Ž n, n.
modal S parameters of all key building blocks. Ži.e., the low number of modes in the smaller
Matching the fields at all interfaces at the region. is necessary to combine both steps of an
individual step discontinuities leads to matrix iris.
equations that can be conveniently written in Subroutines for nearly all practical mode-
terms of the normalized voltage un and current matching waveguide building blocks for use with
vectors in common commercial CAD circuit theory software
have been implemented based on the four key
un s an q bn , in s an y bn Ž3. building blocks shown in Figure 2. The available
set of mode-matching waveguide building blocks
in the form of w3, 4x
is currently comprised of 32 elements for rectan-
i 1 s yV t i 2 , u 2 s yVu 1 Ž4. gular, circular, and mixed rectangularrcircular
waveguides. It includes, for instance, rectangular
where 1, 2 denote the input and output ports, and and circular irises of finite thickness, multiple
t the transposed ports. rectangular irises of finite thickness, single and
The coupling matrix V is given for rectangular multiple metal inserts of finite thickness, corners,
waveguides in w13x and for circular and mixed T junctions, crosses, cavity elements of finite
waveguide structures in w8, 15x. The coupling ma- length, rectangular irises with different port wave-
trices contain frequency-independent terms that guides, single and multiple step discontinuities,
are only determined by the geometry; moreover, rectangular to circular waveguide transitions, and
all integrals can be solved analytically. The only circular irises with rectangular waveguide input
exception is the coupling integral of the step and circular waveguide output ports. The full set
discontinuity larger circular to smaller rectangu- of modes may be included for any building block
lar waveguide w15x, which is solved by a fast element up to 300 TE m n and 300 TM m n modes
Gaussian, quadrature method. Ždepending on the available RAM storage capac-
From eq. Ž3. and Ž4., the corresponding subma- ity of the used computer., which guarantees high
trices of the modal scattering matrix for a step accuracy of the results if required. Moreover, it is
discontinuity larger to smaller waveguide can be possible to calculate each element with an indi-
derived in the following form: vidual number of modes, if desired, independently
from the other elements.
S11 s yE q VS 21 , S12 s V w E q S 22 x The combination of the waveguide building
blocks we.g., iris in a filter; cf. Fig. 1Že.x, including,
S 21 s 2Ty1 V t , S 22 s Ty1 w E y V t Vx Ž5.
for example, P modes, is conveniently provided
where only a submatrix of the order n, n Žwith n by the P port of an empty waveguide of length l
the lower number of modes in the smaller wave- Žfor instance, the cavity length between two irises.
guide. T s E q V t V has to be inverted. which is described by the simple modal scattering
Although we investigated the modal admit- matrix
tance matrix for each building block as well, the
generalized S-matrix technique was preferred. It Sw g s
has turned out that the computational effort for
this kind of application is nearly the same for D s diag  eyg p l 4 Ž6.
both techniques, as a very different number of
localized and accessible modes has advanta- It has turned out that two higher-order modes
geously been chosen in each subregion, which Ži.e., a total number of P s 3 modes. already give
also requires inversions of submatrices of high reliable results even for filters where the next
order for the Y matrix w4x. Moreover, physically mode, for example, TE 20 , is utilized for obtaining
realistic structures like irises can be modeled stop-band poles.
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 43

The computing time depends on the number of common commercial circuit CAD tools, like hp-
modes that are taken into account for the individ- EEsof’s TOUCHSTONE or LIBRA, and OSA’s
ual structures and on the computer used. The OSA90rhope. The further advantage is such that
influence of the number p of modes on the CPU the powerful optimization and graphical user in-
time, taken into account in the diagonal matrix terface capabilities of TOUCHTONE, LIBRA, or
for the empty waveguide, is negligible. For exam- OSA90rhope can be fully utilized.
ple, a typical computing time for analyzing a
four-resonator iris filter with 33 modes for the
irises and three modes in the cavity region is
about 1 s for each frequency point on a typical For the experimental verification of a typical
workstation with 10 MFlops. waveguide building block that has been imple-
Together with the simple waveguide building mented in the described commercial CAD tools,
blocks, empty, short-circuited, and matched rect- the example of the T junction ŽE and H planes.
angular or circular waveguide sections of finite has been chosen ŽFig. 3.. Only 20 modes in order
lengths, nearly all common waveguide compo- of increasing cutoff are required to achieve the
nents Žcf. Figure 1. can be formulated conve- demonstrated excellent accuracy with measure-
niently by using the schematic entry of familiar ments.

Figure 3. Ža. E-plane and Žb. H-plane T-junction S parameters verified by measurements.
Ku-band ŽWR-62. waveguide.
44 Arndt et al.

A WR-62 waveguide rectangular iris coupled voltage in the irises. Also, the middle iris is asym-
five-resonator filter is shown in Figure 4. Compar- metrically located in order to maintain the same
ison of the fundamental-mode combination of the aperature size. The filter housing is silver plated,
irises by using the TOUCHSTONE or OSA90rhope and the 0.21-mm thick irises are fabricated by
circuit CAD environment with the standard over- etching techniques. Excellent agreement between
all modal S-matrix combination, including the full theory and measurements is found; the insertion
set of modes, demonstrates the excellent accuracy loss is only 0.05 dB. The irises have been modeled
of the hybrid mode-matchingrcircuit theory ap- by inclusion of 100 modes, and only the funda-
proach. The irises are modeled by 60 modes in mental mode need be considered in the cavity
order of increasing cutoff. region.
A multiaperture coupled iris filter ŽFig. 5. has A circular iris coupled narrow-band filter with
been chosen for the experimental verification of a rectangular waveguide input and output ports is
rectangular waveguide filter. This filter achieves shown in Figure 6. Excellent agreement with
identical iris shape Žsuitable, e.g., for stamping measurements is demonstrated. One hundred
tools., low insertion loss, and high breakdown higher-order modes in order of increasing cutoff

Figure 4. Optimized WR-62 waveguide rectangular iris coupled five-resonator filter. Com-
parison of the fundamental-mode combination of the irises by using the TOUCHSTONE or
OSA90rhope circuit CAD environment with the standard overall modal S-matrix combina-
tion, including the full set of modes. The irises are modeled by 60 modes in the order of
increasing cutoff. Iris and resonator dimensions in millimeters: waveguide 15.799 = 7.899;
iris thickness 0.2; square irises 6.955, 4.854, 4.055; resonator lengths 11.637, 12.853, 12.982;
the filter is symmetric.
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 45

Figure 5. Optimized multiaperture coupled iris filter. Verification with measurements.

WR-62 waveguide. Iris and resonator dimensions in millimeters: waveguide 15.799 = 7,899;
iris thickness 0.21; resonator length 12.155; irises 5.0 = 3.0; displacements of the first and
third irises 2.47, 0.5 from the waveguide side walls, or top and bottom walls, respectively;
displacement of the middle iris 2.133 from the side wall; the filter is symmetric.

have been included for modeling of the individual is due to the fact that the fundamental TE 10 and
building blocks, that is, the irises and the rectan- next higher TE 20 mode can interact with each
gular to circular waveguide transitions. other to generate transmission zeros. Such filters
Figure 7 shows an optimized K- to Ku-band are, therefore, particularly appropriate to verify
ŽWR-42 to WR-62. inhomogeneous waveguide the usefulness of the described CAD tool, be-
step transformer. Broadband 30dB return loss is cause the higher-order modes in the cavity region
achieved. play the role of an additional design parameter.
In order to prove the powerful optimization The first example is a four-resonator asymmetric
capabilities to TOUCHSTONE and OSA90rhope in iris coupled filter in the Ku band ŽFig. 10.. The
combination with the accurate mode-matching TE 20 mode is above cutoff at about 19 GHz and
models for more complex structures, Figure 8 and causes the stop-band pole between 20 and 21
9 show the optimized results for diplexer and GHz. Excellent agreement between the presented
multiplexer structures. For the adequate CAD of technique Žwith only three modes in the cavity
these components, as the initial step, first the region, dashed lines. and the conventional overall
corresponding individual filters have been opti- mode-matching technique Žsolid lines. is demon-
mized. The optimization parrameters chosen for strated Žwith the full set of 50 modes of the iris
the diplexer and triplexer structures are the iris region also used in the cavities.. The fundamen-
dimensions, their distance to the T junction, and tal-mode combination Ždotted lines., however,
the distance to the first iris or metal insert, re- yields wrong results in this case.
spectively, of the corresponding filter section. The location of the stop-band poles can be
Overall return losses of more than 25 dB demon- controlled, for instance, by changing the wave-
strate the efficiency of the presented hybrid guide width in the resonators. This is demon-
mode-matchingrcircuit theory method in combi- strated in Figure 11, where the stop-band poles
nation with commercial CAD tools. for filters with the same passband as in Figure 10
Asymmetrically located irises provide filters have already been generated at about 17 GHz,
with improved stop-band characteristics w8, 17x, a providing an improved edge steepness. Also here,
technique that also has been rediscovered re- only three modes are required in the cavity region
cently w16x. The improved stop-band characteristic to model the filter response Ždashed line. accu-
46 Arndt et al.

Figure 6. Optimized circular iris coupled narrow-band filter with rectangular waveguide
input and output ports. Comparison with measurements. Dimensions in millimeters. Rectan-
gular waveguide ports: 15.8 = 7.9; radius of the circular waveguide 6.985; radii of the irises:
3.208, 1.695, 1.695, 3.205; resonator lengths: 16.605, 17.219, 16.599; thickness of the irises:

rately. This is demonstrated by the very good shows excellent agreement. The iris and step dis-
agreement with the overall mode-matching continuities have been calculated by inclusion of
method combination Žsolid line.. 60 modes in order of increasing cutoff, and the
The full CAD capability of the presented hy- cavity region again was modeled with only three
brid mode matchingrcircuit theory approach may modes.
be demonstrated in Figure 12 which is an exam-
ple of a new high-power nine-resonator asymmet-
rically iris coupled filter that also controls cavity IV. CONCLUSION
width. The optimized filter achieves extremely
high edge steepness, providing 60-dB rejection at Efficient mode-matching waveguide building
frequencies that are only about 1% higher than blocks are developed for user-friendly utilization
the higher band edge. This result demonstrates in common commercial circuit theory CAD tools
clearly}in contrast to the statements in w16x } on usual workstations. This hybrid mode-match-
that the transmission zeros can be placed very ingrcircuit theory CAD approach allows the ac-
close to the passband of these filters if required curate and fast design of a comprehensive class of
by adequate optimization. rectangular andror circular waveguide compo-
Filters of this class are particularly appropriate nents, such as filters, transformers, and multiplex-
for high-power applications, because no tuning ers. The exciting advantages of using the mode-
screws or bypass couplings in the E plane are matching simulators in commercial CAD tools
necessary. Also, for this example ŽFig. 12., a com- include fast and reliable customer-oriented wave-
parison to the overall mode-matching analysis guide designs with powerful and matured optimiz-
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 47

Figure 7. Optimized K- to Ku-band ŽWR-42 to WR-62. inhomogeneous waveguide step

transformer. Dimensions Ž a, b, and lengths l . of the transformer sections between the
WR-62 and WR-42 waveguides in millimeters: 12.19, 6, 53, 7.23; 10.85, 4.88, 7.15.

Figure 8. Optimized common junction type diplexer with iris compensated H-plane T
junction and seven resonator metal insert filters. Dimensions in millimeters: Waveguide
15.799 = 7,899, compensation H-plane iris widths through waveguide 9.839, side waveguide
12.934, thickness 1.0; distances of the compensation irises to T junction 3.625, 3.686 to first
filter insert 9.5, 5.236; metal insert thicknesses 0.190; through waveguide filter metal insert
lengths 3.970, 11.987, 13719, 14.082; resonator lengths 8.298, 8.293, 8.293, 8,293; side
waveguide filter metal insert lengths 3, 507, 10.971, 12.669, 13.034; resonator lengths 8.961,
8.971, 8.971, 8.971. The filters are symmetric.
48 Arndt et al.

Figure 9. Optimized rectangular waveguide manifold triplexer with iris compensated E-

plane T junctions and circular iris coupled circular waveguide filters.

Figure 10. Optimized asymmetrically located H-plane iris coupled rectangular waveguide
filter. The fundamental TE 10 and next higher TE 20 mode interact in order to generate
transmission zeros. Comparison of the circuit combination with three modes Ždashed lines.
along the cavity sections with the conventional full-wave mode-matching combination Žsolid
lines.. Dimensions in millimeters: Waveguide 15, 799, 7.899; iris thickness 0.190; asymmetri-
cal iris gap widths 7.8744, 5.2789, 4.964; resonator lengths 11.67531, 12.5614. The filter is
symmetric in z dimension.
Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 49

Figure 11. Optimized asymmetrically located H-plane iris coupled rectangular waveguide
filter with additional step discontinuities in the resonator section. Dimensions in millimeters.
Waveguide 15.799, 7, 899; iris thickness 2.0; first iris gap width 8.8805; distance to step
discontinuity 4.0; inner section waveguide width 26.0; iris gap widths 9.248, 6.1834; resonator
lengths 6.9862, 9.7618, 10.6204. The filter is symmetric in z dimension.

Figure 12. High power, high edge steepness nine-resonator asymmetric iris coupled filter
with additional controlled cavity width: Ž ??? . combination only by fundamental mode in the
cavity region, Ž }} . combination with three modes in the cavity region, Ž } } . combination
with all modes in the cavity region.
50 Arndt et al.

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element catalogs Žand, hence, no special knowl- 7. Th. Sieverding and F. Arndt, ‘‘Field Theoretic CAD
edge of the field theory behind the models is of Open or Aperture Matched T Junction Coupled
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8. U. Papziner and F. Arndt, ‘‘Field Theoretical Com-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Cavity Filters,’’ IEEE Trans. Microwa¨ e Theory
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The authors greatly acknowledge the kind support of 9. Th. Sieverding, U. Papziner, T. Wolf, and F. Arndt,
this challenging project by hp-EEsof and by Optimiza- ‘‘New Mode-Matching Building Blocks for Com-
tion Systems Associates, Inc. Their powerful CAD tools mon Circuit CAD Programs,’’ Microwa¨ e J., Vol.
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very approapriate for the convenient implementaion of
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tions,’’ IEEE Microwa¨ e Guided Wa¨ e Lett., Vol. 3,
and efficient tool for the waveguide designer. The
July 1993, pp. 224]226.
authors thank Mr. Hirsekorn and Professor Bandler for
their valuable help and stimulating discussions. 11. T. Sieverding and F. Arndt, ‘‘Combined Circuit-r
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plexers with Circular Cavities,’’ in Proc. 24th Euro-
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2. U. Rosenberg and W. Haegele, ‘‘Consideration of Transformers, Irises, and Filters,’’ IEEE Trans. Mi-
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14. Z. Shen, and R. H. MacPhie, ‘‘An Improved Modal
3. W. Hauth, R. Keller, U. Papziner, R. Ihmels, T.
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Mode-Matching Simulators in Commercial Circuit CAD Tools 51


Fritz Arndt received the Dipl.-Ing., Dr.- Atlas Elektronik GmbH in Bremen as a research engineer in
Ing., and Habilitation degrees from the the field of acoustic waves and ground penetrating radar.
Technical University of Darmstadt, Ger- ŽPhoto not available..
many, in 1963, 1968, and 1972, respec-
tively. From 1963 to 1972 he worked on
directional couplers and microstrip tech-
Thomas Sieverding received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. de-
niques at the Technical University of
grees in electrical engineering from the University of Bremen,
Damstadt. Since 1972 he has been a pro-
Germany, in 1984 and 1990, respectively. From 1985 to 1987,
fessor and Head of the Microwave De-
he worked on software engineering at BICC Vero Electronics,
partment of the University of Bremen, Germany. His research
Bremen. Since 1987, Sieverding has been with the Microwave
activities are in the areas of the solution of field problems of
Department of the University of Bremen and with OTCE-
waveguide, finline, and optical waveguide structures, antenna
Consulting. In 1991, he became an assistant professor at the
design, and scattering structures. Dr. Arndt is a member of
University. Sieverding’s research interests deal with the com-
the VDE and NTG ŽGermany.. He received the NTG Award
puter-aided design of rectangular waveguide components, and
in 1970, the A. F. Bulgin Award Žtogether with three coau-
analysis and synthesis of couplers, junctions, and filters. ŽPhoto
thors. from the Institution of Radio and Electronic Engineers
not available..
in 1983, and the Best Paper Award of the Antenna Confer-
ence JINA 1986 ŽFrance..

Tomas Wolf received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engi-

Uwe Papziner received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in neering from the University of Bremen, Germany, in 1993.
electrical engineering from the University of Bremen, Ger- Since 1994, he has been with the Microwave Department of
many in 1986 and 1990, respectively. From 1986 to 1990, he the University of Bremen. Wolf’s research interests deal with
worked on waveguide filter, diplexer, taper and horn antenna the development of fast CHD software for waveguide compo-
design problems. Since 1990, Papziner has been working at nents. ŽPhoto not available..

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