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Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica.

2010; 89: 732–740


Etiology, clinical manifestations, and prediction of placental abruption


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

Placental abruption, defined as complete or partial detachment of the placenta before delivery, is one of the most devastating
pregnancy complications. Bleeding and pain consist the classical symptoms of placental abruption but the clinical picture varies
from asymptomatic, in which the diagnosis is made by inspection of the placenta at delivery, to massive abruption leading to
fetal death and severe maternal morbidity. The diagnosis is always clinical. The etiology of placental abruption is not fully
understood but impaired placentation, placental insufficiency, intrauterine hypoxia, and uteroplacental underperfusion are
likely the key mechanisms causing abruption. Abruption results from a rupture of maternal decidual artery causing dissection
of the decidual-placental interface. Acute vasospasm of small vessels may precede abruption. The trophoplastic invasion in the
spiral arteries and subsequent early vascularization may be defective. Moreover, placental abruption may also be a
manifestation of an inflammatory process which could affect vascular bed. Despite heightened awareness, placental abruption
still remains unpredictable and unpreventable. A clinically useful predictive test is needed to detect individuals at risk.
Although several biomarkers have been evaluated, none has so far turned out to be useful.

Key words: Placental abruption, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, prediction

Introduction placentation, placental insufficiency, intrauterine

hypoxia, and uteroplacental underperfusion are con-
Placental abruption is defined as the complete or sidered the key mechanisms causing abruption (4,5–
partial premature separation of the placenta before 7). Abruption results from a rupture of maternal
delivery with hemorrhage into the decidua basalis. decidual artery causing dissection of blood at the
The diagnosis of placental abruption is clinical (1). It decidual-placental interface, around placental mar-
should be suspected in women who present with gin, or behind the membranes (1,8). Acute vasospasm
vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain or both, a history of small vessels may be one event immediately pre-
of trauma, and in those who present with otherwise ceding placental separation. Thrombosis of the decid-
unexplained preterm birth (2,3). Symptoms of abrup- ual vessels with associated decidual necrosis and
tion vary from none, in which the diagnosis is made venous hemorrhage also are often present (8). In
only on placental inspection, to massive abruption some cases, blunt trauma or rapid decompression
leading to fetal death and maternal morbidity (2,3). of the over distended uterus causes abruption, but
Classic symptoms of abruption are vaginal bleeding, in most cases placental abruption seems to be a
abdominal pain, uterine contraction, and tenderness consequence of a long-standing process perhaps dat-
(3). Although the main symptoms are typical and have ing back to the first trimester (9).
been well described, symptoms can vary considerably Immunological defects may well play a role in the
from one patient to another. origin of placental abruption (10,11). These defects
Placental abruption seems to be multifactorial. Its may lead to maternal inflammatory response with
etiology is not fully understood but impaired cytokine release resulting in a chain of events such

Correspondence: Minna Tikkanen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Central Hospital, 00029 Helsinki, Finland.

(Received 27 August 2009; accepted 5 February 2010)

ISSN 0001-6349 print/ISSN 1600-0412 online  2010 Informa UK Ltd. (Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis AS)
DOI: 10.3109/00016341003686081
Placental abruption 733

as shallow trophoblast invasion, defective spiral artery risk factors associated with placental abruption. Thus,
remodeling, placental infarctions, and thrombosis the level of evidence of most of the studies based on
(12). Placental abruption may also be a manifestation the classification of Oxford Centre of Evidence-Based
of acute or chronic inflammation (4). Infection or Medicine is mainly II, III, or IV.
inflammation and tissue injury can cause a rapid
release of various bioactive mediators at the mater-
nal-fetal interface (4,13) which may predispose to Results
abruption. Normal placentation requires trophoblast
invasion of maternal spiral arteries, and development Etiology
of a high-flow, low-resistance uteroplacental circula-
tion (14). Vascular remodeling occurs under the Immunological, inflammatory, or vascular factors
influence of several proangiogenic and antiangiogenic seem to explain a large proportion of placental
factors (15–19). Proangiogenic placental growth abruption.
factor (PlGF) deficiency and antiangiogenic soluble
fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) excess may result
Immunological rejection
from placental hypoxia associated with incomplete
remodeling of maternal spiral arteries. Excessive activation of the immune system may
Since it is likely that placental abruption is a suggest past exposure to major antigens (30). Cell-
long-standing process (9), it would be of clinical mediated immunity is suppressed and humoral
importance if this condition could be predicted before immune response is upregulated in normal pregnancy
it manifests clinically. Placental abruption in a previ- but not in placental abruption (10,30). This may lead
ous pregnancy is the most important predictor. Also, to exaggerated maternal immune rejection of the
the knowledge of family history and measurement of fetus, activation of fetal monocytes, and release of
uterine artery flow in early pregnancy may provide inflammatory agents (30,31). Trophoblastic cells
useful information. Several biochemical markers for interact in the decidua with natural killer cells which
placental abruption have been studied but none has so express receptors that recognize combinations of
far emerged as clinically useful (20–29). human leukocyte antigens (HLA). HLA-G is impor-
Current knowledge of etiology, clinical manifesta- tant in avoiding rejection of the fetus. HLA-G levels
tions, and diagnosis of placental abruption will be are strongly decreased in women with placental
presented in this overview. Family history, placental abruption (32).
abruption in prior pregnancy, uterine artery flow Excessive activation of the immune system in
measurement, and selected biochemical markers placental abruption may also suggest past exposure to
will be reviewed as potential predictors of abruption. strong and specific superantigens (30). As candidates of
such superantigens, Chlamydia pneumoniae-specific
IgG, and IgA as well as Chlamydia trachomatis-specific
Materials and methods IgG, IgA, and chlamydial heat shock protein 60 antibody
rates were tested in early pregnancy in women who
Medline database was searched using the keywords subsequently developed placental abruption (28).
‘placental abruption’ or ‘abruptio placentae’ in com- However, antibodies to these common superantigens
bination with ‘pregnancy’, ‘etiology’, ‘symptoms’, failed to predict abruption (28).
‘diagnosis’, and ‘prediction’. Approximately 2100
English language articles up to October 2009 were
identified. Case reports were deleted. Only studies Inflammation
focusing mainly on clinical aspects of placental abrup-
tion were included. Studies selected were mainly Neutrophils and macrophages are increased in pla-
published during the last 10 years, but frequently centas of women with abruption compared to controls
referenced and highly regarded older reports were (9). Oxidative stress and products of vascular activa-
not excluded. Reference lists of articles identified tion and coagulation such as thrombin may have
by this strategy were also searched and articles judged similar effects (4). Abruption is associated with a
clinically relevant were selected. Finally, 250 articles thrombin-enchanced expression of interleukin (IL)-
were judged relevant and 76 were included in this 8, a potent neutrophil chemoattractant which leads to
overview. There were no randomized controlled trials a marked infiltration of decidual neutrophils (33). In a
which have specifically studied placental abruption, recent study, 51% of women with preterm abruption
and the overwhelming majority of studies are cohort (<37 weeks) and 44% of women with term abruption
studies, case-control studies, or case series examining (‡37 weeks) had acute inflammation-associated
734 M. Tikkanen

condition or chronic clinical process, compared to present and asymptomatic presentation does not
37% of control women with preterm delivery and 255 exclude placental abruption (3). Vaginal bleeding is
of control women with term delivery (4). However, present in 70–80% of cases (3,38), but the amount
C-reactive protein, an objective and sensitive marker correlates poorly with the degree of abruption (2). If
of infection and inflammation, failed to predict sub- the membranes are ruptured, blood stained amniotic
sequent placental abruption when tested in early fluid leeks into the vagina (3). Symptoms depend on the
pregnancy (28). location of abruption, whether it is revealed or con-
cealed, and the degree of abruption (2). Abruption
may be ‘revealed’ in cases in which blood tracks between
Vascular disease the membranes and the decidua and escapes through the
cervix into the vagina (2,38). This occurs in 65–80% of
Trophoblast invasion in the spiral arteries and con- the cases (3). The less common ‘concealed’ abruption
sequent early vascularization may be defective in occurs when blood accumulates behind the placenta
placental abruption (34). Incomplete remodeling of with no obvious external bleeding (2,38). This happens
arteries causes high resistance to uterine artery blood in 20–35% of cases (3). Concealed type is the most
flow which may predispose to vascular rupture of a dangerous with the worst complications. Finally, abrup-
spiral artery in the placental bed leading to placental tion may be total (7%), involving the entire placenta,
abruption (14,25,34). Widening hematoma then leading to fetal death, or partial (93%) with only a part of
‘peels the placenta off’ from the decidua. This mech- the placenta detached from the uterine wall (3).
anism causes ‘a classic abruption’ with severe symp- Uterine tenderness or pain is present in 66% and
toms (35). Placental abruption can also be caused by tonic uterine contractions in 34% (38). The presence
venous bleeding from marginal lakes around the edge of pain probably indicates extravasation of blood into
of the placenta leading to preterm birth (35). the myometrium. Contractions are frequent with a
Of antiangiogenic factors, sFlt-1 and soluble endo- rate of more than five in 10 minutes (2,14). The
glin (sEng) have been studied (25,27,29). sFlt-1 binds presence of uterine contractions may, however, be
biologically active forms of PlGF and vascular endo- difficult to distinguish from general abdominal pain
thelial growth factor (19), and sEng blocks the bind- associated with abruption. Nearly 20% of women
ing of transforming growth factor isoforms to have neither pain nor bleeding (3).
endothelial receptors (36). In one study, the serum Four grades of placental abruption have been
levels of PlGF were decreased and the ratios of sFlt-1/ described (Table 1) (37,39,40). Grade 1 placental
PlGF were increased in nulliparous women several abruption is found in approximately 40% of cases,
weeks before placental abruption, but this was the grade 2 in approximately 45%, and grade 3 in approx-
case only in women who also developed preeclampsia imately 15% of cases (39). The clinical classification
(25). Also, serum levels of sEng were elevated in late of placental abruption is based on the site of bleeding
second and early third trimesters in women who later (Figure 1). The bleeding can be subchorionic
developed both hypertension and placental abruption (between the myometrium and the placental mem-
(29). PlGF and sFlt-1 are the factors regulating pla- branes), retroplacental (between the myometrium
cental angiogenesis throughout pregnancy. However, and the placenta), or preplacental (between the pla-
serum sFlt-1, PlGF, and sEng measured in early centa and amniotic fluid) (41). Subchorionic hema-
second trimester failed to identify women with sub- tomas may be remote from the placenta and are
sequent placental abruption (27). These results imply thought to arise from marginal abruptions.
that circulating proangiogenic PlGF and antiangio-
genic sFlt-1 or sEng in early or midgestation are not
useful for predicting placental abruption. Table 1. Grading of placental abruption.

Grade Description

0 Asymptomatic, a small retroplacental clot detected

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis 1 Vaginal bleeding, uterine irritability, and tenderness
present; no signs of maternal or fetal distress
Symptoms and signs. Antepartum hemorrhage in the 2 Vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions, no signs of
second half of pregnancy occurs in 2–5% of all preg- maternal shock; signs of fetal distress present
nancies. Placental abruption accounts for approxi- 3 Severe bleeding present or concealed, uterine
mately one quarter of such cases (37). Classic hypertonus, ‘wooden-hard’ uterus, persistent
abdominal pain, maternal shock, and often
symptoms of placental abruption are vaginal bleeding,
coagulopathy; fetal distress or death
abdominal pain, uterine contractions, and uterine
tenderness (3). All these symptoms are not invariably Modified from (37,39,40).
Placental abruption 735


Subamniotic Massive Subchorionic




Figure 1. Different sites of placental abruption.

Preplacental hemorrhage includes both subamniotic of abruption, it is useful in monitoring cases managed
hematoma and massive subchorionic thrombosis (41). expectantly and to diagnose placenta previa.
Intraplacentalhematomas alsooccur. Thisclassification
of placental abruption is often used by clinicians and
differs from textbooks of pathology (1,8). Cardiotocographic changes. In severe cases of placental
Placental abruption can be confirmed by gross abruption, the fetus presents with heart rate abnor-
examination of the placenta. In a recent abruption malities. A variety of fetal cardiotocographic (CTG)
a crater-like depression on the maternal surface of the patterns have been associated with placental abrup-
placenta covered by dark clotted blood, the so-called tion and fetal distress, including repetitive late or
‘delle’, can be found (14). In older abruptions, fibrin variable decelerations, decreased beat-to-beat vari-
deposits appear on the site of abruption (8). A totally ability, bradycardia, or sinusoidal fetal heart rate
abrupted placenta may not differ from normal pla- pattern (2,3). In one study, CTG was abnormal in
centa by maternal surface (8,14). Bleeding may occur 69% of cases (3). Not surprisingly, abnormal CTG is
into the uterine myometrium, leading to a purple a signal of poor fetal outcome (43) and prompt action
colored uterus, the so-called Couvelaire uterus is necessary to save the fetus. On the other hand,
(14). Such uterus contracts poorly and can result in conservative expectant management seems to be safe
massive postpartum hemorrhage. in preterm pregnancies with placental abruption and
normal CTG (43).

Ultrasound. If placental abruption is suspected based

on clinical symptoms and signs, ultrasound examina- Placental histopathology. Histopathology of abrupted
tion is often performed to visualize subchorionic or placentas often shows evidence of acute and chronic
retroplacental hematoma. In some cases, placental lesions (9). Acute lesions include neutrophil infiltra-
abruption can be diagnosed by ultrasound even in tion of the chorionic plate. Chronic lesions may
asymptomatic patients (2). The ultrasonographic develop due to a lack of adequate trophoblastic inva-
appearance of abruption depends on the size and sion (34) and include placental infarcts (8,9). Histo-
location as well as the age of the hematoma (41). logical signs of chorioamnionitis and deciduitis with
The appearance of hematoma in acute phase varies neutrophil infiltration are associated with placental
from hyperechoic to isoechoic when compared with abruption in one-third of the cases (44,45). Acute
placenta. When hematoma resolves it becomes more atherosis in spiral arteries leads to distinctive necro-
hypoechoid within one week and sonolucent within tizing decidual lesions (9,14) and vascular thrombo-
two weeks (41). Small or acute revealed abruptions sis, placental infarcts, and fibrin deposits (14,44,46).
are difficult to detect by ultrasound. Concealed hem- Placenta shows progression areas from chronically
orrhage may be more easily seen (42). Despite infarcted chorionic villous tissue in areas immediately
improvement in sonographic equipments, the test adjacent to the hematoma to infarcted tissue in
performance has not improved (42). Ultrasound cor- more distant areas (1). Focal villous edema and
rectly diagnoses abruption only in 15–25% of cases hemorrhage are caused by acute hypoxic damage
(3,42). When a clot is visualized by ultrasound, the or cytokine release from injured decidua (8). The
positive predictive value for abruption is 88% (42). histological features are time-dependent. Acute lea-
Although ultrasound is not accurate in the diagnosis sions may not show ischemic changes or intravillous
736 M. Tikkanen

hemorrhage (1). However, recent or less acute hema- Women with a history of placental abruption are at
tomas may show hemosiderin-laden macrophages in high risk and could benefit from the use of predictive
the maternal space. The adjacent chorionic villi then tests.
show chronic infarction with remnants of degenerated
villi and intervillous thrombi. Decidual necrosis is
Uterine artery flow measurement. Data suggest that
often prominent (1). The rate of abruption is clearly
high uterine artery pulsatility index at 11–14 weeks
higher (4%) when the diagnosis is based on placental
or notching of the uterine artery waveform at 20–24
pathology. Most of the additional cases have unre-
gestational weeks predicts subsequent abruption
markable obstetric history (1). However, it is impor-
(62–65), but these uterine artery flow markers
tant to keep in mind that placental abruption is a
have not yet been properly validated for clinical
clinical diagnosis, not histopathological.
practice. More research effort is needed to clarify
if routine use of uterine artery Doppler measure-
ment in early pregnancy is useful and cost-effective
Prediction of placental abruption in the follow-up of pregnant women with a history
of placental abruption.
Family history. There is some evidence that placental
abruption occurs in families (47–49). According to one
study, placental abruption appears to cluster in families Biochemical markers. Approximately 1% of patients
of an index patient with recurrent placental abruption have an elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
(47). According to another study, 5% of women with (AFP) level not explained by incorrect dates, struc-
abruption reported first degree relatives with abruption tural or chromosomal abnormalities, or multiple ges-
(48). A recent study from Norway showed that severe tation (22). This unexplained second-trimester
abruption was associated with a two-fold risk in sisters elevation of AFP may be associated with subsequent
(OR 1.7–2.1) whereas less severe abruption was not adverse obstetric outcome including placental abrup-
(49). The heritability of severe abruption between tion (22,24,66–68). In one study, elevated AFP levels
sisters was estimated as 16% (49). (> 2 MoM) were detected in 17% of pregnancies with
High recurrence rate of placental abruption and subsequent placental abruption (69). In another study
high prevalence of thrombophilia among women with of women with preterm labor and placental abruption,
placental abruption support genetic background (49– AFP levels were higher than in other groups with
51). In one study, 20% of women with placental preterm labor (21). Although second-trimester mater-
abruption reported first degree relatives with venous nal serum AFP levels are higher in women with
thrombosis compared to only 6.7% of controls (52). subsequent abruption, clinical usefulness of this test
Genetic studies involving the use of candidate gene is limited due to low sensitivity and high false-positive
approach have shown positive association between rate (26).
placental abruption and polymorphisms of nitric In cases with normal chromosomes, maternal
oxide synthase gene (53,54), although this was not serum free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin
confirmed in a study from Finland (55). Also, it has (b-hCG) may be elevated in pregnancy complica-
been shown that low-activity haplotype of the micro- tions, such as in early fetal loss, preterm birth, preg-
somal epoxide hydrolase gene protects against pla- nancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and
cental abruption (56). intrauterine growth restriction (22,24,67,70,71).
Abnormal increased levels of b-hCG may be due to
decreased placental perfusion (22). Data linking high
History of placental abruption. The best predictor of b-hCG levels to placental abruption are conflicting
placental abruption is history of abruption in prior (26,71).
pregnancy (3,49). Women with a history of abruption Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)
have 7- to 20-fold risk of abruption in subsequent is a protease for insulin-like growth factor binding
pregnancy (3,57–59) and these pregnancies should be protein-4 (68). A recent cohort study of 34,271
referred as high risk pregnancies. This risk increase is women indicated that women with first-trimester
independent of smoking (60). Placental abruption PAPP-A levels at the lowest fifth centile had an
recurs in 3–17% after one episode and in 19–25% increased risk of placental abruption (68). In another
after two episodes (3,49,57–59,61,62). Risk of recur- study, low PAPP-A was detected in 29% at the lowest
rence is higher after severe abruption compared to fifth centile and 43% at the lowest tenth centile of
mild abruption (49). It is not known why placental women with placental abruption (64).
abruption recurs in some women. Recurrence cannot Maternal serum activin A is a glycoprotein (72)
be explained solely by common risk factors (60). produced primarily by the placental trophoblast. It
Placental abruption 737

has many biological effects including tissue remodeling the spiral arteries and consequent uteroplacental
and regulation of trophoblast differentiation and inva- underperfusion may play a role (34). Thus, placental
sion (72,73). One study reported two cases with pla- abruption, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth
cental abruption with high activin A levels weeks before restriction often share similar histopathology (30).
placental abruption (23). This calls for further studies of High level of soluble HLA-G is needed to switch
this test in the prediction of placental abruption. cytokine profile towards Th-2 response. In women
Fibronectin is a glycoprotein synthesized in endo- with placental abruption HLA-G levels are strongly
thelial cells (73). Fibronectin seals trophoblast to decreased (32) which may lead to dysfunctional pla-
uterine decidua at implantation site (14). Fibronectin centa. Generalized inflammation or acute or chronic
levels are higher in women with placental abruption inflammatory process may cause increased produc-
(74), but more research is needed. tion of proinflammatory cytokines. These cytokines,
Thrombomodulin is a vascular endothelial cell such as tumor necrosis factor-a and IL-b1, can stim-
receptor for thrombin which neutralizes thrombin ulate the production of matrix metalloproteinase
clotting activity (75). Thrombomodulin is a marker (MMP) by trophoblasts and other cell types (4).
of endothelial cell damage and has been localized to Increased premature production of MMPs may result
placental syncytiotrophoblast (75). The levels of in the destruction of the extracellular matrix and cell
trombomodulin may be elevated in women with pla- to cell interactions that lead to premature detachment
cental abruption (75). (4). MMPs seem to play important roles in normal
Kleihauer-Betke test is not sensitive enough to placental detachment (4).
diagnose placental abruption (75,76). D-dimer, a fibrin One plausible hypothesis is an imbalance between
degradation fragment and a byproduct of clot lysis, has a placental proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors
high negative predictive value for thromboembolic preceding placental abruption. However, recent stud-
events (20,77) and can be used in early diagnosis of ies have not been able to link angiogenic factors and
placental abruption (20). Also coagulation profile placental abruption (25,27,29).
(platelet count, prothrombin time, partial thrombo- Abruption often happens unexpectedly. The
plastin time, and fibrinogen level) has been used in management depends on the extent of abruption,
the prediction of placental abruption (20,75), but test gestational age, and maternal and fetal conditions.
performance is not good enough for clinical use. However, it is likely that in most cases placental
abruption is a long-standing process dating back to
early pregnancy. Therefore, a predictive test would be
Risk factor analysis. Risk score analyses and mathe-
most useful in clinical practice. A lot of research effort
matical modeling have been developed in order to
has been used to develop such a test. Several bio-
predict placental abruption (47,78). An analysis of 52
chemical markers, uterine artery flow measurement,
obstetric risk factors related to placental abruption
and risk factor analysis have been tested but no test yet
was used to create a mathematical model (78). After
has emerged as clinically useful (20–29,47,62–65,78).
multivariate analysis, seven correlates overlapping
One limitation of the risk factor score analyses is that
between primiparous and multiparous women
such analyses are retrospective. However, potential
remained in the model. These were uterine bleeding
models based on risk factors of placental abruption
at < 28 and > 28 gestational weeks, placenta previa,
might be useful in the management of high risk
male fetal gender, preterm labor, breech position, and
pregnancies if validated in prospective studies
cigarette smoking. The strongest predictors of pla-
cental abruption were concomitant uterine bleeding
Although the genetic research is currently very
at > 28 gestational weeks and placenta previa (78).
active, the results of genetic association studies in
The cumulative risk could be calculated mathemati-
placental abruption are still premature and inconsis-
cally. In another study, each risk factor was given a
tent (51). The complex nature of the disease implies
score from 1 to 3 depending of the odds ratio and a
that associations with individual polymorphisms are
total score was calculated (47). The investigators
only modest (51).
concluded that the easily available information on
The most accurate predictor of abruption is a
risk factors might be used to derive a risk score for
placental abruption in prior pregnancy which should
placental abruption.
alert clinicians to closer follow-up. Placental abrup-
tion may simply cause permanent damage to the
Discussion endometrium which then increases the risk of inap-
propriate placentation in subsequent pregnancy (57).
The etiology of placental abruption is poorly Thus, a history of placental abruption should always
understood, but defective trophoblastic invasion of alert subsequent placental abruption. Since patients
738 M. Tikkanen

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