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Kryvenchuk Alona 241 The Grammatical Aspects of English Discourse

Course II
I. Use the appropriate form of the verb instead of the Infinitives in brackets.
1. Such mistakes are made even by the best students.
2. A special meeting will be held at 7 p. m. tonight.
3. The students are being examined now.
4. All political events are discussed weekly by our group.
5. Everything will have been arranged by the time you return from the trip.
6. This symphony is composed by Tchaikovsky.
7. Special preparations for the conference are being made at present.
8. This news has been just announced.
9. I am sure you will be asked such questions at your exam.
10. The letter has been written yet?
11. Who the book is translated by?

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1. A: Who looks after your garden for you?
B: It is looked after by my brother.
2. A: That’s a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it?
B: Actually, it was made for me by my aunt.
3. A: Have you typed that letter yet, Miss Brown?
B: It is being typed right now, sir.
4. A: Did you make the coffee when you got to work this morning?
B: No, it had already been made by the time I got there.
5. A: Are you going to pick up the children today?
B: No, they are being picked up by Roger. I’ve already arranged it.
6. A: Where is your watch?
B: I broke it. It is being repaired at the moment.
7. A: Has the new furniture for my bedroom arrived?
B: No, it has not been delivered yet.

III. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Passive Voice.
1. Її ніде не бачили вчора. She wasn’t seen by anybody yesterday. 2. Кращих студентів
нашого інституту запросили взяти участь у конференції. The best students of the
University were invited to take part in the conference. 3. На жаль, мене ніколи про це не
запитували. Unfortunately, I had never been asked about it. 4. На цю книгу ніколи не
посилаються, хоч вона була написана відомим письменником. This book is never
referred to thought it has been written by famous writer. 5. Після eкскурсії туристів
запросили до музею. там їм показали нові картини. After excursion tourists were
invited to the museum.there the new pictures were shown to them. 6. Не заходьте до
бібліотеки, її зараз провітрюють. Don’t come into the library, it is being aired now. 7. Не
турбуйтесь, про вашу бабусю добре будуть піклуватися в лікарні. Don’t worry, your
granny will be looked after well in the hospital.

IV. Choose the correct answer.


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