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Sana Ali


Categories of CRM:

CRM enable organizations to identify their potential customers, segment their customers, and predict
which customers are at risk of leaving.

There are four different categories of customer relationship management.

 Analytical
 Collaborative
 Strategic
 Operational

Analytical CRM:
It usually works at the back end of overall operations, and is based on capturing, storing, processing and
reporting customer related data. Unlikely operational, analytical CRM users don’t deal with customers
directly. It is more used in strategy making and provides back office support. For example, finance, HR,
warehouse activities. It gives customized solution to problem for customers and for business it focuses
on customer acquiring and retention.

Collaborative CRM:
As name suggests collaborative means, alignment of assets and strategies with different businesses to
work collaboratively in order to identify, acquire and retain potential and valuable customers, beneficial
for business. It allows smooth flow of transactions and communications through mails, fax, and
telephone. It is employed in B2B scenario, where multiple businesses can conduct product development,
market research, and marketing jointly.

Strategic CRM:
Strategic CRM is a kind of CRM in which the business puts the clients first. It gathers, segregates, and
applies data about clients and market patterns to concoct better value proposition for the client.

The business considers the customer voice significant for its endurance. In contrast to Product-Centric
CRM (where the business accepts client necessities and focuses on building up the item), here the
business continually continues finding out about the client necessities and adapting to them.

These organizations know the purchasing conduct of the customers that happy customers buy more
habitually than rest of the others. If any business isn't considering this type of CRM, at that point it is at
verge of losing the piece of the pie to those organizations, which dominate at strategic CRM.

Operational CRM:
It is used in day to day operational transactions or activities a person performs in an organization while
they are dealing directly with the customers. Operational CRM is oriented towards customer-centric
business processes such as marketing, selling, and services. It includes the following automations: Sales
Force Automation, Marketing Automation, and Service Automation. For example: customer service,
sales management, billing activities, and call scripting. Which are performed at front-line.

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