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Project: untitled Billing Reference: none, Courtesy of IES, Inc. File: AISC V15 Ex II.B-1.

vxp 25 December 2020

Design Summary: Bolted Flange Plate

Flange Plate Design: Shear Tab Design: Support Design: Beam Design:
Length = 0.3175 m Height = 0.2286 m Thickness = 0.01981 m d = 0.4572 m
Width = 0.1778 m Width = 0.127 m Fy = 344738 kPa T = 0.40782 m
Thickness = 0.01905 m Thickness = 0.00953 m Fu = 448159 kPa bf = 0.1905 m
Fy = 248211 kPa Fy= 248211 kPa tf = 0.01448 m
Fu = 399896 kPa Fu= 399896 kPa Flange Plate Weld Design: tw = 0.00902 m
Type = Fillet Fy = 344738 kPa
Flange Plate Bolt Design: Shear Tab Bolt Design: Size = 0.00953 m Fu = 448159 kPa
Type = Group A Type = Group A Length = 0.1778 m
Diameter = 0.02223 m Diameter = 0.02223 m Steel Specification:
Thread = N Thread = N Shear Tab Weld Design: AISC 360-16
Spacing = 0.0762 m Spacing = 0.0762 m Type = Fillet
Gauge = 0.1016 m Bolt Count = 3 Size = 0.00635 m
Bolt Count = 8 Length = 0.2286 m

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VAConnect 5.00.0002
Project: untitled Billing Reference: none, Courtesy of IES, Inc. File: AISC V15 Ex II.B-1.vxp 25 December 2020

Limit State Load Key Demand Capacity Unity Value

Shear Tab
Bolt Group Capacity 1 186.83 kN 306.45 kN 0.610
Bolt Group Capacity - Beam Web 1 186.83 kN 324.99 kN 0.575
Fillet Weld 1 186.83 kN 445.86 kN 0.419
Base Metal 1 186.83 kN 324.28 kN 0.102
Base Metal - Support 1 186.83 kN 1826.8 kN 0.576
Block Shear 1 186.83 kN 311.51 kN 0.600
Shear Yield 1 186.83 kN 324.28 kN 0.576
Shear Rupture 1 186.83 kN 261.22 kN 0.715
Top Flange Plate
Tension Yield 1 778.44 kN 756.64 kN 1.029
Tension Rupture 1 778.44 kN 725.62 kN 1.073
Tension Rupture - Flange 1 778.44 kN 932.23 kN 0.835
Compression Buckling - - - -
Block Shear 1 778.44 kN 1148 kN 0.678
Block Shear - Flange 1 778.44 kN 1347.3 kN 0.578
Bolt Group Capacity 1 778.44 kN 866.64 kN 0.898
Bolt Group Capacity - Flange 1 778.44 kN 866.64 kN 0.898
Weld 1 778.44 kN 780.25 kN 0.998
Base Metal 1 778.44 kN 756.64 kN 1.029
Bottom Flange Plate
Tension Yield - - - -
Tension Rupture - - - -
Tension Rupture - Flange - - - -
Compression Buckling 1 778.44 kN 753.42 kN 1.033
Block Shear - - - -
Block Shear - Flange - - - -
Bolt Group Capacity 1 778.44 kN 866.64 kN 0.898
Bolt Group Capacity - Flange 1 778.44 kN 866.64 kN 0.898
Weld 1 778.44 kN 780.25 kN 0.998
Base Metal 1 778.44 kN 1420.8 kN 0.548
Bolted Flange Plate Detailing - - - OK

Bolted Flange Plate: Detailed Reports

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VAConnect 5.00.0002
Project: untitled Billing Reference: none, Courtesy of IES, Inc. File: AISC V15 Ex II.B-1.vxp 25 December 2020

Bolt Group Capacity - Tab (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 186.83 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 1.0 Interior Bolts = 2.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.00953 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.02619 m ∙ 0.00953 m ∙
399896 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 203.17 kN, 119.73 kN)
= 119.73 kN Tearout Controls
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.00953 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.00953 m ∙
399896 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 203.17 kN, 239.45 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (1.0) ∙ (119.73 kN) + (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 408.61 kN
φRn = 0.75* 408.61 kN
φRn = 306.45 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 306.45 kN = 0.610

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Bolt Group Capacity - Beam Web (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 186.83 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 1.0 Interior Bolts = 2.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.00902 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ N/A ∙ 0.00902 m ∙ 448159
= Min(144.44 kN, 215.55 kN, N/A)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls (Tearout is not applicable)
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.00902 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.00902 m ∙
448159 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 215.55 kN, 254.04 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (1.0) ∙ (144.44 kN) + (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 433.32 kN
φRn = 0.75* 433.32 kN
φRn = 324.99 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 324.99 kN = 0.575
Fillet Weld - Tab to Support (AISC 360-16 J2.4)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Rux = 0 kN Ruy = -186.83 kN => Ru = 42 Theta = 0 Degrees
Size = 0.00635 m Fexx = 482633 kPa Length = 0.2286 m Weld Eccentricity = 0 m
Weld Line Count = 2 Concentric Weld Unit Capacity = 1300.3 kN/m
Angle Factor = 1 (Equation J2-5)
Eccentricity Reduction Factor = 1 (Using the Instantaneous Center of Rotation method)
ϕRn = 0.75 ∙ 2 ∙ 1300.3 kN/m ∙ 0.2286 m ∙ 1 ∙ 1
ϕRn = 445.86 kN
Unity = Ru / ϕRn = 42 / 445.86 kN = 0.419

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Base Metal - Tab (AISC 15th Page 9-5 & AISC 360-16 J4.2)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 186.83 kN
Weld: Number of Welds = 2
Weld Unit Capacity: Rn_weld_unit = 1300.3 kN/m
Weld Capacity: Rn_weld = 594.47 kN (includes effects of load direction and/or eccentricity)
Tab: Fu = 399896 kPa Fy = 248211 kPa t = 0.00953 m Shear Lines = 1
Phi ∙ Base Metal Unit Capacity:
φRn_bm_unit = 0.6 ∙ Min(Phi ∙ Fy, Phi ∙ Fu) ∙ t
φRn_bm_unit = 0.6 ∙ Min(1.0 ∙ 248211 kPa , 0.75 ∙ 399896 kPa) ∙ 0.00953 m
φRn_bm_unit = 1418.5 kN/m
Phi ∙ Base Metal Capacity:
φRn = Rn_weld ∙ φRn_bm_unit ∙ Shear Lines / (Rn_weld_unit ∙ Number of Welds)
φRn = 594.47 kN ∙ 1418.5 kN/m ∙ 1 / (1300.3 kN/m ∙ 2)
φRn = 324.28 kN
Base Metal Unity:
Unity = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 324.28 kN = 0.576

Base Metal - Support (AISC 15th Page 9-5 & AISC 360-16 J4.2)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 186.83 kN
Weld: Number of Welds = 2
Weld Unit Capacity: Rn_weld_unit = 1300.3 kN/m
Weld Capacity: Rn_weld = 594.47 kN (includes effects of load direction and/or eccentricity)
Support: Fu = 448159 kPa Fy = 344738 kPa t = 0.01981 m Shear Lines = 2
Phi ∙ Base Metal Unit Capacity:
φRn_bm_unit = 0.6 ∙ Min(Phi ∙ Fy, Phi ∙ Fu) ∙ t
φRn_bm_unit = 0.6 ∙ Min(1.0 ∙ 344738 kPa , 0.75 ∙ 448159 kPa) ∙ 0.01981 m
φRn_bm_unit = 3995.5 kN/m
Phi ∙ Base Metal Capacity:
φRn = Rn_weld ∙ φRn_bm_unit ∙ Shear Lines / (Rn_weld_unit ∙ Number of Welds)
φRn = 594.47 kN ∙ 3995.5 kN/m ∙ 2 / (1300.3 kN/m ∙ 2)
φRn = 1826.8 kN
Base Metal Unity:
Unity = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 1826.8 kN = 0.102

Block Shear - Tab (AISC 360-16 J4.3)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Bolt: Bolt Size = 0.02223 m Number = 3 Hole Size =0.0254 m
Tab: Fu = 399896 kPa Fy = 248211 kPa Thickness = 0.00953 m
Demand: Ruy = 186.83 kN
Block Shear in Y-direction:
Gross Areas: Agv = 0.00181 m^2 Net Areas: Ant = 0.00036 m^2 Anv = 0.00121 m^2 Ubs = 1
Ubs∙Fu∙Ant = 145.12 kN 0.6∙Fu∙Anv = 290.25 kN 0.6∙Fy∙Agv = 270.23 kN
ϕRny = 0.75 ∙ 415.35 kN = 311.51 kN
Unity: = Ruy / ϕRny = 186.83 kN / 311.51 kN = 0.600

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Shear Yield - Tab (AISC 360-16 J4.2.a)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 186.83 kN
Capacity: φRn = φ∙0.6∙Fy∙b∙t = 1.00 ∙ 0.6 ∙ 248211 kPa ∙ 0.2286 m ∙ 0.00953 m = 324.28 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 324.28 kN = 0.576

Shear Rupture - Tab (AISC 360-16 J4.2.b)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 186.83 kN
Tab: Length = 0.2286 m Thickness = 0.00953 m
Bolt: Bolt Size = 0.02223 m Number = 3 Hole Size = 0.0254 m (effecive)
Lrupture = Length - Number Bolts ∙ (Hole Size + 1/16 in)
Lrupture = 0.2286 m - 3 ∙ 0.0254 m = 0.1524 m
Anv = Lrupture∙Thickness = 0.1524 m ∙ 0.00953 m = 0.00145 m^2
φRn = φ∙0.6∙Fu∙Anv = 0.75 ∙ 0.6 ∙ 399896 kPa ∙0.00145 m^2 = 261.22 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 186.83 kN / 261.22 kN = 0.715

Tension Yield - Top Plate (AISC 360-16 J4.1.a)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Capacity: φRn = φ∙Fy∙b∙t = 0.90 ∙ 248211 kPa ∙ 0.1778 m ∙ 0.01905 m = 756.64 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 756.64 kN = 1.029

Tension Rupture - Top Plate (AISC 360-16 J4.1)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Top Plate: Fu = 399896 kPa An = 0.00242 m^2 U = 1 (Table D3.1 Case 1)
Ae = U∙An = 0.00242 m^2 (Equation D3-1)
φRn = φ∙Fu∙Ae = 0.75 ∙ 399896 kPa ∙ 0.00242 m^2 = 725.62 kN (Equation J4-2)
Unity = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 725.62 kN = 1.073

Tension Rupture - Top Flange (AISC 360-16 F13.1)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Beam Flange with Holes Capacity:
Afg = 0.01448 m ∙ 0.1905 m = 0.00276 m^2
Afn = Afg - HoleCount ∙ dh ∙ tf = 0.00276 m^2 - 2 ∙ 0.0254 m ∙ 0.01448 m = 0.00202 m^2
Fu ∙ Afn = 448159 kPa ∙ 0.00202 m^2 = 906.44 kN
Yt ∙ Fy ∙ Afg = 1 ∙ 344738 kPa ∙ 0.00276 m^2 = 950.81 kN
Fu ∙ Afn < Yt ∙ Fy ∙ Afg The limit state of tensile rupture applies per AISC 360-16 F13.1
Mn = Fu ∙ Afn ∙ Sx / Afg = 448159 kPa ∙ 0.00202 m^2 ∙ 0.00144 m^3 / 0.00276 m^2 = 473.57 kN-m
(Equation F13-1)
Rn = Mn / d = 473.57 kN-m / 0.4572 m = 232.86
φRn = φ ∙ Rn = 0.90 ∙ 232.86 = 932.23 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 932.23 kN = 0.835
Compression Buckling - Top Plate
The Limit State does not apply for the current configuration.

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Project: untitled Billing Reference: none, Courtesy of IES, Inc. File: AISC V15 Ex II.B-1.vxp 25 December 2020

Block Shear - Top Plate (AISC 360-16 J4.3)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Bolt: Bolt Size = 0.02223 m Number = 8 Hole Size =0.0254 m
Top Plate: Fu = 399896 kPa Fy = 248211 kPa Thickness = 0.01905 m
Demand: Rux = 778.44 kN
Block Shear in X-direction:
Gross Areas: Agv = 0.00508 m^2 Net Areas: Ant = 0.00194 m^2 Anv = 0.00339 m^2 Ubs = 1
Ubs∙Fu∙Ant = 773.99 kN 0.6∙Fu∙Anv = 812.69 kN 0.6∙Fy∙Agv = 756.64 kN
ϕRnx = 0.75 ∙ 1530.6 kN = 1148 kN
Unity: = Rux / ϕRnx = 778.44 kN / 1148 kN = 0.678

Block Shear - Top Flange (AISC 360-16 J4.3)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Bolt: Bolt Size = 0.02223 m Number = 8 Hole Size =0.0254 m
Top Flange: Fu = 448159 kPa Fy = 344738 kPa Thickness = 0.01448 m
Demand: Rux = 778.44 kN
Block Shear in X-direction:
Gross Areas: Agv = 0.00772 m^2 Net Areas: Ant = 0.00092 m^2 Anv = 0.00515 m^2 Ubs = 1
Ubs∙Fu∙Ant = 412.02 kN 0.6∙Fu∙Anv = 1384.4 kN 0.6∙Fy∙Agv = 1597.4 kN
ϕRnx = 0.75 ∙ 1796.4 kN = 1347.3 kN
Unity: = Rux / ϕRnx = 778.44 kN / 1347.3 kN = 0.578

Bolt Group Capacity - Top Plate (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 778.44 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 2.0 Interior Bolts = 6.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.02619 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙
399896 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 406.35 kN, 239.45 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙
399896 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 406.35 kN, 478.91 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN) + (6.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 1155.5 kN
φRn = 0.75* 1155.5 kN
φRn = 866.64 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 866.64 kN = 0.898

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Project: untitled Billing Reference: none, Courtesy of IES, Inc. File: AISC V15 Ex II.B-1.vxp 25 December 2020

Bolt Group Capacity - Top Flange (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 778.44 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 2.0 Interior Bolts = 6.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.02619 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙
448159 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 346.09 kN, 203.95 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙
448159 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 346.09 kN, 407.9 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN) + (6.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 1155.5 kN
φRn = 0.75* 1155.5 kN
φRn = 866.64 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 866.64 kN = 0.898
Weld - Top Plate to Support (AISC 360-16 J2.4)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Fillet Weld: Size = 0.00953 m Fexx = 482633 kPa Weld Length = 0.1778 m Theta = 90 deg
Weld Line Count = 2 Weld Unit Capacity = 2925.6 kN/m
φRn = Phi ∙ 0.6 ∙ Fexx ∙ (1.0 + 0.5 ∙ sin(Theta)^1.5) (Equation J2-4)
φRn = 0.75 ∙ 0.6 ∙ 482633 kPa ∙ (1.0 + 0.5 ∙ sin(90 deg)^1.5)
φRn = 780.25 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 780.25 kN = 0.998

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Base Metal - Top Plate to Support (AISC Part 9 & 360-16 J2.4)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN (Tension)
Weld: Weld Length = 0.1778 m

Plate: Fy = 248211 kPa Fu = 399896 kPa t = 0.01905 m

Tensile Yield: ϕRn_ty = 0.9∙Fy∙t∙WeldLength = 756.64 kN (Equation J4-1)
Tensile Rupture: ϕRn_tr = 0.75∙Fu∙t∙WeldLength = 1015.9 kN (Equation J4-2)
Capacity: ϕRn1 = Min(ϕRn_ty, ϕRn_tr) = 756.64 kN
Support: Fy = 344738 kPa Fu = 448159 kPa t = 0.01981 m
Shear Yield: ϕRn_vy = 1.0∙0.6∙Fy∙t∙Weld Length∙2 = 1457.2 kN (Equation J4-3)
Shear Rupture: ϕRn_vr = 0.75∙0.6∙Fu∙t∙Weld Length∙2 = 1420.8 kN (Equation J4-4)
Capacity: ϕRn2 = Min(ϕRn_vy, ϕRn_vr) = 1420.8 kN
Unity = Ru / Min(ϕRn1, ϕRn2) = 778.44 kN / 756.64 kN = 1.029

Tension Yield - Bottom Plate

The Limit State does not apply for the current configuration.
Tension Rupture - Bottom Plate
The Limit State does not apply for the current configuration.
Tension Rupture - Bottom Flange (AISC 360-16 F13.1)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 0 kN
Beam Flange with Holes Capacity:
Afg = 0.01448 m ∙ 0.1905 m = 0.00276 m^2
Afn = Afg - HoleCount ∙ dh ∙ tf = 0.00276 m^2 - 2 ∙ 0.0254 m ∙ 0.01448 m = 0.00202 m^2
Fu ∙ Afn = 448159 kPa ∙ 0.00202 m^2 = 906.44 kN
Yt ∙ Fy ∙ Afg = 1 ∙ 344738 kPa ∙ 0.00276 m^2 = 950.81 kN
Fu ∙ Afn < Yt ∙ Fy ∙ Afg The limit state of tensile rupture applies per AISC 360-16 F13.1
Mn = Fu ∙ Afn ∙ Sx / Afg = 448159 kPa ∙ 0.00202 m^2 ∙ 0.00144 m^3 / 0.00276 m^2 = 473.57 kN-m
(Equation F13-1)
Rn = Mn / d = 473.57 kN-m / 0.4572 m = 232.86
φRn = φ ∙ Rn = 0.90 ∙ 232.86 = 932.23 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 0 kN / 932.23 kN = 0.000

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Compression Buckling - Bottom Plate (AISC 360-16 E3)

Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Plate: Fy = 248211 kPa Thickness = 0.01905 m Ag = 0.00339 m^2 K = 0.65 L = 0.0762 m r =
0.0055 m
KL/r = 9.007 Fe = 2.433E+07 kPa (Equation E3-4) Fcr = 247154 kPa (Equation E3-2)
φRn = φ∙Ag∙Fcr = 0.90 ∙ 0.00339 m^2 ∙ 247154 kPa = 753.42 kN
Unity = 778.44 kN / 753.42 kN = 1.033
Block Shear - Bottom Plate
The Limit State does not apply for the current configuration.
Block Shear - Bottom Flange
The Limit State does not apply for the current configuration.
Bolt Group Capacity - Bottom Plate (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 778.44 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 2.0 Interior Bolts = 6.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ N/A ∙ 0.01905 m ∙ 399896
= Min(144.44 kN, 406.35 kN, N/A)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls (Tearout is not applicable)
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙ 399896 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.01905 m ∙
399896 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 406.35 kN, 478.91 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN) + (6.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 1155.5 kN
φRn = 0.75* 1155.5 kN
φRn = 866.64 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 866.64 kN = 0.898

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Bolt Group Capacity - Bottom Flange (AISC 360-16 J3.6 & J3.10)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Ru = 778.44 kN
Assumptions: Standard holes used and deformation at the bolt hole at service load is a design consideration.
Number of Bolts:
Edge Bolts = 2.0 Interior Bolts = 6.0
Edge Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ N/A ∙ 0.01448 m ∙ 448159
= Min(144.44 kN, 346.09 kN, N/A)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls (Tearout is not applicable)
Interior Bolt Capacity:
rn = Min(Shear, Bearing, Tearout)
= Min(Fn*Ab, 2.4∙d∙t∙Fu, 1.2∙lc∙t∙Fu) J3-1 & J3-6a & J3-6c
= Min(0 kPa ∙ 0.00039 m^2, 2.4 ∙ 0.02223 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙ 448159 kPa, 1.2 ∙ 0.05239 m ∙ 0.01448 m ∙
448159 kPa)
= Min(144.44 kN, 346.09 kN, 407.9 kN)
= 144.44 kN Shear Controls
Bolt Group Capacity:
Rn = (Edge Bolts) ∙ (Edge Bolt Capacity) + (Interior Bolts) ∙ (Interior Bolt Capacity)
Rn = (2.0) ∙ (144.44 kN) + (6.0) ∙ (144.44 kN)
Rn = 1155.5 kN
φRn = 0.75* 1155.5 kN
φRn = 866.64 kN
Unity: = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 866.64 kN = 0.898
Weld - Bottom Plate to Support (AISC 360-16 J2.4)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN
Fillet Weld: Size = 0.00953 m Fexx = 482633 kPa Weld Length = 0.1778 m Theta = 90 deg
Weld Line Count = 2 Weld Unit Capacity = 2925.6 kN/m
φRn = Phi ∙ 0.6 ∙ Fexx ∙ (1.0 + 0.5 ∙ sin(Theta)^1.5) (Equation J2-4)
φRn = 0.75 ∙ 0.6 ∙ 482633 kPa ∙ (1.0 + 0.5 ∙ sin(90 deg)^1.5)
φRn = 780.25 kN
Unity = Ru / φRn = 778.44 kN / 780.25 kN = 0.998

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Base Metal - Bottom Plate to Support (AISC Part 9 & 360-16 J2.4)
Load Set: Load Set 1 Load Combination: 1.2D + 1.6L
Demand: Ru = 778.44 kN (Compression)
Weld: Weld Length = 0.1778 m

Support: Fy = 344738 kPa Fu = 448159 kPa t = 0.01981 m

Shear Yield: ϕRn_vy = 1.0∙0.6∙Fy∙t∙Weld Length∙2 = 1457.2 kN (Equation J4-3)
Shear Rupture: ϕRn_vr = 0.75∙0.6∙Fu∙t∙Weld Length∙2 = 1420.8 kN (Equation J4-4)
Capacity: ϕRn = Min(ϕRn_vy, ϕRn_vr) = 1420.8 kN
Unity = Ru / ϕRn = 778.44 kN / 1420.8 kN = 0.548

Bolted Flange Plate Detailing


Adequate torsional bracing of the beam is assumed at the connection.

The beam is assumed to have no underrun.
Weld lengths are not reduced to account for weld termination.
Shear Tab has a conventional configuration.
Shear Tab fits in beam T dimension.
Shear Tab weld size is adequate.
Shear Tab weld is double sided.
Shear Tab strength is developed by the welds.
Shear Tab bolt spacing is adequate.
Shear Tab bolt edge distances are adequate.
Flange Plate width-to-thickness ratio is nonslender
Flange Plate weld size is adequate at the support.
Flange bolt center-to-center spacing and bolt hole clear distance are both adequate.
Flange bolt edge distances are adequate.

Load Legend

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Load Key Load Set Load Combination

0 Load Set 1 1.4D
1 Load Set 1 1.2D + 1.6L
2 Load Set 1 1.2D + 0.5L

Connection Model Report

Design Criteria
SDS = 0.15
Rho X = 1
Rho Y = 1
Rho Z = 1
Omega X = 1
Omega Y = 1
Omega Z = 1
Supported Beam
Depth = 0.4572 m
T-Dimension = 0.40782 m
Flange Thickness = 0.01448 m
Flange Width = 0.1905 m
Web Thickness = 0.00902 m
Fy = 344738 kPa
Fu = 448159 kPa
Beam Offset = 0.0127 m
Support Element
Thickness = 0.01981 m
Fy = 344738 kPa
Fu = 448159 kPa
Fexx = 482633 kPa
Nominal Size = 0.00635 m
Double Sided? = True
Shear Tab
Name = Shear Tab
Eccentricity = 0.0762 m
Ev = 0.0381 m
Eh = 0.0508 m
Thickness = 0.00953 m
Plate Height = 0.2286 m
Plate Width = 0.127 m
Fy = 248211 kPa
Fu = 399896 kPa
Bolt Group: Shear Tab
Bolt Count = 3
Spacing = 0.0762 m
Typical Bolt: Shear Tab

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Diameter = 0.02223 m
Hole Diameter = 0.02381 m
Bolt Type = Group A
Thread Condition = N
Flange Plate
Thickness = 0.01905 m
Length = 0.3175 m
Width = 0.1778 m
Fy = 248211 kPa
Fu = 399896 kPa
Weld: Flange Plate to Support
Full Penetration Weld? = False
Fexx = 482633 kPa
Nominal Size = 0.00953 m
Weld Full Plate Width? = True
Weld Length = 0.1778 m
Bolt Group: Flange Plate
Bolts in Row = 4
First Bolt Offset = 0.0508 m
Spacing = 0.0762 m
Gage = 0.1016 m
Typical Bolt: Flange Plate
Diameter = 0.02223 m
Hole Diameter = 0.02381 m
Bolt Type = Group A
Thread Condition = N

Applied Loads
Fv Fa Mz Load Set Load Case
(kN) (kN) (kN-m)
-31.138 0 -56.944 Load Set 1 D
-93.413 0 -170.83 Load Set 1 L

Load Combinations
Code Name Effective Equation
ASCE 7-16 LRFD 1. 1.4D 1.4D
ASCE 7-16 LRFD 2. 1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 1.2D + 1.6L
ASCE 7-16 LRFD 3. 1.2D+1.6Lr+L 1.2D + 0.5L

Design Loads

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Load Key Fvu Fau Mzu

(kN) (kN) (kN-m)
0 -43.593 0 -79.722
1 -186.83 0 -341.67
2 -84.071 0 -153.75

Bolted Flange Plate: Design Summary

Load Fvu Fau Mzu Demand Capacity Unity Limit State
Key (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN) (kN)
0 -43.593 0 -79.722 181.64 725.62 0.250 Tension Rupture - Top Plate
1 -186.83 0 -341.67 778.44 725.62 1.073 Tension Rupture - Top Plate
2 -84.071 0 -153.75 350.3 725.62 0.483 Tension Rupture - Top Plate

Bolt Group Capacity - Tab

Load Ru ϕRn Unity Details
Key (kN) (kN)
1 186.83 306.45 0.610 Edge Bolt Capacity =
119.73 kN
Edge Bolt Count = 1
Interior Bolt Capacity =
144.44 kN
Interior Bolt Count = 2
ϕ = 0.75

Bolt Group Capacity - Beam Web

Load Ru ϕRn Unity Details
Key (kN) (kN)
1 186.83 324.99 0.575 Edge Bolt Capacity =
144.44 kN
Edge Bolt Count = 1
Interior Bolt Capacity =
144.44 kN
Interior Bolt Count = 2
ϕ = 0.75

Fillet Weld - Tab to Support

Load Welds WeldSize Fexx Length EccenX Rux Ruy Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (m) (kPa) (m) (m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
1 2 0.00635 482633 0.2286 0 0 -186.83 186.83 445.86 0.419

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Base Metal - Tab

Load Welds Rn_weld Rn_weld Shear Lines ϕRn_bm Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (kN) unit unit (kN) (kN)
(kN/m) (kN/m)
1 2 594.47 1300.3 1 1418.5 186.83 324.28 0.576

Base Metal - Support

Load Welds Rn_weld Rn_weld Shear Lines ϕRn_bm Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (kN) unit unit (kN) (kN)
(kN/m) (kN/m)
1 2 594.47 1300.3 2 3995.5 186.83 1826.8 0.102

Block Shear - Tab

Load Bolts Bolt Size Spacing Spacing Fu Fy Rux Ruy ϕRnx ϕRny Unity
Key Total (m) X Y (kPa) (kPa) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
(m) (m)
1 3 0.02223 0 0.0762 399896 248211 0 186.83 398.34 311.51 0.59973

Shear Yield - Tab

Load Length Thickness Fy Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (m) (m) (kPa) (kN) (kN)
1 0.2286 0.00953 248211 186.83 324.28 0.576

Shear Rupture - Tab

Load Bolts Bolt Size Hole Size Anv Fu Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (m) (m) (m^2) (kPa) (kN) (kN)
1 3 0.02223 0.0254 0.00145 399896 186.83 261.22 0.715

Tension Yield - Top Plate

Load Length Thickness Fy Ru ϕRn Unity
Key (m) (m) (kPa) (kN) (kN)
1 0.1778 0.01905 248211 778.44 756.64 1.029

Tension Rupture - Top Plate

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Load Bolt Dia. Bolts Ag An U Ae Fu Ru ϕRn Unity

Key (m) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2) (kPa) (kN) (kN)
1 0.02223 2 0.00339 0.00242 1 0.00242 399896 778.44 725.62 1.073

Compression Buckling - Top Plate

Load KL/r Fe Fcr Ru ϕRn AISC Eq. Unity
Key (kPa) (kPa) (kN) (kN)
No Compression Buckling - Top Plate results exist.

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