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Anthony’s Academy of Gonzaga

S.Y. 2020-2021
“Your determination to succeed is never to be destroyed, BE DETERMINED!”
Name: _______________________________ Section: ________________ Score: ____
I. Multiple Choice. Read and understand each item carefully. Select the most appropriate answer for each item.
Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. Entrepreneurial and business firms participate to develop and innovate ideas.
A. fringe stage B. trendy C. mainstream D. fad
_____2. The “most fashion-forward brands and retailers” assess the viability of the concept.
A. fringe stage B. trendy C. mainstream D. fad
_____3. In this stage, the trend becomes a mainstream product or service.
A. fringe stage B. trendy C. mainstream D. fad
_____4. Which is different from the group?
A. external migration B. internal migration C. extended migration D. migration
_____5. Because of the many cases of COVID-19 appeared in Baggao, Kate and her family moved to Sta.
Teresita because there is not yet a reported case in the said municipality.
A. internal migration B. external migration C. migration D. immigration
_____5. Kane lives in a city and he is fed up with the noise brought by factories and bars around their home, so
he moved into a rural area.
A. internal migration B. external migration C. migration D. immigration
_____6. Due to the lack of malls and clubs in you municipality, which you love to visit the most, you wanted to
move to a new place to satisfy you desire.
A. push factor B. pull factor C. side factor D. full factor
_____7. Carl decided to move into his grandparents’ house because he can no longer afford his cost of living
A. push factor B. pull factor C. side factor D. full factor
_____8. Which is different from the group?
A. environmental B. political C. cultural D. familiar
_____9. One of the goals of globalization is for the world to become more _____________.
A. interdependent B. dependent C. independent D. indulgence
_____10. It entails the movement of capital, free flow of goods and services, the increased mobility of
individuals, and the expansions of multinational corporations and transnational organizations.
A. mobilization B. globalization C. infusion D. mission
_____11. It has a longer staying power and enjoy a longer period of popularity.
A. time B. trend C. fare D. fad
_____12. It talks about the lifespan of products/ideas.
A. duration of time B. acceptability C. cultural basis D. transitory increase/decrease
_____13. Receive popular support from consumers and companies who believe on these trends.
A. duration of time B. acceptability C. cultural basis D. transitory increase/decrease
_____14. A trend persists and continues because people have seen it as a part of society’s culture.
A. duration of time B. acceptability C. cultural basis D. transitory increase/decrease
_____15. Trends have the potential to eventually slow down and decline and yet lasted for a longer period of
A. duration of time B. acceptability C. cultural basis D. transitory increase/decrease

II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if it is incorrect then change the
underlined word to make the statement right. Write your answer on the space provided before the item.
_____16. Trends and Fads are similar.
_____17. A fad product enjoys a few months of popularity, but disappears just as quickly as it appears.
_____18. A trend often appears in a single industry and rarely crosses over into others
_____19. Iphone products is an example of a trend.
_____20. Trends have long staying power
_____21. A fad is a “look [that] has the appeal of newness.
_____22. Trends are manifested in the form of patterns of sustained and increasing numbers for a shorter
period of time
_____23. A look becomes a trend if it undergoes the process of, fringe stage, trendy, and mainstream.
_____24. If the trend persists or stays for a long period of time, the trend is called a classic.
_____25. Recent development in the trend or reinvention is called fragmentation.
III. Identification. Identify what the statement is all about. Write your answer on the space provided before the
A. Intuitive or Strategic
__________________26. After finding out that Reina’s boyfriend is flirting with another woman, she
immediately went into her man’s location and made a commotion.
__________________27. To solve the problem, Mark talked to Reina after she cooled down her head.
__________________28. Week after the incident, Reina decided to end their relationship immediately after
seeing Mark with another girl again.
__________________29. But Mark really loves Reina, he talked to her friends, colleagues, and even to her
parents that it was his cousin she saw the other day. His persistence won Reina’s heart.
__________________30. Years of being together, they already discussed about having a family and planned
about it.
__________________31. They’re more of an experience than a fact.
__________________32. Having the ability to choose the best path to overcome a personal difficulty, without
putting much mental effort into it.
__________________33. Finding an immediate answer to a problem.
__________________34. Committing to constant learning and self-improvement.
__________________35. Welcomes feedback and advice from others.

IV. Essay
36-40. How can you say that a product/idea becomes a trend? Limit your answer in 100-150 words only.


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Subject Teacher School Principal Asst. School Directress

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