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Dr. G. Arumuga Samy, Professor& Head in Management Studies,

Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil-629 003, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.

Email: Mobile: +919865903410

Dr. J.T Pratheesh, Associate Professor in Management Studies,

Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil-629 003, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu

Email: Mobile +91 9486277088


A study on socio – economic conditions variables affecting job satisfaction of higher

secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district was undertaken to find out the school

teachers job satisfaction. This study helps to improve the job satisfaction among the

teachers, and to give suggestions for the redressal of the problems faced by the school

teachers and to achieve their goals in better way. The present study with the objectives

to analyze the impact of socio – economic variables on job satisfaction of higher

secondary school teachers towards the teaching and job satisfaction. And the impact

towards the management policies with welfare measures. Also to provide suitable

suggestions for the improvement of job satisfaction of school teachers. In this study,

proportionate stratified random sampling method has been adopted for choosing the

samples from Kanyakumari district. Data are collected from 5 % of the population

(7500 * 5/100) therefore the total number of the sample size is 375.The data were

collected from both primary and secondary sources. The boundary of this study is

Kanyakumari district in the state of Tamil Nadu. The population of this study is school
teachers in Kanyakumari district. The study was divided into educational district

categories of school’s namely, Thuckalay , Kuzhithurai, Nagercoil and Kanyakumari

district. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted with the help of tables and

figures. The result of the analyses made for all the educational districts show that the

majority of the variables are significant variable in determining the job satisfaction

among higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district

Key words: job satisfaction, sociological, responsibilities, organization, management


Socio-economic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure

of a person’s work experience and of an individual’s or family’s economic and social

position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation. When

analyzing a family’s socio-economic status, the household income, earners’ education,

and occupation are examined.


It is observed that gender is a factor which influences the job satisfaction of the

higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district. It is observed that male

teachers have more job satisfaction than female teachers. Female teachers face a lot of

problems at their homes and at the schools. They face problems during their travel to

school. Therefore, naturally they are at a tense mood when they are involved in

teaching. But male teachers will be getting sufficient time at home for the preparation of

lessons for classes. They find no difficulty in travel to school. So they will be having a

peaceful atmosphere when they are involved in their work. Thus, the job satisfaction of

higher secondary school teachers differs due to the factor, gender. Table .1 shows the

classification of the respondents on the basis of gender.

Table -1


Educational District ( No. of Respondents)

S.No. Gender
Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

1 Male 46 (41.44 %) 38 (47.5%) 81 (44.02%) 165 (44.00%)

2 Female 65 (58.55%) 42(52.5%) 103 (55.98%) 210 (56.00%)

Total 111 (100%) 80 (100%) 184 (100%) 375 (100%)

Source: Primary Data

Itisassessedfromtable1,thatoutofthetotal111respondents in Thuckalay educational

district, 46 respondents (41.44 percent) aremalemembers and the remaining 65

respondents (58.55 percent) are female ones, out of the total 80 respondents in

Kuzhithurai, 38 respondents (47.5 percent) are male members and 42 respondents (52.5

percent) are female ones, and out of the total 184 respondents in Nagercoil, 81

respondents (44.02 percent) are male members and the majority 103 respondents (55.98

percent) are female ones. But the gender wise classification of Kanyakumari exhibits

that out of the total 375 respondents, 165 (44.00 percent) is male members and the

majority 0 respondents (56.00 percent) are female ones. Table 2 shows the statistical

analysis for gender.

Table - 2


Educational District

S. Gender Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

Mean Scores Std Mean Scores Std Mean Std Mean Scores Std Deviation
Deviation Deviation Scores Deviation

1 Male 44.80 8.054 41.76 4.402 49.77 16.277 46.54 12.755

2 Female 41.57 5.514 40.69 4.770 41.02 7.694 41.12 6.540

Total 42.91 6.840 41.20 4.602 44.87 12.953 43.51 10.124

Source: Primary Data

It is assessed from table 2 that the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation are

calculated on the basis of gender in the study area. It is seen from table4.2 that theme an

scores of the respondents of Thuckalay, are 42.91 and the standard deviation is 6.840 for

Kuzhithurai, the mean scores of the respondents are 41.20 and the standard deviation is

4.602 for Nagercoil, the mean scores of the respondents are 44.87 and the standard

deviation is 12.953 and for Kanyakumari the mean scores of the respondents are 43.51

and the standard deviation is 10.124. This analysis indicates that the male teachers have

higher job satisfaction than the female teachers because mean scores of the male

respondents are higher than that of the female teachers in all the four educational districts.

Job satisfaction of the higher secondary school teachers on the basis of the variable,

gender for all the educational districts is analyzed with the help of the statistical tool

ANOVA. It is presented in table3.

Table - 3


S. No. Educational district F p value

1 Thuckalay 6.316 0.013

2 Kuzhithurai 1.085 0.301

3 Nagercoil 23.178 0.000

4 Kanyakumari 28.378 0.000

Source: Primary Data
It can be inferred from table 3 that the calculated F value6.316 for Thuckalay, 23.178 for

Nagercoil, and 28.378 for Kanyakumari educational districts are significant at 5 percent

level. Since the P values are less than0.05, the null hypothesis, “there is no significant

difference in job satisfaction among higher secondary school teachers with regard to
gender” is disproved. Therefore, it can be concluded that gender is a significant variable

in determining the job satisfaction among the higher secondary school teachers in

Kanyakumari district, except in Kuzhithurai educational district .It indicates that gender

is not a significant factor in determining the job satisfaction in Kuzhithurai region.

1.3 AGE

Age is the most important factor which mostly influences the job satisfaction of

the higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district. Young and newly

appointed teachers are more dynamic and energetic and are more ambitious. However,

job satisfaction increases with the experiences of elderly teachers. Thus job satisfaction of

higher secondary school teachers differs with their age. Table 4 shows the classification

of the respondents on the basis of age.

Table -4


Educational District (No. of Respondents)

S.No. Age
Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

1. Below- 30 8 (7.20%) 5 (6.25%) 31 (16.85%) 44 (11.73%)

2. 31 to 40 41 (36.94%) 38 (47.5%) 79 (42.93%) 159 (42.4%)

3. 41 to 50 43 (38.74%) 31 (38.75%) 54 (29.35%) 128(34.13%)

4. 51 to 60 19 (17.12%) 6 (7.5%) 20 (10.87%) 44 (11.74%)

Total 111(100%) 80 (100%) 184 (100%) 375 (100%)

Source: Primary Data

It is seen from table 4 that out of the total 111 respondents in Thuckalay educational

district, only 8 respondents (7.20percent) are below30 years of age, 41 respondents

(36.94percent) are between the age group of 31 and 40 years, 43 respondents

(38.74percent) are between the age group of 41 and 50 years, 19 respondents

(17.12percent) are between the age group of 51 and 60 years of age. Out of the total 80

respondents in Kuzhithurai educational district, only 5 respondents (6.25 percent) are

below 30 years of age, 38 respondents (47.5 percent) are between the age group of 31 and

40 years, 31 respondents (38.75 percent) are between the age group of 41 and 50 years,

and only 6 respondents (7.5 percent) are between the age group of 51 and 60 years of age.

Out of the total 184 respondents in Nagercoil educational district, 31 respondents (16.85

percent) are below 30 years of age, 79 respondents (42.93percent) are between the age

group of 31 and 40 years, 54 respondents (29.35percent) are between the age group of 41

and 50 years and 20 respondents (10.87 percent) are between the age group of 51 and60

years of age. Out of the total 375 respondents in Kanyakumari district, 44 respondents

(11.73percent) are below30 years of age, 159 respondents (42.4 percent) are between the

age group of 31 and 40 years, 128 respondents (34.13 percent) are between the age group

of 41 and 50 years, and 44 respondents (11.74 percent) are between the age group of 51

and 60 years of age. It is vivid from this analysis that young teachers, below 30 years of

age and senior teachers above 50 years of age are lesser in number when compared with

the teachers between the age group of 31 and 50 years in the study area. Table 5 shows

the statistical analysis of the respondents on the basis of age.



Educational District

S. Age Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Scores Std
Scores Deviation Scores Deviation Scores Deviation Deviation

1 Below 30 43.63 4.627 43.20 4.382 49.39 17.033 47.64 14.669

2 31 to 40 43.02 6.366 40.47 5.106 45.34 14.957 43.55 11.437
3 41 to 50 42.60 7.248 41.61 4.204 42.89 7.659 42.48 6.812
4 51 to 60 43.05 8.031 42.00 2.683 41.35 4.171 42.18 6.013
Total 42.91 6.840 41.20 4.602 44.87 12.953 43.51 10.124

Source: Primary Data

It can be inferred from table 5 that the teachers of the age group of below 30 years have a

higher job satisfaction than the other age group teachers in all the educational districts. In

order to know the influence of the factor, age on the level of satisfaction of higher

secondary school teachers in all the regions of Kanyakumari district, an analysis with the

help of ANOVA is made. It is shown in following table 6.

Table - 6


S.No. Educational district F p value

1 Thuckalay 0.063 0.979

2 Kuzhithurai 0.767 0.516

3 Nagercoil 2.250 0.084

4 Kanyakumari 0.3183 0.024

Source: Primary Data

It is inferred from table 6 that the calculated F value 0.063 for Thuckalay, 0.767 for

Kuzhithurai and 2.250 for Nagercoil educational districts are not significant at 5 percent

level. Since the P values are more than 0.05, the null hypothesis, “there is no significant

difference in job satisfaction among different age groups of higher secondary school

teachers” is proved. Hence, it can be concluded that age is not a significant variable in

determining the job satisfaction among higher secondary school teachers in Thuckalay,

Kuzhithurai and Nagercoil educational districts. But the calculated F value 3.183 for

Kanyakumari educational district is significant at 5 percent level. Since the P value for

Kanyakumari educational district is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is disproved.

Hence, it can be concluded that age is a significant variable in determining the job

satisfaction among higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari educational district.


It is observed that educational qualification is a factor which influences the job satisfaction

of the higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district. Teachers with more

educational qualification may be having more job satisfaction than teachers with less

educational qualification. Generally, well educated people will perform better than less

qualified teachers. Thus, there is a difference in the job satisfaction of higher secondary

school teachers with reference to educational qualification. Table 7 shows the

classification of the respondents on the basis of educational qualification.

Table - 7



Educational District (No. of Respondents)

S.No. Educational
Qualification Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

1 Arts 54 (48.65%) 50 (62.5%) 74 (40.22%) 178 (47.47%)

2 Science 42 (37.84%) 25 (31.25%) 67 (36.41%) 134 (35.73%)

3 Others 15 (13.51%) 5 (6.25%) 43 (23.37%) 63 (16.8%)

Total 111 (100%) 80 (100%) 184 (100%) 375 (100%)

Source: Primary Data

Itisassessedfromtable7thatoutofthetotal111respondents in Thuckalay, 54 (48.65 percent)

are qualified in arts subjects, 42 (37.84 percent) are qualified in science subjects and 15

(13.51 percent) are qualified in other subjects such as physical education and vocational

subjects. Out of the total 80 respondents in Kuzhithurai, 50 (62.5 percent) are qualified in

arts subjects, 25 (31.25 percent) are qualified in science subjects and 5 (6.25 percent) are

qualified in other subjects such as physical education and vocational subjects. Out of the

total 184 respondents in Nagercoil, 74 (40.22 percent) are qualified in arts subjects, 67

(36.41 percent) are qualified in science subjects and 43 (23.37 percent) are qualified in

other subjects such as physical education and vocational subjects. In Kanyakumari, out of

the total number of 375 respondents, 178 (47.47 percent) are qualified in arts subjects,134

(35.73 percent) are qualified in science subjects and 63 (16.8 percent) are qualified in

other subjects such as physical education and vocational subjects. Table 8 shows the

statistical analysis for different educational qualifications of the respondents in the study

Table - 8



Educational District

S. Educational Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

No. Qualification
Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std
Scores Deviation Scores Deviation Scores Deviation Scores Deviation

1 Arts 42.24 7.145 40.90 4.635 43.99 11.722 42.59 8.920

2 Science 42.90 5.244 41.68 4.871 45.24 12.835 43.84 9.831

3 Others 45.33 9.263 41.80 3.114 45.81 15,193 45.38 13.324

Total 42.91 6.840 41.20 4.602 44.87 12.953 43.51 10.124

Source: Primary Data

It is seen from table 8 that the teachers who have other qualifications such as physical

education and vocational qualification have higher job satisfaction than that of the

teachers who have qualification in arts and science subjects. In order to identify the

influence of the variable, educational qualification on job satisfaction of the higher

secondary school teachers in all the educational districts, the statistical tool ANOVA is

used. The result of the analysis is shown in table 9.

Table - 9


S.No. Educational district F p value

1 Thuckalay 1.204 0.304

2 Kuzhithurai 0.280 0.757

3 Nagercoil 0.311 0.733

4 Kanyakumari 1.893 0.152

Source: Primary Data

It can be inferred from table 9 that the calculated F value1.204 for Thuckalay, 0.280 for

Kuzhithurai, 0.311 for Nagercoil and 1.893 for Kanyakumari, are not significant at 5

percent level. Since the P values for all the regions are more than 0.05, the null

hypothesis, “there is no significant difference in job satisfaction among different

educational qualification” is proved. Hence, it can be concluded that educational

qualification is not a significant variable in determining the job satisfaction among

higher secondary school teachers in all the educational districts of Kanyakumari



It is observed that locality of the school is a factor which influences the job satisfaction

of the higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari district. Rural schools are run

in small, overcrowded buildings with children squeezed into small rooms with poor

ventilation. In many cases no electrical facilities are available. Urban schools are run in

better buildings and have good infrastructure. Therefore, urban school teachers may be

having more job satisfaction than that of the rural school teachers. Table 10 shows


Table- 10

Educational District (No. of Respondents)

S. Locality of the
No. School Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

1 Rural 100 57 88 245

(90.09%) (71.25%) (47.83%) (65.33%)
2 Urban 9 21 87 117
(8.10%) (26.25%) (47.28%) (31.2%)
3 Semi –Urban 2 2 9 13
(1.81%) (2.5%) (4.89%) (3.47%)
Total 111 80 184 375
(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)
Source: Primary Data
It can be inferred from table 10 that out of the total 111 respondents in

Thuckalay,100(90.09percent)are working in rural schools and 9 (8.10 percent) are in

urban schools and only 2 (1.81 percent) are in semi- urban schools. Out of the total 80

respondents in Kuzhithurai, 57 (71.25 percent) are working in rural schools, 21 (26.25

percent) are in urban schools and only 2 (2.5 percent) are in schools of semi-urban

areas. Out of the total 184 respondents in Nagercoil, 88 (47.83 percent) are working in

rural schools, 87 (47.28 percent) are in urban schools and 9 (4.89 percent) are in

schools of semi-urban areas. Out of the total 375 respondents in Kanyakumari, 245

(65.33 percent) are working in rural schools, 117 (31.2 percent) are in urban areas and

13 respondents (3.47 percent) are in schools of semi-urban areas. Table 11 shows the

statistical analysis of the respondents on the basis of locality of the school.

Table - 11


Educational District

S. Locality of the Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

No. School
Mean Std Mean Scores Std Mean Std Mean Std Deviation
Scores Deviation Deviation Scores Deviation Scores

1 Rural 43.15 6.574 40.60 4.271 46.38 14.522 43.70 10.075

2 Urban 41.56 9.735 42.76 5.366 43.75 11.328 43.41 10.392

3 Semi urban 37.00 4.243 42.00 1.414 41.00 10.464 40.77 8.814

Total 42.91 6.840 41.20 4.602 44.87 12.953 43.51 10.124

Source: Primary Data

It is also concluded from table.11that the teachers of rural area schools have higher job

satisfaction than the urban and semi-urban area school teachers because mean scores

of the rural area school teachers are higher than that of the other areas in all the

educational districts except in Kuzhithurai educational district where urban area school

teachers have higher job satisfaction than the other locality schools. In order to know

the influence of the factor, locality on job satisfaction of higher secondary school

teachers in all the regions of Kanyakumari district the statistical tool ANOVA issued

for analysis. It is shown in following table12.

Table - 12


S.No. Educational district F p value

1 Thuckalay 0.984 0.377

2 Kuzhithurai 1.764 0.178

3 Nagercoil 1.327 0.268

4 Kanyakumari 0.524 0.592

Source: Primary Data

It can be inferred from table 12 that the calculated F value is 0.984 for Thuckalay,

1.764 for Kuzhithurai,1.327 for Nagercoil and 0.524 for Kanyakumari educational

districts are not significant at 5 percent level. Since the P values for all the educational

districts are more than 0.05, the null hypothesis, “there is no significant difference in

job satisfaction among higher secondary school teachers with regard to the locality of

the school” is proved.Hence,it can be concluded that locality of the school is not a

significant variable in determining the job satisfaction among higher secondary

schoolteachers in Kanyakumari district.

The marital status of the respondents has been identified as one of the factors which

influences the job satisfaction of the higher secondary school teachers in Kanyakumari

district. Some teachers leave the profession after their marriage .Once they get married,

their family responsibilities become more. Therefore, married teachers have less job

satisfaction than unmarried teachers. Unmarried teachers will be getting sufficient time

for preparation of lessons for their classes. Therefore, they will be having a peaceful

atmosphere when they are involved in their work. Thus, job satisfaction of higher

secondary school teachers differs due to theirarital status.Table.13 shows the

classification of the respondents on the basis of marital status.

Table -13


S.No Educational District ( No. of Respondents)

Status Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

1. Married 106 78 169 353

(95.5%) (97.5%) (91.85%) (94.13%)
2. Unmarried 2 2 15 19
(1.80 %) (2.5%) (8.15%) (5.07%)
3. Widow 2 - - 2
(1.80 %) (0.53%)
4. Separated / 1 - - 1
divorced (0.90%) (0.27%)
Total 111 80 184 375
(100%)) (100%) (100%) (100 %)

Source: Primary Data

It is identified from table 13 that out of the 111 respondents in Thuckalay,

106(95.5percent) are married,2(1.80percent)areunmarried,and again 2 (1.80 percent)

are widows and only one (0.90 percent) is separated/divorced. Out of the total 80

respondents in Kuzhithurai, 78 (97.5 percent) are married, only 2 (2.5 percent) are

unmarried. Out of the total 184 respondents in Nagercoil, 169 (91.85 percent) are

married, and 15 (8.15 percent) are unmarried. Out of the total 375 respondents in

Kanyakumari,353 (94.13 percent) are married, 19 (5.07 percent) are unmarried, and 2

(0.53 percent) are widow and only one (0.27 percent) is separated / divorced.Table 14

shows the statistical analysis of the respondents on the basis of their marital status.
Table - 14


Educational District

Marital Status Thuckalay Kuzhithurai Nagercoil Kanyakumari

S. No.

Mean Std Mean Std Deviation Mean Std Deviation Mean Std Deviation
Scores Deviation Scores Scores Scores

1 Married 42.92 6.989 41.19 4.660 44.85 13.282 43.46 10. 279

2 Unmarried 40.50 0.707 41.50 .707 45.13 8.725 44.26 7.894

3 Widow 44.50 0.707 - - - - 44.50 0.707

4. Separated / 44.00 - - - - - 44.00 -

Total 42.91 6.840 41.20 4.602 44.87 12.953 43.51 10.124

Source: Primary Data

It is also known from table 14 that the unmarried teachershave higher job satisfaction

than the other category of teachers in Kuzhithurai and Nagercoil educationaldistricts.In

order to identify the influence of the variable marital status on job satisfaction of the

higher secondary school teachers in all the educational districts, the statistical tool

ANOVA issued. The result of the analysis is shown in table15.

Table - 15


S.No. Educational district F p value

1 Thuckalay 0.124 0.946

2 Kuzhithurai 0.007 0.935

3 Nagercoil 0.009 0.926

4 Kanyakumari 0.045 0.987

Source: Primary Data

It is inferred from table 15 that the calculated F value is 0.124 for Thuckalay, 0.007 for

Kuzhithurai, 0.009 for Nagercoil and 0.045 for Kanyakumari are not significant at 5

percent level. Since the P values for all the regions in Kanyakumari district are more

than 0.05, the null hypothesis, “there is no significant difference in job satisfaction

among higher secondary school teachers with difference in marital status” is proved.

Hence, it can be concluded that marital status is not a significant variable in

determining the job satisfaction among higher secondary school teachers in all the

regions of Kanyakumari district.


The measurement of socio- economic variables of the higher secondary school teachers with

reference to the various educational districts is made. The results of the analyses show that in

all the educational districts in Kanyakumari district, the majority of the variables are

significant variables in determining the job satisfaction among higher secondary school

teachers. The analyses of socio-economic variables between job satisfactions of the teachers

towards their job are also made by using ANOVA and statistical analyses. The result of the

analyses made for all the educational districts show that the majority of the variables are

significant variable in determining the job satisfaction among higher secondary school

teachers in Kanyakumari district.


The self- financing school teachers face a lot of problems when compared with the Government
and aided school teachers. If the Government authorities and the management of the schools
come forward to implement the suggestions made in this study with a strong will, certainly there
will be a great positive change in the attitude of the school teachers, which enhances the job
satisfaction as well.


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Annual Employment Report of Kanyakumari District 2007-08.

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